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Friendship over One Girl Love Story

By: Reenah Luis

Sean Pangilinan

Once there were three friends Wendhel, Ady and Mike. For anything, usually you
would have only two of them agree. But still you always will see them together. They
have been friends for more than 5 years now.

One day they saw a girl waking in front of them. The careless walk, the dress, which
was not doing justice to her figure and her flicking hair made them, notice her. All 3
wanted to get to know her 

Wendhel: Hi

Girl: Hi 

Wendhel: Sorry I just couldn't stop by noticing the pullover you are wearing. Did you
study in Blun?

Girl: Yes …2017 batch. Did you study there?

Wendhel: Nope but I studied in OLSHCO and sorry for intruding. I just couldn't stop
myself from talking to you

Girl smiled and the next 30 minutes of intellectual conversation was something
Wendhel never had with anyone.

Ady and Mike were noticing the giggling and talking and it was pinching both of
them ...they were waiting for their turn to get to know her and impress her.

Wendhel was successful in getting a date with the most intelligent girl he had met. It
was fixed for next Sunday morning at 10AM in Cabanatuan city.

Ady approached the girl and said 

Ady: I am Wendhel's friend, Ady. 

Girl: (not so interested) Hi

Ady: Can I sit with you till Wendhel comes back?

Girl: Sure 

Girl: What do you do?

Ady: I am a Theater artist and a musician

Girl: wow! What do you play?

Ady: Anything, which soothes my mind and listeners heart 

Girl was suddenly interested to know Ady ...She talked a lot about her Vigan trip and
Baguio trip. How she met so many artists there and how though she didn't have a
voice or finger to play any instruments spent some amazing quality time with them.

She enjoyed the open hearted talk with Ady and felt very connected with him. The
whole experience was something she never felt with strangers. She gave Ady a hug
and told him why don't we catch up for a coffee next Sunday morning at 10AM at
Cabanatuan city?

Now the girl was warmed twice by the best .two guys. Mike wanted to try his luck

Mike: I see something missing in your eyes

Girl: (bit confused) What? Is my kajal gone bad?

Mike: Something inside your eyes

 Girl: (confused)

Mike: You miss your dad way too much.

Suddenly the love for her dad was flowing as tears in her eyes …

Girl: How did you know?

Mike: I just do.

Girl: You need to tell me what made you say that so correctly?

Mike: I can say many things about you because I can feel you inside me. I can feel the
emotions and your dilemma

Girl: Why don't we meet next Sunday morning at 10AM in Cabanatuan city?

Mike: Surely yes ...but remember irrespective the layers of clothing you will wear,
you will still be naked in front of me

Girl: (Smile) I will surely remember that 

All three of them were proud of themselves and shared their experience.

Wendhel: Both of you aren't practical. She surely liked me

Ady: I had the most emotional talk with her. I am sure she liked me the most

Mike: Come on guys ...she was born for me. I just could feel it. And without so many
words as both of you, she felt it too
So when are you meeting her? 

All together: Next Sunday at 10AM in Cabanatuan City 

Suddenly there was a moment of silence and they started wondering 

"How can this be possible? If she liked one of us, she should have invited only one of
us. If she liked all 3, she could have invited us at different times ...why did she do

What should we do now?

Does she have a different side to what we saw? What will she do when she meets us
together? "

So many questions were popping up, but they decided that they would meet her
Sunday and get a better clarification. 

3 more days to go ...they couldn't wait any minute longer but they didn't have a

Finally those 3 days did slowly move and Sunday morning at 7AM all were ready
to meet her

They left in the same car and waited near the coffee shop for 2 hours to see her. 

Reenah walks in gracefully in a white dress. She surely got few more eyes looking at
her. She was a perfect combination of beauty and brains ...she had that smile on her
which could kill anyone. The figure hugging dress highlighted her curves which for
Wendhel more anxious to meet her.

She sits in from them and says:

Reenah: Do you know why I called all 3 of you together?

All: No ! 

Reenah: Because I have fallen for all of you! 

Now Ady, Mikaela and Reenah are totally confused. They don't have a word. 

Ady: Reenah I feel a lot for you. I do agree that I met you once but the love I have for
you and the emotions, which I experience when I think of you, is something, which I
can't express in words.

Wendhel : Think about your future and select one of us. I feel we can scale many
mountains together and lead a very happy and successful life. I do meet a lot of
people but after I met you I can say..."I don't want to meet any more"

Mike: Baby you are destined to be with me. I complete you. 

Reenah: All of you are right. That's why I like all of you.

The waiter comes to take the order... 

Waiter: Maam…how many coffees? 

Before Wendhel could say "4", Reenah said "2 coffees please" 

The mystery deepens for Wendhel, Ady and Mike. What is the secret of ordering one
coffee for all 3 of us? 

Reenah: (smiles) let me tell you a secret you have forgotten about yourselves…

Baby : More than I wanting you, all 3 of you need me! You need me to remind you
that all of you are just one person residing inside mind (Reenah), heart (Ady) and soul
(Mikaela) of Amit! Only I can connect all of you together and make you feel like
never before

Now everything made sense for Amit. 

Amit: You are so true Reenah. I always had trichotomy inside me and they never
agreed for anything together. Only with you, I got all 3 of them align and song and
dance for the same tune. Be with me always. I love you. I can't say it enough but I
really do love you. You are right; I need you more than you want me. I will do my
best to keep you happy.

Be with me always and keep these 3 guys together challenged and engaged.

It's been almost 10 years now and all 4 of them are living happily together.

So it's indeed a possibility to get someone who as a soulmate can feel togetherness at
the same intensity, can emote at the same frequency as yours and think at the same
wavelength as you. 

People say love has no language and ifs blind but I say,

When you see love not through your eyes but through your heart, you know its not
blind. When you exchange those beautiful smiles together, you know it has a
language of its own which the only two hearts can feel and understand.

Cheers to that heart and its games....

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