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Instruction: Write down names of animal

Cow Rooster Buffalo Duck Goat Goose

__ __ __ __
__ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Instruction: Write down the names.

Bag Bat Boat Bed Bear Ball Ambulance Ant Aeroplane

Instruction: Write down the names.
Basket Curtain Table Sofa Clock Door Radio Fan Television Lamp
INSTRUCTION: Name the Occupation


FI _ _ MON _ _ _ BUTC _ _ _ COBB _ _ _

PLUM _ _ _ BUIL _ _ _
Instruction: Write down the workplace of Occupation

1. A Teacher teach pupils in _____________.

2. A Mechanic repairs engines in a _________.

3. A Butcher sells meat in the ____________.

4. A Soldier trains in the _____________.

5. A Fireman trains in the _______________.

6. A Policeman works in the ______________.

7. A Nurse treats patients in the ____________.

8. A Fishmonger sells fish in the _____________.

Clinic Police Station Market Fire Station Workshop

Market Barrack School

Instruction: Fill in the blanks with correct answers.

This is a ______________ (Bathroom/Classroom). A
Classroom is for pupils learn lessons from a
____________(Teacher/Butcher). There are many
__________(desk/table) and _________(chair/stool). There is
a______________(Whiteboard/Notice board) There are many
things we can learn in the Classroom.

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