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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Cash Flow tackled about the money getting in and out in the business. It is

very crucial in ones company to track the business condition. Many

entrepreneurs regarded the cash flow as the pulse of their business. That is why

they keep it healthy and alive.

In order to keep it healthy and alive, it must be manage efficiently.

Expenses, sales, debts and other transactions must be recorded for the sake of

the business. Managing cash flow will give a bright impact to the company.

Specifically, in monitoring their financial record.

Managing the cash flow means everything. It will provide the

entrepreneurs new knowledge and innovated strategies to succeed in the field of

business. It helps to grow the business more and be known in their industry.

Lastly, to give more opportunities to everyone.

According to Evans (2004). It requires that we put cash flows and prepare

forecast. Gives the detail projection of future cash flows and outflows. This will

help us to avoid cash deficiencies as well as excessive cash balances.

Furthermore, tracking data can compare and determine whether business is

receiving enough sales, investing right amount in a period of time.


Statement of the Problem

This research aimed to know the impact of the management of cash flow

in small business enterprise to profit and sales and to determine the status of the

business in the industry of General Santos City.

Specifically, this sought answers to the following questions:

1. What are the impact of the mismanage cash flow in terms of:

1.1 Sales; and

1.2 Profit ?

2. What is the effective way of managing the cash flow ?

Objectives of the Study

The researchers aimed to attain the following at the end of the study:

1) To know the impacts of mismanage Cash Flows in terms of Sales and

Profit; and

2) To determine the effective way of managing the Cash Flows.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aimed to know the management of the cash flow in Small

Business Enterprises and determine the status of the business in the industry of

General Santos City. This study was conducted in the City proper of General

Santos City specifically in the public market. There were ten (10) small business

establishments involved in this study. And the study talked about the

mismanagement of cash flow in the small business and the unnecessary

expenses that cause cash flow problems.

Benefits and Beneficiaries

This study will be a great help to the following:

To the Owner, they will have a wider knowledge on how to manage the cash

flow in a small business;

To the Customer, it will give them information if the business they to buy they

supplies can still supply their needs

To the Employees, for them to be aware of what is happening to the business

where they are employed

To the Researchers, this study will help them to know about the impact of

managing the cash flow in a small business; and

To the Future Researcher, it will help them to know the other information about

the impact of managing the cash flow in a small business in General Santos City.

Chapter II

Review Of Related Literature

Concept Review

Cash Flow Management

According to Ward (2017), Cash flow management is can be summarized

as the process of monitoring, analyzing and optimizing the net amount of cash

receipts minus cash expenses. In addition, according to (Hallman and

Rosenbloom 2009) cash flow management is a process meant to manage a

family’s or individuals income and expenses, ensure funds are available for

savings and investments . Cash flow management is also a set of techniques

that act on a short term liquidity of a business at the same time, it affects those

factors and processes that translate immediately into cash, with an ultimate aim

of increasing the profitability of the business and improving working capital

management (Jose et al. 2008).

Small Business Enterprise

Small Business, a small-scale enterprise is a business that employs a

small numbers of workers and generally privately owned and operated sole-

proprietorship, corporations and/or partnerships. The legal definition of a small-

scale enterprise varies by industry and country (Gustafson 2009). According to

Thomas (2010), Small Business Enterprise is a company level diversity

certification SBE Certifications are used by the local or state government.


Eligibility for certification as a Small Business Enterprise varies depending on the

issue, requirements mat relate to number of employees, length of time the

company as been in business and the net worth of the company’s owner. Small

business enterprise is designed to facilitate greater participation of small

businesses in transportation related procurements.

Foreign Study

According to Evans (2012), Cash Flow management helps small business

enterprise maintain an optimal cash balance that is neither excessive nor

deficient. It would minimize the positive items and maximize number of days in

cash cycle. Bernstein and Wild, (1999) Cash Flow management relates strongly

to financial performance of Small Business Enterprise has to some extent, been

fundamentally associated with the net outflow and inflow cash elements from a

number of business activities . Sengendo, (2012) .Failure by small business

enterprises to improve their forecasting , budgeting and early warning of cash

flow and failure to measure correctly, the extent of the financial crisis, financial

crisis of SME’s will be worsening.

Local Study

Lopez (2010) states that cash flow is the flesh of the business. It must be

classified and analyze carefully. 75% of the business here in the Philippines

confirm that loss of tracking the cash flow will make the business down in the

Industry. He believes that there are a lot of advantages in tracking the cash flow.

It is relevant for business to keep track of their cash flow, either small or big

enterprises. Small business like sari-sari store must be knowledgeable about

their cash flow of the subject entities and adopts there three types of subject

entities in cash flow. Based on IAS Number 7 (Statement of Cash Flows). Cash

Flows from operating activities comes from the principal revenue-producing

activities of the entity. On the other hand, Cash flow from investing activities

entails the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments

not included in the cash account by the entity. Lastly, cash flow financing

activities results in changes in the size and composition of the contributed equity

and borrowings of the entity (Mendoza, 2017).

Research Gap

According to Flint 2017 that unrecorded activities is the most common

factor of cash flow problem. Small business enterprises usually do not record

their activity such as expenses, sales and profit which is the most essential

things to monitored their business.

As stated in the article Enterprises of today (2017) mismanage cash flow

become a big dilemma in the business. Uncontrolled expenses and loss track in

their sales make the business unstable. They also talked that cash flow is very

crucial part in the business. That’s why everyone should be conscious about it.

The researchers above failed to talked about the impact of cash flow

problems and mismanage cash flow to the business in terms of their sales and

profit. So the researchers of this study aims to investigate the said problem. To

inform everyone about the strategies and wise ways to avoid such kind of

problem. Finally to give knowledge about the management of cash flow.

Operationalization of Terms and Concepts

For clarity and better understanding of the study, the following terms and

concepts defined:

Cash Flow Management . This refers to the controlling of the in and out of

money of the business to know where the money will go. It is also a technique to

monitor the financial expenses and investment of the business to succeed in this


Small Business Enterprises . A business that employs small number of

workers in the field. It maybe sole-proprietorships, corporations or partnerships.

Small business enterprise contains few numbers of employees and assets. In

other cases this kind of business are easily vanished in the field nut easy also to


Profit . It is the income earned by the business from the sales of their products.

Sales . It is the amount of goods sold by the business.

General Santos City . The place where the researchers will be conducting the


Chapter III


Research Design

The researchers used phenomenological research design. This research

design examined the experiences of Business owners in Public Market about

cash flow problem. It involved the selection of study samples of experiences of

business owners about managing cash flow and its impact to their small

business. This study was conducted in the place of General Santos City.


The participants of this study were ten small business owners in the public

market of General Santos City. The researchers chose the said participants

because of the chosen location in the public market and the participants who fit in

this study. Eventually, the participant were businessmen in the public market.

Data Collection

In order to collect a study, the following process were followed:

1. Drafting Questionnaire

1. Brainstorming

2. Draft Questionnaire

3. Find a Validator

4. Validation of Questionnaire

5. It is ready to use for the Participants


2. Data Gathering

1. Approval Letter

2. Conduct a Study

3. One-on-One Interview

4. Data are Gathered and Interpreted


The researchers used random sampling as the sampling technique of this

study. Random sampling provides knowledge and information which can suit to

the specific need of the study. The participants answered the impact of managing

cash flow in small business enterprises that provides more information about the

management of cash flow on their business. The researchers identified the

participants if they own a business in the public market.


In conducting this study, the researchers used interview guide to gather

the data needed from the participants. A recorder was also used to record the

actual response of the participants.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

The researchers used data coding for analyzing the data of the study.

Data Coding is a method of assigning numbers and symbols of a data. It helped

the researchers to understand clearly the study. The result of the analyzation will

be used for data interpretation.

Chapter IV

Results and Discussion

This chapter shows the results about the survey and the discussion about

the Mismanage Cash Flow: Its Impact to Small Business Enterprises in General

Santos City.

Impact of Mismanage Cash Flow to Sales

Mismanagement of Cash Flow to Sales has a negative impact to the

business that can lead to Closing of Small Business Establishment.

“Maka cause siya ug loss” “Maging prone siya nga may

posibilidad na mabagsak imong business ng mag sirado”

“Kung gamay lang imung halin, gamay lang pud imong


According to Iwuoha (2014) every business exists to sell something ,

without sales all businesses would certainly die. Every year, hundreds of

businesses close down around the world because they couldn’t make enough

sales to keep the business going.

Mbonyane (2006) observed that most businesses experience cash flow

problems due to slow moving or excessive stock which gives rise to poor stock or

inventory management; too generous credit terms; cash watered on unprofitable

products or services and unnecessary expenditure (money spent on buildings,

houses, luxury cars) as well as drawings.

Impact of Mismanage Cash Flow to Profit


Profit is the amount of money that the business earned. So, if the

production of sales of the business is low it affects the profit that the business


“It will lessen your profit and karang manggamay ang sales tapos

maapektuhan ang business.”

“Kung gamay ang halin, gamay lang pud ang profit”

According to Lister (2014) a decline in net profits could be an indicator

that your company is not operating at peak efficiency. This could involve the

layoff of workers to reduce your payroll or adjusting building materials and

operational procedures to reduce operating costs and shorten the time it takes to

create products. Failing to streamline the production process and increase

efficiency can lead to a further decline in net profits.

In another study, which was conducted by Saleemi (2002), it was

concluded that if proper cash management practices were not conducted by

businesses, these firms will definitely not obtain the desired levels of cash inflow.

With a restricted cash inflow, the levels of inventory will be restricted and, in

doing so, the potential sales will also be reduced. Once sales are reduced, then

the profitability of a business will be reduced as well.

Consistent Recording of Transaction


Based on the data gathered it is found out that consistent recording of

transaction is the effective way of Managing Cash Flow.

Consistently recording of transaction means that every business

transaction must be monitored. Also, to keep track on what is going on in the


“Kung pwede, ilista nimo ang gawas sa kwarta kung asa paadto ug

ilista pud nimo ang nabalik para mabal-an jud nimo kunh naa kay

profit or wala.” “Mag record sa mga expenses, utang, investments,

sales or any transactions na mahitabo sa business. “

According to Matt H. Evans (2004). It requires that we put cash flows and

prepare forecast. Gives the detail projection of future cash flows and outflows.

This will help us to avoid cash deficiencies as well as excessive cash balances.

Furthermore, tracking data can compare and determine whether business is

receiving enough sales, investing right amount in a period of time.

According to Fraser and Ormiston (2002) recordkeeping practices solid

cash flow. Without good records it is impossible to determine the financial

condition or profitability of a business. Similarly, in order to survive a small

business must achieve a positive cash flow in the long term. The information that

owner of a small business need to establish in order to succeed in business is

good recordkeeping practices in your business to minimize cash flow problems

Chapter V

Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter shows the Summary of Findings and Conclusions of the

Management of the Cash Flow: Its Impact to Small Business Enterprises in

General Santos City.

Summary of Findings

Based on the data gathered the researchers come up with the following


1. Mismanage cash flow will have a negative effect on the

business because it will lead to low sales and profit and will also

prone to bankruptcy.

2. Knowledge in recording of transaction is an effective way of

managing the cashflow so the company can monitor financial

information at their business on the other hand this is also a

great help in making some decision for the business.


Based on the findings of the study the following conclusion are drawn:

1. Mismanage cashflow will lead to the loss of the business.

2. Recording of transaction will be a great help in the company to

monitor the business.



Based on the findings and conclusion presented, the following are hereby


1. Limit the expenses so that it will not excess to the sales.

2. Record the personal and company’s expenses.

3. Improve the management style of the business.


Benstein and Wild, (1999) Cash Flow Management Utilization by SME

Retrieved from

Evans, J. (2012) Financial Literacy, An SME Worst Enemy. Retrieved from

Flint, M. (2017) Cash Flow: The Reason 82% of Small Businesses Fail.
Retrieved from

Fraser, L. and Ormiston, A. (2002) Recordkeeping and Cash Flow. Retrieved


Gustafson, F. (2009) Small Scale Enterprise. Retrieved

Hallman, V. and Rosenbloom, J. (2009) Private Wealth Management.


Iwuoha, J P. (2014 )Experiencing Low Sales? Here Are 5 Reasons Why

Customers Are Not Buying From You. Retrieved from

Lister, J. (2014) What Impact Does a Net Profit Decline Have On a

Company?. Retrieved from

Lopez, R. (2010) The Impact of Cash Management on Profitability and

Sustainability of Small Retail Businesses. Retrieved from

Mbonyane, B. (2006), An exploration of factors that lead to failure

of small businesses in the Kagiso township. Retrieved from

Mendoza, R. R. (2017). Relationship Between Intangible Assets and Cash

Flows: An Empirical Analysis of Publicly Listed Corporations in the
Philippines. Retrieved from

Saleemi, (2002). The impact of cash management on profitability and

sustainability of small retail businesses. Retrieved from

Sengendo, Hannington (2012) Cash flow management utilization by Small

Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Retrieved from

Thomas, Wainwright (2010), Supporting Entrepreneurs and Small Business.

Retrieved from

Ward, Susan (2018) Define Cash Flow Management. Retrieved from
Appendix A1

Letter to the Validator



In fulfillment to our requirements in Practical Research Subject. We the

researchers from Grade 11-ABM-Zobel will be conducting a study about

Managing the Cash Flow: Its Impact to Small Business Enterprises. This Study

aims to know the impact of mismanage cash flow in the business and on how to

avoid mismanage cash flow to obtain the success in the business.

We would like to ask for your permission to be the validator of our questionnaire .

We believe that you have the ability and expertise in this field. We are open for

your corrections and criticism you will possibly give.

Your response for this letter is highly appreciated. Thank You and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,


Group Representative

Approved by:


Practical Research Adviser

Appendix A2

Letter to the Principal






Good Day! We are te selected students from ABM-Zobel. We are conducting our

research entitled “Management of the Cash Flow: Its Impact to Small Business

Enterprise”. We will ask for your permission to conduct our study for our

Qualitative Research subject on January 13-14 and 20-21.

We are hoping for your consideration. Your acceptance is higly appreciated.

Respectfully yours,


Group Representative

Noted by:


Approved by:


Principal II

Appendix B1

Ethical Protocol Assessment Form


Yes No N/A Remarks


 Cash Flow -Is the information about

managing the Cash Flow in

essential to the business?

-Was the interview guide



 Letter of - Do the researchers make a

Agreement letter of agreement with the


- Is the identity of the

participants confidential?


 Interview Guide - Do the researchers have their

own Interview Guide?
 Permission
- Do the researchers have a
Letter permission letter for the

Appendix B2

Validator’s Interview Guide Assessment

CRITERIA Score/Value

5 4 3 2 1

1. ADEQUACY -The interview

guide is


-The interview

guide is


-The interview

guide is

related to the


4. APPROPRIATENESS -The interview

guide uses



-The interview

guide is easy

to understand.

-The interview

guide is

relevant to the


7. ACCEPTABILITY -The interview


respects other

values and


-The interview

guide has no



guide did not




Appendix B3

Consent Assessment Form


 Age -Did the researchers make interview guide is

for business owners with 25 years old and


-Did the researchers make interview guide

 Gender

applicable for all gender?

 Status
-Did the researchers make interview guide

applicable for all status?


 Validation Form -Does the validator approve the researcher-

made interview guide?

 Approval Letter
-Do the researchers have an approval letter

to conduct a study?

 Validation Letter -Does the validator accept the letter to be the

validator of the interview guide?



 Agreement -Do the participants and researchers make

an agreement?

-Is the participants’ identity confidential?


 Interview Guide -Do the researchers provide an appropriate

interview guide and related to the topic?


 Personal -Do the researchers conduct a one-on-one

interview to the participants?

Appendix C

Interview Guide

Managing Cash Flow: Its Impact to Small Business Enterprises

in General Santos City

Name(Optional): __________________________ Grade and Section: ______

1. What are the impact of the mismanage cash flow in Sales?

2. What are the impact of the mismanage cash flow in Profit?


3. What is the effective way of managing the cash flow ?

Appendix D


The answer in our No.1 Research Interview Guide.

Question Responses

1. What are the impacts of mismanage -So, managing a cash flow in a business

cash flow in terms of Sales and Profit? is very important, yes. But when you …

the impact of mismanage of … the cash

flow in terms of sales is that the sales will

not … the sales will be … will be low. Ay!

Will be low. It depends also to the one


who manage their cash flow. It depends

to him or her on how he or she will

manage the cash flow in sales … in

terms of sales.

-Makacause sya ug loss kay gamay lang

man imung halin, gamay lang man imung

nakuha nga sales, so sa profit naa juy

possibility na gamay jud imung …


-So in terms of sales, ang mismanage

cash flows is managing gamay capital sa

business na maging prone siya nga

pwede na may posibilidad na na

mabagsak imong ug masirado. Sa profit

pud, karang again … karang … wala

nakay pang … pang puhunan kay walay

profit na.. na balik … sa imuha … so

mao tu siya.

-Okay, so the impact of uhm … uhm ..

mismanage cashflow sa business is, it

will lessen or it will lessen your profit or

sales and kanang mag gamay inyong

sales tapos maapektuhan ang business


sa mga expenses na buhaton. Murag

wala na gud budget for other expenses.


-As a business owners dah! Kanang ano

jud siya , dahil ito sa impact kay ikaw

man ang may-ari so malugi gyud ka ana,

diba, kung mismanagement, wala namo

na … manage ug tarong imong kwarta

kay nagsubra man ang expenses kaysa

sa sales.

-So … sa sale ang impact sa mmmm …

mismanage cash flow is ano murag mas

madak … madako, mas dako pa imung

nagasto kaysa sa imung madawatan so

murag ang katong sales nimo dili niya

kaya icover ang katong capital na imung

giinvest niya ingato … tapos kung

iconnect pud nimo sa profit kato … kung

gamay lang imung sales syempre tapos

dili to makabuhat imong capital so walay

profit na ma … hitabo walay profit na

mahatag sa imung company, murag ang

paglabas lang ana gagawas lang kag


kwarta peor walay gabalik sa imuha ,

katongud minamanage cash flow kay

naga nao … naga exist sa imung

company ay .. sa imung business.

-So, in terms sa sales kay nay times nga

malugi ka ug your product is not well

known ug wala kakabalo sa sales nga

nagasulod sa imong company. Then sa

profit, in terms pud ana kay para sa akua

kay connected lang silang duha kay tung

first kaganina, tung sale.

-So in terms of sales, nay tendency nga

madako ang lugi if ever sako pud imong

giinvest, labi na kung ang ginabaligya

ninyo kay dili kusog ang demand. Ang

giinvest nimo bali dile siya mabawe.

Connected lang pud siya sa profit once

na dile matarung ug manage ang cash

flow sa sales, gamay ra pud ang profit,

so kung I come up na nimo tanan

nagbong lang gihapon sa lugi.

-So ang impact sa mismanage sa cash

flow in terms of sales and profit is ,


syempre dako ang lugi, kay mismanage

man ang cash flow is murag dile na gud

nimo siya mabawi … murag dako na

kayo imung lugi ba.

-Uhmmm .. base sa akung pag invest sa

laing mga kompanya, uhh … kining cash

flowkay kay murag dagan sa imung

kwarta sa imung pag-invest sa isa ka

kompanya, tapos ang kaning kwarta ani

kay murag wala na … unsa ni , murag

wala gud nimo makamit ang gusto nimo

nga kwarta nga imung abuton tapos …

ang cause pud ani kay murag mag cause

syag bankrupt sa imung company.

The answer in our No. 2 Interview Guide

Question Responses

2) What is the effective way of managing -uhm…the…the… the(laugh) the one

cash flow? who will manage the… the… cash flow

of the business should have uhm… what

is this… uhm… knowledge and in

managing the cash flow so that it will be


effective and the… the… the… what we

called, the money will flow in the

business properly.

-so dapat karang every transaction or

every kanang kung unsa ang inyuhang

expenses, kung unsa ang mga..

inyuhang nakuha or unsa mana ang mga

inventory nga ma. Ano inyuha jud siyang

I take note or ibutang niyo sa… sa

record, sa journal pero ano … para ma

track ninyo kung pila inyong nagasto,

pila inyong nakuha.

-so, ang effective way of managing cash

flow is kung pwede ilista nimo ang

gawas sa kwarta kung asa paadto ug

ilista pud nimo ang nabalik para mabal-

an jud nimo kung naa kay na profit or


-karang, magbuhat ug mga financial

report, karang financial statement sa

mga expenses na imung gibuhat para

ma record ug matrace nimo kung nag

expense ba ka ug ani na bagay.


-so… para sa akoa ang effective way of

managing the cash flow is ano kanang

dapat nimo eh.. ano… eh… secure

dapat jud nimo.. murag ifinalized jud

nimo kung naga sale ba ka ug prduct

nga wala ka kabalo kung halin makahalin

ka kay tungod sa mga expensive sa

mga.. other expense nga (dile) related sa

imuhang … company so,… dapat

effective way is .. kato is ano dapat nimo

eh secure dapat eh karang.. uhm.. mura

evaluate gud nimo or eexamine sa gud

nimo ing ana tapos.

-ang effective way ana kay ano karang

dili ka mag sagad sagad ug gasto dapat

jud ibudget jud nimo siya kung pila

imung capital ug… dapat jud naga

hunahuna .. naka sa resulta unsay, pila

ang… unsa ni oy! Unsay tawag ani oh,

bali murag future gud sa mga kwarta ug

pila imung madawat kung magpalit ka

anang capital nimo, kuan ni siya, niya tas

pila pud sa makabalik sa imuha nga



-uhm.. base sa akung pag obsrba kay

murag kinahanglan siyag murag financial

report arun bal-an kung unsay mga

expense nga imung gipangcollect ug

kanang dile sya related sa business.

-ang effective way nga pagmanage sa

cash flow kay dapat mag record jud sa

mga sales, investment, profit, etc.

-so, as the owner, mag record sa mga

expenses, utang, investments, sales or

any transactions na mahitabo sa

business. Ang purpose mangud sa

recording is para ma aware ang

business asa man nagapadulong ang

kwarta ug paano mabawi ug paano

mawala ang kwarta sa para sa akua,

mau jud na siya ang pinaka effective way

sa pag manage sa cash flow.

-So… effective way of managing the

cash flow is uhm… dapat mag conduct

ka ug seminar something…

Curriculum Vitae


Name: Princess Mae H. Escovidal

Address: Santa Monica Subd. Blk.1 Lot 17

Lote, Cal. General Santos City

Date of Birth: May 24, 2000

Civil Status: Single

Age: 17 years old

Religion: Roman Catholic

Mother’s name: Erla H. Escovidal

Mother’s occupation: Self Employed

Father’s name: Cesar E. Escovidal

Father’s occupation: Self Employed


Pre-school: Grace Gospel School

Elementary: Romana C. Acharon Central Elementary School

High School: General Santos City National High School


Throughout the journey of this subject I learned many things in life. You
cannot easily get want you want, you need to exert efforts to get it. Research is
really important in this generation it helps us to improve our technologies and the
things we use in our daily task. Through research it answers the unanswered
questions in our mind. It brings us to discover new knowledge , it lightens the
route to new discoveries and it teaches us to imagine deeper to go beyond and

explore more about life.


Name: Jerona Ofiaza Romero

Address: Talisay St. Balite Lagao, General Santos City

Date of Birth: July 3, 2000

Civil Status: Single

Age: 17 years old

Religion: Baptist

Mother’s name: Joanne-an Ofiaza

Mother’s occupation: OFW

Father’s name: Jerome Romero

Father’s occupation: Driver


Pre-school: Balite Lagao Elementary School

Elementary: Balite Lagao Elementary School

High School: General Santos City National High School


This study give insight into my life. Through this project I have realized

that you cannot understand things if you don’t have time to know the answers or

the solution of your problem. I have learned to trust God and to trust others for

you to have a better relationship with each others. Also, researching is a very

helpful tool to know the unknown problem or situation for you to find the answers.

Throughout this journey I indeed believe that when you do your best God will do

the rest.


Name: Clement Miles Parcolio

Address: Upper 7 Banualan

Date of Birth: September 25, 2001

Civil Status: Single

Age: 16 years old

Religion: Seventh Day Adventist

Mother’s name: Juby J. Parcolio

Mother’s occupation: Storekeeper

Father’s name: Jocil S. Parcolio

Father’s occupation: Foreman


Pre-school: Nasa Elementary School

Elementary: Fatima Central Elementary School

High School: General Santos City National High School


Research is not a simple task. You need to sacrifice, patience and effort to

do and to have a good outcome of research.I learned that, in this subject, It helps

me to have more knowledge about a certain topic and also the related

information of the research. It seems really difficult, and it was very tired finding

information either on the internet, books or in a personals experiences. But it has

a great help in my learnings and also to myself.


Name: Queenie Jane Perocho

Address: Phase 4 Mabuhay

General Santos City

Date of Birth: July 31, 2000

Civil Status: Single

Age: 17 years old

Religion: Catholic

Mother’s name: Avaceli Perocho

Mother’s occupation: Housewife

Father’s name: Epictacio Perocho

Father’s occupation: Farmer


Pre-school: Dadiangas West Central Elementary School

Elementary: Dadiangas West Central Elementary School

High School: General Santos City National High School


In the process of making research I learned that it is a very challenging

task, but despite I also learned that we must be determine and persevere to

achieve what we want and to be successful. No matter circumstances just

believe in your selves.


Name: Joana Mae Rasay

Address: Prk. Upper Putting Bato

Calumpang, General Santos City

Date of Birth: December 6, 2000

Civil Status: Single

Age: 17 years old

Religion: A.M.C

Mother’s name: Analyn T. Rasay

Mother’s occupation: OFW

Father’s name: Saturnino P. Rasay

Father’s occupation: Carpenter


Pre-school: Balunto Elementary School

Elementary: Balunto Elementary School

High School: General Santos City National High School


Research subject changes my whole life , it makes me think more deeply

than before . Research teaches me on how to make difficult things into easier

one . It makes me more matured and improve my learning about something I

didnt know yet . In research things are not easily to clarify it undergoes process ,

just like in our lives we can not get what we want . We must wait and be patient

in everything so that everything will be better .

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