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Software Requirement

Specification for
OR Book

Prepared by Sonam Wangchuk

Tshering Wangmo
Tshelthrim Tenzin
Norbu Wangchuk
Dechen Tshomo
Sancha Bir Subba

Date: 13/10/2020
1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

OR Book is an online reading web application aimed at people interested in reading.

The website contain all the book and reading material for the user to read and it also
gives writer a platform to sell their work.

1.2 Scope

 It saves time as people don't need to go to different store and search for their
desired book. Users can just type in the name of the book in the search menu.
 User can save their money. Unlike book store where we have to buy books, here
we have subscription plan where user have to pay small amount of money to read
a particular book for a specific period of time.
 It is environmental friendly. That is we don't need to waste paper and ink since it
is digitalized.
 It saves space. Unlike book store we don't need store to keep and sell the book.
 It reduces labourer. We don't need a shopkeeper to sell the book and hence no
need of worker.
 OR Book provides variety of book with desirable genre.

1.3 Acronyms, Abbreviation and Definition

OR Book:- Online Reading Book

It is a website where people can read book in their respective devices.

1.4 References


2. General Description of the Product

2.1 Product Perspective

OR Book is an online book reading website which support numerous function for
reader and the writer. The website must be available to everyone who wants to read
the books and is necessary that it works proper in both mozilla firefox and google
As it is a website which is accessible to all the people who have a internet connection,
there are no software or hardware requirement.

2.2 Product Function

I. Registration

II. Login

III. Search Menu

IV. Subscribe a book

V. Buy a book

VI. View subscription

VII. Rate the book

VIII. Top Read books

IX. Home

X. Contact/Report

2.3 User Characteristics

 Anonymous: Non Members only read free books.

 Registered Members (customers): Registered members can access all the

functionalities provides on website. Registered Members can subscribe the book
and also buy it.

 Administrator: Administrator has the authority to grant/delete registered members

as add the book in the website.

2.4 Constraints
 Not all the book writer/company will agree and support the idea of online reading
and thus may not provide their book for online reading.
 If the place has no internet then the user will not be able to access the website and
read the book unlike the physical book.

2.5 Assumption and Dependencies

 We have assumed that the OR Book will be running on a properly working web
server and database system with an Internet connection that allows this system to
perform all communications with clients.
 We have assumed that all people have mobile/PC with internet connection and
that the user is capable of operating these system's basic functions including
being able to power on the system, login and open either Google Chrome or
Mozilla Firefox, and navigate the browser to the address of this OR Book
 We have assumed that the administrators username and password is hard coded
and is not able to hack by hackers.
3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces

The OR Book will have picture of the book and title for the user to know which book
is which. It will also have genre menu which will include genre like fantasy, friction,
romance and so on for the user to get books of specified genre.
OR Book will also have Rating wise book list for the user to know which book is
rated high by reader.

3.2 Communication Interfaces

An e-mail is require for the user to become registered user.

A MBOB account is needed for the transition to take place. When subscribing the
book or buying a book MBOB is needed.

4. System Features

I. Ask the user to enter details in order to become a registered user.

Name should be in characters, email and password in alpha numeric value.

II. Initialize the username and password for login

Should check whether the username and password is valid or not.

III. Search Menu

Search for a particular book and check whether the entered book is available or
Display the book if the entered book is available.

IV. Subscribe a book

Allow the user to subscribe a book for reading for specific period of time such as
week, monthly and year.
Pay a small amount of money for subscription.
It is only available to registered user.

V. Buy a book
Allow the user to buy the e-book and use it for lifetime.
Only available to registered user.

VI. View subscription

Allow user to see which book they have subscribe and how much time is left until
subscription is expired.

VII. Rate the book

Allow the users to rate the book that they have read.
Allow the other user to know whether the book is good or not.
Rating from 1 star to 5 star.

VIII. Top Read books

Fetches data of the book from the databases and arranges the book in descending
order according to the number of times a user read the book.

IX. Home
Show a list of books to read.
Different kind of menu such as genre, Top read book and so on.

X. Contact/Report
Allow user to report any problem while using the website.
Allow user to request certain features that they like to have in OR Book.

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