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Department of Education

Science 11/12
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1
Earth And Earth Systems
Module 1

Jesmar Q. Tuting

Armida S. Oblinada


David T. Libao

Schools Division Office – Muntinlupa City

Student Center for Life Skills Bldg., Centennial Ave., Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
(02) 8805-9935 / (02) 8805-9940

Directions: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Which among the planets in the solar system is considered to be unique

because it can sustain life?
A. Mercury B. Venus C. Earth D. Mars

2. Which of the following statements BEST explains why life on earth is possible?
I. Water exists in liquid form.
II. Earth is abundant in H, He, and Li.
III. The orbital period of Earth is shorter compare to the Jovian Planets. IV.
The Earth is situated in the habitable zone.
A. I and III C. III and IV
B. I and IV D. II and III

3. What is the zone in the solar system characterized by its distance from the
sun where there is just the right amount of energy received to make the
temperature of a planet neither too hot nor cold?
A. Three Bears Zone C. Pocahontas Zone
B. Cinderella Zone D. Goldilocks Zone

4. Planet X is 149.6 million km from its own star (Sun’s size) with a 100 mile
thick atmosphere made up of 78% N, 21% O2 and 1% Ar, while Planet Y is
227 million km from its sun with a 1mile thick atmosphere made up of
50%N, 15%O2 and 35% CO2. Which of the two is habitable?
A. Planet X C. Both X and Y
B. Planet Y D. Both X and Y are not habitable.

5. Why is the presence of atmosphere important for the survival of living things
on Earth?
A. Atmosphere warms the Earth’s surface.
B. Atmosphere helps in the formation of clouds.
C. Atmosphere allows jet and helicopters to fly.
D. Atmosphere traps the harmful radiation from the sun.

6. The following are factors that make the planet habitable.

Which of these factors is used by organisms to run life processes?
A. energy B. water C. atmosphere D. temperature

7. Which of the following BEST explains why water is important in sustaining life
on Earth?
A. trients to Water carries nucell and removes waste from them.
B. Water is good conductor of heat and energy.
C. Water can dissolve many substances.
D. Water has a neutral pH level.
8. Which of the following refers to a set of interconnected components that
are interacting to form a unified whole?
A. sphere B. subsystem C. system D. closed system

9. Which of the following is NOT included in Earth’s subsystem?

E. geosphere B. stratosphere C. biosphere D. hydrosphere

10. Which of the following are included in the atmosphere?

I. bacteria II. mineral III. oxygen IV. water vapor
A. I and III C. II and IV
B. II and III D. III and IV

11.Which of the following is TRUE about the Earth’s subsystems?

A. Each subsystem did not change since the formation of the Earth.
B. Earth’s subsystems are similar to the subsystems of other planets.
C. Earth’s subsystems interact with each other making life possible on Earth.
D. Each subsystem works independently and does not depend on other subsystems.
12.A tree is planted on the ground. What subsystems are interacting in the
given scenario?
A. geosphere and biosphere
B. hydrosphere and biosphere
C. geosphere and atmosphere
D. geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere

13.All of the following is true about the interaction of the biosphere with
other subsystems, EXCEPT .

A. Organisms in the biosphere form parts of the geosphere when they decompose into
smaller substances.
B. Organisms in the biosphere maintain the balance of gases in the atmosphere
C. Organisms in the biosphere increase the amount of water in the hydrosphere.
D. Organisms in the biosphere consume water from the hydrosphere for survival.

14.Which of the following analogy below is correct? A. biosphere: living organisms;

geosphere: solid Earth
B. hydrosphere: water portion; atmosphere: living organisms
C. atmosphere: solid Earth; biosphere: living organisms
D. geosphere: solid Earth; hydrosphere: gaseous envelope

15.Which of the following statements below is NOT true about the interaction of
the atmosphere to other subsystems?

A. It supplies organisms the needed oxygen and carbon dioxide.
B. It absorbs all the minerals and nutrients from the geosphere.
C. It serves as a reservoir for water vapor.
D. It shapes Earth’s landforms by its constant movement as the wind.

The Uniqueness of Earth

Earth is a dynamic planet. It is our home, and this is where we belong but what
makes the Earth unique among the other planets in the solar system? You will learn
that in this lesson.

In your junior high school, you have learned Earth Science as a body of
knowledge that deals with the study of earth and what is beyond it. As a recall, write
the things, concepts, and ideas you can still remember when you hear the word


Activity #1: Compare and Contrast

Directions: Determine what are the similarities and differences among the physical and
chemical properties of the three terrestrial planets. Base your answers on the given
data. Write your answers below.

Table 1. Venus, Earth and Mars Comparison (Source:
Similarities Differences

Guide Questions:
1. Since Venus, Earth and Mars are known as the rocky planets, what can you say about
the densities of these three planets?

2. Based from the picture and the data in Table 1, why do you think Venus is believed to
be the Earth’s twin planet?

3. Which among these planets is H2O present?

The Earth has the following characteristics:

• The presence of water in liquid form at the Earth’s surface.

• Its distance from the sun. Planet Earth receives sufficient amount of
heat from the sun. The Earth is situated at the habitable zone or also
known as the “Goldilocks Zone”. In this zone, the amount of heat and
solar energy received by the Earth is just enough to make the
temperature of the Earth neither too hot nor cold.
• The Earth has a plate tectonic system that allows carbon-silicate cycle,
regulating the temperature.
• Earth has the right size. Its is large enough to hang on to atmosphere.
• Jupiter’s gravity helps protect the Earth by diverting away incoming
• The Earth has only one moon that stabilizes its rotation, preventing
the poles from shifting unexpectedly.

• Water – constitutes 70% of the Earth’s surface. Water is considered to

be a good solvent that has the ability to dissolve many substances.
Earth is the only planet that allows water to exist in liquid form. Water
in liquid form allows easy circulation of nutrients and waste in living
• Plate Tectonics – Earth has a system of plate tectonics which is
necessary to host life.
• Atmosphere – is the Earth’s blanket of gases. Earth’s atmosphere has
78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and trace amount of other
gases. One of its roles is to trap heat and harmful radiation from the
sun making the Earth comfortable to live. Oxygen as part of the
Earth’s atmosphere is also important in supporting life.
• Moon –Earth’s moon stabilizes our planet’s rotation prevent from
drastic movement and cause massive changes in climate, also the
moon helpfully pull ocean’s tide (ocean) which is the perfect place for
early life to begin evolving to survive on land.
References: Earth and Life Science QuexHub App

Activity #2: Spaceship Crash Landing
Imagine yourself in a spaceship. Your spaceship got some technical problems and will
be forced to land. Luckily, you are passing through the Rufus System, a system of
seven planets, some have moons, and a sun-like star at the center. The profiles of
planets and moons of the Rufus System are listed below in the Table 2. Using the
information you have in Table 3 and your knowledge on the characteristics of the
planet that enables it to support life, decide on which planet is the best place to land.

Planet Alpha Planet Beta

(closest the star) Mass: 0.5
Mass: 1.5 (Earth = 1) Tectonics: No activity detected.
Tectonics: Active volcanoes and seismic
Atmosphere: Thin CO2
activity detected.
atmosphere detected.
Atmosphere: CO2, N, and H2O
Average Temperature: 10°C
Average Temperature: 651°C
Description: Thick clouds surround the Description: Polar ice caps, dry riverbeds,
planet. No surface is visible through the and many craters can be seen from orbit.
Planet Gamma Planet Epsilon
Mass: 1 Mass: 1.5
Tectonics: Active volcanoes and Tectonics: Active volcanoes and seismic
seismic activity detected. Atmosphere: activity detected.
CO2, H2O
Atmosphere: N, O2, and ozone layer
Temperature: 30°C
Description: Liquid water oceans cover much Average Temperature: 2°C
of the surface. Volcanic island chains make Description: Cold oceans, covered with
up most of the dry land. ice along much of the globe. Some open
water around equator
Planet Omega Planet Theta
Gas Giant with one large moon. Gas giant with four large, rocky satellites
Moon: Sulfur dioxide (SO2) atmosphere. (moons). Moons have no appreciable
Many volcanoes and hot springs on surface. atmosphere. Ice detectable on one.
Temperatures in hot spots can be up to
600°C. Other spots away from volcanic heat
can get as low in temperature as 145°C
Planet Sigma
Planet 7 (farthest from star) Gas
giant with two large moons.
Moon 1: Thick methane atmosphere with
high enough pressure to keep a potential
methane ocean liquid underneath.
Temperature: -
Moon 2: Covered in water ice. Ice appears
cracked and re-frozen in parts, indicating a
potential liquid ocean underneath. Surface
temperature -100°C
Table 2. Profiles of the Planets in Rufus System

Table 3. Factors that Make Planet Habitable
Guide Questions:
1. Which of the planets in the Rufus System is the best place to land your spaceship?

2. State your reasons why you chose that planet and why you did not choose the other planets.

3. Sketch on how your chosen planet would look like based from its profile.

Adapted and Modified from:

Directions: Express what you have learned in this lesson by completing the sentences

1. Earth is unique among the other planets of the solar system because

2. The factors that make the planet habitable are

3. The existence of water in liquid form makes the Earth sustain life because

Earth is the only planet in which we can live. It is important that we show care and
love for our planet. In this time of pandemic, what simple activities can you do
everyday to help promote the protection and preservation of our planet. List at least
five activities below.

Lesson Earth Subsystems


Earth is the third planet from the sun. It is described to be unique because of
the presence of water in liquid form and the only planet that has the ability to sustain
life. Moreover, life on earth is possible because Earth is a system of four interacting
spheres or also known as subsystems. These subsystems work with one another to
stabilize life on Earth.

Directions: Recall the concepts you have learned on the previous lesson by arranging
the following letters to form a word. Write your answers on the box.

1. ERTAW - Carries nutrients to cell and removes waste from them

2. PEAOSHRETM - Earth’s blanket of gases

3. GYENRE - Necessary to run life processes

4. GANSIMSRO - Exist on Earth because it can sustain life

5. LATEP CTENICOST - Necessary to host life and regulates Earth’s temperature.

Activity #1: Picture Analysis

Directions: Analyze the given picture below and answer the guide questions.

Guide Questions:

1. What body system is shown in the picture above?

2. What does the arrows represent in the picture?

3. What do you think may happen if one organ was removed in the body system shown above?

The activity you have done depicts an example of a system. A system is a set of
interconnected parts that are interacting with one another to form a unified whole. In
the example above, the respiratory system is composed of different organs and each
organ works and interacts with one another to perform a specific function - to help you
breathe. Just like respiratory system and other systems in the human body, Earth is
also a system. It is essentially known as a closed system because it receives energy
from the sun and returns some of this to space. Earth as a system is composed of
different components known as subsystems as shown in the figure below.

Figure 1. Interactions among the Subsystems of the Earth

(Source: Earth Science 13th Edition by Tarbuck and Lutgens, p.24)


- Portion of the Earth that includes Earth’s interior, rocks,

minerals, landforms, and the processes that shape the Earth’s
surface - Solid portion of the Earth’s layers

Layers of the Earth

• Core – solid metallic center of
the Earth that is made up of
iron and nickel
• Mantle – thickest layer of the
Earth (about 2900 km thick),
composed of soft layer of
molten rock

Crust – thin layer of the Earth, composed of solid rocks and


- The portion of the

Earth that is water.
- About 70% of the Earth
is covered with water
and much of it is in the
form of ocean water
- Only 3% of Earth's
water is fresh: two-
thirds are in the form of
ice, and the remaining
one-third is present in
streams, lakes, and
- Cryosphere – the
frozen water of the

- It is the blanket of gases that surrounds the Earth’s Surface.

- The present atmosphere is composed of 78% nitrogen (N), 21% oxygen (O2),
0.9% argon, and trace amount of other gases.
- Provides the air we breathe
- Shield us from harmful radiation
- There is also a constant exchange of heat and moisture between the atmosphere and
the hydrosphere through the water cycle.
Layers of the Atmosphere

Air closest to the Earth, where we live, where weather is
TROPOSPHERE formed, airplanes fly at the top of it
- 10 miles (16 km) above the Earths’ surface
Ozone layer is part if it
- 30 miles (48 km) above the surface of the Earth
Coldest layer, meteorites break apart here -
50 miles (80 km) above Earth’s Surface
Five times as deep as all other layers combined, very hot
THERMOSPHERE (up to 2000°C)
- 300 miles (483 km) above the surface of the Earth
Satellites circle the Earth here, fades into space -
Beyond 300 miles above the Earth’s surface


- Termed as the “zone of life”

- Part of the Earth where life exists
- Composed of all forms of life that can be found in atmosphere, geosphere and

- Matter and energy move and cycle between the four different subsystems.
These cycles make life on Earth possible. An example of these cycle is the
water cycle. During water cycle, water moves between the different spheres.
It absorbs, releases, and transports energy around the world in its different
forms. (Canoy, 2017)

References: Earth and Life Science QuexHub App

Earth and Life Science Teaching Guide for Senior High School by CHED
Holt Earth Science

Activity #2: Where I Belong?
Directions: Check the appropriate subsystem where each item belongs.

Geosphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere

Pacific Ocean
Coconut Tree
Manila Bay
Mt. Apo

Directions: Express what you have learned in this lesson by completing the
sentences below.

1. A system is
2. The four major subsystems of the earth are

3. The four subsystems of the Earth interact with one another through

Directions: Identify (at least 5) and describe the interaction between the different
subsystems of the Earth as shown in the given picture. An example is done for

Photo Taken from: Holt Earth Science by Allison, DeGaetano, Pasachoff,


Interaction Between the

Different Subsystems
The carabao which is part of the biosphere is
interacting with the atmosphere by inhaling oxygen
Biosphere and Atmosphere
and exhaling carbon dioxide.




Directions: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Why is the presence of atmosphere important for the survival of living things on
A. Atmosphere warms the Earth’s surface.
B. Atmosphere helps in the formation of clouds.
C. Atmosphere allows jet and helicopters to fly.
D. Atmosphere traps the harmful radiation from the sun.

2. The profiles of Planet 1 and Planet 2 are shown in the table below. Based from
the given data, which planet is habitable?

Distance from the sun 227 million km 149.6 million km
Thickness of the atmosphere 1 mile 100 miles
Composition of Atmosphere 15% O2, 35% CO2, 50% N 1% Ar, 21% O2, 78% N

A. Planet 1 C. Both 1 and 2

B. Planet 2 D. Both 1 and 2 are not habitable

3. Which of the following statements BEST explains why life on earth is possible?
I. Water exists in liquid form
II. Earth is abundant in H, He, and Li
III. The Earth is situated in the Goldilocks zone.
III. The orbital period of Earth is shorter compare to the Jovian Planets.

A. I and III C. III and IV

B. I and IV D. II and III

4. Earth is situated in the habitable zone. This zone is also known as what?
A. Cinderella Zone C. Goldilocks Zone
B. Rufus Zone D. Three Bears Zone

5. Which planet in the solar system is unique because it can harbor life?
A. Mercury B. Venus C. Earth D. Mars

6. The following are factors that enable the planet to support life EXCEPT what factor?
A. energy B. atmosphere C. water D. density

7. Without this factor, organisms cannot run life processes.

Which of the following factors corresponds to this?
A. atmosphere B. energy C. temperature D. water

8. How does the atmosphere support other subsystems?

I. It supplies organisms the needed oxygen and carbon dioxide.
II. It absorbs all the minerals and nutrients from the geosphere.
III. It serves as a reservoir for water vapor.
IV. It shapes Earth’s landforms by its constant movement as the wind.


B. I and II D. III and IV

9. Which of the following analogy below is INCORRECT?

A. biosphere: plant; geosphere: rocks
B. hydrosphere: water portion; atmosphere: gaseous envelope
C. atmosphere: carbon dioxide; biosphere: fungi
D. geosphere: solid Earth; hydrosphere: gaseous envelope

10. Which is NOT true about the interaction of the biosphere with other subsystems?
A. Organisms in the biosphere increase the amount of water in the
B. Organisms in the biosphere consume water from the hydrosphere for
C. Organisms in the biosphere form parts of the geosphere when they
decompose into smaller substances.
D. Organisms in the biosphere maintain the balance of gases in the
atmosphere through consumption and excretion of gases.

11. An earthworm is part of which Earth subsystem?

A. geosphere B. biosphere C. atmosphere D. hydrosphere

12. Which of the following is TRUE about the Earth’s subsystems?

A. Each subsystem did not change since the formation of the Earth.
B. Earth’s subsystems are similar to the subsystems of other planets.
C. Earth’s subsystems interact with each other making life possible on Earth.
D. Each subsystem works independently and does not depend on other

13. Which of the following are components of the Earth’s subsystem? I. geosphere II.
biosphere III. ionosphere IV. atmosphere
A. I and II only C. I, II, III
B. I, II, IV D. I, III, IV

14. Which of the following is included in the Earth’s biosphere?
A. oxygen B. bacteria C. mineral D. water vapor

15. Which of the following the correct definition of a system?

A. A set of same components that are interacting to form a unified whole.
B. A set of same components that are not interacting to form a unified whole.
C. A set of interconnected components that are interacting to form a unified
D. A set of interconnected components that are not interacting to form a
unified whole.

1.Create a poem, slogan, artwork, collage, or a song that demonstrates

appreciation about the uniqueness of the planet Earth. (Choose one only)

2. The interaction between the different components of the Earth can be

greatly seen through biogeochemical cycles. Biogeochemical cycles are
pathways by which chemical substances, matter, and energy move through
the different subsystems of the Earth.
Draw one biogeochemical cycle and use arrows to show how matter and
energy move through Earth’s different subsystem.
a. Carbon-Oxygen Cycle
b. Nitrogen Cycle
c. Phosphorus Cycle
d. Sulfur Cycle
e. Water Cycle

1. Allison, Mead, Arthur DeGaetano and Jay Pasachoff. Earth Science. Texas: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 2006.
2. Canoy, Carlito. "1.4 Earth: The Four Subsystems." 23 June 2017. Facebook.
Document. 11 June 2020. <
3. Commision on Higher Education. Teaching Guide for Senior High School: Earth
and Life Science. Quezon City: Commision on Higher Education, 2016.
4. PERCDC Learning. Earth and Life Science - QuexHub. Manila, n.d. Mobile App.
5. Mangali, Glen and Mylene Oliva. DIWA Senior High School Series: Earth and Life
Science. Makati City: DIWA Learning Systems Inc, 2016.
6. Olivar, Jose II, Raymond Rodolfo and Hillel Cabria. Exploring Life Through Science
Series: Earth Science (Senior High School). Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing
House, 2016.
7. Quipper Limited. “Lesson 3.2 Four Subsystems of Earth.” Study guide: Unit 3
Introduction to Earth System Science. Quipper, 2018.
8. Quipper Limited. “Lesson 3.2 Four Subsystems of Earth.” Teaching guide: Earth
and life science. Quipper School Premium, 2019.

9. Sia, Shila Rose and Leah Amor Cortez. Science in Today's World for Senior High
School: Earth & Life Science. Quezon City: Sibs Publishing House, Inc, 2016.
10. Tarbuck, Edward J. and Lutgens. F.K. Earth Science.13th ed. New Jersey: Pearson
Prentice Hall, 2012.

Photo credits

1. Terrestrial Planets -
2. Inhaltion process -
3. Layers of the Earth -
content/uploads/2016/06/9.png 4. Distribution of water on earth -
%20Management/ear thswater.gif
5. Layers of the atmosphere -


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