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Are machines that moves air or gases under moderate pressures. They are significant
and important component in all industrial plants specifically if there is a need of supplying,
circulating and removing air in a space in order to provide comfort and safety. They are utilized
for heating, ventilating, air conditioning and pollution control of industrial plants.

 Fans works at low pressures from 1 psig

 Blowers ( also known as turbo-blowers) works up to 35 psig

 Compressors starts at 35 psig

It moves air radially thru the impellers. Air is drawn at the center of a revolving wheel,
connected to a rotating shaft, and then it enters the spaces of the wheel blades. The air is then
thrown out perpendicularly to the impeller’s axis of rotation at high velocity and static pressure.
They are widely used in comfort applications because it’s quite, efficient and operates at
relatively high pressure heads.
It moves air in a helical-type flow pattern that is parallel thru the impeller. This type of
fan moves large amount of fluid and develops small pressure heads. They are widely used in
applications where noise levels are of secondary considerations.
Axial fans are classified as:
1. Propeller
Propeller fans consist of two or more blades and are widely used for general ventilation
systems which require large volume of air at low pressure heads. It is used as exhaust systems
for indoor applications and for air-cooled condensers and cooling towers for outdoor
Tubeaxial fans are axial flow fans that are fabricated in a tubular casing. They are widely
used in ducted ventilating applications that require medium pressure heads and where air flow

pattern in downstream of the fan are not primary consideration, such as fume exhaust systems,
drying ovens, and paint spray booths.
3. Vaneaxial
Vaneaxial fans are tubeaxial fans with guide vanes, They operate in medium to high
pressure heads and are widely used when good stream air distribution is needed.
Note: The general advantages of axial fans are in terms of its simplicity in its installation, small
space requirements and economy. They are widely used in applications where high volume of
air is needed against a low pressure heads and noise is not a primary consideration.
Air power is the energy added by the impeller of the fan to air or gasses to move it
Air power is referred to as “total air power”, when total pressure head, HT is used.
Air power is referred to as “static air power”, when static pressure head, Hs is used.
AP = Q γa HT
Where: γa = ρa [go/gc]
= ma/Va [go/gc]
AP = ma [go/gc] HT
Where: AP = Total air power, kw or hp
Q = V = Volume flow rate, m3/sec or ft3/sec
γ a = Specific weight of air
Note : For air at standard condition at 21oC and 101.325 Kpa:
SI units = 0.0118 KN/m3
English units = 0.075 lbf / ft3
ma = mass flow rate of air, kg/sec or lbm/sec
HT = Total pressure head of the fan, meters or feet of air
APStatic = Q γa hs

hStatic = Static pressure head of the fan,
Meters or feet of air

The Total Fan Pressure Head, HT

Total fan head, the total amount of work needed by the fan (usually measured in
meters or feet ) per specific weight of air flowing the fan.
It is the sum of the velocity head and static pressure head.
HT = ( Velocity head + Static pressure head )
= hv + hs
= ( V22 – V12 )/ 2go + ( P2 – P1 )/ γa

Velocity Head, hv
Velocity head is the energy possessed by air because of its velocity. This has a significant
effect in fan performance and must be considered in calculation.
= ( V22 – V12 )/ 2go

Static Pressure Head, hs

Static pressure head is the energy required to overcome resistance.
= ( P2 – P1 )/ γa
1. Find the total air horsepower of an industrial fan that delivers 25 m³/sec of air through a
900mm b 1200mm outlet. Static air pressure is 127 mm of water and air density is 1.18
Q= Area x velocity
25 m³/sec = ( 0.9m x 1.2m ) velocity
velocity = 23.15 m/sec

hv = v²/2g = (23.15 m/sec)²/ 2(9.8 m/sec²)
hv = 27.315 meters
hs = hw (ρ of water/ρ of air)
= 0.127 ( 1000/1.18)
= 107.63 meters
ht ( total fan head ) = hv + hs
ht = 107.63 + 27.315 = 134.94 meters
Air Power (AP) = Q γa HT = (1.18x.00981)(25)(134.94) = 39.052Kw
= 52.35 HP

2. The volume flow of air delivered by the fan is 20 m³/sec and static head is 180 mm water
gage. The density of air is 1.185 kg/m³ and the motor power needed to drive the fan is 44 Kw.
What is the fan efficiency?
hs = 0.18 ( 1000/1.185)
= 151.89 meters

(Static air power)

APStatic = Q γa hs
= (1.185 kg/m³x 0.00981KN/kg)(20m³/sec)(151.89 meters)
= 35.316 KW

Fan static efficiency ( n static ) = 35.316/44 = 80.26 %

3. Air is flowing in the duct with velocity of 7.62 m/s and static pressure of 2.16 cm water gage.
The duct diameter is 1.22 meters, the barometric pressure is 99.4 Kpa and the gage fluid
temperature and air temperature are 30 deg. C. What is the the total pressure against which
the fan will operate in cm of water? ( ME Board 1996 )
hv = v²/ 2g
= (7.62)²/ 2x9.81

= 2.959 meters
ρ(air) = P/RT
= 99.4KN/m²/(0.287KN-m/kg- °K)(30 + 273)
= 1.143 kg/m³
Solving for the velocity head in terms of cm of water
hv = 2.959(1.143/1000)
= 0.0034 m of water
= 0.34 cm of water
htotal = hs + hv
= 2.16 + 0.34
= 2.5 cm of water
4. Find the air horsepower of an industrial fan that delivers 26 m³/s of air through a 1m by
1.2m; pressure is 127 mm of water; air temperature is 21 deg. C and barometric pressure is 760
mm Hg.
V = Q/A = 26/(1)(1.2) = 21.667 m/s
ρ(air) = P/RT
= 101.325/(0.287)(21 + 273)
= 1.2 kg/m³
hv = (v²/2g)
= (21.667²/2(9.81))
= 23.92m
hs = (ρ(water)/ρ(air))(hwater)
= (1000/1.2)(0.127m)
= 105.83 m
htotal = 23.92 + 105.83 = 129.75 m

Air Power =( 1.2 kg/m³)(0.00981KN/kg)( 129.75m)( 26 m³/s)

= 39.71 KW
= 39.71 KW/0.746KW/HP
= 53.23 HP
• It is a dimensionless parameter used to describe the applications of different types of
fans. It is defined as the revolution per minute at which a given geometrically similar
impeller of a fan would operate if reduced proportionally in size so as to deliver a rated
capacity of 1 cubic feet per minute against a differential head of 1 –foot of air under
standard conditions.
NS = N (Q)1/2 /hS3/4 Where: Ns = Specific speed of fan, rpm

Q = Capacity of fan, cfm

hs = Fan static pressure

head, ft of air

N = Impeller Speed, in rpm

1. At 1.2 kg/m³ air density a fan develops a brake power of 100 KW. It operates at 98 Kpa
and 32 deg. C with the same speed, what is the new brake power of the pump?
ρ₁ = 1.2 kg/m³
ρ₂ = P/RT
= 98/(0.287)(32+274)
ρ₂ = 1.1195 kg/m³
BP₂/BP₁ = ρ₂ / ρ₁
BP₂/100 = 1.1195/1.2
BP₂ = 93.29 KW
2. A fan using standard air condition can developed a static pressure head of 310 mm of water
gage. If the fan will operate at 93 deg. C and 735 mm of Hg, find the new static pressure
ρ₁ = 1.2 (standard air density)
ρ₂ = P/RT
= (735 mm hg x (101.325 Kpa/760 mm Hg) )/(0.287)(93+273)
ρ₂ = 0.933 kg/m³
hs₂/hs₁ = ρ₂ / ρ₁
hs₂/310 = 0.933/12
hs₂ = 241 mm water gage
3. A fan delivers 4.7 m³/s at a static pressure of 5.08 cm of water when operating at a speed of
400 RPM. The power input required is 2.963 KW. If 7.05 m³/s are desired in the same fan and
installation, find the pressure in cm of water.
h₁/h₂ = (N₁/N₂)²
5.08/h₂ = (400/N₂)²
Solving for N₂:

Q₁/Q₂ = N₁/N₂
4.7/7.05 = 400/N₂
N₂ = 600 rpm
5.08/h₂ = (400/600)²

h₂ = 11.43 cm of water

• The following are important items to consider in selecting a fan:
a. The desired flow, Q
b. The static pressure head, hs
c. The characteristic of air to be handled (ex. Dust concentration)
d. Operating temperature
e. The prevailing noise level of the space to be served

• To reduce friction and turbulence, all ducting lines should be short and straight as
possible, with minimum elbows, valves and fittings
• Elbows in ducting should have a large radius
• Both the suction and discharge lines should be supported independently to protect the
casing from strains that may cause distortion to the fan. Flexible ducting system can also
be used to isolate the vibration of the fan.
• Install the fan away from any heat source if the fan takes air from the atmosphere so
that the air will be cooler
• The suction of the fan should be protected from dust, foreign object, moisture and
corrosive elements present that may damage the fan.
• Silencers may be used if noise level is primary considerations

• The inlet damper positioning should be checked regularly to satisfy the closed and fully
open condition of the fan. Install the fan in a secure location and at the same time,
available for inspection and maintenance.


The total pressure is increased at a given capacity

• Installing multiple fan side by side. The capacity is doubled while maintaining the total


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