Margrette Dolores R. Lopez Grade 7-Maalalahanin

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Margrette Dolores R.


Grade 7- Maalalahanin

Experiment #1


Does coffee dissolve faster in hot or cold water?


Coffee dissolves faster in hot water.


1. 2 Tbsp coffee
2. 1 cup boiling water
3. 1 Cup cold water
4. 2 cups
5. Stopwatch


1. Put water in the refrigerator for at least one hour.

2. Boil water.
3. Prepare 1 Tbsp of coffee for the hot water and 1 Tbsp of coffee for the cold water separately
4. Pour the boiled water into one of the coffee containers and time until the coffee is completely
5. Pour the cold water into the other coffee container and time until the coffee is completely
6. Compare the results for the hot water and cold water.


 For the first trial, it took 12.10 seconds for the coffee to be completely dissolved in the hot
water. Whereas it took 7 minutes and 16.97 seconds for the coffee to dissolve in the cold water
 For the second trial, it took 10.17 seconds for the water to be completely dissolved in the hot
water. Whereas, it took 6 minutes and 44.19 seconds for the coffee to be dissolved in the cold
 The coffee dissolved immediately when the hot water was poured but the mixture needed to be
stirred for the coffee to be dissolved in the cold water.
 Less hot water is needed to dissolve the coffee than cold water.


I therefore conclude that coffee dissolves faster in hot water.

This is because when water is heated, the molecules gain energy and, thus, move faster. The added
energy in the hot water causes water molecules to move faster and coffee molecules to vibrate faster.

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