TCS 301 Church and Social Transformation Exercise 2020

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Course Code and Title: NTCS 301 Church and Social Transformation

Instructor: Dr. M. E. Mutambara

Assignment One: Due Date Friday 16 October 2020.

1. The transformation of Simbini Village.

You live in Simbini, which is a small, quiet, rural community surrounded by beautiful
woodlands and hills. You are one of the pastors of the churches in the community.

One day mining prospectors drive into the Simbini area and begin to test the hills for a
rare and valuable form of marble stone. Over the next few months and years, five
different mining companies, all from China, move in with concession papers from your
government’s Ministry of Mining and begin to extract the marble. The traditional leaders
in your area are not consulted and they are concerned about the violation of spiritual
protocol. The villagers’ initial excitement about the possibility of jobs and income from
the development has turned to anger. The only job made available to them is splitting
rocks for very little pay. The mining companies decided to bring in their own miners
from somewhere else, thereby creating a clash between the Simbini villagers and the
outside workers. In addition, the villagers’ agricultural fields are being taken over for use
as stone-cutting fields. In order to build access roads, the mining companies have
knocked down some of the villager’s houses, but no one has been compensated for their
loss. The villagers come together and write a letter to their Member of Parliament to ask
for her support, but no reply is received. This leads to the rumour that politicians and the
Ministry of Mining are being offered bribes by the mining companies.

Recognizing that the Simbini Church, your church, has connections nationally and
internationally, the community leaders come to ask for your help in advocating for their
voices to be heard.

a. What is “social transformation? ( 2 marks)

b. Why are moral values important in social transformation? (3 marks)
c. Identify and explain at least five values for social transformation that are
undermined by the changes taking place in Simbini village? (15 marks)

Assignment Two: Due date Monday, 19 October 2020.

Instructions: Choose one question from below

1. . “The church does not exist for itself, exists for the world. [Quotation from “A
few thoughts on the nature of the church and the world of which it is a part.” By
S. DeWolf. Discuss this statement with particular reference to the role of the
church in society today. [Reference to relevant biblical texts is strongly
encouraged.].(20 marks).
Length 3 to 4 pages. (Typed double spaced)
Due date: Monday, 19 October 2020

2. Use insights from the case study of pastor Helivao of Madagascar to discuss the
role of the pastor in society today. Use specific examples to support your
discussion. (20 marks)

Length 3 to 4 pages. (Typed double spaced)

Due date: 19 /October 2020

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