Final Speaking (Speakout, Units 1-5) VFF

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#1 Describe yourself: what kind of personality are you?

Do you like
to keep yourself to yourself or are you a people person?

I’m a people-person. I love meeting new people and learning about

their lives and their backgrounds. I can almost always find common ground
with strangers, and I like making people feel comfortable in my presence.
I’m a natural leader. I’ve eventually been promoted to a leadership role
in almost every job because I like to help people. People usually come to me
with questions or concerns even when I’m not in a leadership role because if
I don’t know the answer, I’ll at least point them in the right direction.
I am results-oriented, constantly checking in with the goal to determine
how close or how far away we are and what it will take to make it happen. I
find this pressure inspiring and a great motivator for the rest of the team.
I also follow the rules when in Rome, do as the Rome do. Because I
think it’s the best way to adapt in new company and to create a remarkable
atmosphere in the company.
#2 What do you think of the idea of a conversation evening? Where
would you hold it? What food or drink would you have?

I think it’s good idea to create a conversation evening with friends in

which we can to share our sicrets. It can be something like pajama party.
I think the best idea hold it at home because you will not be depent on
the wethear condition and there will be no extra people with you only invited
The best idea to make buffet table with different fruits and deserts also
some drinks like juice, mineral water or even wine. If your friend will not be
against you can buy sushi and pizza together.
Also you can to organize your program, create interesting and
fascinating games in order to entertain friends. For example you can to share
your last news or to kindle a fire.
I am people person, so I organize conversation evenings very often,
because for preparation you need only to invite friends and organize a
holiday feast. So you can chill out and enjoy outgoing meeting with your best
Such evening will bring a lot of pleasure.
#3 What do you think of 30-day challenges? What activities do
people usually do? Why? What would you like to do for 30 days?

It’s a simple idea: Choose something you’ve never done before, and
spend 30 days doing it. It’s all about changing your old habits into new ones,
overcoming your fears and moving your life in a healthier and more
interesting direction.
Usually people do things which can make them better than earlier. For
example they start to study English or to do morning exercises every day. It’s
not a secret that if you do some activity more than three weeks sooner or
later it becomes your habits.
As for me it’s a good idea try something new and spend your time with
benefit for own health. If you have a flexible schedule you can try some
activities and check yourself for exposure.
I would like to try get up before sunrise every day. I think that it’s a
good habit which can help to organize my life. And also I want to start keep
diary of my diet in order to keep track of how healthy my diet is.
#4 Speak about activities, you started more than a month ago and
still do; you used to do but don't do now; you haven't done but would
like to do.

Trying new things can be embarrassing. The unfamiliar makes us

nervous in a way that’s hard to describe. The act of leaving our comfort zone
puts us in a vulnerable position and leaves us with an onslaught of questions
running through our heads. We ask ourselves: “Should I be doing this? Can I
do this? What am I doing!?” While it may not feel like it, this is normal—and
it’s good.
I loved to try something new and always involve my friends to do this
with me. It is interesting to watch the reaction of people who are trying new
foods for the first time or some new activities which they never tried before.
Sometimes it is even a challenge for us and you must step through oneself
and overcome your fear.
Trying something new is always a good experience. For example, you
can try at least one new restaurant or food when you hear a good review
about it. If you choose to eat out, ask the waiter what she or he would order
if they were to make a selection and then stick to your guns and order it, or
When you choose to travel, always travel to new places.
Not only will trying new things increasingly often become more fun over
time, you will amass experiences that are forever yours and you will only be
better for it. It will also make you feel more empowered when taking on
something new, whether someone asks you to join in or you are the one
making the suggestion.
#5 Surveillance technology: is it keeping us safe or is it an invasion
of privacy?

I believe that surveillance technologies protect us, because they store

information that can then help solve the crime directly for the police.
At first, a CCTV camera helps crime prevention, potential criminals
know their actions might be filmed and this acts as a deterrent to crime. And
it stopping people from doing something illegal.
At second, facial recognition technology can at once identify and
individual. Sofware then accesses data about the person via social
networking websites.
Microchips on credit cards make it easy to monitor and record
information about our habits and movements.
User-data monitoring on TVs and other appliances sends data to
manufacturers and businesses.
And the best surveillance technology for me is mobile technology
because mobile phone tracking can keep track of any individual’s location.
And we can get to know where some person at the moment.
#6 Playing violent video games: arguments for and against.

Certainly it is good for children to play—in fact, kids are not getting enough free play
today. Kids learn many things through play, especially friendly rough-and-tumble play which
helps the brain develop in multiple ways including building social competence. Some people
argue that activities like videogame play that on face value seem to be bad for you are really
good for you.

Playing violent video games is different from playing positive, constructive games. In fact,
violent videogames may have an even more powerful influence than violent television and
movies, whose risks have been documented for decades. While violent videogames may
promote some complex problem solving and coordination skills as well, they may also have
multiple negative effects. Here are three related to moral functioning.

First, in violent video game play, the player learns to associate violence with pleasure. This
may undermine moral sensitivity. Under normal conditions, human emotional wiring is
designed to abhor violence and feel rewarded for helping others. Those who play violent video
games may build opposite intuitions.

Second, children practice over and over the actions available in a game. The player may
practice simulated violent behavior hundreds if not thousands of times.

Society should have a say about the availability of violent media. It is unfair to put the
policing of media products onto the backs of parents when there are so many human-caused
toxic elements to monitor in a child's life today (food, air, water, soil, toys, personal products)
and parents do not receive the information they need to help make decisions. Parents could
spend 24/7 being bodyguards of their children's every move because of the endless onslaught
of risky products and media.
#7 Getting cosmetic surgery: arguments for and against.

Cosmetic surgery is a kind of plastic surgery that aims to enhance and improve a
person’s appearance. With this in mind, one benefit of having cosmetic surgery is the
significant impact it has on a person’s self-esteem and confidence. This enables an
individual to relate well to his/her self as well as to other people.

Another benefit would be the improvement of the body in relation to health

issues. For women with large breasts, cosmetic surgery helps alleviate back pain through
breast reduction. In a similar way, removal of breast tissues in men can lessen the risk of

Cosmetic surgery can also be used to correct deformities. This gives a chance to
people with deformities to live a normal and functional life sans discrimination.
Beside aesthetic reasons, many health problems can be relieved by aesthetic
operation. Typical example is operation of nasal septum deviation that in the same time
corrects deformity that made breathing difficult. Breast reduction operation is another
good example. Certain number of patients have spine issues and body posture problems
for having too large breasts. After operation of breast reduction patient have better
sleep pattern and daily activities.
All surgical intervention also have possible risks. Most often we see some pain,
swellings, hematoma, Risk of complication can be smaller if patients stick to instructions
that doctor should give them before operation. Among disadvantages of aesthetic
surgery we can find are costs, but with time the price is decreasing. Before chosen
aesthetic surgery it is very important to weigh personal motives and resource once have,
to avoid any possible dissatisfaction.
#8 Downloading and sharing films: arguments for and against.
I don't think there's anything wrong with downloading and sharing
movies. I often do this because my dad works as a truck driver and does not
have access to high-speed Internet because he often moves from one
country to another. When you are in another country, you often need to
register and even make contributions for free access to certain movies and

Also, the Internet is not always the best and it can change our mood and
make us embarrassed and worried and even sometimes aggressive and

Of course you can buy a permit but why pay more. Dad also often
exchanges movies with colleagues because it's profitable.

I don’t see any disadvantages in downloading movies from the Internet,

the main thing is to do it from trusted sites so as not to get a pack of viruses
on your laptop.
#9 Discuss traditional gender roles of our society. How do you
understand the notion “quiet revolution”?
Traditional functionalist approaches see family development in evolutionary
terms. From this perspective, asymmetrical gender relationships, where
males and females have separate roles characteristic of the early industrial
family, gradually give way to symmetrical relationships based on joint
conjugal roles in late/post- industrial society. This is based on the idea that as
societies pass through different stages of industrialisation, gender roles
gradually converge through a process of what call ‘stratified diffusion. As
conjugal roles in the upper class moved towards greater equality, these
changes ‘trickled down* the class structure.
On this basis, suggest that industrial societies have experienced a 'quiet
revolution* in roles based on a general acceptance of gender equality,
lividcnce for this can be seen in:
increased male housework
decreased female housework
men devoting more time to childcare
the family group becoming more home-centred.
Ttao further developments include the new man - an identity that developed
in the 1980* when men began to take on a greater share of domestic work -
and the New Father, someone who combines a traditional masculinity with
being ‘a good, caring and responsible* father. McMahon (1999). however,
calls the new man a ‘fantasy - most men have little interest in changing the
patterns of child care and housework.
#10Tell a story about an experience in your life that illustrates a
saying / disapproves a saying.
As a child, I was always afraid to take risks because it might not be
justified. but later I realized that I was wrong and not afraid to take decisive
steps because they can change your life for the better. Some people trek on
that potholed trail while others prefer to stay. Of course, you can also make
life interesting by making original decisions on a smaller scale. 
One year ago my best friend Maks took part in a poker competition
and won a big amount of money. At a time when he put only 15$, he won
450$. Of course, he could lose all his savings but Max was confident and
knew that he was good at playing poker. He is now professionally engaged in
this and in the future plans to participate in the World Poker Tournament. 
If you think that only those people have can take a risk which is already
millionaires, then you are wrong. There are a lot of examples of how poor
people took the risk and succeeded. For example Elon Musk. He said “І think
it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary” and I agree
with him.
#11 Tell your own six-word story that about an aspect of your life /
life of someone famous / life of someone you know. Use the structure
I wish / if only.
As a child, I was always afraid to take risks because it might not be
justified. but later I realized that I was wrong and not afraid to take decisive
steps because they can change your life for the better. Some people trek on
that potholed trail while others prefer to stay. Of course, you can also make
life interesting by making original decisions on a smaller scale. 
One year ago my best friend Maks took part in a poker competition
and won a big amount of money. At a time when he put only 15$, he won
450$. I wish you wouldn’t lose. If only I’d can play poker as well as Max can.
Of course, he could lose all his savings but Max was confident and knew that
he was good at playing poker. He is now professionally engaged in this and in
the future plans to participate in the World Poker Tournament. I wish he had
more victories.
If you think that only those people have can take a risk which is already
millionaires, then you are wrong. There are a lot of examples of how poor
people took the risk and succeeded. For example Elon Musk. He said “І think
it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary” and I agree
with him.
#12 Choose a film or a book adapted from a book. Tell about the
main events in the story, why you like it and why other students
should read it / watch it.
1) It’s more than a story about wizards and witches.
SO MUCH MORE! This series taught me about friendship, love, bravery, and the goodness and downfall of
human nature, among many other things. The life lessons dispersed in the text have always kept me coming back
for more. Many people grew up with Harry, so for them, the Harry Potter series represents their childhood. I,
however, didn’t have that same experience. After reading these books, I realized that I wanted to major in English
in college. After reading these books, I became inspired to write stories of my own. After reading these books, I
realized that there are no limits to the imagination. To me, the Harry Potter series represents my newfound
adulthood and the future ahead.
2) You get to escape reality and enter the wizarding world.
One of the main reasons why I love to read is because reading allows me to escape reality. While reading Harry
Potter, you get to travel to a new world! Along with Harry, and many others, you’ll ride the Hogwarts Express,
get Sorted into one of the four Hogwarts Houses, attend classes such as Transfigurations and Potions, and meet
tons of new friends. Escaping to the wizarding world will allow you to experience the best adventure of your life.
3) It’s not a romance story.
This is one of the reasons why people prefer Harry Potter over Twilight. The Harry Potter series isn’t strictly a
romance series. Yes, romance does occur, but not until the last few books, and even then, it’s not overkill.
Instead, the series is about an adventure, fantasy, magic, good versus evil, morality, friendship, and more.
Romance isn’t the plot, and it isn’t what motivates the characters in their actions. In a world that seems to be
filled with teenage romance, it’s great to read a story that is primarily about the opposite – friendship.
4) There’s more to the women than being dainty, helpless, and in love with a man.
The women in the Harry Potter series are fierce. To give examples, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Ginny
Weasley, Molly Weasley, and Minerva McGonagall are women who thrive on education, friendship, and the
betterment of the wizarding world. In the series, the women aren’t treated as helpless victims who have to sit on
the sidelines and watch the boys defeat Voldemort. Instead, they’re just as equally involved in the action, often
proving their magical skills are more capable of victory. Women aren’t belittled in the Harry Potter series. The
women are strong, just as they were made to be.
5) Not everything is happily ever after.
In case someone is reading this who hasn’t read the books, hasn’t seen the movies, or hasn’t seen images or
read information online, I won’t spoil what happens. However, I will say this: Because it is a war, people die. In
fact, many, many people die, especially the characters that JKR makes us become attached to. The fact that JKR
kills off so many of our most beloved characters resembles real life outside of the books. People die
unexpectedly, and not everything ends happily ever after. Sometimes, heartache is required in order to reach the
next stage in life. The Harry Potter series allows you to experience that within the pages.
6) You’ll find a character that you feel an instant connection with, unlike any other character you’ve ever
read about.
For me personally, that character was Snape – the misunderstood, bullied, complicated, and mysterious character
that leaves everyone guessing for seven books. For you, it probably will be someone completely different, and it
may not even be Harry Potter himself, the main character of the series! Reading the Harry Potter series gives you
insight to many different characters and allows you to learn about the many types of personalities and character
traits of humans in general. Reading this series will cause you to bond with a fictional character, and sometimes,
those bonds are the ones that truly matter because no matter what happens, they’ll always be there waiting for you
to return.
#13 How much time do you spend on different activities during your
average weekday? Do you have enough free time? What do you do
with your free time? Do you think your average day is balanced?

I think that my average day is balanced, because I have enough time for
work and rest. I try to keep track of time and not lose it. I spend most of
my time studying and social networking. Much of my day is spent cooking
and consuming food as it is necessary for my body. I often take
responsibility for various activities in my family and organize superb
I'm a student, so I study a lot but as a student I also try to have fun and spend
my free time in the way I want to. Usually when I'm tired, I like relaxing. I can
go out somewhere with my friends, or go to the sea. I also like going to eat
something nice, to cook something tasty or just watch a movie and try not to
think about problems.
The other way of spending my free time if I am not tired, is travelling. I think
travelling is the most interesting activity for me. I can meet new people and
discover something new.
I really think that travelling to other countries or going for a small trip around
your village or your town that you stay in can be a wonderful thing because it
gives you positive emotions and helps you relax.
#14 How do you choose your holiday destination? Tell about your
last holiday. Did you enjoy it? Why/why not?
My last holiday was breathtaking because I spent it with my school friends. After a long izolationd we
finaly met and only chilled out and spoke about our lifes.

Now that you have considered some of the main factors involved with choosing a destination it's
important to narrow down some of these factors using some of your deduction skills. There are some
tried-and-true travel tips that you can use to finally pick out the right destination that will suit the
needs of your group. Here are some strategies for narrowing down your decisions:

Keep an open mind: Even if you are set on just a few different destinations, keep an open mind and be
open to suggestion. You would be amazed at some of the travel deals that are available if you are
willing to compromise on a destination or try a place that is not a typical tourist destination. Most
destinations have an underdog or second city that is a cheaper option or alternative option that you
could consider.

Book when you decide: If you aren’t able to commit to your decision you could miss out on a great
opportunity. If you have the money and you want to go away, get organized quickly and book as fast as
possible. So many travelers and of missing out on great deals and amazing experiences because they
wait several weeks to book.

Have experiences: With any type of travel or member that it's about the experience. Asking yourself
why you want to travel and the types of experiences that you want to have is important. Remember that
you should not have regrets for having experiences whether they are positive or negative. Most people
end up having regrets because they stayed at home.

Don’t cut out local destinations: you might be amazed at the amazing experience that you might
have just outside of your city or in a local community. This can present a budget friendly travel option
that many people are quick to dismiss. Local destinations can be just as amazing as international travel.

Go alone if you have to: Most people dread the thought of traveling alone but if there is a place that
you would like to see where nobody else would come with you, go and have the experience and don’t
regret it.
#15 What is your ideal holiday? Speak about location, means of
transport, length of time, accommodation, main activities etc.
Your holiday is called Breathtaking Views. The location is the Karpatian
mountains. So there will be 2 weeks that we will live in tents and also we will
enjoy stunning scenery and delightful evenings around bonfire. In first week
we will definitely conquert the hihgest peak Hoverla. All activities are due to
happen according to the schedule.
There are 2 options for spending your weekend, the first active and the
second more passive. I will give an example if the first group of people will
often climb mountains and conquer peaks, the second group will stay in the
camp that we will create ourselves and will have time to enjoy nature to relax
and talk to others on various topics.
I hope that all of us will definitely chill out and recharge. More information
about this trip I'll sent on your email.
#16 Do you enjoy watching reality shows? Why/Why not? What are
the most popular shows of this kind in Ukraine? Which type of show
would you be best at? Think of your personality, abilities and skills?
Reality shows are popular because people like to watch others who are successful. Everyone wants to live a luxurious
life and therefore want to see how other people live that sort of life.

It is human nature to see what other people have and to want it, and reality shows are a way for people to see that life
and wish they had it.

These shows are outlets for people to be envious and feel as if that could’ve been them. It also makes people wonder if
they had that life, would they act like that. Most people think they wouldn’t, and therefore make themselves feel better.

Even if you do not watch reality television, it is becoming increasingly hard to avoid. Reality television has become a
household commodity in just a few short years, and there are many reasons that contribute to the raise in popularity.

Studies show it is not just because they are so relatable and family friendly. Psychologists say it is based on the desire
to be part of a specific crowd of people. By watching the show, one individual now has a similar interest with a group of

Also, reality television allows people to imagine gaining fame through media exposure. People can simply sit and
fantasize about becoming a celebrity themselves. Even though the individuals in reality television are viewed as
malevolent characters, when people tune in to watch, ratings increase.

Personally, it is my belief that reality shows have become so favorable because people want to fit into the social norm
and the dream of a euphoric lifestyle.

My favourite reality show is Master chef. This is a culinary show in which

mostly chefs show all their skills and abilities to work with food and prepare
truly delicious dishes. This topic is close to me because since early childhood I
love to cook and do it often. That's why I'm a fan of this show because you
can find a lot of new things there.
#17 What do you think are the five worst inventions of all time?
Why? What are the best?
In my opinion, there are quite a few discoveries that only harm us.
TELEVISION Many of us are probably surprised by this one But it's actually
reality TV that's the main offender with 3% of the total vote Makıng its debut
in 1948 with Candid Camera in America, reality television's popularity has
risen in the 21st century: in the USA there are two TV channels devoted to it
Why it's so popular is anyone's guess.
CIGARETTES Cancer-causing chemicals in cigarettes mean that men who
smoké are twenty-two times, and women twelve times, more likely to
develop lung cancer than those who don't Smoking is also linked to other
cancers and heart attacks. Pregnant smokers are at greater risk of giving birth
to underweight babies. The World Health Organızation says up to 29% of
British men and 19% of women smoke.

4 THE Car haters out-voted petrol users Developed in the late 1880s, the
modern car was initially the toy of the wealthy but falling prices have made it
a key part of family life The motor industry is now booming - over 60 million
cars and light trucks are produced globally in a year But a green fuel is
unlikely to take over from petrol soon, so the car continues to add to our
growing carbon footprint
3 NUCLEAR POWER Nuclear accidents are rare but can have devastating
effects Nuclear power plants cost more to construct and operate than fossil
fuel ones and are supported by large subsidies from the taxpayer Waste
storage is also a concern but supporters promote nuclear power's green
status as it produces no carbon dioxide directly

2 MOBILE PHONES A surprising silver medal for the gadget that's

revolutionised communication. Mobiles have been available in the UK sınce
1985 and have been widely used since the late 1990s. Almost three-quarters
of Britons now own one. Despite health scares linking mobile phone use to
brain tumours, most studies have found there is no increased risk Maybe it's
those annoying ring tones that have put mobile phones here
#18 How do you make decisions about what you buy? How much are you
influenced by advertising? What else influences you?
Advertising is a powerful medium and people do get influenced by it. If not all
people, majority of them do get carried away and buy those products.
Like for example, there's lot of products that have been launched by a particular
company in India and you get to see lot of advertisements of those products on TV
and they are herbal based which claims of no kind of chemicals involved in it's
making, it's pure and not harmful and they have been able to dominate the
market and people are buying their products and claiming to be happy with it.
Even we have purchased one of their product and found it good.
So , yes you can say that people do get influenced by what's shown on TV and
sometimes these products might turn to be good and sometimes it can be
Like another example is the egg shaped product Kinder joy for kids. I totally do not
understand what's in that product. It's just a waste of money but the way they
advertise this product saying it's healthy and you get a toy inside it is totally
worthless. The toy is so tiny and it's hardly of any use and the chocolate part just
comprises of 2 chocolate balls ( tiny ones) dipped in milk which hardly fills the kids
tummy and it's quite expensive too . And I have seen kids go ga ga over this
product and throwing tantrums to have it and sometimes parents give in and
purchase it which actually in my opinion isn't good and worth the money.
I very rarely listen to the opinion of the seller because they are not always honest
with us. I trust the opinion of my family and close friends more. But it is best to
always have your own opinion and try to decide everything on my own.
#19 For each pair of inventions, which one do you think is more important?
Why? The oven or the fridge; the pen or the pencil; fire or the wheel; the
bicycle or the car; the zip or Velcro; sunglasses or sunscreen.
All inventions help us in life to do something much faster, better, and help
save our time.
It is difficult to single out one that is better because in my opinion they are all
wonderful and literally irreplaceable. If you look between the oven and the
refrigerator, most likely I will not be able to choose one thing, because the
refrigerator extends the shelf life of products, but in the oven you can cook
them and create an unsurpassed dish.
Fire and the wheel can be considered the brightest inventions of mankind
because they have changed our lives and continue to do so now.
Bicycle or car. The car is a more dangerous mode of transport, but it can be
used to get to your destination faster. The bike is a more environmentally
friendly mode of transport so I will choose it.
The Zip or Velcro. It is more convenient for me to use lightning because it is
more reliable.
Glasses or cream. Definitely a cream because it protects our skin and
prevents the formation of diseases such as skin cancer and many others,
while sunglasses are only for beauty and appearance.
#20 What do you know about brainstorming? What is it used for? Do
you know what the rules of a successful brainstorming session are?

Brainstorming it’s a group discussion to produce ideas or solve problems.

There are 6 rules of brainstorming.
I Quantity is more important than quality. Suppose you're looking for a way
to get people to walk more. One brilliant idea isn't enough, you want five,
ten, dozens to choose from. The goal of the brainstorming stage is to come
up with as many ideas as possible.
2 No idea is too predictable or bizarre. In fact, sometimes these ideas can
lead to the perfect solution.
3 Zero judgment. Never reject an idea because you think it's dreadful or
unrealistic, because what you need is just ideas, ideas, ideas. The worst thing
you can do in a brainstorm is to criticise an idea.
4 Everybody's equal. You have to identify shy people and encourage them.
There's no hierarchy, it only works if you work as a team.
5 Have no time limit. People often get their best ideas if they have as much
time as they need.
6 Write all the ideas down-each and every one. Have a secretary who records
whatever anyone says. You can develop the ideas further after the meeting.
General Tips

Each topic should include at least 15-20 words / phrases from active
The presentation should have a structure: introduction, main body and
The topic should be well-presented (notes are not allowed). However,
pictures, photos, etc. are more than welcome.

Your presentation will be assessed in terms of:

Grammar accuracy

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