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Mod. One

Pick up the most appropriate statement of the multiple-choice answers by comment on

the correct answers.

1. For the water at pressures below atmospheric, the

(a) melting point rises slightly and boiling point drops markedly
(b) melting point rises markedly and boiling point drops markedly
(c) melting point drops slightly and boiling pointdrops markedly
(d) melting point drops slightly and boiling point drops slightly
(e) none of the above.

2. At very low temperatures, when the melting and boiling temperatures become
equal is
(a) 373K (b) 273.16 K (c) 303 K
(d) 0 K (e) 300 K.

3.The critical pressure at which latent heat of vaporisation is zero is:

(a) 221 bar (b) 273 bar (c) 100 bar (d) 1 bar

4. The latent heat of steam at pressures greater than atmospheric in comparison to

latent heat at atmospheric pressure is
(a) less (b) more (c) equal (d) unpredictable.
(e) may be less or more depending on temperature

5. The saturation temperature of steam with increase in pressure increases:

(a) linearly (b) rapidly first and then slowly
(c) slowly first and then rapidly (d) inversely (e) none of the above.

6. Heating of dry steam above saturation temperature is known as

(a) enthalpy (b) superheating
(c) supersaturation (d) latent heat (e) super tempering.
7. If a steam sample is nearly in dry condition, then its dryness fraction can be most
accurately determined by:
(a) throttling calorimeter (b) separating calorimeter
(c) combined separating and throttling calorimeter
(d) bucket calorimeter (e) none of the above.

8. If x1 and x2 be the dryness fractions obtained in separating calorimeter and

throttling calorimeter respectively, then the actual dryness fraction of steam will be
(a) x1. x2 (b) x1+ x2
(c) ( x1+ x2)/2 (d) 1/( x1+ x2)
9. In a throttling process
(a) heat transfer takes place (b) work is done by the expanding steam
(c) internal energy of steam changes (d) all of the above
(e) none of the above.

10. The pressure at which latent heat of vaporisation of water is zero, is

(a) below atmospheric pressure (b) 1 kg/cm2
(c) 100 kg/cm3 (d) 170 bar (e) 221 bar

11. Latent heat of dry steam at atmospheric pressure is equal to

(a) 2256 kj/kg (b) 539 Btu/lb
(c) 2000 kj/g (d) 100 kcal/kg (e) 471 kj/g.

12. The latent heat of steam with increase of pressure

(a) remains same (b) increases (c) decreases (d) behaves unpredictably
(e) none of the above.

13.At critical point. p=221bar, the latent enthalpy of vporisation is:

(a) maximum (b) minimum (c) zero
(d) depends on temperature also (e) none of the above.

14. At which pressure the properties of water and steam become

(a) below atmospheric pressure (b) 1 bar
(c) 100 kg/cm3 (d) 221 bar (e) it is never possible.

15. In an experiment to determine dryness fraction of steam, the mass of water

separated was 1.2 kg in 15 mts and the mass of steam passed out in same time was 4.8
kg. Dryness fraction is
(a) 40% (b) 25% (c) 50% (d) 80% (e) 90%.

16 .Which calorimeter can be used for steam sample its dryness fraction can be most
accurately determined by:
(W Cp + Wc Cp c )(t 2 − t1 ) − Ws (t s − t 2 )
x= w w
(a) throttling calorimeter Ws h fg
(b) separating calorimeter
(c) combined separating and throttling calorimeter (d) tank calorimeter
(e) none of the above.

17. Which calorimeter can be used for steam sample its dryness fraction can be most
accurately determined by:
ws + ww
(a) throttling calorimeter (b) separating calorimeter
(c) combined separating and throttling calorimeter
(d) tank calorimeter (e) none of the above.

18. A quantity 0.2 kg of steam of steam with an initial wetness of 0.3 is heated at constant
pressure of 7 bar till the volume is doubled. The final temperature, heat, and work
transfer will be:
(a) tsup=153 º C, W12=62.7 Kj and Q=918 Kj
(b) tsup=350 º C, W12=29.7 Kj and Q=89 Kj
(c) tsup=315 º C, W12=26.7 K and Q=189 Kj
(b) tsup=530 º C, W12=27.9 Kj and Q=890 Kj

19.An ideal regenerative cycle is

(a) equal to carnot cycle (b) less than carnot cycle
(c) more than carnot cycle (d) could be anything
(e) none of the above.

20. Efficiency of Rankin cycle can be increased by

(a) increasing initial steam pressure and temperature.
(b) increasing exhaust pressure
(c) decreasing exhaust pressure (d) increasing the expansion ratio
(c) increasing number, of regenerative heaters.

21. Efficiency of a thermal cycle increases by

(a) regeneration (b) reheating of steam
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) cooling of steam,
(e) none of the above.

22. A100% efficiency of a thermal cycle cannot be achieved because of:

(a) frictional losses (b) leakage
(c) it is not possible to achieve 0 K temperature
(d) non-availability of ideal substance
(e) none of the above.

23. The change in internal energy in steam engines equals to

(a) work done during the rankine cycle
(b) work done during compression
(c) work done during adiabatic expansion
(d) change in enthalpy (e) none of i he above.

24. A steam turbine receives steam at 15 bars and, 350°C and. exhausts to the
condenser at 0.06 bar. The thermal efficiency of the ideal Rankine cycle operating
between these, two limits will be .
(a) 0 .45 ( b) 0.32
(c) 0.35 (d) 0.39
25. The actual reheat cycle considering the pressure losses in the reheater, and
reheating of steam in the turbine due to friction is shown in Fig. 2.14.Curve 1_2
represents the diagram for P1
h P2
(a) Actual expansion in HPT (P2-Δp)
1 3
(b) Actual expansion in LPT
(c) Pressure losses in the reheater
(d) Isentropic expansion

Fig. 2.14.

26. Fig. 2.14.Curve 2_3 represents the diagram for

(a) Actual expansion in HPT
(b) actual expansion in LPT
(c) Pressure losses in the reheater
(d) Isentropic expansion

27. Fig. 2.14.Curve 3_4 represents the diagram for

(a) Actual expansion in HPT
(b) Actual expansion in LPT
(c) Pressure losses in the reheater
(d) Isentropic expansion

28. Fig. 2.14.Curve 1_2' represents the diagram for

(a) Actual expansion in HPT (b) actual expansion in LPT
(c) Pressure losses in the reheater (d) isentropic expansion

29. The pressure of reheat steam after passing through reheater compared to inlet condition
(a) More (b) Less (c) Equal
(d) May be more of less depending on capacity of reheater
(e) Unpredictable.

30. Steam exhaust front high pressure turbine is reheated in

(a) Boiler drum (b) super heater tubes
(c) economizer (d) separate coil
(e) a separate coil located in convection path.

31. Vacuum for reciprocating steam engines compared to steam: turbines is

(a) more (b) equal (c) less
(d) could be more or less depending on the size of plant
(e) none of choices.

32. Expanding steam to a very low pressure (high vacuum) in steam engines is
(a) desirable (b) economical
(c) essential (d) optional (e) uneconomical.

33. Reheating of steam under ideal conditions takes place at constant

(a) entropy (b) enthalpy
(c) pressure (d) temperature
(e) all of choices.

34. Rankine cycle efficiency of a good steam power plant may be in the range of:
(a) 15 to 25% (b) 35 to 45% (c) 90 to 95% (d) 75to 85%

35. Regenerative heating cycle will be:

(a) decrease thermal efficiency (b) increase thermal efficiency
(c) does not affect thermal efficiency
(a) may decrease or increase thermal efficiency depending upon the point of extraction
the steam.

36. Cochran boiler is a

(a) horizontal fire-tube boiler (b) horizontal water-tube boiler
(c) vertical water-tube boiler (d) vertical fire tube boiter
(e) forced circulating boiler.

37. The basic purpose of drum in a boiler is to

(a) serve as storage of steam (b) remove salts from water
(c) separate steam from water, (d) control level.
(e) serve as storage of feed water for water wall

38. The biggest size of thermal power unit operating in Talkha Station is
(a) 30 MW (b) 750 MW
(c) 100 MW (d) 210 MW
(e) 500 MW.

39. The basic purpose of drum in a boiler is to

(a) serve as storage of steam (b) remove salts from water
(c) separate steam from water, (d) control level.
(e) serve as storage of feed water for water wall

40. In natural circulation type boiler,

(a) Heating takes place at bottom and the water supplied at bottom gets converted into the
mixture of steam bubble, and hot water which rise to drum
(b) Water is supplied in drum and through down-comera located in atmospheric condition
it passes 'to the water wall and rises to drum in the form of mixture of water and steam
(c) Feed pump is employed to supplement natural circulation in water wall type furnace
(d) The water is converted into steam in one pass without any recirculation
(e) Water is fed at atmospheric pressure.

41. The water tubes in a Babcock and Wilcox boiler are

(a) horizontal (b) vertical (c) inclined
(d) horizontal and inclined vertical and inclined

42. Steam engine operates on

(a) Carnot cycle (b) joule cycle
(c) Sterling cycle (d) brayton cycle
(e) none of chooses

43. Which of the following is a water tube boiler

(a) Locomotive boiler (b) Cochran boiler
(c) Cornish boiler (d) Babcock and wilcox boiler
(e) Lancashire boiler.

44. In actual practice, reheat improves the cycle efficiency by about:

(a) 10% (b) 5% (c) 15% (d) 20%

45. In Rankin cycle reheating should be done at optimum pressure which equal to
percentage of operating pressure of:
(a) 10% (b) 5% (c) 15% (d) 20%
46. The reheating reduces fuel consumption with a corresponding reduction in fuel
handling in the range of:
(a) 6 to 10% (b) 2 to 3% (c) 4 to 5% (d) 4 to 15%
47. A reduction in steam volume and heat to the condenser is reduced Therefore, the
condenser size and cooling water requirement are also reduced by the same percentages
in the range of:.
(a) By 17 to 18%. (b) By 7 to 8%. (c) By 2 to 4%. (d) By 4 to5%.
48. The size of the L.P turbine blades is reduced because specific volume is reduced in the
range of:
(a) By 17 to 18%. (b) By 7 to 8%. (c) By 2 to 4%. (d) By 4 to5%.
49. The percentage gain in economy of reheat over non-reheat
(a) Is 5%, the reduction in steam flow and 16.5% at full load and heat load on condenser is
reduced by 8.7%,
(b) Is 10%, the reduction in steam flow and 20.5% at full load and heat load on condenser
is reduced by 12%,
(c) Is 8%, the reduction in steam flow and 10.5% at full load and heat load on condenser is
reduced by 15%,
(d) Is10%, the reduction in steam flow and 10.5% at full load and heat load on condenser
is reduced by 15%,
50. Which of the following is/are super critical Boiler?
(a) Cochran Boiler (b) Benson Boiler
(a) Locomotive Boiler (a) Lamont Boiler

51. Condensation can be prevented in steam engine by:

(a) Supplying superheated steam
(b) Providing steam jacket around cylinder wall
(c) Increasing speed of engine for certain output
(d) all of the above

52. If all the steam states during expansion are found to be dry saturated then the
expansion curve is called:
(a) Boiling curve (b) Saturation curve
(c) Missing curve (d) Isentropic curve

53. Boiler efficiency is given by the the ratio of heat used in steam generation and
(a) Heat recovered using artificial draught
(b) Heat lost due to use of natural draught
(c) Heat available due to fuel burning (d) None of these

54. Mean temperature of heat addition gets increased and shows increase in cycle
thermal efficiency. This cycle is called.
(a) Regenerative cycle (b) Reheat cycle
(c) Carnot cycle (d) None of these

55. Water level indicator has how many vertical tubes?

(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four

56. Fusible plug has plug made of copper and the body is made of
(a) Gun metal (b) Aluminum (c) Iron (d) Bronze

57. Feed pump in boilers may be of

(a) Reciprocating pump type (b) Centrifugal pump type
(c) Injector type (d) All of these

58. Regenerative cycle thermal efficiency

(a) is always greater than simple Rankine thermal efficiency
(b) is greater than simple Rankine cycle thermal efficiency only when steam is bled
at particular pressure
(c) is same as simple Rankine cycle thermal efficiency
(d) is always less than simple Rankine cycle thermal efficiency.

59. In a regenerative feed heating cycle, the optimum value of the fraction of steam
extracted for feed heating
(a) Decreases with increase in Rankine cycle efficiency
(b) Increases with increase in Rankine cycle efficiency
(c) Is unaffected by increase in Rankine cycle efficiency (d) none of the above.
60. In a regenerative feed heating cycle, the greatest economy is affected
(a) When steam is extracted from only one suitable point of steam turbine
(b) When steam is extracted from several places in different stages of steam turbine
(c) When steam is extracted only from the last stage of steam turbine
(d) When steam is extracted only from the first stage of steam turbine.

61. The maximum percentage gain in regenerative feed heating cycle thermal
(a) Increases with number of feed heaters increasing
(b) Decreases with number of feed heaters increasing
(c) Remains same unaffected by number of feed heaters
(d) None of the above.

62. In regenerative cycle feed water is heated by

(a) Exhaust gases (b) Heaters
(c) Draining steam from the turbine (d) All above,

63. Reheat cycle in steam power plant is used to

(a) utilise heat of flue gases (b) increase thermal efficiency
(c) improve condenser performance (d) reduce loss of heat.

64. In Rankine cycle the work output from the turbine is given by
(a) Change of internal energy between inlet and outlet
(b) Change of enthalpy between inlet and outlet
(c) Change of entropy between inlet and outlet
(d) Change of temperature between inlet and outlet.
65. Regenerative heating i.e. bleeding steam to reheat feed water to boiler
(a) Decreases thermal efficiency of the cycle
(b) Increases thermal efficiency of the cycle
(c) Does not affect thermal efficiency of the cycle
(d) May increase or decrease thermal efficiency of the cycle depending upon the point of
extraction of steam.

66. Deaerator is feed water heater of which type

(a) Closed type feed water heater
(b) Surface type feed water heater
(c) Open type feed water heater (d) None of these

67. Fig. (2.8) shows modified Rankine engine on (p-v)&(T-s) charts

p1 1 15 bar, T
p2 2
P3 3 3
i j
o v1 v2 e S
Ideal work or the modified Rankine engine work per kg may be:
(a) W = (h1- h3 ) + (p2 — p3) v2 (b) W = (h1- h2 ) + (p2 — p3) v2
(c) W = (h1- h2 ) + (v2 — v3) p2 (d) W = (h2- h3) + (p1 — p3) v2

68. Efficiency of the modified Rankine engine or ideal thermal efficiency in

fig.2.8 will be:
(a) {(h1- h3) + (p2 — p3) v2} / (h1-hf3)
(b) (h1- h2) + (v2 — v3) p2/ (h1-hf3)
(c) (h1- h2) + (p2 — p3) v2 / (h1-hf3)
(d) (h2- h3) + (p1 — p3) v2/ (h1-hf3)

69. A performance test gave the result of the specific steam consumption of
12.8 kg / kW.h. The indicated work per kg may be;
(a)281.25 kj/kg (b) 218.55 kj/kg (c) 218.55 kj/kg (d) 182.55 kj/kg
70. A performance test gave the result of the specific steam consumption of
12.8 kg /kW.h and a mechanical efficiency of 80%. Brake work per kg may be;
(a)255 kj/kg (b)212 kj/kg (c)225 kj/kg (d)252 kj/kg

71. The maximum discharge through a natural draught chimney can be given as
function of m (mass of air supplied per kg of fuel), Ta (atmospheric temperature) and
Tg (hot gas temperature).
2(m + 1) 2m
(a) Tg = Ta (b) Tg = Ta
m (m + 1)
(c ) Tg = Ta
(m + 1) (d) None of these
72. The power requirement in forced draught and induced draught shall be related as,
(a)P induced = Pforced (b) P induced  Pforced
(c) P induced  Pforced (d) None of these

73. State which of the following is/are incorrect?

(a) Combustion is better in forced draught
(b) Fan size of induced draught is larger than forced draught fan
(c) Maintenance in F.D. fan is easy as compared to ID fan
(d) None of these
74. Steam jet draught is not of following type
(a) Natural draught (b) Induced draught
(c) Forced draught (d) Artificial draught

75. Stagnation temperature can be related to the static temperature and dynamic
temperature as under
(a) Stagnation temperature = Static temperature - Dynamic temperature
(b) Stagnation temperature = Static temperature + Dynamic temperature
(c) Stagnation temperature = Dynamic temperature - Static temperature
(d) None of these

76. A combustion has all the oxygen supplied with air to the reactants being used and no
free oxygen appears in products. Such air supplied is called as
(a) Stoichiometric air (b) Excess air
(c) Dry air (d) None of these

77. Composition of dry air on mass basis is

(a) 0.232 kg O2 and 0.768 kg N3 (b) 0.21 kg O2 and 0.79 kg N2
(c) I kg O3 and 3.31 kg N2 (d) None of these

78. Enthalpy of combustion of any fuel containing hydrogen in it and the H2O present in liquid
form in products is termed as,
(a) Higher heating valve (b) Lower heating valve
(c) Enthalpy of hydration (d) None of these

79. When the temperature of a pure substance approaches zero on Kelvin scale then the entropy
of substance approaches zero. This is stated by
(a) First law of thermodynamics (b) Second law of thermodynamics
(c) Third law of thermodynamics (d) None of these

80. The efficiency of Carnot cycle may be equal to which of the following cycle
running between same temperature limits,
(a) Rankine cycle (b) Stirling cycle
(c) Brayton cycle (d) Otto cycle

81. Which of the following is not vapour power cycle?

(a) Rankine cycle (b) Carnot vapour power cycle
(c) Otto cycle (d) None of these

82. The amount of energy added by heat transfer to the cycle to produce unit of net
work output is called
(a) Heat rate (b) Work ratio
(c) Back work ratio (d) Thermal efficiency
83. Difference between temperature of feed water outlet and saturation temperature of steam
entering the heater is called
(a) Pinch point (b) Terminal temperature difference
(c) LMTD (d) None of these

84. Deaerator is feed water heater of which type

(a) Closed type feed water heater (b) Surface type feed water heater
(c) Open type feed water heater (d) None of these
1. A regenerative Rankine cycle has steam entering turbine at 200 bar, 650°C and leaving at
0.05bar.Considering feed water heaters to be of open type determine thermal efficiency
for the following conditions;
(a) there is no feed water heater
(b) th ere is only one feed water heater working at 8 bar
(c) there are two feed water heaters working at 40 bar and 4 bar respectively-
Also give layout and T-s representation for each of the case described above.
Case (a) When there is no feed water heater

3 1

Water out
Condenser 4 3

Water in
1 Pb 4

s4 s3 s
Fig. 8.35 Layout and T-s diagram, (Q 6.a)

2 650°C


3 x3

Thermal efficiency of cycle =

(h2 − h3 ) − (h1 − h4 )
(h2 − h1 )
From (h - s) chart: h2=3675.3 kj / kg , h3=2030 kj / kg
From steam Tables at p=0.05bar h4=hf=137.8 kj/kg
For pumping process 4-1:
Wp= (h1-h4) =v4 (pb-pc)
(h1-h4)=v4 (pb-pc)

h1-137.8 =0.001005 x (200 - 0.05) x 102 = 157.92 kJ/kg

Thermal efficiency of cycle =

(3675.3 − 2030 ) − (157.92 − 137.8)
(3675.3 − 157.9)
ηth = 0.4618 or ηth = 46.18 %
ηth = 46.18%
Case (b :)
When there is only one feed water heater working at 8 bar .
Here let mass of steam bled for feed heating be m kg /kgst

2 1kg

6 3

Water out

m kg

1 Water in
5 4

Fig. 8.35 Layout and T-s diagram, (Q 6.a)

2 650°C

h6 6

3 x3

From (h - s) chart: h6=2767 kj / kg , x6=0.99

Assuming the state of fluid, leaving open water heater to be saturated liquid at 8 bar.
From steam Tables at p=8 bar h7 =hf =721.1 kj/kg

For pumping process 4-5:

Wp= (h5-h4) =v4 (8-0.05)
(h5-h4)=v4 (8-0.05)
h5= 137.8 +0.001(7.95)x 10 =138.6 kj/kg

Applying energy balance at open feed water heater,

m x h6+ (1 - m) x h5= 1 x h7
(m x 2767.0) + ((1 - m) x 138.6)=721.11
m= 0.22 kg/kgst
For process 7-1, h1 = h7 + v7 (200 - 8) x 102; here h7 = hf at 8 bar v7=0.0011
h1= h7 + v7 (200-8) x 102 = 721.11 + (0.0011 x I92 x10+2) = 742.5 kJ/k

Thermal efficiency of cycle =

(h2 − h6 ) + (1 − m )(h6 − h3 ) − {(1 − m )(h5 − h4 ) + (h1 − h7 )}
(h2 − h1 )
ηth = 49.76%
ηth = 49.76%

Case (c) when there are two feed water heaters working at 40 bar and 4 bar
Here, let us assume the mass of steam at 40 bar, 4 bar to be m1, and m2 kg/ kgst

2 5

Super heater

(1-m1- m2)
m1kg m2kg
1kg p1 p2
Pb Condenser

(1-m1- m2)

7 pc

1 4
9 10 9 8
(1-m1) Pump1

Feed open Feed open

heater heater
Fig, case(c).
From (h - s) chart: at p1= 40bar,h5=3141 kj / kg , & at p2= 4bar ,h6=2639 kj / kg

Assuming that the state of fluid, leaving open feed water heater, to be saturated liquid at
respective pressures.
From steam Tables at p=4 bar h8=hf=604.74 kj/kg v8=0.00108 m3/kg
From steam Tables at p=40 bar h10=hf=1087.3 kj/kg v10=0.00125 m3/kg

T 9
9 P1,m1

1-m1 6
8 P2,,m2

1-m1-m2 Pc
1-m1-m2 3

For pumping process 4-7, Fig. Case (c).
h7 = 137.82 + (0.001005 x 3.95 x 102) = 138.22 kJ/kg
For pumping process 8-9,
h9 = 604.74+ (0.00108 x 36 x 102) = 608.64 kJ/kg
For pumping process 10-1,
h1= h10 + v10 (200 - 40) x I02
= 1087.31 + (0.001252 x 160 x 102) h1 = 1107.34 kJ/kg
Applying energy balance an open feed water heater 1 (OFWH1):
Energy In = Energy Out
m1 h5+ (1-m1) h9=h10
m1 x 3141 + (1 – m1) x 608.64 = 1087.3
m1 = 0.189 kg/kgst

Applying energy balance an open feed water heater 2 (OFWH2):

m2 x h6 + (1 –m1 -m2) h7 = (1 – m1) h8
(m2 x 2639.5) + (1 - 0.189 – m2 ) 138.22 = (1- 0.189) x 604.74
m2 = 0.151 kg/kgst
Thermal efficiency of cycle:
(h − h ) + (1 − m1 )(h5 − h6 ) + (1 − m1 − m2 )(h6 − h3 ) − ∑ wp
ηth = 2 5
h2 − h1

wp =(1-m1-m2)(h7-h4)=0.264 kj/kg
wFP1= (1-m1) (h9-h8) =3.16 kj/kg
wFP2= (h1-h10) =20.03 kj/kg
∑wp= wp + wFP1+ wFP2=23.454 kj/kg

ηth = 51.37%

Cyclethermalefficiency ηtha = 46.18%

ηthb = 49.76%
ηthc = 51.37%
2. In a steam power plant the high pressure turbine is fed with steam at 60 bar, 450°C
and enter low pressure turbine at 3 bar with a portion of steam bled out for feed heating
at this intermediate pressure. Steam finally leaves low pressure turbine at 0.05 bar for
inlet to condenser. Closed feed heater raises the condensate temperature to I15"C. Bled
steam leaving closed feed heater is passed through trap to mix with condensate leaving
condenser. Consider actual alternator output to be 30 MW, boiler efficiencey as 90% and
alternator efficiency of 98%. Determine;
(a) The mass of steam bled for feed heating, (b) The capacity of boiler in kg/hr.
(c) The overall thermal efficiency of plant
Also give layout with ( T-s) and (h-s) diagrams.

wT 2
3barP 3
1kg ( 1kg)
4 8 m
m (1-m ) 3
1 Water out
Condenser 5
5 Water in 9 (1-m ) 4
8 Pump
9 s

2 450°C


h3 3

4 x3

Layout diagram, with (T-s) and (h-s) charts.

From (h - s) chart: at p1= 60 bar & t1 =450°C, h2=3301 kj / kg,
at p2= 3bar ,h3=2614 kj / kg
and at p3= 0.05bar ,h4=2047 kj / kg
From steam Tables at p3=0.05bar h5=hf=137.82 kj/kg v5=0.001041 m3/kg

Assuming the process across the trap is throttling one so h8 =h9=561.47kj/kg

For mixing process between condenser and feed pump, heat balance will be:
(1-m).h5 +m. h9 =h6
(1-m) x137.82 +m x 561.47 = h6
h6=137.82 +423.65 m……..(a)
For pumping process 6-7,
h7 – h6 =0.0010041(60-0.05) x102=6.02
h7 = 6.02+ h6 =143.84+423.65m…………………………………(b)

Applying energy balance for closed feed water heater (CFWH):

m h3+h7=m h8+ h1
(m x2614.92)+( 143.84+423.65m)=( 561.47)+(4.186 x115)
m =0.136 kg/kgst
The mass of steam bled for feed heating, is m =0.136 kg/kgst Ans.

The total power output per kg

wnet={( h2 – h3)+(1-m)( h3 – h4)}-( h7 – h6)

The total power output=•mst x wnet

Mass of the steam required to be generated ( •mst) =(30x103)/(0.98 x wnet)=26.14 kg/sec

The capacity of boiler in kg/hr ( •mst) =9413 kg/ hr Ans.


mst=9.413 tan/ hr

Overall Thermal Efficiency ηoth =
Qadd =( h2 – h1)/0.9=(3301.8-4.186 x115)=3134.56kj/kg

Overall Thermal Efficiency ηoth = = 0.3737
The overall thermal efficiency of plant=37.37% Ans.

3bar 3

m (1-m )
1 Water out


5 Water in
8 Pump
2 1kg

6 3

Water out

m kg

1 Water in
5 4


Fig. 8.35 Layout and T-s diagram, (Q 6.a)

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