Evolution of Stars PDF

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a KAVRIM| AEDIDA NIERI Tuyleac3cleor SpA 302: FunLUTION DE sTARS ; Question as Per toa cer eires 3 Reseribe clearly labelled diagram-of the HR digg rare od classigication oF Sars... . ye el Gramonly kno wo..as the Hertaspung eeargeom diag raro( H-R chage H=R _DINGRANQ: : tis a seater plof of slas showing the relotionship between the absolle magailides op sla or tho ic luminosibes versus thaie stollor ckssigications or eccective lemperahres 20099 __10.0po__1.pop:__ 008 40) ai cape Agel SDereb ag | + xe aueersianett) \ Lio } \ conopos 7 Balle S _ Care a S " Lf ye Lye & a wy ss |e ae 0 Aera| 52 @ a #_ GIANTS UD atdebere” s 2 a so went | oo £ : rT suaarmuts(w) of’? © 8 aus | = 2 Eg Sun _- : ee 10 @ 3 = 4 bs itehes & = ote * 3 3 3 ay 3 10 assi, i +: Shars-are classi ied according te thair 5 cha, oF simply. _ tho elements th they ine ond) Yreie bane atyee. sz There are Seven main types of stare. w|n order of decreasieg erpercture, Hey ore’ : M Wo, B» Fs So Ke (ee andl verg Bagh: , Coramon bot chen Veler ¢ art Ea —— Cooler a0 (Ble) a TO) - TThese fall under the Main Sequence A (Blve) Stars F CBlue While) - thee “eet shuchres that extend prom the center ity the galactic dsc. The Spiral armas are sites op ort star paeeies and are brighter than the sorroundiog dsc because or he young hof 08 slars thal inhabit earth, i > Mostly found in lew~ density regimns iad ad ee ns et ii) Bored apical, sf bared spiral galaxy is o galaxy with a cenbal-~ be shores re composec! of stars. Bars are ny in out or all spiral galaxies. Bars generally arrect Ek fhe mohon of slars and Wieaillgcglte io ton spiral galaxies can ag pect sp ial arms as well. Wileregulor_ galeries, - This is a galoxy Thal does not have a distinct shape! requlor shape, unlike a spiral or ellipheol golexy. - \rrequlor golanes are not under omy of the Hb ble Sequem elosses and are oplen chachc in appearance, wilh neither a cwclear bulge Nor ony trace of spiral ore structure. ss Example? are the Smal and Large Magellanic clouds.

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