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Enumerate the provision that safeguard the independence of the rights which are legally demandable and enforceable, and to
Judiciary determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion
a. SC: a constitutional body. It may not be abolished by the amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch
legislature. or instrumentality of the Government.
b. Members of the SC: removable only by impeachment.
c. SC may not be deprived of its minimum original jurisdiction; If the courts do not have jurisdiction, it cannot exercise judicial power.
appellate jurisdiction may not be increased without its
advice or concurrence. 5. In Re: Clarifying and Strengthening the Organizational Structure and
d. SC has administrative supervision over all inferior courts Administrative Set-up of the Phils. Judicial Academy
and personnel
e. With exclusive power to discipline judges/justices of inferior a. What is the action of the DBM here which according to the
courts SC already encroached upon its fiscal autonomy?
f. Have security of tenure
g. Members of Judiciary: may not be designated to any agency In downgrading the positions and salary grades of two
performing quasi-judicial or admin. Functions positions in the PHILJA the DbM overstepped its authority
h. Salaries: may not be reduced; SC enjoys fiscal autonomy and encroached upon the fiscal autonomy of the SC and its
power of supervision over court personnel.
2. Judicial Power
● Duty of the court to settle actual controversies; & b. What constitutes fiscal autonomy
● Determine whether or not there has been grave
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or in excess Fiscal autonomy as enjoyed by the judiciary is the
of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or guarantee of full flexibility to allocate and utilize their
instrumentality of the government. resources with wisdom and dispatch that their needs
require. It recognizes the power and authority to levy,
3. Where is Judicial Power vested assess and collect fees, fix rates of compensation not
● Supreme Court; & exceeding the highest rates authorized by law for
● Lower courts as may be established by law compensation and pay plans of the government and
allocate and disburse such sums as may be provided by law
4. Relationship of Jurisdiction with Judicial Power or prescribed by them in the course of the discharge of their
Congress shall have the power to define, prescribe and apportion the
jurisdiction of the various courts, but may not deprive the SC of its 6. Re: COA opinion on the computation of the value of properties
jurisdiction over cases enumerated in Sec. 5 Art. VIII (sec. 2 Art. VIII) purchased by the retired Chief/Associate Justice of the SC
a. What is the action of the COA in this case that the SC
Jurisdiction is the power to hear and decide a case. Judicial power is interpreted as an improper check on a judicial branch of
the duty of courts of justice to settle actual controversies involving government
with the filing of a return or those used in the ordinary course of
To allow the COA to substitute the Court’s policy in the business to enable the CIR to arrive at an assessment. Without
disposal of its property would be tantamount to encroachment into prima facie showing of fraud, the SALNs of members of the judiciary
this judicial prerogative. are not covered.
9. Is Dean ____ qualified to be appointed Justice of the SC?
● Yes
7. In the Matter of: Save the SC Judicial Independence and Fiscal
Autonomy Movement vs. Abolition of Judiciary Development Fund
and Reduction of Fiscal Autonomy 10. Can one be qualified for the position of the justice of the SC even
a. What does the petitioner seek in his petition? though he is not a judge of the lower court?
praying for the issuance of a writ of mandamus in order to
compel the court to exercise its judicial independence and yes, as long as he is engaged in the practice of law for 15 years
fiscal autonomy against the perceived hostility of congress -
does not comply with the requisites of judicial review. 11. Discuss the procedure for appointment in the SC or CA.
● Application for Appointment
b. How did the Court rule on his petition? ● JBC: to nominate 3
no actual case or controversy - petitioner has no legal ● President: to appoint from the 3 nominees without
standing the need of CA confirmation

12. How many possible divisions can there be in the SC?

8. If you request from the SC copies of the SALNs and Personal Data
Sheets of the justices of the SC, CA and CTA, will the SC give you?
Division of 3, 5 and 7.
Yes. provided it is shown that their motives are sound and sincere.
13. When the SC sits in divisions, does it violate the “one Supreme
How will the Court react to your request?
Court” doctrine?
The court takes pride in its indubitable track record of ensuring public
No, since a decision of a division is still consider a decision of the
accountability through transparency under the rule of law.
supreme court

14. The SC is one, single collegial body and indivisible. This Doctrine is
What if the one making the request is the Commissioner of the BIR
strengthened by the following provisions:
for tax assessment purposes?
a. When the court sits in divisions, and the required number of
votes are not obtained, the case shall be decided en banc
The court will deny the request. The power of the CIR to obtain
b. Judgments must be reached in consultation
information is limited only to acquiring documents used in connection
c. No doctrine of principle of law laid down by the court in a f. Actions instituted by citizens to test the validity of the
decision rendered en banc or in division maybe modified or proclamation of martial law or suspension of the
reversed except by the court sitting en banc privilege of the writ of HC.

15. What is the required number of votes to decide a case en banc? *Uninamity rule in the JBC

majority vote Judicial Review vs Judicial power

Jurisdiction of the RTC over treaties
How about a division of five members? Or three members? Political question
Vinuya vs exec sec(nachura)
for five - 3 who actually took part in the deliberation Are Impeachment proc are subject to jud rev? Yes, but over
three - unanimous (3) justiciable issues
Are proceedings of the electoral tribunal subject to judicial review?
If cases are heard en banc, is there a possibility of shifting majority? How about the process of amending the constitution through initiative
and referendum? Lambino vs COMELEC, Santiago vs
yes, in cases of tie (depends on how many justices present, ex if 15 PACU case
members are present, at least 8 etc.) Exception to moot and academic principle
What is locus standi
If there are only 8 members, is it an en banc? Yes, because Any citizen can file a case questioning the the validity of Martial law
as expressly provided by the Constitution.
Give the cases that must be heard en banc. Facial Challenge- is a kind off manner of questioning the
a. all cases involving the constitutionality of a treaty, constitutionality of the action of the government without complying
international or executive agreement, or law; and with the actual case or controversy. The law or the EO is challenged
b. all other cases which, under the Rules of court, are to in its face.
be heard en banc, including those involving the Judicial review vs facial challenge
constitutionality, application, or operation of presidential Discuss the limitation of the rule making power of the supreme court
decrees, proclamations, orders, instructions, Javellana vs DILG
ordinances and other regulations. Office of the Ombudsman vs Sandiganbayan
c. Cases or matters heard by division where the required Maceda vs Vasquez
number of votes are not met In Re: Manzano
d. To modify or reverse a doctrine or principle of law laid How will you know the case is already submitted for decision
down by the court in a decision rendered en banc or in
e. Administrative disciplinary cases involving judges of
lower courts

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