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‘Superglo’ is a bright nickel process developed to produce brilliant, mirror bright and highly levelled deposits
with excellent mechanical properties. The solution is easy to maintain, being quite tolerant to metallic

The process is best operated with continuous filtration through activated carbon. This will ensure consistent
production standards and eliminate the necessity for bath purification treatments with the attendant, loss
of time and materials.

The standard watt’s type bath composition is satisfactory. For best results the solution should be air
agitated by passing clean filtered air.

The two addition agents are Nickel Additive 220 and Superglo Brightener 330, both of which are liquid.
It is easy to convert other bright nickel processes to Superglo Bright Nickel.
However, before such a conversion, a sample solution should be submitted for analysis and recommen-

Solution Composition
The initial make-up of solution is carried out by dissolving Superglo Nickel Salts preferably in deionized
or distilled water. The following concentrations are recommended.

Optimum Range
Superglo Bright Nickel Salt 400 g/l 350-450 g/l
Nickel Additive 22 7.5 cc/l 5-10 cc/l
Superglo Brightener 33 0.4 cc/l 0.2-0.6 cc/l
Antipit No.2 (for cathode movement bath only) 0.1 g/l 0.05-0.5 g/l

Cathode Current Density 40A/sq.ft 20-80 A/sq.ft
Anode Current Density 20A/sq.ft. 10-30 A/sq.ft
Temperature 55 ºC 50-65 ºC
pH (Electrometric) 4.0 3.8-4.6
Density 24 ºBe 20-28 ºBe
Agitation Air/Cathode
Filtration Continuous


Nickel Sulphate provides the principal source of nickel ions for the Superglo solution. The
concentration of nickel ions largely determines the limiting current density that can be used.

SUPERGLO BRIGHT NICKEL PROCESS also available online at 1

The Chloride ion is essential in nickel bath since it enables the anode to dissolve properly without
polarisation and it improves the electrical conductivity of the solution.

Boric Acid is important because it stabilises the pH value of the solution and also it improves the
brightness and ductility of the deposit.

This is used in the preparation of a new solution and during the conversion of an existing process.
Frequent addition with maintenance Brightener 33 is recommended . Slight more addition of 22 may
be required after carbon treatment.

This is used both in the initial preparation of the solution and for subsequent maintenance.
It is responsible for the brightness and levelling properties of the deposit.


This material is used if pitting cannot be eliminated by normal additions of Antipit No.1 is a low foam
type of wetting agent and is used in an air-agitated solution without causing excessive foaming.


This is used only when the solution is operated under cathode rod movement and should not be used
in air agitated baths, because this will cause excessive foaming.


Temperature : To obtain best results the solution should be maintained between 50-65°C. Higher
temperature permit higher current densities to be used. For high temperature
operation suitability of tank linings, anode bags and agitation coils should be

pH Value : The pH value should be between 4.0 - 4.6. Excessively low pH values reduce the
brightness and levelling of the deposit and excessively high pH values reduce the
high current density ranges and ductility.

In normal working the pH value of the solution tends to rise and it should be reduced
by means of additions of pure Sulphuric Acid (diluted with water). The pH value
should be checked and adjusted at least once in each working shift.

If it is necessary to raise the pH value, only Nickel Carbonate should be used, and
this preferably should be added by pre-coating a filter unit and circulating the
solution until the required pH value is obtained. Ammonia, Sodium Hydroxide and
Sodium Carbonate must not be used to raise the pH value.

Agitation : Air agitation should be vigorous to achieve maximum performance from the Nickel
plating process. The air must be clean and supplied by a low pressure blower. The
air agitation must be directed at the work being plated. Cathode rod movement can
also be used for agitation of the solution. The stroke of the cathode movement should
be from 7-8 cms and 15 cycels per minute.

Filtration : Superglo Nickel solution should be continuously filtered through high quality
activated carbon. This will ensure consistent and reliable production. The filter unit
should be of a sufficient capacity to have two to four changes per hour. 100-150
gms of carbon per 1000 litres per week and 50 g/l Nickel Purifier per 1000 litres
per week is usually sufficient to maintain the purity of solution.

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For the initial make-up of a Nickel solution, the solution is prepared as per the following
method :

1) Leach a new rubber lined tank and filter with 5% Sulphuric Acid (by volume) and 1 cc/l of
A/P No.1 at 50-70°C. Agitate the solution for 2-3 hours. * maintaining temperature at 70°C.
The dilute acid is allowed to stand overnight . Afterwards the tank is cleaned with water and
mixed with A/P No.1 at therate of 2 cc/l and then flushed with clean soft water.

2) Fill the plating tank with two-thirds of water. Softened or demineralized water is preferred.
Heat at a temperature of 65-70°C.

3) Add calculated quantity of Superglo Bright Nickel Salt and stir vigorously until completely

4) Dilute the solution to the working level and adjust the pH value to 2.5 - 3.5 with pure Sulphuric
Acid (25% volume). For dilution of Sulphuric Acid always add the acid in water with stirring
and cooling.

5) Suspend a few Nickel anodes on the anode bars and as many dummy cathodes as possible
from the cathode bar. Electrolyse the solution at 3 amps per sq.ft. for 12-24 hours with vigorous
air agitation to remove metallic impurities. Remove the anodes and dummy plates.

6) Pump the hot solution to the storage tank and add sufficient Nickel Carbonate power and stir
the solution vigorously to raise the pH value to 5.0-5.5 and add 2 cc/l (100 vol.) Hydrogen
Peroxide. Stir vigorously at 60-70°C for two hours.

7) Add 2 g/l activated carbon. Air agitate or stir the solution vigorously for 2 hours.

8) Allow the solution to stand overnight to enable the carbon and other residues to settle.
9) Filter the solution back into the clean plating tank, taking care not to disturb the layer of sludge
on the bottom of the tank.

This solution is in a purified condition and ready for the addition of brighteners. After these additions
and the final adjustment of the pH value the solution is ready for use.


Nickel Plating Tank :

The plating tank should be of mild steel lined with an approved grade of semi-hard or hard rubber.
The quality of the rubber is very important for good performance of solution and hence it is advisable
to consult the Growel Laboratory / Local Representative before getting the tank lined. Thermal lagging
is recommended though not essential , as it is already insulated inside by rubber lining.

Mixing, Purification Tank :

This tank is meant for the preparation and purification of the solution. This tank is suitably lined with
a good quality of rubber and should have a capacity sufficient to accomodate solution of the plating
tank. This should also have heating and agitation accessories.

Heating :
The plating tank should be equipped with a suitable heating device, thermostatically controlled to heat
the solution. Following heating equipments are recommended :

a) Titanium Heating Coil : This can be used where steam or thermic fluid is used for heating
b) Silica cased electric immersion heaters with suitable protective cages can be used for heating
where electrical heating is necessary.

SUPERGLO BRIGHT NICKEL PROCESS also available online at 3

Filter Units :
It is essential to use continuous filtration during the process. The capacity of the filter unit should
be selected so as to have two to four changes of solution per hour. All the parts of the filter unit
coming into contact with the solution, should be of approved rubber or stainless steel, chemical
resistant type AISI 316.

Agitation :
Low pressure oil-free air agitation equipment is recommended to give a vigorous agitation to the
solution. The air agitation coil should be made of either Ebonite or Polypropylene to have sufficient
temperature resistance. The polythene and PVC coils are not suitable and should not be used.

Compressed air coming from an oil compressor, should not be used since oil will get into the
solution resulting in faulty deposits such as pitting, peeling.

Notes :
1. Lead lined equipment “Should not be used“ with Superglo Bright Nickel Plating solution.
2. In general, all materials that come in contact with Superglo Bright Nickel solution, should
be approved by Growel Laboratory or Growel Local Representative to avoid contamination
of solution.

Anodes :
Cast or Rolled Depolarised Nickel Anodes are recommended. The Anode area should be as high as
possible. Titanium Anode Baskets are strongly recommended as this gives minimum wastage,
resulting in high economy due to less rejection as well as less material consumption. Anode should
be essentially covered with Anode Bags made of cotton, spun woven terylene or polypropylene to
prevent the anode sludge creeping into the tank and causing roughness to deposit.

Water :
Hard water should not be used for preparation of solution and for making up of working level of solution
as the calcium salts present get crystallised and give roughness and overall dullness to plating


Nickel Salt :
Where the anode dissolution is proper the nickel salt is generally lost only by drag-out and by
general wastage. It is strongly recommended that small daily addition of nickel salt be made and
analytical control used to adjust the amounts of the daily additions. Adjust the bath contents as given
below :

Nickel as metal : 60 - 80 g/l

Chloride as Nickel Chloride : 35 - 70 g/l
Boric Acid : 35 - 45 g/l

When it is required to make large additions of Nickel Salt, the addition should be followed by low
current density electrolysis to remove metallic impurities.

Brighteners :
The Brightener 33 is consumed by electrolysis and drag-out and by general wastage. It is not
appreciably removed by the recommended filtration through carbon treatment. The consumption rate
of Brightener 33 is 150-200 ml per 1,000 ampere- hour and the Brightener should, accordingly, be
added at thisrate. Regular addition of Nickel Additive 22 is recommended, depending on drag-out rates
and other installation. Addition rate of Nickel Additive 22 is 75 - 125 ml per 1000 Ampere-hour. In
some very specific applications the requirement of additive 22 may be higher.

SUPERGLO BRIGHT NICKEL PROCESS also available online at 4


Metallic Impurities :
Most common metallic impurities found in Nickel Salts are Copper, Zinc, Chromium, Lead and Iron,
Copper, Zinc and Lead can be effectively removed by electrolytic purification, accomplished by using
corrugated dummy cathodes at current density of 3 amps per sq.ft. High agitation, low pH and high
temperature will help the quick elimination of these impurities. Chromium contamination of Hexavalent
Chrome is precipitated by adding exact equivalent quantity of Lead Carbonate so that Lead Chromate
precipitates and is removed by filtration.

Iron can be removed by oxidation carbon treatment as enumerated in the following paragraphs :

Nickel Purifier :
An insoluble fiter media for use in filter packs to remove metallic impurities from Nickel plating solution.
Regular use of this product will keep the plating bath virtually free of metallic impurities, assuring
maximum brightness of the electroplated nickel, and will also eliminate costly down time, high pH
treatments and electrolytic dummying.

Organic Impurities :
During plating organic impurities creep in the solution by decomposition of organic brightener during
electrolyse and also by drag-in of pre-treatment solutions.

Oxidation carbon treatment :

When the contamination is not server, the solution can be continuously filtered through a small amount
of carbon packed in the filter. Should be solution become seriously contaminated, with this organic
impurities, an oxidation carbon treatment is required to remove the same and should be carried out
as follows :

Heat the solution to 70°C and pump it into a storage tank. Add sufficient Nickel Carbonate powder
and stir well to raise the pH value to more than 5.2.

Add 1-2 grams per litre of Potassium Permanganate dissolved in water or 2-3 cc per litre of Hydrogen
Peroxide (100 volume), stir well for 30 minutes. Add 3 grams per litre of Growel Activated Carbon.
Air agitate vigorously for at least 2 hours. Allow the solution to stand without stirring for overnight
so as to allow the carbon and other impurities to settle. Filter the solution back into the plating tank,
taking care not to disturb the layer of sludge settled at the bottom of the tank.

This treatment will remove Additive 22 and Brightener 33 partially and it is therefore recommended
to add at the rate of 2-6 cc/litre of 22 and 0.1 - 0.2 cc/litre of 33.

Iron :
Iron also can be removed by the above oxidation and carbon treatment.


Mostly, conversion is easily carried out by giving purification treatment and the adjustment of Nickel
Ion, Chloride Ion and Boric Acid contents to the required level by the addition of Nickel Sulphate.
Nickel Chloride and Boric Acid. The organic contaminants are removed by Hydrogen Peroxide - Carbon
or Permanganate - Carbon and then Additive 22 and Brightener 33 added to make up the required
concentration level. However, before such a conversion, a sample should be submitted to G&W
Laboratory for necessary recommendations.


Estimation of Nickel :
Pipette 1 ml of the plating solution into a 500 ml conical flask. Dilute it with a small quantity of distilled
water. Add about 5 ml of Ammonium Hydroxide solution and a few grains of Murexide Indicator. Shake
the flask well and titrate against 0.1 M.E.D.T.A. to purple colour end point. Note the reading, let it
be “ a “ ml of E.D.T.A.

SUPERGLO BRIGHT NICKEL PROCESS also available online at 5

Calculation :
“a“ ml of E.D.T.A. x 5.869 = gm/l Nickel metal in the bath.

Estimation of Nickel Chloride :

Pipette 5 ml of the solution into a 500 ml conical flask and dilute with distilled water. Add few drops
of Potassium Chromate Indicator and titrate against 0.1 N Silver Nitrate until the white precipitate
of Silver Chloride takes on a very faint reddish-brown tint. It requires practice to detect the exact end
point easily. Note the reading.

Calculation :
mls of 0.1 N AgNO 3 used x 2.378 = gm/l NiCl 26 H2O in the bath.

Estimation of Nickel Sulphate :

From total nickel metal and Nickel Chloride concentration Nickel Sulphate can be calculated as follows

[gm/lit. of Nickel Metal - (gm/lit. of Nickel Chloride x 0.247)] x 4.79 = gm/l NiSO 4.7H 2O

Estimation of Boric Acid :

Pipette out 1 ml of the plating solution into a 500 ml conical flask. Add 2-3 gms of Mannitol Powder
and shake well to make a slurry. Titrate with N/10 Sodium Hydroxide after adding 2-3 drops of
Bromocresol purple as indicator. The end point is yellow to blue.

Calculation :

mls of N/10 NaOH used x 6.184 = gm/l Boric Acid in the bath.


Issued on 8.10.94
Supersedes all earlier

SUPERGLO BRIGHT NICKEL PROCESS also available online at 6

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