Prayaas Mains Answer Writing Programme 2020

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Day 1 12th October GS Paper 3 Internal Security Internal Security Challenges, Social Diversity
as Issues of Security Threat , Challenges from
Neighbours as Issue of Security Threat,
Non- State Actors as Issue of Security Threat
Law and Order vs. Internal Security
Day 2 13th October GS Paper 3 Internal Security Terrorism Threat to India, Terror Threats
Faced by India Broader Framework to Deal
with Terrorism, Types of Organized Crime
and Problems in controlling organized
crimes, Naxal Movement, naxalism the
biggest threat to internal security
Day 3 14th October GS Paper 3 Internal Security Security Challenges in Border Areas, Issues
Faced in Border Management, Insurgency in
North-East, Various Security Forces and
their Mandates , Police Reforms in India ,
Duties and Responsibilities of the Police

Day 4 15th October GS Paper 3 Internal Security Role of Social Media and Internal Security
Threat, Challenges in Monitoring Social
Media, Cyber Crimes and its Impact. Recent
Initiatives for Tackling Cyber Warfare
Money Laundering and its effect
Day 5 16th October GS Paper 1 World History Beginning of Modern Age, French
Revolution, Nationalism in Europe ,
Colonialism and Imperialism

Day 6 17th October GS Paper 1 World History Emergence of USA, impact of American
Revolution, Impact of US Civil War, World
War-I and its Major causes , Consequences
of World War I, League of Nations
Day 7 18th October GS Paper 1 World History The Great Depression Rise of Fascism and
Nazism , World War- II and its Course of
War , Reasons and Development of Cold
War, Post-Cold-War World and Global
issues since 1991
Day 8 19th October GS Paper 2 International Relations India & Neighbours , South China Sea
Dispute , Security Challenges in the Indian
Ocean Region
Day 9 20th October GS Paper 2 International Relations India & Asian Nations Relations , India-
South East Asia , Indian Diaspora , Issue
of safety of Indians abroad
Day 10 21st October GS Paper 2 International Relations India & Other Nation , India and Various
International Institutions , India-US
Relations , India and The World Trade
Organization , India and Various Summits

22nd October BREAK -------BREAK------BREAK

Day 11 23rd October GS Paper 1 Physical Geography Salient features of world’s physical
Geography , Geophysical phenomena
such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic
activity, cyclone etc.
Day 12 24th October GS Paper 1 Physical Geography Geographical features and their
location changes in critical
geographical features (including
water-bodies and ice-caps) and in flora
fauna and the effects of such changes
Day 13 25th October GS Paper 1 Economic & Human Geo. Distribution of key natural resources
across the world (including South
Asia and the Indian sub-continent)
Factors responsible for the location
of primary, secondary, and tertiary
sector industries in world
Day 14 26th October GS Paper 1 Economic & Human Geog. Population and associated issues
Rural and Urban settlement
Urbanization, their problems and
their remedies Census
Infrastructure: Energy, Ports,
Roads, Airports, Railways etc.
Day 15 27th October GS Paper 1 Indian Society Salient features of Indian Society
Diversity of India, Effects of
globalization on Indian society
National Integration, Secularism
Communalism &regionalism

Day 16 28th October GS Paper 1 Indian Society Social empowerment, poverty and
developmental issues , Welfare
schemes for vulnerable sections of
the population by the Centre and
States and the performance of these
schemes; mechanisms, laws,
institutions and Bodies constituted
for the protection and betterment of
these vulnerable section
Day 17 29th October GS Paper 1 Indian Society Issues relating to development and
management of Social Sector/Services
relating to Health, Education, Human
Resource, Issues relating to poverty and
hunger, Inclusive growth and issues
Day 18 30th October GS Paper 3 Environment Conservation, environmental pollution
and degradation, environmental impact
assessment and Contemprary issues
Day 19 31st October GS Paper 3 Environment Conservation, environmental pollution
and degradation, environmental impact
assessment and Contemprary issues

Day 20 1st November GS Paper 3 Environment Conservation, environmental pollution

and degradation, environmental impact
assessment and Contemprary issues

2nd November BREAK----------BREAK --------BREAK

Day 21 3rd November GS Paper 3 Indian Agriculture Major crops and cropping patterns in
various parts of the country
Different types of irrigation & System
storage, Transport & Marketing
of agricultural produce & issues
Day 22 4th November GS Paper 3 Indian Agriculture e-technology in the aid of farmers, Issues
related to direct and indirect farm
subsidies and minimum support prices
Public Distribution System - objectives,
functioning, limitations, revamping;
issues of buffer stocks & food security
Day 23 5th November GS Paper 3 Indian Agriculture Food processing and related industries
in India scope and significance,
location, upstream and downstream
requirements, supply chain mgt.
Day 24 6th November GS Paper 3 Indian Economy Land reforms in India , Effects of
liberalization on the economy,
Changes in industrial policy & their
effects on industrial growth. Other
economic development in various sec.
Day 25 7th November GS Paper 3 Indian Economy Indian Economy and issues relating
to planning, growth, development and
unemployment, Mobilization of
resources , Government Budgeting.
Investment models.
Day 26 8th November GS Paper 3 Indian Economy Financial and Money Market, Inflation
Direct and Indirect taxes, Inclusive
growth & issues arising from it , Foreign
Trade & Intl.Organizations

Day 27 9th November GS Paper 3 Indian Economy Contemprary Issues

10th November BREAK-------BREAK-------BREAK

Day 28 11th November GS Paper 2 Indian Polity Indian Constitution- historical underpinnings,
evolution, features, amendments, significant
provisions and basic structure, Separation of
powers, FRs, Preamble, DPSP, F Duties, etc.
Day 29 12th November GS Paper 2 Indian Polity Comparison of the Indian constitutional
scheme with that of other countries, Salient
features of RP Act, Contemprary issues
Day 30 13th November GS Paper 2 Indian Polity Functions and responsibilities of the Union
and the States , Issues and challenges
pertaining to the federal Structure,
Devolution of powers and finances up to
local levels and challenges therein.
Day 31 14th November GS Paper 2 Indian Polity Parliament and State Legislatures structure,
functioning, conduct of business, powers &
privileges and issues arising out of these.
Structure, organization and functioning of
the Executive, Structure, organization and
functioning of the Judiciary
Day 32 15th November GS Paper 1 Indian Culture The salient aspects of Art Forms,
Literature and Architecture from
ancient to modern times
Day 33 16th November GS Paper 1 Indian Culture The salient aspects of Art Forms,
Literature and Architecture from
ancient to modern times

Day 34 17th November GS Paper 1 Indian Culture The salient aspects of Art Forms,
Literature and Architecture from
ancient to modern times
Day 35 18th November GS Paper 2 Governance Important aspects of governance, transparency
and accountability, Development processes and
the development industry , the role of NGOs,
SHGs, various groups and associations, donors,
charities, institutional and other stakeholders

Day 36 19th November GS Paper 2 Governance Citizens Charters, transparency &

accountability & institutional & other measures
E-governance-applications, models, successes,
limitations, and potential , Role of civil services
in a democracy
Day 37 20th November GS Paper 2 Governance Appointment to various Constitutional posts,
powers, functions and responsibilities of
various Constitutional Bodies , Statutory,
regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies
Day 38 21st November GS Paper 3 Science & Tech Science and Technology- developments and
their applications and effects in everyday
life Achievements of Indians in science &
technology; indigenization of technology and
developing new technology.
Day 39 22nd November GS Paper 3 Science & Tech Awareness in the fields of IT, Space,
Computers, robotics, nano-technology, bio-
technology and issues relating to intellectual
property rights
23rd November BREAK -------BREAK--------BREAK
Day 40 24th November GS Paper 1 Modern India Modern Indian history from about the middle
of the eighteenth century until the present
significant events, personalities, issues, etc.

Day 41 25th November GS Paper 1 Modern India Modern Indian history from about the middle
of the eighteenth century until the present
significant events, personalities, issues, etc.

Day 44 26th November GS Paper 1 Modern India The Freedom Struggle - its various stages and
important contributors /contributions from
different parts of the country

Day 45 27th November GS Paper 1 Modern India The Freedom Struggle - its various stages and
important contributors /contributions from
different parts of the country

Day 46 28th November GS Paper 4 Ethics Ethics and Human Interface: Essence,
determinants and consequences of Ethics in
human actions; dimensions of ethics; ethics
in private and public relationships
Day 47 29th November GS Paper 4 Ethics Ethics and Human Interface: Essence,
determinants and consequences of Ethics in
human actions; dimensions of ethics; ethics
in private and public relationships

Day 48 30th November GS Paper 4 Ethics Human Values - lessons from the lives and
teachings of great leaders, reformers and
administrators; role of family, society and
educational institutions in inculcating values

Day 49 1st December GS Paper 4 Ethics Human Values - lessons from the lives and
teachings of great leaders, reformers and
administrators; role of family, society and
educational institutions in inculcating values

Day 50 2nd December GS Paper 1 Post Independence Post-Independence Consolidation

& Re-organization

Day 51 3rd December GS Paper 1 Post Independence Post-Independence Consolidation

& Re-organization
Day 52 4th December GS Paper 4 Ethics Attitude: content, structure, function; its
influence and relation with thought and
behaviour; moral and political attitudes;
social influence and persuasion

Day 53 5th December GS Paper 4 Ethics Attitude: content, structure, function; its
influence and relation with thought and
behaviour; moral and political attitudes;
social influence and persuasion

Day 54 6th December GS Paper 4 Ethics Contributions of moral thinkers and

philosophers from India and world

Day 55 7th December GS Paper 4 Ethics Contributions of moral thinkers and

philosophers from India and world

Day 56 8th December GS Paper 3 Disaster Management Disaster and its Management

Day 57 9th December GS Paper 3 Disaster Management Disaster and its Management

Day 58 10th December GS Paper 2 Social Justice Welfare schemes for vulnerable Sections
of the population by the Centre and
States, Services relating to Health,
Education, Human Resources
Day 59 11th December GS Paper 2 Social Justice Issues relating to poverty and hunger,
The Scheduled and Tribal Areas
Social Issues in News and Issues
related to womens

Day 60 12th December GS Paper 4 Ethics Emotional Intelligence, Main

Components of emotional
intelligence, Relevance of Emotional
intelligence in Civil Services
Day 61 13th December GS Paper 4 Ethics Aptitude and Foundational Values
of Civil Services, Impartiality and
Non-Partisanship, Tolerance and
compassion for the Weaker section,
Contribution to society by Civil Services

Day 62 14th December GS Paper 2 International Relations India and its neighborhood- relations.
Bilateral, regional and global groupings
and agreements involving India and
affecting India’s interests

Day 63 15th December GS Paper 2 International Relations Effect of policies and politics of
developed and developing countries on
India’s interests
Day 64 16th December GS Paper 3 Science & Tech Development in Technologies and
Contemprary issues

Day 65 17th December GS Paper 3 Science & Tech Development in field of Biotechnology and
issues related to it

Day 66 18th December GS Paper 1 Post Independence Reorganisation of states , Linguistic

Regionalism in India,Tribal Issue &Policy

Day 67 19th December GS Paper 1 Post Independence Problem of Caste and Social consolidation,
Issue of Linguistic Minorities, Overview of
Economic Development since Independence

Day 68 20th December GS Paper 4 Ethics Ethics & Governance, Laws, Rules and
Regulations as Source of , Ethical
Guidance Accountability and Ethical
Governance Strengthening of Ethical and
Moral Values in Governance

Day 69 21st December GS Paper 4 Ethics International Relations and concept of Moral
Responsibility , Ethics in working of
intl organizations, Corporate Governance
Day 70 22nd December GS Paper 2 Indian Polity Contemprary Issues

Day 71 23rd December GS Paper 2 Indian Polity Contemprary Issues

Day 72 24th December GS Paper 3 Indian Economy Industry & Labour, Infrastructure ,
Mobilization of financial resources
through Government Revenues

Day 73 25th December GS Paper 3 Indian Economy Miscellaneous topics and Contemprary

Day 74 26th December GS Paper 4 Ethics Probity in Governance, Information

Sharing, Transparency and Right to
Information , Code of Ethics in Professions
Code of Conduct for Civil Servants

Day 75 27th December GS Paper 4 Ethics Corruption in India: extent, dimension &
response , Probity in public life Corrupt
practice among civil servants and official
misconduct, Tackling corruption: Role of
government & institutions of governance

Day 76 28th December GS Paper 1 Modern India Social and Religious Reforms in 19th
Century and Social and Religious
Reform after 1858
Day 77 29th December GS Paper 1 Modern India Social and Religious Reforms in 19th
Century and Social and Religious
Reform after 1858

Day 78 30th December GS Paper 3 Environment Contemprary Issues

Day 79 31st December GS Paper 3 World Geography Miscellaneous Topics with Contemprary

Day 80 1st January GS Paper 4 Ethics Applied Ethics

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