Theme Focused SSR - Literacy Focused Schools PD

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Learning-Focused Lesson Plan (used for 2 to 5 class periods of learning)  

Learning Goals for this Lesson 

**Parts of this lesson are left intentionally vague in order to be able to adapt this depending on what 
“base” text the teacher wants to use. The idea here is the teacher uses a “base” text from which the 
librarian will create a read-alike list of 10-15 novels for the students to choose to read from. This can be 
adapted to any different types of texts, genres, themes, etc. From there, students write and create 
projects based on the texts they’ve read on their own. 
● Because this lesson plan is from the perspective of the librarian collaborating with the teacher, 
the standards listed below are SLMC standards. This unit could apply to a huge number of 
standards for ELA depending on the base text and other choices that would be made mostly by 
the teacher. 
● SLMC 2a: establishes a learning environment that facilitates access to resources and addresses the 
learning needs of all members of the school community. 
● SLMC 2b: provides appropriate resources, services, and instruction for learners at all stages of 
● SLMC 3a: develops a library collection that supports 21st Century teaching and learning. 
● SLMC 4c: promotes reading as a foundational skill for learning. 
Learning Targets (What will students know and be able to do?): 
● Define, identify, and explain the elements of the base text 
● Make connections between the base text and their chosen text 
● Write about the connections in various forms 
● Design and present a project to communicate those connections to classmates and teachers 
Lesson Essential Question:  
*This would largely depend on the teacher’s chosen base text, but one that could work for all is “What 
ways do various pieces of literature connect and reflect each other and what effect does that have on 
my learning and understanding?” 
Activating Strategy : 
*This would also largely depend on the teacher’s chosen base text. I think in most of the cases I can think 
of where this unit would work well, the Key Vocabulary would actually work best as the Activating 
Key Vocabulary and ​Vocabulary Strategy​:  
*This would also largely depend on the teacher’s chosen base text and what their focus is for reading the 
text. It could be definitions of literary elements, explanations in the steps of the Hero’s Journey, or 
poetry terms and techniques, just as examples.  
Lesson Instruction  
Learning Activity #1​ - Recall  Formative Assessment 1 
Teacher teaches the knowledge needed to read  This would really be a teacher choice depending on 
and analyze the base text. In some cases, this may  what the knowledge and base text is. 
have been pre-loaded earlier in the year. Teacher   
and librarian co-teach the base text, analyzing as  As an example, if the focus were the Hero’s 
they go and discussing the ideas or themes relevant  journey, the assessment could be to have students 
to the paired reading.   connect the step on the journey to a description of 
  the step as it happens in the base text.  
Learning Activity #2​ - Represent  Formative Assessment 2 
Librarian introduces the list of supplemental texts  This would really be a teacher choice depending on 
the student can choose and works with students to  what the focus of the lesson is. 
pick the right text for them based on interests and   
reading levels. In most cases, Learning Activity 1  As an example, if the focus is poetry terms and 
and 2 will need to overlap for the sake of time;  techniques, then students could identify and 
students will read the base text with the teacher  explain the poetry techniques that appear in their 
while reading their chosen text during SSR time and  chosen text.  
at home.   
Learning Activity #3​ - Analyze/Reason  Formative Assessment 3/Lesson Assignment 
Through think-pair-share, whole class discussion,  Compare and Contrast with Venn Diagram, base 
graphic organizers, etc., teacher and librarian will 
text vs chosen text → mini-essay 
have students analyze what they have read, apply   
their knowledge, and share it with others.   There are a lot of other options here depending on 
the base text and the learning goals.  
Optional (depends on standards/learning targets of  Lesson Assignment 
lesson)  This would really be a teacher choice depending on 
  the focus of the lesson. BUT I feel strongly that 
Learning Activity #4​ Apply  writing an essay (comparing and contrasting the 
Teacher and librarian work with students to apply  two texts, analyzing and identifying the base 
their knowledge to a culminating project.    knowledge as it appears in the chosen text, etc.) is 
always an option here, as is a creative project that 
shows the patterns and relationships between the 
Summarizing Strategy: 
Students share their work through presentations 

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