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Plot: Krawzowa Darja d81sp

Evelyn is a young girl who lives in Dublin with her father. Her mother and one of her brothers
died. Dreaming of a better life, she plans to run away with Frank and start a new life in
Argentina. With her mother gone, Evelyn is responsible for the day-to-day running of the
household: her father is a drunk and rarely gives money to run the household, and her brother
Harry is busy with work and often goes away on business.
Evelyn herself works in the store. Evelyn is tired of this life, and she and Frank Board a ship for
Argentina. But when Evelina is almost on Board the ship, her resolve finally fades, and she
decides not to leave. Without a word, she turns and goes home, leaving Frank alone on Board the
There are two conflicts: internal and external. External conflict is associated with her father
abysial who beat her and her brothers.
The internal conflict is related to the fact that she can't decide whether she wants to leave with
her love or not.
There is flash-back, it contains information about a childhood the happy days a past away. She
remembered the time when her father beat her, when she and her brothers walked in the yard,
when her mother and one of the brothers was alive. She also remembered the times when her
father was nice to her.

This story is short, but even in such a short time you see Evelyn's unhappy life, emhathize and
symphatize with her difficult fate.
I think the author wanted to say to us that sometimes in life you need to takes risks, it can make
our life better, but not everyone has the courage to take such a step can't tell if Evelyn made the
right choice. After all I can't know what exactly stopped her from leaving and becoming happy,
but I was dissapointed with her choise.

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