Differentiation in The Scheme of Work - Worksheet

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Differentiation in the Scheme of Work

Look at this lesson from the draft Year 5 Scheme of Work. Make notes on the differentiation strategies you would use with one of YOUR
classes to facilitate the learning of all your pupils. Use the column on the right.
WEEK: __

LESSON: 9 (Writing 2) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

TOPIC: Free time CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language and Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Adjectives, have got


Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson
English Plus 1
1. Write ‘Adjectives’ in centre of a mind map. Elicit adjectives from previous lesson and
Writing 4.2 Writing 4.2.4
write them around mind map. Pupils tell you any opposite adjectives on the board. How Student’s Book
Communicate Describe people, many opposites can they match? Activities 3 and
basic information places and Lesson delivery 4 p.8
intelligibly for a objects using 2. Write: very, really, quite on board. Model sentences with words in context e.g. I’m very
/ really interested in music. Ask: What kind of words go after very, really, quite? Follow
Activity 3 p. 9
range of purposes suitable
in print and digital statements instructions for writing Exercise 3, Teacher’s Book p.22.
Teacher’s Book
media 3. Pupils memorise two of their sentences then in pairs tell each other. p.22 and 23
Complementary 4. Draw a table on board with headings TV programmes, Places, People and Games or
Complementary Skill Films. Elicit sentences from pupils and write on board the programmes, places etc. they
Skill mention under each heading. Which are the most popular in each of the four groups?
Speaking 2.1.5
5. Pupils re-read text from p.8 Activity 1, which they did in previous lesson. They find
Speaking 2.1
Describe people, examples of: has got, have got, hasn’t got and haven’t got. Choose pupils to give
examples and to say if they are from Paul’s, Ben’s or Maria’s text or from Activity 2.
Communicate places and
simple information objects using 6. Read the table in p.9 Activity 3 with pupils then they complete it.
intelligibly suitable Note how well pupils described places, people and objects when writing about them.
statements Post-lesson
7. Pupils in small groups prepare 3–4 questions to ask you about things you have got.
Choose a leader from each group to ask two of their questions. Pupils from other groups
can’t repeat the same question.

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