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1. Listen to Jimmy Kimmel T.V Show, and his guest and answer the questions.

2. What´s the first thing Jimmy Kimmel asks Henry Cavill?

a. how you doing

3. Complete the question, how often do people bring up Superman to

you and your daily life

4. Where does Henry celebrate Thanksgiving?


5. What happened to his last character?

6. Finally, wrote in 10 lines what you understood about the movie clip “Behind the curtain
Batman v Superman”

so weird
but do you walk out you look like you're
wearing one of those fake muscles suits
like the little boys wear with all the
fold muscles on them except I know
they're not foam there are actual human
flesh all right it's silicon hold on let
me get yes they are actually even clever
how you doing good man how are you very
good to see you I'm doing well thank you
how often do people bring up Superman to
you and your daily life
oddly ever since the movie came out I'm
the first one to mention it you know
that is truly remarkable I heard that
you were do you celebrate Thanksgiving
traditionally it's like not in the UK
deliciously no we don't do that yes
right right yeah when you're here you do
if when I'm here I will find someone
who's willing to take me in for food I
see yeah that's the whole idea is that
people come together yeah yeah and but
in the UK this year the McQuarrie's
invited me over for what we call the
friendsgiving because they have their
Thanksgiving on the Thanksgiving Day and
they have a friends giving the night the
McQuarrie's being the Chris McQuarrie
the director of Michigan possible
director of mission of Jesus were you
guys talking about a new movie because I
know you your character got killed in
the last movie but I mentioned it
possible you just pull the face right
off and you're in it again right by God
look there's alive you never know what's
gonna happen you never know I took the
full force of that hook on my moustache
so you could just be mustache Lee know
how powerful you can't kill Superman
real easy you are a the I find this
interesting because I almost never heard
this to be the case a big NFL football
fan yes which is unusual because
typically when someone from England will
come here they get annoyed when I say
football referring to football cool
right because soccer is called football
over there but we know what the real
football is it's
but you are what fan of the Chiefs right
I'm a Chiefs fan yeah how did that
happen okay so I spent a lot of time
over here obviously and I've been
watching some American football I
started to like the sport and I realized
I had to choose a team and the only way
I could choose a team was with something
that was never gonna change it wasn't
gonna be my buddy likes this team or
whatever it may be so I figured the one
thing which won't ever change in my life
is the Superman aspect of it and I
figured Superman's from Kansas
the Chiefs people in Kansas support the
Chiefs it just all had a soul you just
kind of said like oh if Superman was
football fan Oh he'd definitely be a
cheapy be a chief serve an honor
behavior probably right yeah wow that's
I mean it's no different I guess then
how anybody picks a team especially when
they root for a team that's not in their
city but that's a strange way to write
and so you now have decided that this is
the team you like absolutely yes and I
like him a lot I like him a lot Chiefs
nation is a good family you've been to
the games there are kids I've been to
one game out at Arrowhead yeah and that
was an amazing experience
well I don't know if you guys had me to
a football game before or anything but
this is we all have yes we're
when I went down this is my first time
right so went down pitch size if you
guys call it as well pitch aside well we
know we were on the field of yeah you're
on the sidelines we went down on the
sidelines and it was the flamethrowers
big Jets of flame going into the sky in
England we just you know the team's walk
out sing a song if it's national or
international rugby and and then we kick
the crap out of each other right it's
but it's a it's a display you have no
flames over there there's no no
explosions or no answer just have a
whole bunch of rugby players and I love
you guys who can't sing and it's a
really close shot of each rugby blare
singing the national anthem out of tune
with the rest of the stadium like it's
really you're there and you feel it and
it's passionate but it's it's nothing
quite like I would like to go to a rugby
game I've never been to a rugby game and
that seems like maybe other than boxing
like the toughest but other than MMA
like the most violent sport there could
be it's pretty much like non-stop
90-minute MMA which is your rugby team I
don't have a club rugby team i I just
support England you supporting okay so
all the British lines did you play rugby
as a kid when I was a boy I played rugby
cuz you have a bunch of brothers how
many brothers do you have
my four brothers and where are you in
that in the wood are you the oldest
number four out of five so the second
youngest oh that's the worst spot to be
in right no it is it you're not the
youngest well let's evaluate all the
spots because the youngest at least
you're the youngest yeah you're the baby
you've got something kind of different
going on dove have mum protecting you
yeah but it like if what were the
Olympics you know the first one would be
the gold medallist the second will be
silver the bronze and then there's you
just kind of standing off to the side
no the eldest gets the toughest game
100% because they get all the discipline
and it's advocates of us we're being
it's all just free-for-all at number
four you must then get really strong and
tough because your brothers are your
brothers all it built like you are we're
all of a similar sized guys yeah I was I
was smart I never I never picked battles
with them uh oldest brother was one up
was four years old of me he was
considerably larger and incredibly
strong Simon we he was so strong that we
would make fun of him by saying Hulk
smash every time you got angry there are
a lot of superheroes I went down so even
Superman is scared of somebody the
lesson here all right we're gonna take
break we come back we're gonna see a
clip from Henry's new show it's called
The Witcher it's on Netflix we'll be
right back with Henry Cavill
that is henry cavill in
- which will be on Netflix starting
December 20th
you are designed a real sword that you
use in there there was one bit where I
use a real sword there yeah but that's
pretty much like my family at feeding
time it looked like you were doing the
fighting in that's absolutely yes do you
know stuntmen I do my best not to on
this I didn't use a stunt men at stunt
man at all and for me it was it's really
important that the character exists
within the action as well rather than
just an acting scene and then you have
an action scene which is completely
separate than your back to the acting
again it's really important that the
story and the character travel through
all of those things is that something
Tom Cruise shamed you into not using
stun memory I do everything you should
do everything - yeah The Witcher I was
thinking about it I was like oh I know I
remember that and I remember seeing the
books like as a kid there was a book
series right yes it's this TV show is
based off the books in the books yes yes
and this was a very popular what is
magic sighs deeply and huge a popular
fantasy genre series of books
bestsellers right did you read you read
those books I had yeah so this was
something you had a particular interest
in being a part of yeah yeah how do you
find out they're doing it like when you
there's something that you're into you
just you just hear it you can read on
the Internet half the time is that right
yeah that's how you found out we don't
want it I'd see you're like oh yeah this
is something do you have other things
like that maybe you should put the word
out like you know look were you really
in see Rubik's Cube or anything it's
really complicated not to play the key
straight so these are books that you
read as a kid and I get to play the
carrot I didn't read the books as a kid
I played the games they released a game
called Witcher 3 in five years ago now
played that game to the death really and
then I heard us coming out I met the
showrunner and that's when I learned
there were books read the books and I
realized I was missing out on the whole
world of the stuff because I've been
into the fantasy genre since I was a kid
since um since before I could read my
dad was reading me fantasy books and a
lot of people are comparing
to Game of Thrones right and there is
one particular comparison I noticed just
from just from looking at the clip
tonight now there that's your character
Geralt Geralt okay and and then you've
got the policeman and you've got the
same hair at the police yeah it's I I
modeled myself call me Lisa or Amelia on
set Amelia no eye contact I want to be a
can we mother of dragons I'm fine well
it's very good to see you that you were
coming is called The Witcher premieres
December 20th on Netflix Henry Cavill
everybody they get hi I'm Jimmy Kimmel
give back this holiday season buy my new
book the serious goose I wrote it and
drew it all the money I make goes to
children's hospitals across the country
and if you don't support that you are a

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