#Word Form 4

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1. The year 1977 was a(n) _______ in his life- he took part in another team 
and achieved the first championship. (​SHED​) 
2. The government will probably ________ responsibility for the financial 
setbacks. (​NEGATE​) 
3. Being humiliated in front of many people, she was ________ with rage. 
4. Our factories are ________ rather than glamorous. (​USE​) 
5. Maybe this was an arrogant belief, but it was certainly not a(n) ______ 
one. (​NOBLE​) 
6. The story broadens the horizon of the children about their _______. 
7. Thank you for your _________ when I unintentionally make the 
technical mistakes interrupting the TV program. (​BEAR​) 
8. This ________ medication works at full strength for 1-2 hours and is 
gone within 5 hours. (​ACT​) 
9. This chair is almost too ____________, so replace it with a new one! 
10. Changing jobs can be an ​exciting​ ​challenge​, but it can also be a time of 
great emotional ________. (​HEAVE​) 
11. Your _______ behaviour will probably tell against you when you seek a 
job. (​CONFORM​) 
12. Not as the captain expected, Giannis’s commitment to the basketball 
team “BWL” has often seemed _______. (​WARM​) 
13. When I asked about his son’s career, he replied with _________ 
irritation. (​WONT​) 
14. He has a(n) _______ ability to guess which cards you're holding. (​CAN​) 
15. Gladys ​is a(n) _______ girl who wants to take centre stage in whatever 
she does. (​MAINTAIN​).  

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