Hierchy Type PDF

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How does type stand out in a busy environment?

Hierarchy is the way the type is organised
to indicate levels of importance to the
A level

B level
Woody texture suggests that its organic
Good type hierarchy would result in easy
Classroom excercise

Design a poster for C.R.Y

Images and content uploaded in class room
Typographic expressiveness

Transmits Thoughts & Ideas

Herb Lubalin, American Graphic Designer
Max Kisman, “We Love Your” Dutch freelance graphic designer
French Designer Massin
groundbreaking typographic treatment of the Eugene Ionesco play The Bald Soprano
Theatrical experience in printed page
French Designer Massin
Kenya Hara Book: Designing Design
Haptic: the use of technology that stimulates the senses of touch and

Brief: participants to design an object motivated by ‘haptic’

considerations rather than shape and color
animal hairs on silicone
drawn with cultured mold fungus
hara asked masahiko sato to
re-design the exit and entry
stamps for passports at
international airports, with the
underlying note that it should
‘warm people’s hearts’.
Graphic artist and sculptor Andreas
Scheiger recently came across the book “The
Alphabet and Elements of Lettering” (1918) by
famous type designer Frederic W. Goudy,
which analyzes the alphabet and compares
letters to human anatomy

a pair of mixed reality smartglasses developed and manufactured by Microsoft.
Holographic Type Sculpture Comes to Life with Microsoft HoloLens
Classroom excercise

Word and the Think about how you would want

meaning you want to to modify the shapes of the letter
convey or arrange or customise them to
get the additional meaning

Inventiveness & Sense of play

Create 10 words and bring in the concept of
expressive typography by changing the
anatomy or characters of the words

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