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‘Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are observed to have

more negative effects than positive being more useful for the criminals than
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge and experience.’

Social media has been one of the most amazing inventions of this century. Some people
think that it has more disadvantages than advantages. Especially, as it is more useful to
criminals. I partially agree with this statement.
Social media has been a boon in many ways. Networking sites like Facebook, Twitter etc.
have transformed the way we interact. Also, share and communicate.  For example, I
connected with my childhood friends who are all over the world. That too after 30 years
and we had a school reunion. We are also connected with our family and are able to keep
in touch with them constantly. And also be a part of family functions like weddings etc.
Social media has helped in alleviating communication gap. Especially, between people in
remote areas. They have provided a rapid and effective way of interaction between them.
It has also helped in fighting injustice and taking up social causes.
However, networking sites have their drawbacks also. People have become disjointed and
self-centred. Because they are spending more time in front of their laptops, mobiles etc.
Hence as a result are lacking in social skills. Since we are sharing a lot of our personal
information, photographs etc. Also, there is a risk of it being misused by criminals. There
are people who are trolling others. Which at times can have detrimental effects. There
are people with fake accounts enticing young girls and boys. It leads to causing fraud
relationships and mental trauma.
I would like to conclude by saying that social media has positively revolutionized the way
we communicate. Especially, in the past few decades. However, while using it we need to
be privacy and security conscious.

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