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Fecha de Vigencia:

Julio 14 de 2016
GUÍA / TALLER Versión: 3
Página: 1 de 1


NOMBRE ESTUDIANTE:__María Camila Marín rozo


Answer the following questions about the book Anthem (Chapters 1 -4)

1. What is it about Equality 7 - 2521 that is so special compared to the

rest of his fellow men?
They are men who are 6 feet tall and that is not very common in men

2. Based on the reading, what do you think it’s in the mind of the
members of this totalitarian society and how do the leaders do to
maintain their control?
The members of this society try to encourage themselves by saying that
all men are the same and that they are all the same, it shows that they are
a very united society and that despite being different from the rest of their
brothers and being superior to them, they try cheer up saying that as they
are they are fine and do not need to be approved by the leaders.
The leaders say that they are not normal and that is why they are worse
but the reality is quite the opposite they surpass their brothers both in
intelligence and height, even so the leaders reject them
3. In your opinion, what current countries/societies in modern world
exemplifies the kind of system described in the novel?
I think that Nazi Germany was an example of a totalitarian society like the
one expressed in the book, since this regime militarized almost the entire
society, distinguished citizens by their race and their adherence to the
naciosocialist party.

4. In your opinion, what advantages would you find in living in a world

like the one described in the novel? Why? Could the lack of freedom
bring some positive things to the society?
The advantage of a society like this, which is equality 7 2521, is that it is a
very united society and applies a lot of equality and equity among
themselves and they support each other by seeing that the government or
the council rejects them and prohibits them from many things.
I believe that the government should prohibit many things from people to
maintain control in society but prohibiting most things is not right
because we also have the right to express ourselves and we have the
right to have an opinion about the people who govern us.

5. What was Equality 7 – 2521’s dream after studying in the home of the
students and how is he trying to keep his dream alive?

This was that since they were five years old they wanted to leave this place
because the teachers rejected them for being superior to their brothers, the
only thing they wanted was to leave.
6. What happens when you pronounce the “Unspeakable word” Even
though this word has not been revealed, which word do you think it
might possible be? Why?
When someone says the unspeakable word, they are put to death. There is
no crime punished by death in this world, save this one crime of speaking
the unspeakable word.
I think that the word that the members of this society called equality 7 2125
cant said is LIBERTY because they know that they cannot have this freedom
since they are different from the others therefore these members cannot say

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