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Children spend their leisure time with their peers. Why?

Is it a positive or
negative development?

Nowadays, children prefer to be with their peers in their free time. The following paragraphs will
discuss which reasons lie behind it and define how this relationship affects them positively.

The main reasons why children like to spend time with their peers are related to meet new
people, to make new friendship and family neglection. After a certain age, the juveniles are not
satisfied with talking and playing only with their parents or siblings. Instead, they are willing to
know people who are the same age as them and play sort of indoor and outdoor games with
them. However, there are some children are compelled to spend time with their friends because
their families neglect them. The children whose parents are always busy and do not play or even
communicate with them are obliged to find friends outside reluctantly.

Nevertheless, spending time with friends of the same age makes them more social, successful
and happier. When the children go outside, find friends rather than wasting all their day sitting at
the computer and surfing in the internet, they become extrovert and friendly person, thereby
making a lot of good friendship that might last forever. In fact, those children are more
successful rather than introvert ones because they enjoy communication which plays a crucial
role on their future career, it is clear that good communication skill is exactly ability the
employer require on the job applications. It makes them happier as well. For instance, if the
juveniles spend all their time at home, they will become lonely and depressive, start to think that
something is wrong with them and cannot share their thoughts or feeling with anybody else.
However, those who spend more time with peers feel themselves happier and more relaxed,
when these children have a problem, they can easily find a fellow to talk about that.

To summarize, children could make friends and spend time with them in their spare time
willingly or unwillingly, but there is no doubt that it influences them positively, makes them and
their lives better.

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