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Submitted to fulfil one of the provisions

to obtain the Diploma III Degree Program

Student Reg. No: 201722014





NAME : Kharisma Larabhakti Mayorette

STUDENT REG. NO. : 201722014
STUDY PROGRAM : Room Division Management

Academic Adviser I, Academic Adviser II,

Indra Saftara, S.Sos., MAP.

NIP. 19650906 199303 1 002.
Dr. Ananta Budhi Danurdara, B.A., M.Sc.
NIP. 19750611 200212 1 001.

Bandung, …………………2020

Head of Academic, Administration and Student

Affairs of Bandung Institute of Tourism

Andar Danova L. Goeltom, S.Sos.,M.Se

NIP. 19710506 199803 1001.

Approved by,

I, Who undersigned below with the profile as follow:
Name : Kharisma Larabhakti Mayorette
Place and Date of Birth : Tangerang, October 12th 1999
Student Reg. No. : 201722014
Department : Hospitality
Study Program : Room Division Management

On behalf of me, I stated that:

1. This final project titled “MULTIFUNCTIONAL BUTLER GLOVES” contain my
own research and written by myself.
2. This final project does not contain any plagiarism or other party's intervention which
is contrary with academic institution regulation of Bandung Institute of Tourism and
scientific community's ethics with all the advices of supervisors as an exception.
3. This final project does consist of other party's opinions and statement which has been
posted by certain parties that clearly attached as a reference in this final paper,
formatted with its source and its author in the bibliography.
4. I take full responsibility of these statement's originality and trueness. And I am
willing to do any academic sanction based on Bandung Institute of Tourism regulation
if all contents that has been mentioned in these statement are not authentically made
by me.
5. Therefore, these statements are fully true and written for proper purposes.

Bandung, 2020blueblue
Signed by Black blue

Kharisma Larabhakti Mayorette

Reg. No. 201722014Black

Praise and honour to Allah SWT. for the mercy, blessing, and guidance that are given

to the writer, because without that the writer might not finished this final paper titled
“MULTIFUNCTIONAL BUTLER GLOVES”. This final paper is written to fulfil one of

the requirements to obtain Diploma III degree of Room Division Study Program in Bandung

Institute of Tourism.

During finishing this final project, the writer personally has accepted a lot of guidance

and support from many people that helped the writer to finish this project. The writer would

like to thanks those people as listed below:

1. Mr. Faisal, MM. Par., CHE. as the Head of the Bandung Institute of Tourism.

2. Mr. Andar Danova L. Goeltom, S.Sos., M.Sc as the Head of Academic

Administration and Students of Bandung Institute of Tourism.

3. Mr. Edison, S.Sos., MM., as the Chairman of the Hospitality Department.

4. Mr. Lucky Karsuki, B.A., MM., as the Head of Study Program of Room Division


5. Dr. Ananta Budhi Danudara, B.A. M.Sc as the Second Academic Adviser who always

provides solution, advice, and his times for the writer in finishing this final paper.

6. Mr. Indra Saftara, S.Sos. as the First Academic Adviser who has guided the writer

properly in finishing this final paper.

7. All the lecturers and staffs especially the Room Division Management Study

Program’s staffs of Bandung Institute of Tourism who have educated and guided well

the writer.

8. Mr. Zulfikar as my incubation mentor that has been provided his times and mind to

help the writer found the fastest way in finishing the final project.

9. Salsabila Sultanah Ratna Putri who has helped the writer in designing the gloves.

10. Maulana Fajar Nurrakhman that helped the writer in graphic designing the gloves.
11. To writer’s best friends named “KRISIS” who always being a support system for the

writer during eight years of being together.

12. Colleagues from all my classmate “Reddirect”, who massively support, accompany

and remind the writer during the three years of being through.

The writer realized that the result of this final paper is still having imperfection because

perfection is just belonging to the Almighty. All criticism and suggestions with purpose to

make this final project better will be welcome by the writer pleasingly.

Bandung, 2020

The Writer n


FOREWORDError: Reference source not found

LIST OF CONTENTSError: Reference source not found
PRELIMINARYError: Reference source not found
A. BackgroundError: Reference source not found
B. Formulation of the Problem
C. Objective of the Studies
1. Research Objectives
2. Research BenefitsError: Reference source not found
D. Method of Research and Data Collection Technique
A. Product Overview
1. Product Definition
B. Material of Multifunctional Butler Gloves
1. Cotton
2. Spandex
3. Silk
C. Construction of Multifunctional Butler Gloves
1. Size
2. Sewing Pattern
3. Model
D. Design of Multifunctional Butler Gloves
1. Design Principal
2. Congklak Batik Motifs
3. Parang Batik Motifs
E. Experiment Procedure
1. Equipment Used
2. Material Used
3. Experimental procedures performed
4. Preparation Stage of Multifunctional Butler Gloves
5. Implementation Stage of Multifunctional Butler Gloves
6. Finishing Stage of Multifunctional Butler Gloves
7. Goal
8. Product Quality
9. Choosing Panelists
A. Experiments Analysis and Discussion
1. Material Formulation
2. Design Formulation
3. Product Quality Result
4. Consumer Acceptance Test Stage
B. Persentation Analysis
1. Time
C. Construction of Multifunctional Butler Gloves
1. Raw Material Costs
2. Selling Price
A. Conclusions
B. Suggestions


Table 2.1 Multifunctional Butler Gloves Material Ratio
Table 2.2 Multifunctional Butler Gloves Size
Table 2.3 Equipment Used
Table 2.4 Material Used
Table 2.5 Preparation Stage of Multifunctional Butler Gloves
Table 2.6 Implementation Stage of Multifunctional Butler Gloves
Table 2.7 Finishing Stage of Multifunctional Butler Gloves
Table 3.1 Pair of Multifunctional Butler Gloves Material Formulation
Table 3.2 Questionaire Score
Table 3.3 Continuum Line for Trained Panelists
Table 3.4 Results Assessment of Trained Panelists of Multifunctional Butler .....
Gloves n = 3
Table 3.5 Result for Continuum Line for Trained Panelists
Table 3.6 Continuum Line for Untrained Panelists
Table 3.7 Results Assessment of Untrained Panelists of Multifunctional Butler .
Gloves n = 15
Table 3.8 Result for Continuum Line for Untrained Panelists
Table 3.9 Multifunctional Butler Gloves Costs
Table 3.10 Multifunctional Butler Gloves Selling Price


Pictures 2.1 Sewing pattern
Pictures 2.2 Glove Design
Pictures 2.3 Fabric Scissor
Pictures 2.4 Paper
Pictures 2.5 Wooden Awl
Pictures 2.6 Overlock Sewing Machine
Pictures 2.7 Tape Measure
Pictures 2.8 Needle
Pictures 2.9 Tailor’s Chalk
Pictures 2.10 Fabric Printing Machine
Pictures 2.11 Batik Used
Pictures 2.12 Voal
Pictures 2.13 Design Sketch
Pictures 2.14 Fabric Used
Pictures 2.15 Equipment used
Pictures 2.16 Newspaper Pattern
Pictures 2.17 Sewing Process based on pattern
Pictures 2.18 Sewing Process
Pictures 2.18 Finishimg Process


A. Background

Butler is one of the service innovations that is now been developing in the hotel industry.

Butler services started from serving wine to the king and then became the work of low-

income people in the United Kingdom to serve the householder until today, butler services

are made into an academic activity in certain countries and are implemented as a type of

service for important guests, VIP guests, or placeman to be used in hotel services. Butler

services in the current conditions, have begun to be applied not only to important guests but

also provided to regular guests and instead, replace the receptionist function. Generally,

butlers like this in Indonesia are only found in four-star hotels and above with well-known

hotel brands, both local chain hotels and international chain hotels.

Besides being operated in big and famous 4 or above hotel star in Indonesia, another thing

that makes the butler service different and looks more sophisticated than the receptionist or

concierge department in general is their uniform fashion and their flexibility service

provided. Butler uniform generally includes vest, waist coast, gray strips, white gloves, etc.

but nowadays, the uniform style determined by each hotel policy itself (Tore Berger, 2018,

“A Proper Butler Uniform.”, from:

butler-uniform/, 20 February 2020). In this final paper, the author would like to focusing on

butler gloves as their part of uniform.

In the early 20th century, white gloves were not worn by butlers, but instead worn by

footman whose position is lower than the butler, but when the footman rises to a higher level

of status or position, then the footman no longer needed the white gloves (Charles

MacPerson, 2013: 4). However, unlike today, the opposite is true, the higher the position of

the butler in an organizational structure, the more common or frequent service with the use of

gloves to be given by them.

Butler is worker who has a job to handle guest from their first arrival at the door, giving

any kinds of personal service, and serve food and beverage at table directly as well (Christina

Abernathy, 2007: 119). And glove is a piece of clothing made of leather/woolen/rubber/etc.

that is worn on the hand and wrist for warmth or protection, with separate parts for each

finger (Cambridge Dictionary, 2020, “Gloves” website: ). As a conclusion from those

explanation, butler gloves could be defined as pieces of clothing made of synthetic or natural

textile that is worn on the butler hands for their service presentation, hygiene purpose, and as

their part of uniform.

Current material of the butler gloves commonly made of:

1. Natural Textile : Cotton

2. Synthetic Textile : Nylon, Polyester, Spandex.

Cotton material in this case is mostly used as the main material of the butler gloves because it

is easy to be sewed, heat resistant, and suitable when wear with suit but unfortunately this

material is not stretch. Un-stretch gloves mean loose, has many folds, wrinkles, not pleasing

to the eye which is monotonous and interfere with work activities. Proper uniform models

must not have many folds, wrinkles, and not loose (Riyanto, A.A., Zulbahri, L., 2009). In

additional, uniform fashion should consider its comfort too, so it is better to use materials that

are lightweight, easy to absorb sweat, and comfortable (Ernawati, 2010: 32). So, some

industry produces gloves with mixing the material of cotton and other synthetic textile,

because synthetic textile is stretch and comfortable to the skin.

But unfortunately, most butler gloves that sold in media or seen in media such as,,, and that sold unbranded butler

gloves or branded gloves (Butler's Gloves brand and RL Brand), are using 100% cotton

material plus the butler model that is using button which is not practical to be used. Although,
butler gloves need simple model and stretch material because butler services nowadays need

lot physical movement of the hands such as ironing, sewing, polishing guest shoes, packing

and unpacking guest luggage, preparing and serving welcome drinks also meals (Jim Dobson,

2016, “The Butler Academy: Learning to Serve the Very Rich from A Netherland

Monastery.”, from:

learning-to-serve-the-very-rich-from-a-netherland-monastery/, 20 February 2020). work that

involves physical activities should have a simple model (Yasnidawati, 2006: 6) which

considering the conditions of safety, performance, and including the work image. So simple

model and stretch material is very essential for butler gloves since butler has a lot of activities

to do that done by hands.

Speak of fashion, the current butler gloves design is still lacking. Butler uniform that

spreads in the media is often found not up-to-date fashion and stick to the old style (Tore

Berger, 2018, “A Proper Butler Uniform.”, from :

management/a-butler-uniform/, 20 Feb-ruary 2020) like wearing vests, waist coast, gray

strips, white gloves, and black or gray ties like in the past of Victorian era. Tore Berger also

added however, the butler attire must be different from other uniform, especially those worn

by guests. What he said is relate to right now condition, because current butler gloves is

designated as white plain gloves that similar to wedding gloves that used by guest, this gloves

is unpleasing to the eye and doesn’t match with butler principle whereas appearance is their

utmost important. So, this monotonous and old style design has to be upgraded to a better

look with a better up-to-date fashion sense.

The butler uniform fashion has the image of classy, stylish, and neat (Tore Berger, 2018,

“A Proper Butler Uniform.”, from:

butler-uniform/, 20 Feb-ruary 2020). Butler uniform should be made with a classy impression
because it is indeed the services provided to important guests or ordinary guests in high star

hotels in general.

There is a difference between fashion and clothing, fashion more into style that most

people like, while clothing is the needs of human life to be fulfill to cover their body (Mira

Fadila, 2018: 24). It means fashion could be distinguished with a beauty value or simply has

the impression of being pleasing to the eye. While what is called fashionable is in accordance

with nowadays fashion, which means up-to-date fashion (KBBI, 2016, “modis” available at: So to be considered fashionable, butler fashion has to be up-to-date

and has aesthetic value like adding ornament or color to be pleasing and interesting to the


From those explanations that has been described, we could see that butler gloves also play

an important role to support butler job in this sophisticated era but unfortunately butler gloves

in the current situation still lack of functions according to butler work requirements that are

fast, well groomed, neat, classy and stylish. However, Multifunctional Butler Gloves that

fulfill nowadays butler work requirement must be made. Multifunction is having various

functions (KBBI, 2016, “multifungsi” website:, to make

butler gloves has various functions according to its butler work requirements, author would

like to add more functions such as :

1. Water resistant, layered the butler gloves with voal watersplash to minimalize

probability for butler to spill the drinks to their hands while serve drinks to the guest.

2. Fitted design, using combined material of cotton and synthetic material that is stretch

to produce butler gloves with neat look.

3. Fashionable, adding motifs onto butler gloves to be pleasing to the eye.

Based on this additional function, in this case multifunctional butler gloves referred as butler

gloves which has various functions that fulfill work image and work requirements in the

scope of butler work area.

Based on the explanation that has been described previously, the author would like to

conduct an experiment with the title "Multifunctional Butler Gloves" which explore material,

model, and motifs of butler gloves to fulfill additional function such as fashionable, fitted

design and water resistant that suit butler image and butler work requirements. In addition,

the authors are interested in this experiment because the total cost to produce the gloves is

quite economical which costs around ten thousand rupiah to the most expensive range of two

hundred thousand rupiah.

B. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the phenomenon that have been described, then the following is a formulation

of the problem that the author can conclude.

1. What is the materials, models, and ornaments to make multifunctional butler gloves?

2. What is the design and process for making multifunctional butler gloves?

3. How is the detail of cost occurred for manufacturing this multifunctional butler


C. Objective of the Studies

1. Research Objectives

a. As a term and condition of student graduation from Bandung Institute of Tourism.

b. Find out whether the function of butler gloves could be enhanced by experimented

the certain materials, models and colors according to their aesthetics and


2. Research Benefits

This research can be utilized by researchers, related institutions, and institutions. The

following is a description of these benefits.

a. For researchers

i. Add the author's knowledge of butler fashion science.

ii. Train more creativity in developing new innovations about butler


b. For Related Instance

iii. Add a selection of fashion clothing ideas for butler work clothes.

iv. Increased awareness of the need for neater, classy, fashionable and

technology-friendly butler work clothes.

v. Material for organizational consideration in making or developing

butler work attire.

c. For Institutions

The research conducted is expected to be a reference and a source full information

for further researchers who certainly want to do research related to this research.

D. Method of Research and Data Collection Technique

The research methodology is qualitative, which is collecting data based on:

1. Literature Study
Data collection by collecting literature relating to butler uniforms and fashion design.

2. Observation

The observation that referred by the writer is a technique to collect information that

enables the writer to observe the characteristic of fabric material and butler gloves in

the current situation.

3. Exploration

Exploration by conducting experiments on designs, models, and colours for the

manufacture of multifunctional butler gloves.

4. Interview

Conduct interview with gloves tailor about the butler gloves fabric, model, seaming

pattern, etc. and conducting interview with several skilled panellist and unskilled

panellist about multifunctional butler gloves that the author has produced.

5. Survey

The author will give a questionnaire to the panellists about the multifunctional butler

gloves based on design principles and sewing pattern standards.



A. Product Overview

1. Product Definition
Multifunctional butler gloves is gloves that made to fulfil butler work

requirements and support butler work image, these gloves made with mixing several

kinds of synthetic fabric that have unique design with certain motifs as an ornament.

Gloves has been used by butler from long time ago, since the Victorian era, and now

the gloves that used by butlers has been slowly develop by its fabric.

Gloves is usually made from cotton fabric. Despite of it, there is several gloves

that made from other fabrics, even though cotton would be the main fabrics all the

time. These gloves could be seen on many cites like Shopee, Tokopedia,

BukaLapak, etc. and usually the gloves are sold for ceremonial and wedding


Spandex as a fabric with comfortable texture, stretch, and fancy characteristic

will be the main fabric for this final project experiment, the fabrics is spandex silk.

Spandex usually use for sport clothing but because it will be mixed with silk and

cotton batik as an ornament, the fabric will apparently look fancy.

E. Material of Multifunctional Butler Gloves

1. Cotton

Cotton is a non-permanent material that made from cotton fiber, so it is difficult

to know its appearance. Cotton fabric is the cheapest among other natural fiber

materials. If cotton is mixed with a synthetic content, it will affect the selection of

sewing thread types, as well as the temperature of the iron, and just how to

maintain / wash it (Goet Poespo, 2005: 69).

Cotton fabrics have beneficial characters such as strong properties in a wet state

increased by 25%, can absorb water (hygroscopic), high heat-resistant iron, and

resistant to bleaching drugs. Besides the beneficial characters above, there are

disadvantageous characters like cotton is not resistant to mineral acids and organic

acids (although organic acids are often used to protect woven), cotton is less elastic

which caused easy to occur wrinkles, and cotton can shrink when washed, cotton

cloth must be stored in a dry state or in a place that is not damp (Ernawati, Izwerni

and Weni Nelmira (2008: 157).

Cotton cloth has strong characters (even when wet it still absorbs), draws body

heat, wrinkles, shrinks (unless handled properly), damaged by the sun light, sweat

and weather Goet Poespo (2005: 76).

3. Spandex

Polyurethane fibers are traded under the name’s spandex, lycra, vyrene and

spanzalle. This fiber has stretchy properties before breaking up ranges between 520-

610%. In addition, it has a high back force that is fast return to its original shape

when the voltage is released, and ability. This return on certain withdrawals ranges

from 93-96%. This fiber widely used for women's clothing, belts, surgical gloves,

and socks.

In Europe, polyurethane fiber is better known as elastane fiber whereas in

America it is better known as spandex. Polyurethane fiber made by addition

polymerization by spinning techniques, namely spinning.

a) Strength and stretch

Strength of polyurethane fiber ± 0.7 g / denier equivalent with ± 4 g / the

break off denier. Sprout before breaking up 520-610%. The specific gravity of
the polyurethane fiber is 1.05. Moisture regain polyurethane fiber in standard

conditions is 0.3%.

Spandex is an elastic fabric made from spandex(R) yarn. This fabric has

elastic characteristic towards knitted warp, towards knitted weft, towards knitted

warp and weft. The elastic level of this fabric is higher than elastic fabric made

from bulky yarn. Spandex material usually used for sport clothing like for

swimming or other kinds of exercise. Spandex material has weight of

±200gr/m2 and width of 150 cm and 200 cm (Goet Puspo 2005:76-79).

4. Silk

Silk is fibers that obtained from insect species that usually called Lepidoptera.

The raw composition of silk is below:

a) Fibroin, 76%

b) Sericin, 22%

c) Wax, 1,5 %

d) Mineral salt, 0,5 %

Both fibroin and sericin is a protein that have no Sulphur (Bambang Moyoretno

etc., 2005:4). Silk fiber could be ruined by the influence of acid, alkali, oxidation,

and sunlight (Bambang Moyoretno etc., 2005:5).

The characteristics of silk are;

a) Slippery, soft, springy, strong and can adjust to the temperature of the air.

1) Not a good conductor of heat, but silk fabric causes a sense of cold

when used.
2) Hygroscopic or absorb sweat, both for summer and winter clothing.

3) Silk fabric is resistant to moths.

4) Can be damaged to sunlight, so it can cause the changing of fabric

color like turn to yellow. It is recommended when drying the silk (silk

cloth) is not exposed to light / direct sunlight.

5) Can be damaged if exposed to bleach containing chlorine, and can be

damaged by the use of iron with heat of 1100ºC. It is recommended

when using iron when using heat less than 1100ºC.

6) Resistant to leachate, so when washing must use soft soap so as not to

reduce the luster of the fiber.

7) Not resistant to acids. The use of acid can cause the color and luster of

the finer to fade or disappear.

Based on the characteristic properties of the fabric, the authors formulating a

mixture of fabric compositions for the manufacturing of multifunctional butler glove

experiments. With the right composition and suitable processing method for sewing

gloves, these gloves will become gloves that have their own unique functions. Two

comparison samples of multifunctional butler gloves will be made which have

different material composition percentages as follows,

Table 2.1

Multifunctional butler gloves material ratio

Material Composition

Spandex Silk 90% Spandex 10% Silk

Source: Processed by Author
This sample will have an ornament, the ornaments made from batik cotton that

will be attached and sewed onto the sample. After the sample already sewed with an

ornament, then the sample will be sewed to a complete hand gloves with sewing

machine. This sample cannot be sewed manually in order to obtain tight stitches.

Because this sample contain spandex, then the sewing machine that will be used

is overlock sewing machine, this machine will be able to obtain tight stitches and

minimize messy stitches.

F. Construction of Multifunctional Butler Gloves

1. Size

Because this experiment used spandex composition that have good flexibility

then the size made for these gloves is all-size or free size with detail as follow,

Table 2.2
Multifunctional Butler Gloves Size

Kinds of Size Length (cm)

Height of Hand 20 cm

Width of Hand 10,5 cm

Width of Little finger 2 cm
Width of Ring Finger 2 cm
Width of Middle Finger 2 cm
Width of Index Finger 2 cm
Width of Thumb 2,5 cm
Source: Processed by Author

2. Sewing Pattern
After having an interview with raffles butler, ex trainee butler of Raffles, and

gloves tailor, the author concludes the final sewing pattern of multifunctional butler

gloves will be like as below:

Picture 2.1 Sewing pattern

Source: Author Documentation

5. Model

The multifunctional butler gloves model would be the same as the usual gloves,

but the author will add the rubber band onto the wrist side of the gloves for fit design


Picture 2.2 Glove Design

Source: Author Documentation

G. Design of Multifunctional Butler Gloves

Besides the fabric, there is a design aspect which affects the product so the

multifunctional butler gloves will have an outlook that is pleasing to the eye that will
fulfil butler image. The design that author will use is considering the five design

principles based on Dharsono Sony Kartika.

1. Design Principal

a. Unity

Unity is cohesion, consistency, oneness, or wholeness, which is the main

content of the composition. Unity is an effect that is achieved in an arrangement

or composition between the relations of supporting elements of the work, so as a

whole, it displays the full impression of the response. The success of achieving

the aesthetic form of a work is marked by the unification of aesthetic elements,

which is determined by the ability to combine the whole art elements. It can be

said that there is no complete composition Dharsono Sony Kartika (2017: 56).

d. Harmony

Harmony is a combination of in tune art elements and something in

harmony that arises because of similarity, unity, and there is no contradiction.

Harmony in design is in the combination of color and placement of objects.

Harmony is a combination of close or similar different elements. If

aesthetic elements are combined side by side, certain combinations will arise

and harmony will arise. However, harmony does not mean that it is a condition

for all good compositions Dharsono Sony Kartika (2017: 51-52).

e. Balance

Balance in the arrangement is a condition or similarity between the

opposing forces and gives a balance impression visually or in intensity of work.

Visual value is determined by the size, shape, color, texture, and presence of all
elements considered, and pay attention to balance (Dharsono Sony Kartika,

2017: 56-59). There are two kinds of balance that can be done in the preparation

of forms which author used for two different sample design, as follow:

1) Formal balance (formal balance), i.e. the balance on two opposing parties

from one axis. This balance is obtained by arranging similar elements at

equal distance to one imaginary center. Although the formal balance is

static and calm, it does not appear boring.

8) Informal balance (informal balance), which is the balance next to the

composition of the elements that use the arrangement principle of

inequality or contrast and always asymmetrical. The informal balance is

more complicated, but it attracts more attention because it has the

impression of dynamics which gives the possibility of more variation.

f. Accentuation (Emphasis)

Good design has a focus on attracting attention (Dharsono Sony Kartika,

2017: 60-61). As he said, accentuation is an effort to focus on a center of

interest that becomes the center of interest. There are several ways to attract

attention, which can be achieved by repeating design elements and repetition of

colors can give emphasis to these elements, among others:

1) Accentuation through size, is an element of a larger shape will appear to

attract attention because of its magnitude (Dharsono Sony Kartika, 2017:


9) Accentuation with contrast, for example in a room that consists mostly of

smooth or slippery textures, rough texture in one area will be very

interesting, because it contrasts with its surroundings.

10) Accentuation through arrangement, namely the layout of art elements with

other objects arranged in such a way as to direct people's views to the

place or object that is the center of attention.

g. Contrast

Contrast is the impression that is obtained because of differences in a

pattern or element of the opposite form. Contrast is an alloy of sharply different

elements. All dimensions are very different, opposition is the dynamic of

existence attracts attention. Contrast stimulates interest, contrast make the

design alive; contrast is the spice of composition in achieving form. But keep in

mind that excessive contrast will damage the composition, crowded and

scattered (Dharsono Sony Kartika, 2017: 52).

2. Congklak Batik Motifs

Congklak is full of philosophy. In this Indonesian traditional game, players will

take seeds from one hole, and fill in other holes including the granary holes that are

on both sides of the board. This way of playing means that what we do today will

affect our future and the future of others.

When the seeds of congklak are taken, it illustrates that life must be give and

take, so that balance can be created. The seeds that are taken one by one, indicate

that in life we must be honest, even though it requires more effort and time Maria

Pia Adiati, 201: 220).

At the end of the game, the player with the highest number of congklak seeds is

the "winner". That is, successful people are those who have more good deeds, save

more, and know the right strategy.

6. Parang Batik Motifs

Batik Parang is one of the oldest batik motifs in Indonesia. Parang comes from

the word Pereng which means slope. Pereng draws a line descending diagonally

from high to low.

This batik is an original Indonesian batik that has wish that the wearer can have

the strength of a rock and can bring or create a source of life to the people around

them. This wish was along by symbols of dignity, struggle, wisdom, and symbols of

absolute power for the king (Ramadhan 2013: 86, Musman dan Arini diasraka, 2012,

H. Experiment Procedure

1. Equipment Used:

Table 2.3

Equipment Used

No Materials Information
1 scissors that specifically

designed for cutting


Pictures 2.3 Fabric Scissor

(Source: Indonesia
2 Paper here as a surface

helper to sew spandex

fabric on overlock

machine so the fabric

will stand still and results

Pictures 2.4 Paper good seams.

3 used to mark any points

within the pattern piece

by punching the pattern

to results a tiny mark on

the fabric.

Pictures 2.5 Wooden Awl

4 This machine is suitable
to sew special seams
(hems) on the edges of
the fabric to prevent the
material (spandex and
voal) from being stringy
instead results straight
and neat seams.
Pictures 2.6 Overlock Sewing Machine
5 This used for measuring

the hands and the tape

measure’s flexibility

allows curved lines to be

also measured.

Pictures 2.7 Tape Measure

6 Needles for sewing

Pictures 2.8 Needle
7 This used for marking

lines or transferring a

pattern on to cloth.

Pictures 2.9 Tailor’s Chalk

8 Machine to print motifs

and color of the fabric.

Pictures 2.10 Fabric Printing Machine


2. Material Used

Table 2.4

Material Used

No Picture Information
1 Navy plain spandex and
Batik made from cotton

Pictures 2.11 Batik Used

(Source: Author Documentation)
2 Voal Watersplash

Pictures 2.12 Voal

(Source: Author Documentation)
Source: Processed by Author

7. Experimental procedures performed

a. Experimental Scheme

First Pair of Gloves Material

Diagram 2.1

Experimental Scheme

Preparation Stage
1. Material Preparation
2. Equipment Preparation

Implementation Stage
1. Making Pattern
2. Sewing Fabric

Finishing Stage
Cut the remaining
Referring to thefabric
above experimental scheme, the steps that must be taken to

make multifunctional butler gloves, are as follows:

8. Preparation Stage of Multifunctional Butler Gloves

Table 2.5

Preparation Stage of Multifunctional Butler Gloves

Pictures Information
Designing the motif with

color pen, pencil, and two

pieces of paper.

Pictures 2.13 Design Sketch

(Source: Author Documentation)
Prepare others fabric needed

such as batik, voal

watersplash, and spandex.

Pictures 2.14 Fabric Used

(Source: Author Documentation)
After all the material has been

prepared, the last step of this

preparation stage is just

preparing all the equipment

needed, such as scissor, tape

measure, tailors chalk,

Pictures 2.15 Equipment used
(Source: Author Documentation)
9. Implementation Stage of Multifunctional Butler Gloves

Table 2.6

Implementation Stage of Multifunctional Butler Gloves

Pictures Information
Making pattern that made of
newspaper according to the
size that have been
determined before. And then
mark the fabric with tailor’s
chalk based on the pattern
size that has been made.

Pictures 2.16 Newspaper Pattern

(Source: Author Documentation)
Sew the pattern based on the
marked fabric previously
with the overlock sewing
machine. And cut out the
unused fabric.

Pictures 2.17 Sewing Process based

on pattern
(Source: Author Documentation)
Sew the rubber inside the
Pictures 2.18 Sewing Process
(Source: Author Documentation)

10. Finishing Stage of Multifunctional Butler Gloves

Table 2.7

Finishing Stage of Multifunctional Butler Gloves

Pictures Information
Cut the remaining sewings
that left or sticking to the

Pictures 2.19 Finishimg Process

(Source: Author Documentation)
11. Goal

From the experiment, the authors expect the result of multifunctional butler

gloves to have a better looks, function, and quality than other gloves on the market

in general, especially in terms of comfort which is smoother on the skin, produces a

cooler effect on the skin, and has a better stretch quality so that will display more

accurate hands appearance and adjust the size of different human hands.

12. Product Quality

Regarding product quality, it can be seen from two aspects, namely subjective

and objective aspects, which are explained as follows:

a. Subjective Aspects

In this subjective aspect, the product quality of multifunctional butler gloves in

terms of design is assessed based on the human senses related to Sony Dharsono

Kartika's theory of design principles.

h. Objective Aspects

In this objective aspect, product quality in terms of functionality is assessed

based on the results of laboratory tests regarding the material characteristics of

the multifunctional butler glove.

Speaking of product quality, there are third factors that can affects product


The first factor is the tailor’s skill. Competence tailor could use more machine,

method, and kinds of clothes. The neatness of the seams as example, can be

caused by many factors such as the tailor's skill in using a sewing machine or how

high the accuracy of the sewing machine is. Spandex is a stretchy and slippery

material that if sewn in a small size, it requires certain skills to produce the ideal


The second factor is the machine. Accuracy level of the results of the motifs

and colors is determined by the fabric print machine. Colored and patterned fabric

comes from plain white cloth, where the colors and motifs are produced directly

by the fabric printing machine. Besides, machine is just a machine, where more it

is used then more it is having a trouble.

The third factor is the fabric. All fabric has certain composition of the fibers,

more slippery the fabric will cause more skill and more sewing method to make

the gloves which determine how hard the fabric to be proceed.

13.Choosing Panelists

In collecting data, the writer needs a tool that can be used as a place for

evaluation by panelists, a tool used to obtain data can help researchers get answers

from all the problems that have been set. There are several tools commonly used in a

research process, for example: questionnaires, check lists, and observation sheets.

Data collection tools that the author will use in the form of a questionnaire.

What is meant by a questionnaire is a data collection tool, which is used by

distributing forms containing questions to several respondents, to get a written

response (Bagja Waluya: 2007).

This experiment consists two panelists, namely: trained panelists and untrained


a. Trained Panelists

Trained panelists are people who have competence in the field to be tested. In

this experiment the panelists referred to were designer and tailor gloves. In the

selection of expert panelists, the writer will be assisted by experts in the field of

gloves, with 3 totals of experts. These panelists have been engaged in the field of

gloves for more than three years.

i. Untrained panelists
Untrained panelists are people who are not formally trained in the products

being tested but they know in general terms about gloves products used by butler

in general.

In the untrained panelists test, the writer will take a sample of 15 peoples in

which the writer asks the untrained panelists to try multifunctional butler gloves

for free in their own homes.



A. Experiments Analysis and Discussion

1. Material Formulation

In this experiment of making multifunctional butler gloves, the author uses

materials that are quite easy to obtain but through a process that is not easy because

they have to go through the process of fabric printing and custom sewing. The

material used by the author is spandex material for the two experimental experiments.

where this type is very suitable for varied and active hand activities on butlers because

it has good stretchy strength and large fiber pores so that it can adjust the shape of the

hand accurately and absorb sweat and cold when used. The elastic texture of this

material makes this material must be combined with luxurious materials to make it

suitable for use with general butler uniforms made of cotton fiber.
the writer did two ways of the multifunctional butler gloves manufactures, bought

it and made it, the material that the writer bought was batik cotton cloth, watersplash

voal fabric and plain spandex fabric, then in the process of making the writer

combined the three materials. The reason for choosing these three ingredients is

because they are already widely distributed in the market and are known by many

people. In addition, specifically for voal watersplash, this material was chosen

because the fabric

is suitable for clothes compared to latex or rubber because it contains cotton fibers

with certain processing, resulting in a thin and stiff fabric. Meanwhile, to prepare silk

spandex fabric, the author bought it directly in a fabric printing shop, because they

provide white-colored basic fabric that is ready to be printed into colored motifs.

The reason the author chose this type is because the author wants to create all size

gloves, a luxurious material because it is combined with the shiny nature of silk

material, and can be given a color that does not fade when washed with certain


Table 3.1
Pair of Multifunctional Butler Gloves Material Formulation

No Material Quantity Information

1. Spandex 44x27 cm Plain Navy
2. Voal Watersplash 36x27 cm White
3. Batik Cotton 55x13 cm Pink Blush
Source: Processed by the Writer

2. Design Formulation

a. Unity
The Author have made sure that there is a harmony and right portion of the

contrast so it will support the good wholeness. Besides, the author will try to

combine a match color between a symmetric shape ornament color and the

backgrounds color that hopefully resulted an aesthetic look.

j. Harmony

There are two colors that author chose as the main color backgrounds. It is

white and navy. For white background, it will be combined with blue colored

ornament since white is a neutral color that is suitable with whatever color. For

navy background, it will be combined with pink blush colored ornament that

complement to navy since it has the same pastel color vibes.

The placement of the ornament will be on the bottom of the gloves side

since it has more wide area than the finger area, so the ornament design will fit,

wont separate, and placed side by side that will help rise the harmony aspect.

k. Formal balance

The author will try to make the simple square repeat pink ornament that

located symmetrically on the bottom of the gloves with the size approximately 5-

6 cm from the top of palm bone until wrist.

l. Informal Balance

The author will try to use pink and navy batik cotton as the ornament, and

placed it asymmetrically on the bottom side of the gloves, from top of the palm

bone down to the wrist.

m. Accentuation
Accentuation through size, the author will use a larger batik repeating batik

motifs as the ornament, so people could clearly see and drawn to the batik motifs.

While with contrast, the author attached light motif to darker sample, and dark

motif to a lighter sample so that it will appear contrast. And last, through

arrangement, the author placed the motifs on the bottom side of the hand gloves

which has wider area that definitely will direct people's view to it.

Congklak accentuation

The author chooses congklak as the batik pattern because it has a good

philosophy and will be a good wish for the butler’s future.

By this philosophy, hopefully the butler that wear this will do good deeds

and serve the guest sincerely and passionately so that it will satisfy the guests and

affect the future of good guest relationship.

Parang Accentuation

This batik is an original Indonesian batik that has existed since the days of

the Mataram Kartasura (Solo) palace and was previously only worn by kings,

rulers and knights.

This means that parang batik are special and exclusive which also align

with the exclusivity of butler service that are only available on upper class hotel.

n. Contrast

The contrast of the multifunctional butler gloves will be seen from

combining plain spandex with full pattern cotton of batik motifs. Besides,

opposite color tone that author used, surely support

14. Product Quality Result

The results of the experimental product quality of this multifunctional butler

glove were obtained from the results of the questionnaire data that the author has

distributed to trained and untrained panelists. There are 5 aspects assessed by trained

and untrained panelists, namely, harmony, balance, accentuation, contrast, unity.

In processing the data from this questionnaire, the author uses the Likert scale

assessment method. Below is the Likert Scale assessment table:

Table 3.2

Questionnaire Score

No. Questionnaire Score Assessment Information

1 5 Very Agree
2 4 Agree
3 3 Hesitate
4 2 Disagree
5 1 Very Disagree
Source: Processed by Author

Above are the results that the author made in tabular form based on the

questionnaire results obtained from 3 trained panelists and 15 untrained panelists.

a. Trained Panelists

In processing the data from the trained panelist questionnaire, which aims

to determine the value of each aspect being assessed, the authors use the

following formula:

Highest Value = Highest Score x Number of Statements x

Number of Respondents
= 5 x 11 x 3
= 165
Lowest Value = lowest score x total
= 1 x 11 x 3
= 33

Scale range = Highest value - Lowest value

Number of Answer Ranges
= 165 - 33
= 26.4

From the above calculations, the overall score criteria for trained panelists

are as follows:

1) Very Agree : 138. 6 - 165

2) Agree : 112.2 - 138. 6

3) Quiet Agree : 85.8 - 112.2

4) Disagree : 59.4 - 85.8

5) Very Disagree : 33 - 59.4

Here is an overall value of continuum line for trained panelists:

Table 3.3

Continuum Line for Trained Panelists


33 59.4 85.8 112.2 138. 6 165

Table 3.4

Results Assessment of Trained Panelists of Multifunctional Butler Gloves

VA A H D VD Total
No. Indicator X=5 X=4 X=3 X=2 X=1
F F(x) F F(x F F(x) F F(x) F F(x) F F(x)
1 The ornament 2 8 1 3 3 11
color is in
harmony with
the base color
2 The 1 5 2 8 3 13
of ornament
forms looks
side by side on
the gloves
3 The ornaments 1 3 2 4 3 7
or balance
between the
right and the
4 The imaginary 3 12 3 12
center line can
be seen from
the ornament
5 Ornament 2 4 1 1 3 5
color has an
with the
6 Large size of 3 15 3 15
the ornament
7 The colors and 2 10 1 4 3 14
shapes of the
ornaments are
enough with
background so
it attracts
8 Layout and 2 8 1 3 3 11
design attract
19 Color 3 12 3 12
does not create
a 'crowded'
10 Ornament 1 2 2 2 3 4
and doesn't
11 The overall 2 8 1 3 3 11
TOTAL 6 30 15 60 4 12 5 10 3 3 3 115
Source: Processed by Author
F : The number of panelists who chose from each value
F(x) : Multiplication result of F by the item value.
Based on the results of the data processing above, the total value is 115

The following is a continuum line of the total scores from trained panelists:
Table 3.5

Result for Continuum Line for Trained Panelists


3 4.8 93.4 122.4 151.2 180

o. Untrained Panelist

The following is the formula used to find the value of questionnaire result

from untrained panelists:

Highest Value = Highest Score x Number of Statements x
Number of Respondents
= 5 x 11 x 15
= 825

Lowest Value = lowest score x total

= 1 x 11 x 15
= 165

Scale range = Highest value - Lowest value

Number of Answer Ranges
= 825 - 165
= 132
From the above calculations, the overall score criteria for untrained

panelists are as follows:

Very Agree : 693 - 825

Agree : 561 – 693

Quiet Agree : 429 - 561

Disagree : 297 - 429

Very Disagree : 165 - 297

Here is an overall value of continuum line for untrained panelists:

Table 3.6

Continuum Line for Untrained Panelists

165 297 429 561 693 825

Table 3.7

Results Assessment of Untrained Panelists of Multifunctional Butler Gloves

n = 15

VA A H D VD Total
No Indicator X=5 X=4 X=3 X=2 X=1
. F F(x F F(x F F(x F F(x F F(x
) ) ) ) )
1 The ornament 3 15 7 28 2 6 49
color is in
harmony with
the base color
2 The 4 20 8 32 52
of ornament
forms looks
side by side
on the gloves
3 The 3 12 7 21 2 2 35
or balance
between the
right and the
4 The 4 20 6 24 1 3 1 1 48
center line
can be seen
from the
ornament line
5 Ornament 4 16 6 18 2 4 38
color has an
with the
6 Large size of 3 15 9 36 51
the ornament
7 The colors 7 35 5 20 55
and shapes of
the ornaments
are contrast
enough with
so it attracts
8 Layout and 5 25 3 12 3 9 1 2 48
design attract
19 Color 4 20 5 20 3 9 49
does not
create a
10 Ornament 6 30 6 24 54
and doesn't
11 The overall 2 10 7 28 3 9 47
TOTAL 3 190 6 252 2 75 3 6 3 3 0 526
8 3 5
Source: Processed by Author


F : The number of panelists who chose from each value

F(x) : Multiplication result of F by the item value.

Based on the results of the data processing above, the total value is 526

The following is a continuum line of the total scores from trained panelists:
Table 3.8

Result for Continuum Line for Untrained Panelists


165 297 429 561 693 825

15. Consumer Acceptance Test Stage

Based on the results of the panelists' assessment as a whole, the multifunctional

butler glove product is a decent product and has a good design so that it can be

accepted by both trained and untrained panelists. What panelists agree the most are

the good accentuation of their products. Overall, according to the panelists, this

product is appropriate and acceptable to the public if this product is marketed.

B. Presentation Analysis

1. Time

a. April 17, 2020 : The author conducted the first experiment

p. May 23, 2020 : The author conducted a second experiment

q. July 13, 2020 : The author conducted a laboratory test

r. July 14, 2020 : The author conducted a test of untrained


s. July 15, 2020 : The author conducted a test of trained


t. July 15, 2020 : The author processed data on the results of the

questionnaire obtained from trained and untrained


I. Overview Calculation of Costs and Selling Prices

1. Raw Material Costs

a. Market Price

Batik = Rp. 132.000 / meter

Voal Watersplash = Rp. 36.300 / 110 x 110 cm2

Spandex = Rp. 24.000 / meter

u. Costing / cm2

Batik = Rp. 132.000 / 22000 cm2 = Rp. 6, -

Voal Watersplash = Rp. 36.300 / 12100 cm2 = Rp. 3.-

Spandex = Rp. 24.000 / 24000 cm2 = Rp. 1.-

Based on the explanation of the price of raw materials and costing or

expenditure to be incurred per length times width cm2, then a standard design can

be formulated from the fours materials above by determining the selling price, as

Table 3.9
Multifunctional Butler Gloves Costs

Information Unit Amount Price /pcs Total

Batik 1x1 22000 cm2 Rp. 6,- Rp.

cm2 132.000
Voal Watersplash 1x1 12100 cm2 Rp. 3,- Rp. 36.300

Spandex 1x1 24000 cm2 Rp. 1,- Rp. 24.000

Total Rp.

Source: Processed by the Author

Based on the table above, it can be explained that the cost of manufacturing

multifunctional butler gloves costs Rp 192.300.

2. Selling Price

The following is an explanation of the selling price of the multifunctional butler


Table 3.10
Multifunctional Butler Gloves Selling Price

Information Price
(55 cm x 13 cm) 715 cm2 Batik Rp. 4.290
(36 cm x 27 cm) 972 cm2 Voal Rp. 2.916

(44 cm x 27 cm) 1188 cm2 Spandex Rp. 1.188
Total Material Cost Rp. 8.394
Transportation Cost Rp. 10.000
Tailor Cost Rp. 15.000
Total of Production Cost Rp. 33.394
20% Margin Rp. 10.018
Gloves Selling Price Rp. 44.000
Source: Processed by the Autho

The author adds up the 30 percent margin of the total cost with the total cost to obtain the

selling price. So, from there, the selling price of the product is 44,000 with a profit of 10,606.



A. Conclusion

Based on the results of the author's data processed from the experimental

results and the questionnaire that has been conducted by the author which is

described in CHAPTER II and CHAPTER III, the authors can draw the

following conclusions:

1. The panelist's assessment of the multifunctional butler glove product can

be concluded that this product is a product that has a fairly good design.

With details of the value in terms of harmony which is quite good, the

balance is quite good, the accentuation is quite good, the contrast is quite

good, and the unity is quite good.

16. Based on the questionnaire data that has been processed in chapter III, it

can be concluded that there are some inputs from respondents regarding

the balance aspects of the design, the design on the right side of the glove

does not have the same portion as the left glove, so it can reduce the

design quality and would be less enjoyed by some groups. But the whole

product is quite well received by consumers.

Based on the above conclusions, it can be seen that the multifunctional

butler glove product can be used as an additional glove design option for


J. Suggestions

1. The balance aspect of the multifunctional butler glove product design that

the author made is considered less good. This product has a batik

ornament in which the direction of the ornament on the right side of the

glove and the left side of the glove are out of sync or not in tune. This

really depends on the person who makes it, this product is made by

ordinary tailors so they don't really care about details, and in contrast to

boutique tailors who are already professional and will be focus on details.

However, there will be a significant difference in cost, which is more

expensive if you use the services of a boutique tailor, for that, the authors

suggest that if you are more concerned with quality than price, it is

advisable to choose a boutique tailor to make products from this kind of


17. In terms of maintenance, the author recommends washing the

multifunctional butler gloves immediately if they get stained, and just iron

the cotton part because the spandex material doesn't need to be ironed

considering that the material is stretchy and a little slippery. The author

suggests that this research be carried out further because this product has

great potential to be further explored so that this product has even better

quality and can be commercialized throughout Indonesia.




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