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Tools for components reliability prediction

Conference Paper · June 2017

DOI: 10.1201/9781315210469-276


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2 authors:

Zdenek Vintr Michal Vintr

University of Defence Brno University of Technology


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Safety and Reliability – Theory and Applications – epin & Briš (Eds)
© 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-62937-0

Tools for components reliability prediction

Z. Vintr
University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

M. Vintr
Independent Reliability Consultant, Brno, Czech Republic

ABSTRACT:  The paper deals with the problem of reliability assessment of electronic, electric and
mechanical components for technical systems. It is specifically focused on the analysis of the current
situation in the field of component reliability prediction. In the initial phases of component’s life cycle,
especially in the pre-manufacturing phases, usually it is not possible to use neither testing experience nor
field experience for components reliability assessment because the components do not exist physically. In
this case, it is convenient to use modern internationally recognized reliability databases or standardized
calculation methodologies introduced in this paper. The article brings a survey of databases and method-
ologies for components reliability prediction that are internationally recognized and most often used.

1 INTRODUCTION component quality. The most frequent quality val-

ues are as follows: unknown, lower, commercial,
Nowadays the requirements on reliability of the military-specific, etc. The surroundings in which
electrical, instrumentation and control systems are the component will be operated are characterized
constantly rising. Suppliers, who are able to “man- by operational environment. The most frequent
age” reliability of developed and manufactured categories of operational environments are as
systems, have significant competitive advantages. follows: ground-benign, ground-fixed, ground-
The basis of the mentioned “managing” is reliabil- mobile, naval, airborne, etc.
ity assessment in the initial stages of product life.
The reliability of the whole systems can be assessed
using the well-known methods (e.g. Reliability
block diagrams, Fault tree analysis).
2.1  NPRD-2016 – Non-electronic Parts
The application of these methods requires
Reliability Data
assessing the reliability of individual components.
It can be carried out by a number of different ways. The database NPRD-2016 – Non-electronic Parts
First, the given data might be taken directly from a Reliability Data was created by the Quanterion
manufacturer of a specific element, but only if the Solutions Incorporated (Quanterion 2016d). The
manufacturer has the specific information avail- database provides failure rate data for a wide vari-
able. However, in practice we frequently face the ety of component types including mechanical,
situation that a manufacturer of a specific compo- electromechanical, and electronic assemblies. The
nent is not able or not willing to provide the infor- data was obtained by long lasting observation of
mation on their products reliability. In this case, we systems and elements in the field. The data col-
have no choice but to search for different ways of lection targeted the information on relatively new
determining or estimating the necessary param- components without actually having enough expe-
eters. In this case, the most credible approach to rience of dealing with them as well as the informa-
prediction of components reliability is utilizing of tion from different sources, operational conditions,
internationally accepted reliability databases and and quality levels (Dylis & Priore 2001).
reliability prediction methods. The main goal of the database is to provide the
In all the databases and methodologies men- information about the elements failure rates made
tioned below the values of reliability measures are of commercial quality, to provide the information
stated for different levels of component quality on the failure rates of the state-of-the-art parts,
and different operational environments. The level and to complete similar methodologies with the
of design, development and manufacturing of data on the elements which are not included in
a component is characterized by the level of the them.

The database exists both in a paper and in an version of the database can be found on the web
electronic form, but primarily it might be acquired pages of the product (Quanterion 2016b).
as a part of software products of most of the com-
panies specializing in software development in the
2.4  Quanterion automated databook
dependability area. Other information on actual
version of the database can be found on the web The Automated Databook represents an integrated
pages of the product (Quanterion 2016a). software product that incorporates the above
mentioned databases NPRD-2016, EPRD-2014
and FMD-2016). This interactive software tool
2.2  EPRD-2014 - Electronic Parts Reliability
provides efficient search and retrieval of all infor-
mation contained in pertinent databases. Contain-
The database EPRD-2014 – Electronic Parts Reli- ing a built-in search engine, information may be
ability Data was also made by the Quanterion searched on part number, part types, and manu-
Solutions Incorporated. The database consists of facturer. Additional filters are available to specify
the information on electronic components failure application environment and quality levels.
rates. Other information on actual version of the soft-
It is about the following components: integrated ware can be found on the web pages of the product
circuits, discrete semiconductors (diodes, transis- (Quanterion 2016c).
tors, optoelectronic devices), resistors, capacitors,
and inductors/transformers, all of which were
2.5  SPIDRTM - System and Part Integrated
obtained from the field usage of electronic compo-
Data Resource
nents. The data collection was aimed at getting the
information on relatively new components without The database SPIDRTM was published at the
having enough experience of dealing with them beginning of 2006 by the Alion System Reliabil-
as well as the information from different sources, ity Centre (SRC 2016). The database SPIDRTM is a
operational conditions, and quality levels. The complex product replacing the databases NPRD-
main goal of the database is to provide the infor- 95, EPRD-97 and FMD-97 (previous versions
mation on the failure rates of the state-of-the-art of the above mentioned databases NPDR-2016,
parts, and especially to complete the MIL-HDBK- EPRD-2014 and FMD-2016), and contains more
217F methodology. than twice the amount of updated information
The database exists both in a paper and in an compared to the original set of databases.
electronic form, but primarily it might be acquired To be specific, in the database there are the data
as a part of software products of most of the com- on more than 6000 types of electronic, electrical,
panies specializing in software development in the electromechanical and mechanical components.
dependability area. Other information on actual The database SPIDRTM can be acquired as a sepa-
version of the database can be found on the web rate software product of the SRC.
pages of the product (Quanterion 2014). Other information on actual version of the soft-
ware can be found on the web pages of the product
(SCR 2006).
2.3  FMD-2016 - Failure Mode/Mechanism
2.6  OREDA
The database FMD-2016 - Failure Mode/Mecha-
nism Distributions was also created by the Quante- OREDA (Offshore & Onshore Reliability Data)
rion Solutions Incorporated. In the database there is a project organization sponsored by oil and gas
is the data on probability of single failure modes´ companies with worldwide operations (OREDA
occurrence for specific electronic, electrical, elec- 2015a). OREDA’s main purpose is to collect and
tromechanical, and mechanical components. The exchange reliability data among the participating
information was obtained by long lasting observa- companies. OREDA has established a compre-
tion of systems and elements in the field. hensive databank with reliability and maintenance
The main goal of the database is to provide data for exploration and production equipment
necessary background for carrying out predictive from a wide variety of geographic areas, installa-
dependability analyses, especially FMECA (Fail- tions, equipment types and operating conditions.
ure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis). The Offshore subsea and topside equipment are pri-
database exists both in a paper and in an elec- marily covered, but onshore equipment is also
tronic form, but primarily it might be acquired as included (OREDA 2015b).
a part of software products of most of the com- The OREDA data are stored in a database avail-
panies specializing in software development in the able for member companies and contractors in the
dependability area. Other information on actual form of a handbook. At present the 6th edition of

the OREDA Handbook published in 2015 is the of the component, the component quality level
current one. Only the OREDA member companies and the equipment environment.
have also access to the computerized database with In general, the parts count method will usually
its comprehensive search and analysis software. result in more conservative estimation of a failure
Purpose of this software solution is to handle rate than parts stress method.
data collection, acquisition and analysis. Addi- The prediction according to the MIL-HDBK-
tionally, special utility is developed for software 217F is supported by most software products
configuration, automated data transfer, quality focused on reliability prediction. The standard in
check etc. Other information can be found on the the electronic form is freely available on the Internet.
OREDA web pages (OREDA 2015a). The MIL-HDBK-217F is still very frequently
used in many areas of industry, in spite of the fact
that used methodology is out of date.
For this reason in 2008, Naval Surface Warfare
Center, Crane Division (U.S. Navy 2017b) gath-
ered an industry working group to develop a revi-
3.1  Military standard MIL-HDBK-217F
sion to MIL-HDBK-217. A draft of the updated
The standard MIL-HDBK-217F—Military Hand- standard, MIL-HDBK-217G, was completed in
book: Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equip- 2010 and released for public review, but it was
ment is a defense standard published by the U.S. quickly retracted pending internal discussions in
Department of Defense. It was completed in 1961 the U.S. Department of Defense bout reliability
and since then it was revised a couple of times, in policy (Gipper 2012). Despite the fact that this
1995 it was rewritten for the last time and then the standard has not been officially accepted, the per-
standard development was finished. The predic- tinent methodology is often used in practice and
tion methodology described in the standard was offered as a part of software products focused on
primarily developed to predict reliability of mili- reliability prediction.
tary electronic systems, but later it became widely In 2011 U.S. Department of Defense showed a
used in the areas out of the army, and nowadays it new interest in MIL-HDBK-217 revisions, espe-
is the most frequently used prediction methodol- cially to include use of Physics of Failure methods
ogy of electronic elements reliability. (Gipper 2012). Nevertheless this initiative has not
The parameters values introduced in the stand- had any tangible results yet.
ard and used for calculating the failure rate were
obtained from the estimations based on the analy-
3.2  PRISM© - Reliability Prediction and
ses of real failures in the field.
Generic types of the elements included in the
standard are as follows: microcircuits, semiconduc- PRISM© – Reliability Prediction and Database for
tors, electronic tubes, lasers, resistors, condensers, Electronic and Non-electronic Parts is a method-
coils, rotary elements, relays, switches, connectors, ology of elements reliability prediction offered by
linking and connecting elements, silicon crystals, the Alion System Reliability Centre (SRC 2016).
bulbs, electronic filters, and fuses. The standard The methodology was published at the begin-
contains two different prediction methods, a “parts ning of 1999  in order to replace the outdated
count” method and a “parts stress” method. MIL-HDBK-217F.
The parts stress prediction method requires The reliability estimation methodology PRISM©
a greater amount of detailed information and is includes two parts. First, failure rates at the ele-
applicable during later design phase when stresses ments level are determined and then modified
and other environmental and quality factors are at the system level by process coefficients which
known for each component. The basic procedure describe failure occurrence causes. A mathematical
in calculating the failure rate is by multiplying a model of system failure rate when using the meth-
base failure rate by operational and environmental odology PRISM© takes into account the follow-
stress factors. For example, the method takes into ing factors infant mortality, environment, design
account the following factors: temperature, appli- process, reliability growth, manufacturing process,
cation, power rating, power stress, contact con- system management process, induced process, no-
struction, quality, and environment. defect process, and wear out process. Models for
The parts count prediction method is applicable individual types of components differ but they are
in early stages of a design and development when based on the general model already introduced.
little information about the design is known. The Numerical values of failure rates, coefficients, mul-
parts count method is a relatively simple prediction tipliers are determined on the basis of the input
method using default stress values. The informa- information on environment, the field, develop-
tion needed to apply the method is a generic type ment, manufacturing, stress, etc.

The models are available for capacitors, resis- on actual version of this tool can be found on the
tors, diodes, transistors, thyristors, integrated cir- web pages of the product (Quanterion 2015).
cuits and software. Specific values of failure rates,
factors and multipliers are assessed according to
3.4  FIDES Guide 2009
the information on environment, operation, etc.
The methodology PRISM© exists as a software The methodology FIDES described in the hand-
product of the same name made by the SRC, and book FIDES Guide 2009 – Reliability Methodol-
it might be acquired as a part of software products ogy for Electronic Systems was published in 2010
made by some companies specializing in software under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense in
development in the area of dependability. Other France. It is a second edition of the handbook,
information can be found on the web pages of the while the first edition appeared as the standard
product (SCR 1999). DGA-DM/STTC/CO/477-A in 2004. The hand-
book was worked out by the FIDES (FIDES
Group 2008) partnership consisting of French
3.3  217PlusTM
industrial companies involved in the areas of avia-
The methodology 217PlusTM – Reliability Predic- tion and defense industry.
tion Models deals with the prediction of elements The methodology was developed using practical
reliability and it is offered by the Quanterion Solu- data from the aviation and military area and those
tions Incorporated (Quanterion 2016d). The meth- of the producers’. It focuses on realistic prediction
odology was published in July 2006  in order to of electronic devices reliability and systems oper-
replace fully outdated MIL-HDBK-217F and the ating under difficult conditions (defense systems,
older rival product PRISM©. aviation, etc.). The methodology provides the
The methodology enables us to predict reliabil- models for electrical, electronic, and electrome-
ity of 12 groups of the following electronic ele- chanical elements as well as for the parts of printed
ments: condensers, connectors, diodes, inductors, circuits. It takes into account all the technological
integrated circuits, optoelectronic parts, relays, and physical factors which influence product reli-
resistors, switching devices, thyristors, transistors, ability (Marin & Pollard 2005).
and transformers. The reliability prediction based To be specific, it looks at the kind of emission,
on the methodology 217PlusTM is carried out in electrical, mechanical and thermal overstress, and
two stages. First, the reliability of single elements the development, manufacturing, operation and
is calculated on the components level, and then it maintenance related failures. It might be used in all
is modified by system coefficients on the system the areas using electronics. The handout contain-
level. ing the methodology FIDES might be found and
Numerical values of failure rates and coef- downloaded free of charge on the FIDES partner-
ficients are determined on the basis of the input ship web pages (FIDES Group 2009), and predic-
information on environment, the field, develop- tions procedures based on the methodology FIDES
ment, manufacturing, stress, etc. Failure rate on are a part of commercial software products.
the components level might be determined when
using other databases and methodologies, or one´s
3.5  IEC/TR 62380 – Reliability data handbook
own data might be used. A general mathematical
model of failure rate on the system level takes into A universal model for reliability prediction of elec-
account especially the following factors: part proc- tronics components, and equipment was published
ess grading, infant mortality, environment, design by the International Electrotechnical Commission
process grading, reliability growth, manufactur- (IEC 2017) in August 2004. The standard stems
ing process grading, system management process from the French telecommunication standard
grading, induced process grading, no-defect proc- UTE C 80–810 which was published in 2000. The
ess grading, and wear out process (Nicholls 2007). methodology stated in both standards is known
The methodology exists in a paper and electronic as RDF 2000. In the methodology there are cal-
form, but mainly it can be acquired as a software culation models for a number of electronic ele-
product of the same name. Prediction procedures ments, especially for printed circuit boards and
based on the methodology 217PlusTM are a part their parts. The methodology takes into account a
of software products of some companies special- great number of influencing factors and above all
izing in software development in the dependability it enables an element stress profile to be taken into
area. account.
The latest version of the product - 217Plus™:2015 The standard IEC/TR 62380 as well as most of
Calculator is a Microsoft Excel-based tool that inte- the IEC standards might be bought in a paper or
grates the failure rate models and Process Grade electronic form. The prediction procedures based
Factors into one spreadsheet. Other information on the methodology RDF 2000 are a part of

software products of most of the companies spe- systems in the Norwegian petroleum industry and
cializing in software development in the depend- presents data applicable for performing SIL analy-
ability area. Other information can be found on ses according to IEC 61508/61511.
the IEC web pages (IEC 2017).
3.8  GJB/z 299B
3.6  Telcordia SR-332
The standard GJB/z 299B—Reliability Calculation
The standard Telcordia SR-332 – Reliability Pre- Model for Electronic Equipment was developed by
diction Procedures for Electronic Equipment was the Chinese Army and it was translated into Eng-
created by the Telcordia Technologies (Telecordia lish in May 2001. Sometimes the standard is called
2017) which arose from the company AT&T Bell China 299B.
Laboratories. That is the reason why the stand- The standard is based on the MIL-HDBK-217
ard is sometimes called the Bellcore SR-332. At and includes both a parts count and a parts stress
present the fourth edition of the standard Telcor- prediction method for electronic components. The
dia SR-332 published in 2016 is the current one. prediction according to this standard is supported
The methodology introduced in the standard by most software products focused on reliability
stems from the principles stated in MIL-HDBK- prediction.
217F, however, it describes special characteristics
of telecommunication industry better and enables
3.9  NSWC-11
so called burning-in to be taken into account. The
prediction might be carried out by using three The standard NSWC-11 – Handbook of Reliability
different methods based on parts count method, Prediction Procedures for Mechanical Equipment
the data obtained by taking laboratory tests and was made by the Naval Surface Warfare Center—
the data got by observing elements in the field. The Carderock Division (U.S. Navy 2017a) working as
methodology is intended especially for commercial a part of the United States Navy. The last version
electronic products and it is widely used in the area was published in May 2011.
of telecommunications. In the standard there are calculation models for
The standard Telcordia SR-332 can be bought different types of mechanical elements used prima-
in as a methodology (standard) or as a software rily in the shipping industry (e.g. bearings, springs,
tool FD-ARPP-01 (Telecordia 2016). The predic- shafts, etc.). Using the models enables thermal
tion procedures based on the standard Telcordia stress, force stress and a great deal of other influ-
SR-332 are a part of software products of most ences to be considered.
of the companies specializing in software develop- The prediction procedures based on the stand-
ment in the dependability area. ard or its previous revisions are a part of software
products of most of the companies specializing in
software development in the dependability area.
3.7  PDS method and data handbook
The standard NSWC-11, as well as software for
The PDS method and data were developed by reliability calculation according this standard
SINTEF and first time issued in 1998. The PDS might be found and loaded free of charge on the
method handbook presents simple calculation Naval Surface Warfare Center web pages (U.S.
formulas for calculating Probability of Failure on Navy 2017).
Demand, and provides unavailability formulas for
continuously (high demand mode) operating sys-
tems (SINTEF 2013a). The PDS data handbook 4 CONCLUSION
comprises recommended failure data on various
system instrumented system components, both The paper does not intend to offer a complete list
topside and subsea (SINTEF 2013b). The method of all databases and methodologies used for reli-
is widely used in the petroleum industry, but is also ability prediction but it just introduces the most
applicable to other business sectors. widespread and the most widely used present
The PDS method is in line with the main prin- databases and methodologies applied in the
ciples advocated in the IEC 61508/61511standards, area of components for electronic, electrical and
and is a very useful tool when implementing and mechanical systems. Other databases and method-
verifying quantitative (SIL—Safety Integrated ologies not mentioned in this chapter are specific
Level) requirements as described in these stand- for corresponding application fields or for single
ards. The PDS method is continuously updated, companies.
and new method and data handbooks were issued Individual prediction methods can produce very
in 2013. The data handbook is based on extensive different results. It is given by differences in used
experience with operation of instrumented safety methodologies and various sources of reliability

data. Very important role also plays the fact for prediction for complex electronic system (hundreds
what industrial sector the pertinent methodology of parts) using four selected methods. Results of
or database was developed. The potential differ- these reliability prediction are presented in Table 1.
ences in results of individual prediction methods From the results it follows that application of MIL-
application can be very well presented when reli- HDBK-227F produced 6 times greater failure rate
ability is calculated using the various methods for than application of Telecordia SR 332 in this case.
the same system and under the same operating and Results of calculation indicates that methodol-
environmental conditions. ogy used in MIL-HDBK-217F is really out-of-date
In the frame of a recent project realization and its application is not suitable in the case of
author of this contribution carried out reliability modern electronic systems.
At present the most respected databases applied
to the prediction of non-electronic elements reli-
Table 1.  Comparison of reliability prediction results for ability is the database NPRD-2016. Concerning
selected methods*. the area of electric and electronic elements reli-
ability prediction, the situation is slightly more
Failure rate complicated. The database EPRD-2014 is really
widespread and it contains a great deal of real ele-
Prediction method Failures/106 hours ments not included in other methodologies but it is
not possible there to consider such extent of influ-
Mil-Hdbk-217F (Notice 2) 16.13 encing factors. The reliability prediction based on
Mil-Hdbk-217G (Draft 4)  9.34
MIL-HDBK-217F is at present the most widely
217 Plus:2015  3.42
used methodology when predicting electronic ele-
Telecordia SR332 (Issue 4)  2.51
ments reliability but the standard has not been
Reliability prediction has been carried out for a complex updated since 1995 and it got quite outdated.
electronic subsystem (part of a high-resolution radar). Therefore the methodologies PRISM©, FIDES
All predictions have been done for the same operation and the most recent 217PlusTM provide different
and environmental conditions. approaches which are intended to overcome the

Table 2.  Survey of selected methods for reliability prediction.

Prediction method Included components Applied industry Issue

NPRD-2016 Mechanical, electromechanical, and Military/Commercial 2016

electronic components and assemblies
EPRD-2014 Electronic parts—integrated circuits, discrete Military/Commercial 2014
semiconductors (diodes, transistors,
optoelectronic devices), resistors,
capacitors, and inductors/transformers
FMD-2016 Electronic, electrical, electromechanical, Military/Commercial 2016
and mechanical components
(information on failure modes)
SPIDR Electronic, electrical, electromechanical, Military/Commercial 2006
and mechanical components
OREDA-2015 Electronic, electrical, electromechanical, Oil and gas 2015
and mechanical onshore and offshore
equipment (including subsea fields)
PDS Method and Data Components of control and safety systems Petroleum (generally for 2013
Handbook instrumented safety systems)
MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2 Electric and electronic components Military/Commercial 1995
MIL-HDBK-217G (draft 4) Electric and electronic components Military/Commercial 2010
PRISM Electronic and non-electronic components Military/Commercial 2003
217Plus:2015 Electric and electronic components Military/Commercial 2015
FIDES 2009 Electronic, electrical, and electromechanical Aviation and military 2010
elements and parts of printed circuits
IEC/TR 62380 Electronic elements and parts of printed Telecommunication 2004
SR-332 (Issue 4) Electronic elements Telecommunication 2016
GJB/z 299C Electric and electronic components Military/commercial 2006
NSWC-11 Mechanical equipment and components Military/commercial 2011

insufficiency of the standard MIL-HDBK-217F. Marin, J.J. &, Pollard, R.W. 2005. Experience Report on
However, unsatisfactory practical applicabil- the FIDES Reliability Prediction Method. 2005 Proc.
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prediction to use is made after considering the Nicholls, D. 2007. What is 217Plus and Where Did It
reason why the prediction is performed, and above Come From? 2007 Proc. Ann. Reliability & Maintain-
all, after taking into account the requirements of ability Symp. Piscataway: IEEE, pp. 22–27.
a customer for whom the prediction is made. It is NSWC-11 (2011). Handbook of Reliability Prediction
always the real situation that counts when selecting Procedures for Mechanical Equipment. West Bethesda:
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the databases NPRD-2016, EPRD-2014 and the EPRD-2014. Available at https:// www.quanterion.
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Survey of the presented prediction methods with ity-data-eprd-2014 [Accessed 2017-01-05].
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT Quanterion 2016a. Nonelectronic Parts Reliability Data —
NPRD-2016. Available at
This paper has been prepared with the support data-publication-nprd-2016 [Accessed 2017-01-05].
of the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Repub- Quanterion 2016b. Failure Mode/Mechanism
lic (Partial Project for Institutional Development, Distributions—FMD-2016. Available at https://www.
K-202, Department of Combat and Special Vehi-
cles, University of Defence, Brno). nism-distributions-fmd-2016 [Accessed 2017-01-05].
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Proc. Ann. Reliability & Maintainability Symp. Piscata- Incorporated. Available at
way: IEEE, pp. 308–313. [Accessed 2017-01-05].
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Available at [Accessed Instrumented Systems - PDS Method Handbook. 2010
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Gipper J. 2012. VITA 51 and the Reliability Community SCR (System Reliability Centre) 1999. Reliability Predic-
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