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Hillside school

Teacher’s Name Lidete W/senbet Submission Date 03-02-13

Subject physics Week three
Grade 10 pages 207-210
Unit 6
Topics the mirror equation
Lesson objective at the end of the lessons the student will be able to:

Lesson note

Solve problems using the mirror equation.

Mirror equation is an equation used to solve problems using the following relations.


Si=distance of image.

So=distance of object.

F= focal length.

The magnification relationship for mirrors expressed as follows.


1. An object is 10 from a plane mirror. The angle of incidence on a plane mirror is 35.drow a
diagram to show the situation and work out.

2. State the mirror equation and the sign conversion by you need to apply when using it.
Hillside school

Teacher’s Name Lidete W/senbet Submission Date 03-02-13

Subject physics Week three
Grade 10 Pages 207-210
Unit 6
Topics refraction of light
Lesson objective at the end of the lesson the student will be able to;

Explain what is mean by refraction of light.

Lesson note

The bending of a wave when its wave front passes obliquely from one medium to another is
called refraction. The change in direction of the wave is due to the change in its speed.

Refraction index is a measure of the extent to which a medium refracts light.

Snell’s law: whenever light crosses a boundary between two media, the sine of the angels on
each side of the boundary bear a constant ratio to each other.


1. Define refraction of light.

2. State Snell’s law.
3. Calculate the critical angle for.
a. Water (n=1.33)
b. Diamond (n=2.42)

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