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(TIMJADWAL WEBINAR) 1 TOPIK _ : ISAKOS Webinar (Pediatric Knee Surgery - Current Concepts and Controversies) (*TPU, satri) SKP/CME :? TANGGAL : Kamis, 2 Juli 2020 a\ JAM :00.00 WIB WW LINK. http://w isakos.com/Webinars/Register/kneeSportsComm-Pedknee- _¢NS Jul20*bclid=lwAROIOwOyl_EXkKUOIc_VFXatuH43DqqQt8zPwUORCCsttZHEhkKixyHBc4_OS Status : Gratis No 2. Topi: Management of Type 2 DM (What Beyond Glucose Lowering) 72> sKP:? Link: https://uity/DiabetesManagement2020 Waktu: Jul 2, 2020 02.00 WIB Status: Gratis 3. Topik: The Egyptian Working Group of Pediatric cate PU) sKP:? ws Link: https://z0om.us/i/96666581582 Waktu: Jul 2, 2020 02.00 WIB w Status: Gratis, Cx 4.TOPIK _: Peran desa dalam penanggulangan TBC(*TPU, Satri) SKP/CME_ : ? (e-sertifikat) Yer TANGGAL : Kamis, 2 Juli 2020 SY JAM :09.00 Aw LINK _ : https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/11G6mzCdB- Fjn90tk29520L967cINwpQu_F376k6MyQ/viewform?edit_requested-true Status : Gratis WY S.TOPIK : Penanganan Kasus Pasien Geriatridi Bidang THT-KL dan Jantung (*TPU, Satri) SKP/CME_: 2 SKP IDI TANGGAL : Kamis, 2 Juli 2020 JAM :11.00-13.00 LINK bit. ly/RegistrasiPesertaWebinarr Status. : Gratis 6. TOPIK _: Nutrition in cancer patients understanding cancer risk : the role of diet in cancer prevention (* Satri, TPU) SKP/CME : SKPIDITBA TANGGAL : Kamis, 2 Juli 2020 JAM :12.00-13.00WIB LINK: https://register. gotowebinar.com/register/1161326577784963340 Status: Gratis (TIM JADWAL WEBINAR) Pretest: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScuNdS_KfR pl_FaQiudgHneZ4PgCcwHjdlDn3{0J2fnag/viewform (TIM JADWAL WEBINAR) 7, How to manage diabetes patients in pandemic era is hba1c still important (*Call) Gratis Skp - 12.00 pm wib Docquity application SKP/CME : SKP IDI TANGGAL :Kamis, 2 uli 2020 ws JAM. :13,00-14.00 wie $S LINK: https://event. webinarjam.com/register/344/zn8m7fpr SS 8. TOPIK Timely use of insulin in clinical practice (*Satri) » Status : Gratis 2 ~N Hospital Pasient Safety Covid-19 di Era *Call) > tps fot. y/patiensaety-covid19 y Tanggal 2Juli 2020 \S Gratis SS skp - S 10. Herbal medicine development for antivir iinflamation and anticancer agents (*Call) 1.00-3.00pm wib Bit.ly/webinarddre wy Gratis Q skp ws ih & Allergy case does note ith covid 19 (*Call) 13.00-14.30wib «\ Bit.y/HUTIDA Skp idai Gratis wy 4 TOA): Where Arn Treatment ond ody: Opting the Management (Sas) SKP/CME : SKP IDI TANGGAL : Kamis, 2 Juli 2020 JAM :14.00-16.00WIB LINK: tiny.cc/Webinar2juli Status : Gratis (TIMJADWAL WEBINAR) 13. Webinar new approach of stroke patient in new normal era (*Call) 14.00wib 2d application Skp ii Gratis 14, dalam proses Topik: ESNPN SUMMER MEETING (*Call, TPU) Waktu: : 2,3,9, 10 Juli 2020, pukul 18.00 WIB Link: https://us02web.z00m.us/webinar/register/WN_wAIXoDKRS72IN8kCL38mhw SKP: ? Status: 15, TOPIK Medicinal signaling cells from bench to bedside SKP/CME : SKP IDI SS arate s 8 th airlangga webinar conference series (*Satri) TANGGAL : Kamis, 2 Juli 2020 JAM UNK Status 16. Managing covid 19 in children sharing experiences 35pm wib Bit.ly/IPS-APPA Skp idai ss 7.009. Gratis v7. TOPIK +19,00-10.30WiB ~ + Sid/awes8reg Sy = webinar American college ® ‘astroenterology: Management of Anti Coagulation for Gl Endoscopy (*Satri) SKP 1. CME hour and 1 1C point TANGGAL : Kamis, 2Ju| JAM LINK Status 18, SI JAM LINK Status 23.00 - 00.00.V hetps/ reget ybtowebinar .com/register/8899379352823316747 Grat] VS s ToPIkg Savetesand Diabetic Neuropathy (*TPU) ‘CME maksimal 20 poin (namun sudah jalan 2 seri) SAL : Kamis, 2 Juli 2020 200.00 WiB https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OqUI6olzSqSRu7ve8OA_ig Gratis (TIMJADWAL SEMINAR) salam, Copyright by Satriani, Wahyu, Sari, Tungki, Sri, Ikhsan, Callista, Fadillah, Riska, Ikhsan, Ramelda, Khalifah dan para dokter lainnya yang tidak dapat disebutkan 1 per 1 yang turut berpatisipasi dalam pengumpulan jadwal seminar. Pengutipan, Penyebaran dan Sebagainya Harap Tidak Menghapuskan Daftar Tim Perekap (Terutama Bagi Yang Tidak Terkait Dengan Pengumpulan Data). MOHON w~N BELAJAR S MENGHARGAI © w Ss TERIMA KASIHCS AS

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