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Effect of Bio-Lubricant and Biodiesel-Contaminated

Lubricant on Tribological Behavior of Cylinder
Liner–Piston Ring Combination
a a
S. Arumugam & G. Sriram
Department of Mechanical Engineering , Sri Chandra Sekharendra Saraswathi Viswa
Mahavidyalaya University , Enathur, Kanchipuram, 631561 , Tamilnadu , India
Published online: 30 Apr 2012.

To cite this article: S. Arumugam & G. Sriram (2012) Effect of Bio-Lubricant and Biodiesel-Contaminated Lubricant
on Tribological Behavior of Cylinder Liner–Piston Ring Combination, Tribology Transactions, 55:4, 438-445, DOI:

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Tribology Transactions, 55: 438-445, 2012
Copyright C Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers

ISSN: 1040-2004 print / 1547-397X online

DOI: 10.1080/10402004.2012.667517

Effect of Bio-Lubricant and Biodiesel-Contaminated

Lubricant on Tribological Behavior of Cylinder
Liner–Piston Ring Combination
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sri Chandra Sekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya University
Enathur, Kanchipuram 631561, Tamilnadu, India
Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 15:04 23 December 2014

This article addresses the issue of friction and wear combinations with biofuels and bio-lubricants have not been suf-
characteristics of diesel engine cylinder liner–piston ring ficiently investigated.
combinations under different lubricating conditions using a The reduction of wear and friction losses in an internal
pin-on-disc wear tribometer. The discs were made out of combustion engine is largely a function of lubrication. Better
actual engine cylinder liner material using a casting process. quality lubricants are now being formulated to reduce the wear
and friction of the tribological components of the engine. The
Pins were made out of top compression ring material. The
development of modern lubricants and their proper use are of
tests were conducted on a pin-on-disc tribometer for wear
great importance for national economies, individuals, and the
and friction characteristics of the cylinder liner and piston
environment. Lubricants, optimally adjusted to a given task, can
ring combination with diesel-contaminated rapeseed oil–based save billions of dollars in industrialized nations and reduce wear,
bio-lubricant, diesel-contaminated commercial synthetic lubri- maintenance requirements, and the problem of air pollution
cation oil (SAE 20W40), biodiesel-contaminated commercial (Klamman (1)). The piston ring is the most complex tribological
synthetic lubrication oil (SAE 20W40), and used (150 h) com- component in an internal combustion engine. Power, fuel con-
mercial synthetic lubrication oil (SAE 20W40). Experimental sumption, hydrocarbon emissions, oil consumption, wear, noise,
results demonstrated that the rapeseed oil–based bio-lubricant and cooling are affected by the design of the ring–liner interface.
and biodiesel-contaminated synthetic lubricant exhibited bet- Studies of the mechanism of piston ring lubrication and related
ter performance in terms of wear, friction, and frictional force friction phenomena have found that piston rings contribute
under similar operating conditions. Thus, usage of newly for- significantly to the total engine mechanical friction losses (Hosni
(2)). The formation of a hydrodynamic lubrication film at the
mulated bio-lubricant and biodiesel in the long run may have a
interface between the piston rings and cylinder liner is expected
positive impact on engine life.
while the engine is in operation. However, the lubrication
regime of the mating surface affects the efficiency, durability,
and emission output of the engine. In general, most friction
Bio-Lubricant; Pin-on-Disc Wear Tribometer; Biodiesel; Pis- occurs at, or near, the top dead center, where low piston velocity
ton Ring; Cylinder Liner means that the hydrodynamic film thickness is low and where
the temperature is higher due to the proximity of the combustion
INTRODUCTION chamber. The tribological behavior of advanced material pairs of
The depletion of the world’s crude oil reserve, increasing piston ring–cylinder liner has been studied using a reciprocating
crude oil prices, and other issues related to conservation have tribotester. Albert and Herbert (3) reported that the wear rate,
brought about renewed interest in the use of bio-based materials. including scuffing resistance, was strongly dependent on material
Emphases on the development of renewable, biodegradable, and properties and the combination of the ring–liner pair. Research
environmentally friendly industrial fluids, such as bio-lubricants investigations over the past 6 decades on mineral oil–based
and biodiesel, have resulted in the widespread use of vegetable lubricants have improved the oil properties, such as viscosity,
oils for nonedible purposes. The desirability of developing alter- total acid number (TAN)/total base number (TBN), dispersant
native fuels and bio-lubricants and decreasing the dependency on and detergent qualities, and diversified their applications in all
petroleum-based fuels has been discussed by many over the last fields of lubrication, especially for all sorts of rotating and sliding
few decades. Tribological aspects of the cylinder liner–piston ring parts of vehicles and machinery. De Gee, et al. (4) investigated
the lubricating action of polyalphaolefin (PAO), polypropylene
glycol (PPG), and mineral oils to characterize their wear- and
Manuscript received June 2, 2011
Manuscript accepted February 9, 2012 friction-reducing performance under boundary lubrication con-
Review led by Gary Barber ditions. It was found that the wear-reducing action of PAO-based
Bio-Lubricant and Biodiesel-Contaminated Lubricant 439
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Fig. 1—Disc specification.

lubricant was significantly better than that of mineral oils. The fluids with excellent antiwear performance can be found in the
lubricating action of PPG fluid was equal to or slightly better than literature (Cheng, et al. (16); Masjuki, et al. (17)). Furthermore,
PAOs. Ram and Sethuramiah (5) investigated the lubrication systematic efforts have been undertaken by many researchers
mechanism involved in step-load tests at constant speed. They to determine the suitability of vegetable oil and its derivatives
developed a technique to evaluate the scuffing characteristics of as fuel or blended into diesel (Serddari and Fragioudakis (18);
two-stroke engine oils on a high-speed disc machine. Rewolinski Agarwal, et al. (19); Ramdhas, et al. (20); Hossain and Davies
(6), (7) conducted lubricated wear experiments using blended (21); McCormick, et al. (22); Augustusa and Jayabalan (23)).
diesel lubricating oil with sunflower oil fuel. A review study of Oguz, et al. (24) investigated the physical and chemical prop-
Fernando, et al. (8) showed that all bio-based fats, oils, and their erties and lubrication performance of various biodiesels using a
derivatives had better lubricities than diesel fuel. Masjuki and pin-on-disc test device under constant load with different slid-
Maleque (9) performed experiments using palm oil methyl ester ing velocities. A study was conducted on the wear and friction of
(POME)-blended lubricant in a two-stroke engine and found hardened AISI 1045 steel using a tri pin-on-disc type of friction
that POME acts as a lubricating oil additive. Choi, et al. (10) ex- and wear apparatus. It was shown that the wear rate, type of wear,
plained the effect of antiwear additives in vegetable oils and their and friction coefficient were influenced by contamination of the
tribological performance. Research on biodegradable lubricants lubricant with 4% of biofuel (Maleque, et al. (25)). Lin, et al. (26)
is emerging as one of the top priorities in lubrication; hence, studied the effects of low-phosphorous engine oils on the friction
environmentally friendly lubricants have become commercially and wear characteristics of a typical engine cylinder liner–piston
available (Goyan, et al. (11); Busch and Blacke (12)). Vegetable ring combination of four-cylinder diesel engine using a recipro-
oils, especially rapeseed, are some of the more promising can- cating lubricant tester. Performance analysis of a piston ring pack
didates for biodegradable lubricants (Flider (13)). They are was presented, and the behavior and interrelationship of key en-
biodegradable and less costly than synthetic base stocks and even gine parameters such as wear load, power loss, oil consumption,
show quite acceptable performance as lubricants. Asadauskas, and blow-by/blow-back for typical operating conditions was stud-
et al. (14) investigated the lubrication properties such as vis- ied (Gulwadi (27)).
cosity, oxidative stability, deposit formation, and lubricity of
biodegradable lubricants. The experimental results showed that
the viscosity index of vegetable oil (castor oil) is greater than
mineral oil. Technological developments, through research, have
made it possible for palm oil based vegetable lubricating oil to
be used in a host of applications (Anon (15)). Palm oil, which
contains mainly glycerin in the form of 50–70% of palmitic acid
(C15 H31 COOH), is a major factor that contributes to fat. Palm
oil consists principally of triglycerides. In addition, it contains
small amounts of partial glycerides, free fatty acids, and non-
glyceride substances. Examples of commercial vegetable-based Fig. 2—Pin specification.


Properties B20R Diesel

Density (kg/m3) (ASTM D1298) 905 840

Viscosity @40◦ C (cSt) (ASTM D445) 21.77 2.67
Flash point (◦ C) (ASTM D93) 60 47.5
Fire point (◦ C) (ASTM D93) 68.5 51.0
Pour point (◦ C) (ASTM D97) 10 −9
Calorific value (kJ/kg) (ASTM D2500) 34,928 44,500

was carried out for the preparation of rapeseed oil methyl es-
ter (RME). The bubble wash was done by mixing methyl ester
with distilled water to remove excess alcohol, catalyst, and glyc-
erol. To remove the moisture content in the methyl ester, it was
treated with anhydrous sodium sulfate, which is commonly used
Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 15:04 23 December 2014

as a moisture-absorbing agent (Agarwal, et al (19); Ramdhas, et

Fig. 3—Photographic view of pin and disc. al. (20)) Furthermore B20R biodiesel was prepared by mixing
20% (by volume) of rapeseed oil methyl ester and 80% (by vol-
ume) of diesel. Table 2 indicates the properties of biodiesel and
The objective of the present work is to study the wear and commercial diesel fuel. Characterization of diesel and biodiesel
frictional behavior of a cylinder liner–piston ring combination was done per ASTM standards.
under lubricated conditions with diesel-contaminated rapeseed
oil–based bio-lubricant, diesel- and biodiesel-contaminated syn- Synthesis of Bio-Lubricant and Characterization
thetic lubrication oil, and used (150 h) commercial synthetic lu- For the formulation of rapeseed oil–based bio-lubricant, 85%
brication oil (SAE 20W40). of rapeseed oil methyl ester by volume with 15% of bio-additive
package (10% castor oil and 5% palm oil methyl ester) was
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE added. Castor oil was added to improve the oxidation stability.
Preparation of Liner Disc and Piston Ring Pin Samples Palm oil methyl ester was added to increase the antiwear prop-
Because the experiments were designed to simulate the wear erty. The 15% by volume of additive is based on the fact that the
and frictional behavior of cylinder liner–piston ring tribological permissible maximum value of additive package in the lube oil is
systems in real engines, the discs were made out of real cylin- on the order of 20%. Table 3 shows the properties of the rape-
der liner material; that is, alloyed white cast iron. Precise discs seed oil–based bio-lubricant and commercial synthetic lubricant
were made from the sand casting process and were prepared as (SAE 20W40).
per standard dimensions as shown in Fig. 1. Similarly, pins were Four different lubrication oil samples were prepared for this
made out of alloyed white cast iron and were machined as per analysis. The details are as follows: (1) rapeseed oil–based bio-
the standard dimensions as shown in Fig. 2. Further, the pins lubricant was contaminated with 10% by volume of diesel; (2)
were heat treated to bring them to the required hardness. Cylin- 10% by volume of B20R was premixed with commercial synthetic
der liner and piston ring material was procured from and samples lubricant (SAE 20W40) to investigate the tribological behavior
were prepared by Thaslim Tools & Metals (Chennai, India). A of rapeseed oil methyl ester; (3) 10% by volume of diesel was
photographic view of the pin and disc is shown in Fig. 3. premixed with commercial synthetic lubricant to investigate the
tribological behavior of diesel; (4) used commercial synthetic lu-
Synthesis of Biodiesel and Characterization
Crude rapeseed oil; methanol and sodium hydroxide, which
are required for the transesterification process; anhydrous
sodium sulfate; and concentrated hydrochloric acid, which was
Properties SAE 20W40 Bio-Lubricant
used in bubble washing process, were procured from M/S Ganap-
athy Trading Company (Chennai, India). Table 1 shows the fatty Ash content (%) (ASTM D874) 0.45 0.027
acid composition of rapeseed oil. The transesterification process Kinematic viscosity @ 100◦ C (cSt) 15.2 11.8
(ASTM D445)
Viscosity index (ASTM D2270) 133 131
Fatty acid % (w/w)
Flash point (◦ C) (ASTM D92) 250 188
Palmitic acid (C16:0 ) 5.7 Pour point (◦ C) (ASTM D97) −21 6
Stearic acid (C18:0 ) 2.2 Copper strip corrosion test (ASTM Slight tarnish Nil
Oleic acid (C18:1 ) 58.5 D130)
Linoleic acid (C18:2 ) 24.5 Four ball wear scar diameter (mm) 0.68 0.55
Linolenic acid (C18:3 ) 9.1 (ASTM D4172)
Bio-Lubricant and Biodiesel-Contaminated Lubricant 441
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Fig. 4—Pin-on-disc tribometer.

brication oil (SAE 20W40) was also tested for the comparison of ring combination of a compression ignition engine under differ-
above artificially contaminated lube oil. Mixing was effected us- ent lubricated conditions. The wear and friction tribometer was a
ing a stirrer. The 10% by volume contamination is based on the pin-on-disc type machine (model TR-201C, Ducom Instruments
fact that the permissible maximum value of diesel fuel contami- Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India) with facilities to monitor wear and
nation in the lube oil is on the order of 7% due to the possibility friction in sliding contacts under dry and lubricated conditions.
of a crankcase explosion (Poley (28)). Because the biodiesel has a The elements of the tribometer included a “pin” sliding on the
much higher flash point than diesel, 10% contamination was con- flat face of a “disc” rotating in a vertical plane, with provisions
sidered for the present study (Bhale, et al. (29)). to control the load, speed, and oil temperature and to measure
friction. The test oil was contained in a cup in which the disk
rotated. Oil was swept up into the contact area by the rotating
Pin-on-Disc Wear and Friction Tribometer Test disk. The oil was heated by flat Chromolox heaters contacting
Description the bottom of the aluminum oil cup. The oil temperature was
A wear and friction tribometer test rig was used to establish measured and controlled by a double-shielded thermocouple. A
the wear and friction characteristics of a cylinder liner–piston known load was applied along the axis of the pin, and the friction

Fig. 5—Photographic view of experimental setup.

Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 15:04 23 December 2014

Fig. 6—Wear characteristics.

force was measured by the force transducer restraining pin much higher (54 HRC) than that of the cylinder liner (87 HRB).
motion. The load of the pin against the disk was applied by In order to be very precise, the repeatability of the readings
weights on a pan hanging on a thin steel cable over a pulley was recorded three times. From Figure 6, it can be observed
and hooked to the arm. Thus, the weights pulled the pin toward that the wear was drastically reduced for newly formulated rape-
the disk. Tangential frictional force and wear were monitored seed oil–based bio-lubricant. It was approximately 91.5% lower
with electronic sensors and recorded. These parameters were than that of diesel-contaminated commercial synthetic lubricant
available as functions of load, speed, or lubrication condition for (SAE 20W40) under similar operating conditions. This can be at-
continuous monitoring. The average value of the friction coeffi- tributed to the fact that the presence of 5% of palm oil methyl
cient between the stationary pin and rotating disc with running ester in bio-lubricant increases the antiwear property. The es-
time (s) and sliding distance (m) was obtained using the wear ters have high affinity toward metal surfaces due to their polar
and friction tribometer test rig described earlier. All experiments functional groups and thus form a protective layer on the sur-
were carried out as per ASTM G-99. Sliding occurred between a face. In addition, the presence of long-chain fatty acid in palm oil
stationary pin and a rotating disc. The principle of sliding was a methyl ester produces hydrocarbon layer that protects wearing
cantilever-loaded pin in the form of piston ring segment against a surfaces, thereby increasing the wear resistance of bio-lubricants
horizontal rotating cylinder liner disc, superimposed and bolted (Maleque, et al. (25)). Similarly, the wear was approximately
in an oil bath. Normal load, rotational speed, and wear track 78.2 and 71.43% lower for biodiesel-contaminated lubricant and
diameter were varied to suit the test conditions. Figure 4 shows used commercial synthetic lubrication oil (SAE 20W40), respec-
a schematic diagram of the pin–on–disc tribometer and Fig. tively, compared to that of diesel-contaminated lubrication oil
5 shows a photographic view of the experimental setup. The under similar operating conditions. The presence of oxygenated
operating conditions for the wear and friction tribometer test
were set as indicated in Table 4. A separate disc and pin were
used for diesel-contaminated bio-lubricant, diesel-contaminated TABLE 4—EXPERIMENTAL TEST CONDITIONS
lube oil, biodiesel-contaminated lube oil, and used commercial Parameter Values
synthetic lube oil tests. For all of the tests the lubricating medium
flow rate was the same for the given load, speed, and other Normal load (N) 50
Temperature (◦ C) 120
operating conditions.
Speed (rpm) 300
Track length (mm) 20
Lubricating medium flow rate (g/min) 18
Wear Characteristics Test duration for each run (h) 01
The wear characteristics of the different cylinder liner–piston Disc (cylinder liner) hardness on the B scale (HRB) 87
ring combination using different lubrication samples are pre- Pin (piston ring) hardness on the C scale (HRC) 54
Pin diameter (mm) 08
sented in Fig. 6. Variation in wear (µm) of the disc was only
Sliding velocity (m/s) 0.314
taken into account because the hardness of the piston ring was
Bio-Lubricant and Biodiesel-Contaminated Lubricant 443
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Fig. 7—(a) Frictional force characteristics. (b) Coefficient of friction characteristics.


moieties and double bonds in biodiesel led to an additional 3. From the physical observation on the wear surfaces, the rape-
improvement in the overall lubricity of biodiesel-contaminated seed oil–based bio-lubricant and biodiesel-contaminated lube
lubrication oil. The same may not be available in low-sulfur diesel oil appeared to provide smoother surfaces than the diesel-
due to the hydrotreating used to reduce the sulfur content, which contaminated lube oil.
in turn simultaneously removes the polar compounds of oxygen 4. Engine lubricants formulated from vegetable oils are re-
and nitrogen that impart lubricity. A similar trend was observed newable, eco-friendly, and biodegradable and possess lower
in the case of friction. volatility. However, the challenge is the improvement of their
performance, specifically with reference to their oxidative sta-
Frictional Characteristics bilities and pour points, which in general leave much to be
Though the machine was a wear tester, it did not completely desired.
match the characteristics of a cylinder liner–piston ring com-
bination; good results for the lubricity in terms of friction co-
On the whole it is concluded that the usage of vegetable
efficient, friction force, and wear for surfaces for the different
oil–based bio-lubricants in a compression ignition engine in the
lubricants were achieved. Variations in the friction coefficient
long run may have a positive impact on engine life with respect to
(µ) with respect to time (s) for experiments with different lu-
wear and friction.
Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 15:04 23 December 2014

bricating oils are shown in Figs. 7a and 7b. The friction coef-
ficients for bio-lubricant and biodiesel-contaminated lubricant ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
were considerably different than for diesel; however, in both the
The authors are grateful to the officials of Sri Chan-
cases the trend was similar. The coefficient of friction for diesel-
dra Sekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya University
contaminated bio-lubricant was almost 57% lower than that of
(Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu, India) for providing financial support
diesel-contaminated synthetic lubricant. The coefficient of fric-
of our research. The authors thank Ducom Instruments Pvt. Ltd.
tion for biodiesel-contaminated lube oil was 53% lower, and that
(Bangalore, India) for providing their testing facility and SGS
for the used synthetic lubrication oil was 23% lower than that
Lab (Chennai, India) and Thaslim Tools & Metals (Chennai,
of diesel-contaminated one. Similarly, the frictional force was
India) for their technical support and great contribution to our
2.2, 2.7, and 4.3 N, respectively, for the bio-lubricant, biodiesel-
contaminated lubricant, and used synthetic lubrication oil. The
value was relatively higher at about 5.8 N for diesel-contaminated REFERENCES
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