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In recent years, evidence-based practice (EBP) have emerged as a critical way of

providing quality and more effective health care services. In nursing, EBP incorporates research

evidence, clinical proficiency, and patient likings (Rolfe, 2015). It equips nurses with necessary

skills to make well-founded decisions that allow delivery of quality care services. Through EBP,

Advanced Practice Nurses can stay updated on new clinical protocols for patient care. As a

problem-solving approach, EBP has encouraged nurses in provision of individualized patient

care (Rolfe, 2015).

Following the increased rates of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Mayo

clinic implemented an EBP initiative for oxygen use in patients with COPD. It has emerged that

the last thing a patient needs when seeking medical attention in various health facilities is health

and safety. It is therefore important for all nurses to adhere to EBP in nursing when it comes to

administering oxygen to patients suffering from COPD. In recent years, there is a belief that

provision of oxygen to these patients is associated with development of serious health conditions

such as hypercarbia and even death. Embracing the evidence-based protocol enhances effective

and safe provision of oxygen to COPD patients.

Among the four models of organizational change that are applicable in advanced nursing

role to enhance sustainability of EBP initiatives, change curve model emerges as the most

effective in this case. Embracing change curve model, a nurse is in a position to clearly

determine various stages to be included in the change process (Elsmore, 2017. This model allows

acquiring a precise understanding of how participants react to change making it easy to assist

them in making own personal transitions. In addition, the model aid in ensuring participants

access the support and help they need.

Elsmore, P. (2017). Organisational culture: Organisational change?


Rolfe, G. (2015). Evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence. Exploring Evidence-

based Practice, 99-112. doi:10.4324/9781315764559-8

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