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Course Name: HRM

Session: Jan- June 2020 /Semester 2

Answer 1.
Abhushan is a gems company that has asked me to perform job re-structuring for which its needed that a
detailed thorough job analysis is done. The term Job Analysis refers to process of gathering and analysing
information about content and human requirements of jobs as well as the context in which the job is
performed. It lets the organization to identify paths of job progression for employees in their career
advancement. It comprises of two elements Job Description and Job Specification.

It can be done individually or in combination with, incumbent interviews, Supervisor interviews, expert
panels, structured questionnaires, task inventories, checklists, observations, incumbent worklogs etc.

It Involves collecting information pertaining to following areas:

1. Duties & Tasks – frequency, effort, skill complexity, duration, standards etc.
2. Environment – unpleasant conditions such as odour, temperature, radiation etc.
3. Tools & Equipment – tools and equipment required to perform a job.
4. Requirements – minimum skill and knowledge required to perform job.

For Abhushan it is very necessary to perform Job analysis because of its following importance:
1. Determining Training Needs – to develop training content, assessment tests to measure
effectiveness of training, equipment to be used in delivering training & methods of training to be
2. Determine Compensation- to determine skill levels, work environment, compensable job factors,
responsibilities, and required level of education.
3. Determine selection procedure- to determine job duties in advertisements fr recruitment,
appropriate salary levels for a position, minimum requirement for selection of candidates, interview
questions, selection tests, appraisals, orientation for new joiners etc.
4. Determine Performance review- to determine goals & objectives, performance standards,
evaluation criterion, duties to be evaluated etc.

There are various methods of data collection example Interviews, Questionnaires, observation & participants
diary/logs. Out of these for Abhushan, I would like to start with these two below data collection techniques:

1. Interviews – it is very essential to know people one to one. With interviews its easier to dig deeper
into people and their feelings about the organisation and what are their expectations of the company.
It allows to get a personal touch in getting to know about employees work and builds a good
relationship with people as well. Questions can range from job duties, occupancy of the day, leisure
time hobbies, who are their friends and foe, how much time they spend on each activity.
2. Checklists – It is a very simple data recording technique in which I will setup a number of questions
with simply yes or no type responses and record observations in a final database. We can incorporate
questions about their satisfaction level of work, what tools they work with, what additional tools they
require, suggestions to management. For this a detailed analysis of job and collection of significant
information from workers managers will be required.
So a Job analysis approach is the way to go for Abhushan & me to be able to restructure the workforce
without disturbing the work and getting optimum results.
Answer 2.

Recruitment and selection ensure effective human resource planning and that the right quality of employees
is employed in an organization.
Recruitment is an activity by which an organization searches and generates a pool of capable candidates by
attracting them to apply for employment in the organization. It is done by putting up newspaper ads, online
job portals, consultant services etc. It attracts candidates with skills abilities, qualities and competencies
necessary for the job and provide an opportunity to get in touch with talented and knowledgeable
candidates. It helps organizations to analyse future human resource trends and to make necessary
modifications to adjust to internal and external environments. It is the beginning step towards getting in
touch with people who can do a job effectively and to further work on selection procedure. The data
collected or information related to people may be used later by organisation to find people suitable for other
roles in organization as well.
Selection is a process or procedure by which the organisation selects the most talented, knowledgeable and
skilled candidate for the role. This process starts when the recruitment process ends. In selection procedure
the candidates are carefully screened and testing of candidates is done to find out if they are really eligible
with all the skills and talents that were mentioned by the candidate in his/her bio data. After careful and
thorough examination of candidates, the most suitable or eligible one is selected for the role and the rest are
eliminated. It involves disqualification of ineligible candidates hence the negative nature.
For example, ABC Ltd wants to hire for NPD engineer with 4-5 years of relevant experience. They advertise
the same on and get more than 400 applicants. This is called recruitment as the receipt of
applications from various candidates from different organisations. Now the candidates will be screened and
the most eligible ones will be shortlisted for further interviews, skype interviews, aptitude test, personality
tests etc. and will eliminate rest of the candidates but select only one. This is called selection.
A shift in global operational trends has taken place and digitization of recruitment and selection ensures less
time is wasted and focus is on strategic and transformational activities. Different modes of recruitment in
digital age are as below:
1. Online portals – these are the portals where candidates upload their information and the portal
notifies candidates based on some keywords the opportunities for them to apply on. Search is based
on keywords usage and relevant candidates are available. Or you can just advertise the post you are
looking for and the relevant candidates will get notifications to apply if they wish to.,, etc are some examples.
2. Organization talent Network – Organizations like to have automated platforms where candidates
can visit and add their profile and information. The information is retrieved only for some limited
time and any jobs matching the profile comes up then automated emails are sent to candidates to
further apply. The organization can pick candidate profiles from this talent network pool they have
and offer them jobs.
3. Social media – In this fast-moving age, most of people are on social media sites like Facebook,
LinkedIn and twitter. Organizations tend to put up information amongst their networks and followers
to fill up vacancies and join their organizations.
4. Gamification – Large firms like google, tend to hold contests and challenges to get people to join
their team. It is based on testing creativity, skills required for the roles. Google annually takes in a
few interns based on their abilities to code and crack some hard problems on their portals.
Conclusion: Technology has ensured coordinated supply and demand of candidates and also ensures
that the process is faster, fair and transparent.
Answer 3 (a)

Job Training is a tool used by organizations to train employees to perform a task by providing them with
knowledge skills, tools and demonstrations to do a job. In our case True wanderer hired professionals for an
off-job training. There may be a few reasons for failure of the training, some of them are as below:
1. Unclear business focus – external trainers may have not fully understood R&D outline and business
requirements that they were supposed to train on. Maybe the customer centricity was not really
conveyed to the people of the company in an adequate manner.
2. Wrong training – Maybe the R&D department was wrong in conveying that the people needed
customer centricity training, instead they required a motivational training. Sometimes people do not
like other people telling them how to do their jobs. It could have been a mismatch of people’s
expectations and training provided.
3. Information trading – It might have been possible that the external trainers gathered information
from among inside the true wanderer and shared the information with competitors, or somehow the
confidential data of true wanderer was leaked to opponents that lead to the competitor giving them
the upper hand on their strategy.
4. Failure to connect – It is quite possible that the trainers were not able to connect with people at true
wanderer or people were looking fr after support in practical environment and didn’t get that. The
training can be highly theoretical without giving a proper practical approach to people.
5. Old Training content- Maybe the trainers provided the training content that was old and was
already know to the people at true wanderer. They knew everything already and didn’t bother to take
in the new information which was sugar coated old content.
6. Target audience- the training was given to call centre people who work in back offices mostly n
resolving customer queries and complaints. But true interaction of customer is with the sales and
marketing staff. They both had different needs of trainings.
Conclusion: It can be said that the above reasons contributed to failure of the job training and its
effectiveness was not seen in the year end results.

Answer 3 (b)

Training need analysis is the process of identifying the gap in employee training required to gain
knowledge and skill to do a job in effective manner. There are three levels of training need analysis:
1. Organizational Analysis – It involves a SWOT analysis of the organisation so that training serves to
the weakness and strengthen the strengths. In case of true wanderer instead of a customer centricity
training a motivational training on increasing the positive attitude must have been imparted to
customer care executives to keep them pumped up for the rest of the year to perform better.
Organizational analysis gave the idea of customer centricity but the target audience was not right. A
more wholesome approach on adding value to the work they were doing should have been the focus.
2. Occupational Analysis – It determines the skills, knowledge and abilities to perform a job. This
analysis would have helped true wanderer to design and ask for segment-based requirement of
training needs of people. One size does not fit all. Also, the employees must be aligned with the
company vision and mission to achieve that.
3. Personal Analysis – It analysis the capacity and efficiency of employees to perform assigned roles.
Employee feedback should have been taken before deciding what training was required for whom.
Sales and marketing being first contact with true wanderer should have focused on customer
centricity training and rest of the people needed motivational and positive approach to work training.
Best practices in industry could have been also suggested for call centre employees.
Conclusion: Therefore, it can be said that training need analysis helps in identifying the gap for
employees and makes suggestions to bridge those gaps with adequate required trainings.

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