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Composite Structures 86 (2008) 258–268

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Bird-strike simulation for certification of the Boeing 787 composite moveable

trailing edge
Steve Georgiadis a, Andrew J. Gunnion b,*, Rodney S. Thomson b, Bruce K. Cartwright c
Hawker de Havilland Aerospace Pty Ltd., 226 Lorimer Street, Fishermans Bend, Victoria, Australia
Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Composite Structures Ltd., 506 Lorimer Street, Fishermans Bend, Victoria 3207, Australia
Pacific Engineering Systems International Pty Ltd., 277–279 Broadway, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 16 March 2008 A validated simulation methodology has been developed to support the bird-strike certification of the
carbon fibre epoxy composite, moveable trailing edge (MTE) of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. The explicit
Keywords: finite element software PAM-CRASHTM was selected to perform the simulations utilising the advanced
Bird-strike composite material, fastener and smooth particle hydrodynamic bird models available in the code. The
Certification modelling procedures were validated firstly through comparison with existing test data and secondly
Carbon epoxy structures through the testing and analysis of representative structures. Subsequent use of the validated modelling
Explicit analysis
procedures during the analysis of the MTE facilitated the evaluation of numerous bird-strike scenarios,
Material models
leading to improved design efficiency and safety, while significantly reducing certification costs.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction used to gain dramatic improvements to bird-strike resistance

while at the same time removing conservatism associated with tra-
Hawker de Havilland (HdH) is currently the sole supplier of the ditional semi-empirical techniques. HdH achieved this in collabo-
MTE for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, shown in Fig. 1. HdH is respon- ration with the Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced
sible for the design and manufacture of the flaps, ailerons and Composite Structures (CRC-ACS) and Pacific Engineering Systems
spoilers, all of which are manufactured from carbon fibre epoxy International (Pacific-ESI). In this paper, the certification require-
composite. The extensive use of composite materials throughout ments and compliance methodology are outlined and both the
the structure of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner results in significant simulation methodology and the validation and verification proce-
performance gains. dures are described.
Bird-strike is a potentially serious and damaging event that
must be accounted for in the design of flight critical aircraft com- 2. Certification requirements
ponents. The problem goes back to the dawn of modern aviation,
when the Wright Brothers recorded the first bird-strike on 7 Sep- The bird-strike airworthiness requirements relevant to the Boe-
tember 1905 [1]. Although definitive figures are hard to obtain ing 787 Dreamliner are specified under FAR Part 25, Sub-part
due to variations in reporting requirements, it is estimated that 25.571 ‘‘Damage-tolerance and fatigue evaluation of structure”:
bird-strike events occur at least once every 2000 flights. In civil
aviation, more than 50 planes and over 223 lives are reported to (e) Damage-tolerance (discrete source) evaluation. The airplane
have been lost since 1912 due to bird-strike. The cost to the world- must be capable of successfully completing a flight during which
wide aviation industry is estimated to be over USD 1 billion per likely structural damage occurs as a result of:
year [2]. (1) Impact with a 4-pound bird when the velocity of the airplane
The ability of critical structure to withstand bird-strike events is relative to the bird along the airplane’s flight path is equal to
regulated under the certification requirements. Traditionally, com- Vc at sea level or 0.85 Vc at 8000 ft, whichever is more critical.
ponents were designed to withstand bird-strike events through a
combination of test and semi-empirical design methods. For the The damaged structure must be able to withstand the static
Boeing 787 Dreamliner MTE, an improved approach is described loads (considered as ultimate loads) which are reasonably expected
in which modern finite element (FE) modelling methods have been to occur on the flight. Dynamic effects on these static loads need
not be considered.
* Corresponding author. Fax: +61 3 9676 4999. The MTE is exposed to the air-stream, and thus at risk of bird-
E-mail address: (A.J. Gunnion). strike, only under certain conditions. For example, the flaps are

0263-8223/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Georgiadis et al. / Composite Structures 86 (2008) 258–268 259

Fig. 1. Boeing 787 Dreamliner, showing breakdown of materials used and the MTE designed and manufactured by HdH.

only extended at air speeds equal to or less than flap deployment Another requirement for any assessment of the effects of bird-
speed, Vflap. In addition, any bird-strike events will be glancing strike events is to determine the loads that are induced at the con-
blows related to the aircraft angle of attack and the deflection of nection points of the control surface to the parent structure. The
the MTE. Based on this knowledge combined with the overall cer- actuators and fittings must be designed to be capable of sustaining
tification requirement, a set of bird-strike cases relevant to each these interface loads. Using the cannonball approach, accurate
MTE device was created in which combinations of critical veloci- determination of the interface loads is difficult and requires
ties and impact angles were defined. These were used to assess approximations and likely increased conservatism.
the bird-strike performance of each MTE device. As a result of such uncertainties, structures designed through
these semi-empirical techniques require a more extensive testing
3. Certification compliance methodology program to support certification. Testing would involve bird-strike
impacts at a number of critical locations to verify the validity of
3.1. Traditional certification compliance approach cannonball approach. This increases certification time and cost,
and introduces an additional level of conservatism.
The traditional bird-strike design method utilises a range of
empirical and semi-empirical methods to determine the effect of 3.2. New certification compliance approach
strikes. A commonly employed method is the so-called cannonball
approach in which it is assumed that the bird continues on its path In this work, a certification approach has been used in which
uninterrupted and removes any structure in its direct path, as bird-strike compliance is demonstrated through explicit FE analy-
shown in Fig. 2. Generally, this approach is conservative and sim- sis and validated and verified through tests at several stages, as
plifies determination of the residual strength. A result of using illustrated in Fig. 4. The need for adopting this approach was driven
the cannonball approach on designs for control surfaces is that by the desire to improve performance and safety of the aircraft.
the spacing of spars is such that a single strike will only damage This approach hinged on a validated, accepted analysis approach
one spar in order to meet residual strength requirements. This to accurately simulate bird-strike events, the damage evolution
tends to dictate the lay-out of internal structure and possibly in the structure and the loads transmitted to the adjoining struc-
moves away from what is optimal from strength, stiffness or ture. This was accompanied by an accepted method to predict
weight viewpoints. the residual strength.
In some circumstances, the cannonball approach may not be There are many benefits of simulation and this compliance
conservative. It is possible for example, when impacting a control methodology. Firstly, by using an accurate and validated analysis
surface at an oblique angle, for the bird to be deflected and subse- methodology, design conservatism can be dramatically reduced.
quently damage structure further downstream. Another more ex- Secondly, the resistance of the structure to bird-strike can be
treme example is if the bird penetrates one skin and is then determined over a wide range of impact locations and conditions
deflected by the upper skin, much internal structure could be dam- leading to improved safety. Thirdly, interface loads can be more
aged, as shown in Fig. 3. accurately evaluated leading to improved design of fittings and

Fig. 2. Cannonball approach traditionally used estimate damaged zone for bird-strike design.
260 S. Georgiadis et al. / Composite Structures 86 (2008) 258–268

Fig. 3. Example case in which the cannonball approach can be non-conservative.

Fig. 4. Certification compliance approach adopted.

actuators. Lastly, the number of tests required to demonstrate cer-  Simulation technique: Validated and verified using bird-strike
tification compliance can be dramatically reduced. This results in tests on representative structures of the 70 in. box and pre-pro-
better structures with reduced development and certification time duction outboard flap, respectively;
and cost.  Certification compliance: Demonstrated using the certification
However, the challenges associated with adopting this ap- bird-strike test of the outboard flap.
proach were not insignificant. While the capabilities of explicit
FE codes to simulate such highly dynamic events such as bird- The methodology was used extensively in the design of the Boe-
strike have steadily improved over the years, use to date has ing 787 MTE, but can only be used for the design of like structures
mostly been on metallic structures [3]. The use of composite mate- impacted under similar conditions to those considered in the vali-
rials increases the complexity significantly due to the complex dation process.
damage initiation and propagation characteristics of the material,
including matrix and fibre failure in tension, compression or shear 4. Simulation methodology
and delamination. In addition, the overall structure behaviour is
strongly influenced by the behaviour and failure of fastened and 4.1. Explicit FE analysis
bonded joints [4]. Lastly, bird-strike involves interaction between
the structure and a fluid, the bird being mostly water. This is a Explicit FE analysis is a numerical technique commonly used for
complex numerical problem to solve. the analysis of highly non-linear behaviour of materials with
To implement this certification compliance methodology, a inelastic strains, high strain rates, and large deformations such as
building block approach was used. Validation of the modelling would occur during crash or impact situations. The technique is
techniques was employed at every stage: particularly well suited to scenarios such as bird-strike [5] where
materials interact with other materials, or where some parts of
 Material models for composite materials, bird, bonded and fastened the structure break into smaller pieces, or where generally the
joints: Validated using elemental level tests; geometry changes significantly during the event.
S. Georgiadis et al. / Composite Structures 86 (2008) 258–268 261

The time step used in the solution algorithm is chosen to be The material characteristics of SPH are governed by an equation
smaller than the time taken for a shock wave to propagate through of state (EOS). Suitable values for the parameters in the EOS for a
the smallest element in the model. This resulting time step, nor- bird model are difficult to ascertain since they must be determined
mally of the order of a microsecond or less, is necessary to ensure indirectly. As part of the project Crashworthiness of Aircraft for
that all energies associated with the propagating shock wave are High Velocity Impact (CRAHVI) [21], the optimisation tool PAM-
adequately captured by the analysis. A small time step means that OPT [22] was used to determine values for the EOS parameters. It
thousands of structural analyses are required to complete the sim- ‘matched’ the numerical simulations done using PAM-CRASH to
ulation of a complex scenario. For example, the bird-strike events the results of bird-strike tests on instrumented plates to determine
presented herein spanned approximately 20 ms, requiring up to values for the EOS parameters [4]. This original, cylindrically-
24 h of CPU-intensive analysis. Nonetheless, the cost to explore shaped, ESI bird model and its characterising parameters will
many impact cases through simulation is a fraction of the cost of henceforth in this paper be called the Cylbird.
performing one full-scale physical impact test. Subsequently, a research project was initiated in Australia by
The commercial explicit FE software PAM-CRASHTM [6] was used Pacific ESI with the aim of producing a virtual bird model which
for all modelling aspects within this paper. would satisfy potential demands to match against the physical
bird-strike tests undertaken (mainly) during the 1970s for the US
4.2. Bird-strike Air Force’s Wright Laboratories [23–28]. While the primary
emphasis at that time was the effect on windshields and transpar-
On impact with a structure, the bird behaves in a fluid-like man- encies, these extensive tests produced a wealth of information
ner, undergoing extreme distortion as its body breaks up into debris about bird impact onto both rigid and compliant targets. While
particles. Capturing these behavioural aspects in a numerically sta- the CRAHVI project acknowledged and built upon the huge volume
ble method for the aircraft industry presents numerous challenges. of knowledge gained during that Wright work, the Cylbird still had
One commonly used approach models the bird using a solid a cylindrical shape. Interestingly, the shape of the artificial ‘bird’
Lagrangian FE model. It then resolves the bird-structure interaction used in the Wright tests was an oblate spheroid, somewhat like
using the contact algorithms that are a feature of modern explicit an ellipse. The new SPH ‘bird’, given the name Ellbird, used a re-
FE codes [7–9]. While this method is able to capture the distortion vised geometry to match the Wright shape as shown in Fig. 5. Be-
and, to a limited extent, the break up of the bird, there are several cause of the revision, extensive and thorough validation on this
major drawbacks [8,10]. Primarily, the material of the bird cannot alternative artificial ‘bird’ against the Wright tests was performed.
move relative to the mesh. Hence, a large scale distortion of the However, it was based on the same proven technology and design
bird translates directly to a large scale distortion of the mesh. With processes of the previous Cylbird, importantly using those same
the stable time step for an explicit FE analysis being proportional to EOS parameter values.
the shortest element dimension, the simulation time step drops as Modelling the bird with SPH particles is arguably the most com-
the mesh of the bird distorts upon impact, causing a significant in- mon method currently used to investigate bird-strike phenomena
crease in simulation time. Despite many proposed attempts to ad- [29–31].
dress the deficiencies of this method, it remains an impractical way
to model bird-strike. 4.3. Composite materials
Alternative approaches to bird modelling have been employed
to overcome the difficulties associated with the Lagrangian FE The PAM-CRASH bi-phase material was used to model the full
method. The arbitrary Lagrange Euler (ALE) method [10,11] models non-linear behaviour to failure of the composite materials. Rather
the bird as a slug of fluid moving through an Eulerian mesh, the than using the ply material properties, the bi-phase model requires
material being free to move relative to the mesh. The bird applies the constituent material properties and the fibre volume fraction to
load to the Lagrangian mesh of the structure through an ALE cou- determine the stiffness of each ply. Furthermore, failure strains and
pling interface. Results obtained from this approach have been damage parameters characterise the strength behaviour of the ma-
shown to compare well with purely Lagrangian approaches, trix and fibres independently. The values for the bi-phase material
achieving significant reductions in simulation times because the model used in this investigation were derived from methods de-
time step associated with the Eulerian mesh shrank less than for scribed in the PAM-CRASH manual [6] and from previous experience
the Lagrangian case. But, this approach has problems associated developed at the CRC-ACS [32] using test data generated by HdH for
with the material interface [12]. the material system being used on the MTE. These methods have
This work used a smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) repre- been demonstrated to produce a material model that suitably repre-
sentation of the bird, following [13]. SPH methods, reviewed com- sents the behaviour of a real material under in-plane and impact
prehensively in [14], were proposed some 20 years previously for loading. The initial and post-failure stiffness of each element is gov-
astrophysics problems [15,16]. It is a grid-less, Lagrangian tech- erned by the bi-phase model, with the material stiffness reduced to
nique in which a set of discrete, interacting, particles is used in- almost zero after ultimate strain allowables have been reached.
stead of a solid element mesh. The method is well suited to In addition to the bi-phase material model that governs the
impact problems such as bird-strike analyses because the particles stiffness of the composite laminates, the element elimination crite-
are topologically independent from each other. Also, it allows for rion is also important to accurately model the structural response
severe distortions, eliminates many of the material interface prob-
lems, and being a Lagrangian technique, SPH can be readily linked
to standard FE formulations.
An SPH feature was incorporated into PAM-SHOCKTM in the early
1990s, exploiting it originally to model the impact of space debris
onto satellites [17,18]. It has since been added to PAM-CRASH, and
been used for a broad range of problems including complex ship
motions [19]. This SPH feature was further developed and very
extensively validated, culminating in Engineering Systems Interna-
tional’s (ESI’s) virtual, artificial bird model to address the identified
need [20] to eliminate physical tests with live birds. Fig. 5. The oblate spheroid solid bird model and its conversion to SPH elements.
262 S. Georgiadis et al. / Composite Structures 86 (2008) 258–268

to severe damage. The most suitable element elimination criterion 5. Methodology validation: 7000 box test article
and its associated control parameters were identified and validated
through the test program. 5.1. Test procedure

4.4. Joints Preliminary validation of the bird-strike certification methodol-

ogy was achieved through a series of tests and simulations on a
The mechanically fastened joints were represented by the PAM- simplified but representative structure, developed and manufac-
CRASH PLINK element. The use of PLINK elements to represent tured specifically for this purpose by HdH. The rib-stiffened nature
mechanically fastened joints has been found to provide a satisfac- of the representative structure, referred to as the 7000 box is shown
tory representation of a mechanically fastened joint in composite in Fig. 6. Typical thicknesses for the ribs, skins, spar and D-nose
structures for crash and impact analysis [33]. This element is mesh ranged between approximately 1.5 and 3 mm. The spar and D-nose
independent and capable of joining up to five layers per element. were manufactured using prepreg fabric. The skins and ribs of the
The penalty stiffness of the joint is internally calculated to provide 7000 box were manufactured using a resin infusion process. The
a stable response, but can be overridden by user inputs if desired. A spar, D-nose and aluminium fittings were assembled using various
PLINK can connect the shell layers as either a pinned or fixed joint, mechanical fasteners, representative of the type of construction for
depending on the level of rotational constraint required. The failure the MTE.
model associated with the PLINK element is shown in Eq. (1). The 7000 box was mounted to a steel test fixture, designed to
 n  m withstand the loads expected from the impact. The CATIATM model
þ 6u ð1Þ of the structure and test fixture is shown alongside the FE repre-
sentation in Fig. 7. Both the test article and test rig attachment
The maximum tensile (TMAX) and shear (SMAX) forces are input points were instrumented with strain gauges connected to a high
parameters, along with the exponents used to consider interaction speed data acquisition system. The data captured from the test
effects. The exponents adopted in the failure models for the bird- was used to validate the FE model.
strike simulations were taken from literature [4]. The strength val- The bird was represented in the test by a gelatin pack enclosed
ues used represent the lowest strengths from the different failure in a nylon bag (gel-pack). The gel-pack bird was shot from a pneu-
modes listed in Table 1. The PLINK element has two alternative matic gun, capable of firing at speeds up to 275 knots. A high speed
methods to model post-failure softening relevant to this applica- camera was setup as a speed trap to determine the projectile veloc-
tion; time-based softening and displacement-based softening. Dis- ity. Two other high speed cameras were aimed at the impact loca-
placement-based softening was considered to more accurately tion from below and in front of the impact point to capture the
represent the physical behaviour of mechanically fastened joints. impact event.
Bonded or co-cured joints can be modelled in PAM-CRASH using A total of three tests with increasing bird velocities were per-
a tied surface contact coupled with a cohesive zone fracture model formed at Boeing’s test facility in Seattle during April and May,
[34]. The model behaviour was investigated with extensive para- 2005, with the intention of inflicting increasing levels of damage
metric studies on the element size and laminate stiffness appropri- to the structure for model validation. All tests were conducted with
ate to the bird-strike simulations until satisfactory agreement a nominal bird mass of 4 lb.
against available test data for double-cantilever beam (DCB) spec-
imens was achieved. 5.2. Validation model

The model was generated from an MSC.NastranTM FE model of

Table 1
Failure modes considered when evaluating fastened joint strengths the 7000 box, developed for static analyses. Some additional mesh
refinement was performed around the impact zone. Other details
Tension Shear
not included in the static FE model were added to fully describe
Strap 1 pull-through (head) Strap 1 bearing (head) all of the structural details local to the impact zone. The MSC.Nas-
Strap 2 pull-through (tail) Strap 2 bearing (tail)
tran model was then converted into a PAM-CRASH model using a
Fastener tensile failure Fastener shear failure
series of in-house conversion tools alongside ESI pre-processing

Fig. 6. Rib-stiffened construction of the 7000 box shown with upper skin hidden.
S. Georgiadis et al. / Composite Structures 86 (2008) 258–268 263

Fig. 7. CATIA (left) and FE model (right) of the 7000 box and test fixture.

software. The resulting FE model contained nearly 20,000 shell, level of damage (none) and bird deformation from the low speed
beam and fastener elements. test.
The medium speed test, shown in Fig. 9, resulted in the bird
5.3. Results puncturing the lower skin of the validation test article. A signifi-
cant amount of damage was experienced by the composite struc-
The tests were performed at increasing bird velocities, referred to ture, and some debonding between the ribs and upper skin
as the low, medium and high speed tests. For the low speed test, the resulted from the impact. The type, size and location of damage
gel-pack bird was deflected without any detectable damage being predicted by the simulation provided good agreement with the
inflicted to the test structure. The bird deformation captured by test, as shown in Fig. 10.
the side-on high speed camera is compared to the simulation in The high speed test, shown in Fig. 11, resulted in the bird punc-
Fig. 8 at two time intervals during the simulation. Excellent agree- turing the D-nose of the test article and damaging the front spar.
ment was achieved between the simulation and test for both the Despite the complexity of the test (primary and secondary

Fig. 8. Images from the high speed camera (left) and simulation (right) during the low speed impact.
264 S. Georgiadis et al. / Composite Structures 86 (2008) 258–268

Fig. 9. Images from the high speed camera (left) and simulation (right) during the medium speed impact.

Fig. 10. Pictures of composite damage (above) and delamination (below) resulting from the test (left) and corresponding simulation (right).

impacts), the simulation provided excellent agreement to the test, the pre-production test outboard flap (PPT-OBF). Measuring
predicting extensive damage to the composite D-nose, front spar approximately 10 m in length, this structure closely represents
and adjacent fasteners, shown in Fig. 12. the geometry, materials and manufacturing processes that will
be employed on the 787 MTE. The PPT-OBF was manufactured by
6. Methodology verification: pre-production outboard flap HdH specifically for the purpose of validating the bird-strike certi-
fication methodology. The composite components of the PPT-OBF
6.1. Test procedure were manufactured using a resin infusion process, and were
assembled with mechanical fasteners.
Verification of the bird-strike certification methodology was Like the 7000 box, the PPT-OBF was mounted to a steel test fix-
achieved through a series of tests and simulations performed on ture, designed to withstand the loads expected from the impact.
S. Georgiadis et al. / Composite Structures 86 (2008) 258–268 265

Fig. 11. Images from the high speed camera (above) and simulation (below) during the high speed impact.

Fig. 12. Pictures of damage to D-nose (above) and spar (below) resulting from the test (left) and corresponding simulation (right).

Both the test article and test rig attachment points were instru- contained approximately 90,000 shell, solid, beam and fastener
mented with strain gauges connected to a high speed data acquisi- elements.
tion system. The data captured from the test was used to validate
the FE model. An image of the PPT-OBF FE model and a photograph 6.3. Results
of the test setup is shown in Fig. 13.
Bird-strike was simulated in the test using the same procedure For the first of four tests, the bird deformation captured by the
outlined above for the 7000 box. A total of four tests with increasing front and side-on high speed camera is compared to the simulation
bird velocities were performed at Boeing’s test facility in Seattle in Figs. 14 and 15 at different time intervals. At this velocity, no
during June and July, 2006, with the intention being to validate damage was evident from the impact in either the test article or
the model for a range of impact velocities, locations and angles. the model.
All tests were conducted with a nominal bird mass of 4 lb. From the instrumented links connecting the PPT-OBF and the
test fixture, the reaction loads were compared with those pre-
6.2. Validation model dicted by the FE model. A typical example is presented in Fig. 16
where it can be seen that the model predicted the nature and size
The same methodology described in Section 5.2 was used to of the reaction loads reasonably well. Importantly, the peak mag-
produce the PAM-CRASH PPT-OBF model. The resulting FE model nitudes of the predicted reaction loads were equal to or greater
266 S. Georgiadis et al. / Composite Structures 86 (2008) 258–268

Fig. 13. FE model of the PPT-OBF and test fixture (above) and photograph showing part of the actual test setup (right).

Fig. 14. Bird deformation at increasing time intervals during the test captured by a front-facing high speed video camera (above) and the simulation (below).

than those measured in the tests, ensuring the simulations remain of the MTE for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, HdH is responsible for
conservative. the design, manufacture and certification of all flaps, ailerons and
For the remaining three bird-strike tests, the model continued spoilers. Hence, other safety-critical structures, such as the inboard
to provide excellent agreement with the experimental data for a flap and ailerons, must also be designed in accordance with the
range of velocities equal to or greater than the critical impact FAR 25 bird-strike requirements. These structures share common
velocity stipulated by FAR 25. The PPT-OBF demonstrated excellent materials, manufacturing processes and assembly methods with
resilience to bird-strike, with no detectable damage for any bird- the outboard flap. As the impact cases (bird sizes, speeds and an-
strike at the critical impact velocities. gles) and structures are similar to those investigated for the out-
board flap, the validated bird-strike simulation methodology
7. Use of the bird-strike simulation methodology in design presented here was used in the design and certification process
of these structures. This allowed designers to accurately consider
The application of the bird-strike certification methodology bird-strike cases alongside other critical design cases throughout
validated and verified through the test program described above the design process, resulting in improved structural designs from
extends beyond just the outboard flap. As the current sole supplier both an efficiency and safety perspective. Given the costs
S. Georgiadis et al. / Composite Structures 86 (2008) 258–268 267

Fig. 15. Bird deformation at increasing time intervals during the test captured by an outboard-facing high speed video camera (above) and the simulation (below).

Given the success of this program, the bird-strike requirements

for the Boeing 787 MTE will be satisfied using the validated meth-
ods described in this work. As such, their value extends beyond
merely achieving certification of a single structure. Subsequent
use of these models during the analysis of other MTE devices facil-
itated the evaluation of numerous bird-strike scenarios, leading to
improved confidence in the ability of the components to meet the
bird-strike requirements, without the need to produce costly test
It should be noted that the modelling procedures presented
herein have only been validated for similar impacts on like struc-
tures. That is, if the materials, manufacturing processes or joining
technologies of the impacted structure were to vary from those
considered in the validation program, additional tests would be
necessary to ensure that the simulation methods are developed
and validated alongside these developments.
Fig. 16. Comparison of experiment and simulation force–time history (non-dimen-
sional) of the reaction loads resulting from the first test on the PPT-OBF.

Mr Alexander Kor and colleagues from Boeing Structural Com-

associated with manufacturing each component, particularly for ponent Laboratory were essential to the success of this activity,
pre-production articles, bird-strike design-by-analysis also drasti- being responsible for conducting the bird-strike tests and captur-
cally reduces the development and certification costs of the pro- ing the test data required for validation.
gram, helping HdH compete in a globally competitive industry. The technical contribution of Mr David Elder (CRC-ACS) was
invaluable. Critical to the whole project was the technical support
8. Conclusion and operational assistance from Mr Allen Chhor and Mr Paul Croa-
ker from Pacific ESI, along with the technical insight into the
Through a test program including two different structures and a underlying modelling philosophy and physics of the bird-strike
total of seven impact tests, it has been demonstrated that current problem from Dr Paul Groenenboom and Dr Argiris Kamoulakos
state-of-the-art FE analysis tools are capable of simulating bird- of ESI Group, Professor Anthony Pickett from Cranfield University
strike on composite structures with sufficient accuracy to validate (UK) and Dr Alastair Johnson from the German Aerospace Center
their use as part of a bird-strike certification compliance method- (DLR). The guidance and enthusiastic support from Mr Damian
ology. The development of this methodology led to improved McGuckin and Dr Tom Kisielewicz prior to, and throughout, the
design efficiency and safety through accurate damage prediction project were fundamental to its overall success.
and the ability to perform analyses on a multitude of design Much of the PAM-CRASH implementation of the technology
variations. Traditional semi-empirical bird-strike design methods noted in this paper was done during HICAS [35] and CRAHVI
coupled with a more extensive test program would not allow such [21], projects funded partially by the European Union under vari-
design studies to be performed. ous European Commission programs.
268 S. Georgiadis et al. / Composite Structures 86 (2008) 258–268

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