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G.R. No. 196870. J ne 26, 2012.



Civil Procedure; Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies; The rule

regarding exhaustion of administrative remedies is not a hard and fast rule
—it is not applicable (1) where the question in dispute is purely a legal one,
or (2) where the controverted act is patently illegal or was performed
without jurisdiction or in excess of jurisdiction; or (3) where the respondent
is a department secretary, whose acts as an alter ego of the President bear
the implied or assumed approval of the latter, unless actually disapproved
by him, or (4) where there are circumstances indicating the urgency of
judicial intervention. We do not agree ith respondents appreciation of
the applicabilit of the rule on e haustion of administrative remedies in this
case. We are reminded of our ruling in Pagara v. Court of Appeals, 254
SCRA 606 (1996), hich summari ed our earlier decisions on the
procedural requirement of e haustion of administrative remedies, to it:
The rule regarding exhaustion of administrative remedies is not a hard
and fast rule. It is not applicable (1) here the question in dispute is
purel a legal one, or (2) here the controverted act is patentl illegal or
as performed ithout jurisdiction or in e cess of jurisdiction; or (3) here
the respondent is a department secretar , hose acts as an alter ego of the
President bear the implied or assumed approval of the latter, unless actuall
disapproved b him, or (4) where there are circumstances indicating the
urgency of judicial intervention, Gonzales vs. Hechanova, L-21897,
October 22, 1963, 9 SCRA 230; Abaya vs. Villegas, L-25641, December 17,
1966, 18 SCRA 1034; Mitra vs. Subido, L-21691, September 15, 1967, 21
SCRA 127. Said principle may also be disregarded when it does not
provide a plain, speedy and adequate remedy, (Cipriano vs. Marcelino,
43 SCRA 291 [1972]), hen there is no due process observed (Villanos vs.
Subido, 45 SCRA 299 [1972]), or



556 E EC E A A ED

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where the protestant has no other recourse (Sta. Maria vs. Lopez, 31
SCRA 637 [1970]). (Emphases supplied.)
Environmental Law; Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases
(A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC); Temporary Environmental Protection Order (TEPO);
Writs of Continuing Mandamus; The new Rules of Procedure for
Environmental Cases, A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC, provides a relief for petitioner
under the writ of continuing mandamus, which is a special civil action that
may be availed of “to compel the performance of an act speci cally
enjoined by law and which provides for the issuance of a Temporary
Environmental Protection Order (TEPO) “as an auxiliary remedy prior to
the issuance of the writ itself. The ne Rules of Procedure for
Environmental Cases, A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC, provides a relief for petitioner
under the rit of continuing mandamus, hich is a special civil action that
ma be availed of to compel the performance of an act speci call
enjoined b la and hich provides for the issuance of a TEPO as an
au iliar remed prior to the issuance of the rit itself.
Same; Same; Same; Same; The writ of continuing mandamus “permits
the court to retain jurisdiction after judgment in order to ensure the
successful implementation of the reliefs mandated under the court s
decision and, in order to do this, “the court may compel the submission of
compliance reports from the respondent government agencies as well as
avail of other means to monitor compliance with its decision. The rit of
continuing mandamus permits the court to retain jurisdiction after
judgment in order to ensure the successful implementation of the reliefs
mandated under the court s decision and, in order to do this, the court ma
compel the submission of compliance reports from the respondent
government agencies as ell as avail of other means to monitor compliance
ith its decision.
Same; Same; Same; Petitioner had three options where to le this case
under the rule: the Regional Trial Court exercising jurisdiction over the
territory where the actionable neglect or omission occurred, the Court of
Appeals, or the Supreme Court. Petitioner had three options here to le
this case under the rule: the Regional Trial Court e ercising jurisdiction
over the territor here the actionable neglect or omission occurred, the
Court of Appeals, or this Court. Petitioner had no other plain, speed , or
adequate remed in the ordinar course of la to determine the questions of


. 674, E 26, 2012 557

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla
national and local importance raised here that pertain to la s and rules for
environmental protection, thus it as justi ed in coming to this Court.
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR);
Jurisdiction; The Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) is the government agency vested with delegated powers to review
and evaluate all Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports, and to
grant or deny Environmental Compliance Certi cate (ECCs) to project
proponents—it is the DENR that has the duty to implement the EIS system.
We recogni e at this point that the DENR is the government agenc
vested ith delegated po ers to revie and evaluate all EIA reports, and to
grant or den ECCs to project proponents. It is the DENR that has the dut
to implement the EIS s stem. It appears, ho ever, that respondent DENR-
EMB RVI s evaluation of this reclamation project as problematic, based
on the valid questions raised b petitioner.
Environmental Law; Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases
(A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC); Temporary Environmental Protection Order (TEPO);
Prior consultations and prior approval are required by law to have been
conducted and secured by the respondent Province. Prior consultations
and prior approval are required by law to have been conducted and
secured by the respondent Province. Accordingl , the information
dissemination conducted months after the ECC had alread been issued as
insuf cient to compl ith this requirement under the Local Government
Code. Had the been conducted properl , the prior public consultation
should have considered the ecological or environmental concerns of the
stakeholders and studied measures alternative to the project, to avoid or
minimi e adverse environmental impact or damage. In fact, respondent
Province once tried to obtain the favorable endorsement of the Sangguniang
Bayan of Mala , but this as denied b the latter.
Same; Presidential Decree No. 1586; It is the policy of the State to
attain and maintain a rational and orderly balance between socio-economic
growth and environmental protection. The parties are evidentl in accord
in seeking to uphold the mandate found in Article II, Declaration of
Principles and State Policies, of the 1987 Constitution, hich e quote
belo : SECTION 16. The State shall pro-


558 E EC E A A ED

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tect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecolog
in accord ith the rh thm and harmon of nature. SECTION 20. The
State recogni es the indispensable role of the private sector, encourages
private enterprise, and provides incentives to needed investments. The
protection of the environment in accordance ith the aforesaid
constitutional mandate is the aim, among others, of Presidential Decree No.
1586, Establishing an Environmental Impact Statement S stem, Including
Other Environmental Management Related Measures and For Other
Purposes, hich declared in its rst Section that it is the policy of the
State to attain and maintain a rational and orderly balance between
socio-economic growth and environmental protection.

PETITION for I ance of an En ironmen al Pro ec ion

The fac are a ed in he opinion of he Co r .
R ea dB a La Of ce for pe i ioner.
J a ha P. B l for re ponden En ironmen al Managemen
B rea .
The G e me C aeC el for re ponden Philippine
Reclama ion A hori .
Lee T. Ma a e and Ma a Bie Ma -T le i for re ponden
Pro ince of Aklan.


In re ol ing hi con ro er , he Co r ook in o con idera ion
ha all he par ie in ol ed hare common goal in p r i of cer ain
primordial S a e policie and principle ha are en hrined in he
Con i ion and per inen la , ch a he pro ec ion of he
en ironmen , he empo ermen of he local go ernmen ni , he
promo ion of o ri m, and he enco ragemen of he par icipa ion of
he pri a e ec or. The Co r eek o reconcile he re pec i e role ,
d ie and re pon ibili ie of he pe i ioner and re ponden in
achie ing


. 674, 26, 2012 559

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

he e hared goal i hin he con e of o r Con i ion, la and

reg la ion .
Nature of the Case
Thi i an original pe i ion for he i ance of an En ironmen al
Pro ec ion Order in he na re of a con in ing ma dam nder
A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC, o her i e kno n a he R le of Proced re for
En ironmen al Ca e , prom lga ed on April 29, 2010.
The Parties
Pe i ioner Boraca Fo nda ion, Inc. (pe i ioner) i a d l
regi ered, non- ock dome ic corpora ion. I primar p rpo e i
o fo er a ni ed, concer ed and en ironmen -con cio
de elopmen of Boraca I land, hereb pre er ing and main aining
i c l re, na ral bea and ecological balance, marking he i land
a he cro n je el of Philippine o ri m, a prime o ri de ina ion
in A ia and he hole orld. 1 I co n among i member a lea
i (60) o ner and repre en a i e of re or , ho el , re a ran ,
and imilar in i ion ; a lea e comm ni organi a ion ; and
e eral en ironmen all -con cio re iden and ad oca e .2
Re ponden Pro ince of Aklan (re ponden Pro ince) i a
poli ical bdi i ion of he go ernmen crea ed p r an o Rep blic
Ac No. 1414, repre en ed b Honorable Carli o S. Marq e , he
Pro incial Go ernor (Go ernor Marq e ).
Re ponden Philippine Reclama ion A hori (re ponden PRA),
formerl called he P blic E a e A hori (PEA), i a go ernmen
en i crea ed b Pre iden ial Decree No. 1084,3

1R , p. 1032.
2 Id., at pp. 1032-1033.
3 Id., at p. 1114.


560 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

hich a e ha one of he p rpo e for hich re ponden PRA a

crea ed a o reclaim land, incl ding fore hore and bmerged
area . PEA e en all became he lead agenc primaril re pon ible
for all reclama ion projec in he co n r nder E ec i e Order
No. 525, erie of 1979. In J ne 2006, he Pre iden of he
Philippine i ed E ec i e Order No. 543, delega ing he po er
o appro e reclama ion projec o PRA hro gh i go erning
Board, bjec o compliance i h e i ing la and r le and
f r her bjec o he condi ion ha reclama ion con rac o be
e ec ed i h an per on or en i (m ) go hro gh p blic
bidding. 4
Re ponden Depar men of En ironmen and Na ral Re o rce
En ironmen al Managemen B rea (DENR-EMB), Regional
Of ce VI (re ponden DENR-EMB RVI), i he go ernmen agenc
in he We ern Vi a a Region a hori ed o i e en ironmen al
compliance cer i ca e regarding projec ha req ire he
en ironmen pro ec ion and managemen in he region.5
Summar of Antecedent Facts
Boraca I land (Boraca ), a ropical paradi e loca ed in he
We ern Vi a a region of he Philippine and one of he co n r
mo pop lar o ri de ina ion , a declared a o ri one and
marine re er e in 1973 nder Pre iden ial Proclama ion No. 1801.6
The i land compri e he baranga of Manoc-manoc, Balabag, and
Yapak, all i hin he m nicipali of Mala , in he pro ince of
Pe i ioner de cribe Boraca a follo :
4 Id., at pp. 238-239.
5 Id.
6 Id., at p. 4.
7 Excerpt from, last accessed on
January 12, 2012.


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Boraca is ell-kno n for its distinctive po der hite-sand beaches

hich are the product of the unique ecos stem d namics of the area. The
island itself is kno n to come from the uplifted remnants of an ancient reef
platform. Its beaches, the sand land strip bet een the ater and the area
currentl occupied b numerous establishments, is the primar dra for
domestic and international tourists for its color, te ture and other unique
characteristics. Needless to state, it is the premier domestic and international
tourist destination in the Philippines.

More han a decade ago, re ponden Pro ince b il he Ca iclan

Je Por and Pa enger Terminal a Baranga Ca iclan o be he
main ga e a o Boraca . I al o b il he corre ponding Cagban
Je Por and Pa enger Terminal o be he recei ing end for o ri
in Boraca . Re ponden Pro ince opera e bo h por o pro ide
r c ral facili ie i ed for local , o ri and g e and o
pro ide afe and ec ri mea re .
In 2005, Boraca 2010 S mmi a held and par icipa ed in b
repre en a i e from na ional go ernmen agencie , local
go ernmen ni (LGU ), and he pri a e ec or. Pe i ioner a one
of he organi er and par icipan here o. The S mmi aimed o re-
e abli h a common i ion of all akeholder o en re he
con er a ion, re ora ion, and pre er a ion of Boraca I land and
o de elop an ac ion plan ha [ o ld allo ] all ec or o ork in
concer among and i h each o her for he long erm bene and
ainabili of he i land and he comm ni . 10 The S mmi
ielded a Terminal Repor 11 a ing ha he par icipan had hared
heir dream of ha ing orld-cla land, a er and air infra r c re,
a ell a gi en heir ob er a ion ha go ernmen ppor a
lacking, infra r c re a poor, and, more impor an l , he in of
o ri o Boraca a increa ing. The Repor

8 R , p. 5.
9 Id., at p. 400.
10 Id., at pp. 400-401.
11 Id., at pp. 444-467.

562 C A A D
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ho ed ha here a a need o e pand he por facili ie a Ca iclan

d e o conge ion in he holding area of he e i ing por , ca ed b
inadeq a e facili ie , h o ri ffered long q e e hile
ai ing for he boa ride going o he i land.12
Re ponden Pro ince claimed ha o ri arri al o Boraca
reached appro ima el 649,559 in 2009 and 779,666 in 2010, and
hi a e pec ed o reach a record of 1 million o ri arri al in he
ear o come. Th , re ponden Pro ince concep ali ed he
e pan ion of he por facili ie a Baranga Ca iclan.13
The Sa gg ia g Ba a ga of Ca iclan, Mala M nicipali ,
i ed Re ol ion No. 13, . 200814 on April 25, 2008 a ing ha i
had learned ha re ponden Pro ince had led an applica ion i h
he DENR for a fore hore lea e of area along he horeline of
Baranga Ca iclan, and manife ing i rong oppo i ion o aid
applica ion, a he propo ed fore hore lea e prac icall co ered
almo all he coa line of aid ba a ga , hereb echnicall
dimini hing i erri orial j ri dic ion, once gran ed, and depri ing
i con i en of heir a or righ of preference in he
de elopmen and ili a ion of he na ral re o rce i hin i
j ri dic ion. The re ol ion f r her a ed ha re ponden Pro ince
did no cond c an con l a ion i h he Sa gg ia g Ba a ga
of Ca iclan regarding he propo ed fore hore lea e, hich fail re he
Sa gg ia con idered a an ac of bad fai h on he par of
re ponden Pro ince.15
On No ember 20, 2008, he Sa gg ia g Pa lala iga of
re ponden Pro ince appro ed Resolution No. 2008-369,16 formall
a hori ing Go ernor Marq e o en er in o nego ia-

12 Id., at p. 401.
13 Id.
14 Id., at p. 45.
15 Id.
16 Id., at pp. 43-44.


536 C A A D
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ion o ard he po ibili of effec ing elf-liq ida ing and
income-prod cing de elopmen and li elihood projec o be
nanced hro gh bond , deben re , ec ri ie , colla eral , no e or
o her obliga ion a pro ided nder Sec ion 299 of he Local
Go ernmen Code, i h he follo ing priori projec : (a)
reno a ion/rehabili a ion of he Ca iclan/Cagban Pa enger Terminal
B ilding and Je Por ; and (b) reclama ion of a por ion of
Ca iclan fore hore for commercial p rpo e .17 Thi ep a aken
a re ponden Pro ince e i ing je por and pa enger erminal
a f nded hro gh bond o a ion, hich a cce f ll
redeemed and paid ahead of he arge da e. Thi a allegedl ci ed
a one of he LGU Be Prac ice herein re ponden Pro ince
a gi en he appropria e commenda ion.1
Re ponden Pro ince incl ded he propo ed e pan ion of he
por facili ie a Baranga Ca iclan in i 2009 Ann al In e men
Plan,1 en i ioned a i projec i e he area adjacen o he e i ing
je por , and iden i ed addi ional area along he coa line of
Baranga Ca iclan a he i e for f re projec e pan ion.20
Go ernor Marq e en a le er o re ponden PRA on March 12,
200921 e pre ing he in ere of re ponden Pro ince o reclaim
abo 2.64 hectares of land along he fore hore of Baranga
Ca iclan, M nicipali of Mala , Pro ince of Aklan.
Some ime in April 2009, re ponden Pro ince en ered in o an
agreemen i h he Financial Ad i or/Con l an ha on in he
bidding proce held a mon h before, o cond c he nece ar
fea ibili d of he propo ed projec for he
Reno a ion/Rehabili a ion of he Ca iclan Pa enger Termi-

17 Id., at p. 44.
18 Id., at p. 402.
19 Id., at pp. 468-525.
20 Id., at p. 402.
21 Id., at p. 528.


564 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

nal B ilding and Je Por , Enhancemen and Reco er of Old

Ca iclan Coa line, and Reclama ion of a Por ion of Fore hore for
Commercial P rpo e (the Marina Project), in Mala , Aklan.22
S b eq en l , on Ma 7, 2009, he Sa gg ia g Pa lala iga
of re ponden Pro ince i ed Resolution No. 2009 110,23 hich
authori ed Governor Marque to le an application to reclaim
the 2.64 hectares of foreshore area in Caticlan, Mala , Aklan
with respondent PRA.
Some ime in J l 2009, he Financial Ad i or/Con l an came
p i h a fea ibili d hich foc ed on he land reclama ion of
2.64 hec are b a of beach enhancemen and reco er of he old
Ca iclan coa line for he rehabili a ion and e pan ion of he e i ing
je por , and for i f re plan he con r c ion of commercial
b ilding and ellne cen er. The nancial componen of he aid
d a T o H ndred Si Million Pe o (P260,000,000.00). I
gge ed nancing cheme a bond o a ion.24
Mean hile, he Sa gg ia g Ba a of he M nicipali of
Mala e pre ed i rong oppo i ion o he in ended fore hore
lea e applica ion, hro gh Resolution No. 044,25 appro ed on J l
22, 2009, manife ing herein ha re ponden Pro ince fore hore
lea e applica ion a for b ine en erpri e p rpo e for i bene ,
a he e pen e of he local go ernmen of Mala , hich b a or
pro i ion a he righ f l en i o de elop, ili e and reap
bene from he na ral re o rce fo nd i hin i j ri dic ion. 26
In A g 2009, a Preliminar Geoha ard A e men 27 for he
enhancemen /e pan ion of he e i ing Ca iclan Je

22 Id., at p. 403.
23 Id., at pp. 529-530.
24 Id., at p. 403.
25 Id., at pp. 46-47.
26 Id.
27 Id., at pp. 531-561.


. 674, 26, 2012 565

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Por and Pa enger Terminal hro gh beach one re ora ion and
Pro ec i e Marina De elopmen in Ca iclan, Mala , Aklan a
comple ed.
Thereaf er, Go ernor Marq e bmi ed an Environmental
Performance Report and Monitoring Program (EPRMP)2 o
DENR-EMB RVI, hich he had a ached o hi le er2 da ed
Sep ember 19, 2009, a an ini ial ep for ec ring an En ironmen al
Compliance Cer i ca e (ECC). The le er read in par :

With the project expected to start its construction implementation

next month, the province hereb assures our good of ce that it ill give
preferential attention to and shall compl ith hatever comments that ou
ma have on this EPRMP. (Emphasis added.)

Re ponden Pro ince a hen a hori ed o i e Ca iclan

S per Marina Bond for he p rpo e of f nding he reno a ion of
he Ca iclan Je Por and Pa enger Terminal B ilding, and he
reclama ion of a por ion of he fore hore lea e area for commercial
p rpo e in Mala , Aklan hro gh Provincial Ordinance No. 2009-
013, appro ed on Sep ember 10, 2009. The aid ordinance
a hori ed Go ernor Marq e o nego ia e, ign and e ec e
agreemen in rela ion o he i ance of he Ca iclan S per Marina
Bond in he amo n no e ceeding P260,000,000.00.31
S b eq en l , he Sa gg ia g Pa lala iga of he Pro ince of
Aklan i ed Provincial Ordinance No. 2009-01532 on Oc ober 1,
2009, amending Pro incial Ordinance No. 2009-013, a hori ing he
bond o a ion of he Pro ince of Aklan hro gh Go ernor Marq e
o f nd he Marina Projec and

28 Id., at pp. 49-140.
29 Id., at p. 48.
30 Id.
31 Id., at p. 8.
32 Id., at pp. 562-567.


566 C A A D
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appropria e he en ire proceed of aid bond for he projec , and

f r her a hori ing Go ernor Marq e o nego ia e, ign and e ec e
con rac or agreemen per inen o he ran ac ion.33
Wi hin he ame mon h of Oc ober 2009, re ponden Pro ince
delibera ed on he po ible e pan ion from i original propo ed
reclama ion area of 2.64 hec are o for (40) hec are in order o
ma imi e he ili a ion of i re o rce and a a re pon e o he
nding of he Preliminar Geoha ard A e men d hich
ho ed ha he rece ion and re rea of he horeline ca ed b
coa al ero ion and co ring ho ld be he r major concern in he
projec i e and nearb coa al area. The d like i e indica ed he
lnerabili of he coa al one i hin he propo ed projec i e and
he nearb coa al area d e o he effec of ea le el ri e and clima e
change hich ill grea l affec he ocial, economic, and
en ironmen al i a ion of Ca iclan and nearb Mala coa al
comm ni ie .34
In hi le er da ed Oc ober 22, 2009 addre ed o re ponden
PRA, Go ernor Marq e ro e:

With our substantial compliance ith the requirements under

Administrative Order No. 2007-2 relative to our request to PRA for
approval of the reclamation of the [proposed Beach Zone Restoration and
Protection Marine Development in Baranga s Caticlan and Manoc-Manoc]
and as a result of our discussion during the [meeting ith the respondent
PRA on October 12, 2009], ma e respectfull submit a revised
Reclamation Project Description embodying certain revisions/changes
in the size and location of the areas to be reclaimed. .
On another note, e are pleased to inform our Of ce that the bond
otation e have secured ith the Local Government Unit Guarantee
Corporation (LGUGC) has been nall approved last October 14, 2009.
This ill pave the a for the implementation of

33 Id., at pp. 404-405.
34 Id., at p. 405.


. 674, E 26, 2012 567

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

said project. Brie , the Province has been recogni ed b the Bureau of
Local Government Finance (BLGF) for its capabilit to meet its loan
obligations. .
With the continued increase of tourists coming to Boraca through
Caticlan, the Province is venturing into such development project ith the
end in vie of protection and/or restoring certain segments of the shoreline
in Baranga s Caticlan (Caticlan side) and Manoc-manoc (Boraca side)
hich, as reported b e perts, has been e periencing tremendous coastal
For the project to be self-liquidating, ho ever, e ill be developing the
reclaimed land for commercial and tourism-related facilities and for other
complementar uses. 35 (Emphasis ours.)

Then, on No ember 19, 2009, he Sa gg ia g Pa lala iga

enac ed Resolution No. 2009-29936 a hori ing Go ernor Marq e
o en er in o a Memorand m of Agreemen (MOA) i h re ponden
PRA in he implemen a ion of he Beach Zone Re ora ion and
Pro ec ion Marina De elopmen Projec , which shall reclaim a
total of 40 hectares in he area adjacen o he je por a
Baranga Ca iclan and Baranga Manoc-manoc. The Sa gg ia g
Pa lala iga appro ed he erm and condi ion of he nece ar
agreemen for he implemen a ion of he bond o a ion of
re ponden Pro ince o f nd he reno a ion/rehabili a ion of he
e i ing je por b a of enhancemen and reco er of he Old
Ca iclan horeline hro gh reclama ion of an area of 2.64 hectares
in he amo n of P260,000,000.00 on December 1, 2009.37
Re ponden Pro ince ga e an ini ial pre en a ion of he projec
i h con l a ion o he Sa gg ia g Ba a of Mala 3 on
December 9, 2009.
35 Id., at pp. 568-569.
36 Id., at pp. 576-577.
37 Id., at pp. 406-407.
38 Id., at pp. 578-587.


568 C A A D
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Respondent PRA approved the reclamation project on April

20, 2010 in its Resolution No. 4094 and a hori ed i General
Manager/Chief E ec i e Of cer (CEO) o en er in o a MOA i h
re ponden Pro ince for he implemen a ion of he reclama ion
projec .3
On April 27, 2010, DENR-EMB RVI i ed o re ponden
Pro ince ECC-R6-1003-096-7100 ( he q e ioned ECC) for Pha e
1 of he Reclama ion Projec o he e en of 2.64 hectares o be
done along he Ca iclan ide be ide he e i ing je por .40
On Ma 17, 2010, re ponden Pro ince en ered in o a MOA41
i h re ponden PRA. Under Ar icle III, he Projec a de cribed
herein a follo :

The proposed Aklan Beach Zone Restoration and Protection Marina

Development Project involves the reclamation and development of
appro imatel forty (40) hectares of foreshore and offshore areas of the
Municipalit of Mala .
The land use development of the reclamation project shall be for
commercial, recreational and institutional and other applicable uses. 42
(Emphases supplied.)

It was at this point that respondent Province deemed it

necessar to conduct a series of what it calls information-
education campaigns, hich pro ided he en e for in erac ion
and dialog e i h he p blic, par ic larl he Ba a ga and
M nicipal of cial of he M nicipali of Mala , he re iden of
Baranga Ca iclan and Boraca , he akeholder , and he non-
go ernmen al organi a ion (NGO ). The de ail of he campaign
are mmari ed a follo :43

39 Id., at p. 156.
40 Id., at pp. 169-174.
41 Id., at pp. 594-604.
42 Id., at p. 596.
43 Id., at pp. 407-408.

. 674, 26, 2012 569

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

a. June 17, 2010 at Casa Pilar Beach Resort, Boraca Island, Mala , Aklan;44
b. Jul 28, 2010 at Caticlan Jett Port and Passenger Terminal;45
c. Jul 31, 2010 at Baranga Caticlan Pla a;46
d. September 15, 2010 at the Of ce of the Provincial Governor ith Municipal
Ma or of Mala Ma or John P. Yap;
e. October 12, 2010 at the Of ce of the Provincial Governor ith the Provincial
Development Council E ecutive Committee; and
f. October 29, 2010 at the Of ce of the Provincial Governor ith Of cials of
LGU-Mala and Petitioner.

Pe i ioner claim ha d ring he p blic con l a ion mee ing

bela edl called b re ponden Pro ince on J ne 17, 2010,
re ponden Pro ince pre en ed he Reclama ion Projec and onl
hen de ailed he ac ion ha i had alread nder aken, par ic larl :
he i ance of he Ca iclan S per Marina Bond ; he e ec ion of
he MOA i h re ponden PRA; he alleged cond c of an
En ironmen al Impac A e men (EIA) d for he reclama ion
projec ; and he expansion of the project to fort (40) hectares
from 2.64 hectares.50
In Re ol ion No. 046, Serie of 2010, adop ed on J ne 23, 2010,
he Mala M nicipali rei era ed i rong oppo i ion o re ponden
Pro ince projec and denied i req e for a fa orable
endor emen of he Marina Projec .51

44 Id., at pp. 605-609.
45 Id., at pp. 610-614.
46 Id., at pp. 615-621.
47 Id., at pp. 622-623.
48 Id., at pp. 624-626.
49 Id., at pp. 627-629.
50 Id., at pp. 9-10.
51 Id., at p. 175.


570 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

The Mala M nicipali b eq en l i ed Resolution No.

016, Serie of 2010, adop ed on A g 3, 2010, o req e
re ponden PRA no o gran reclama ion permi and no ice o
proceed o he Marina Projec of he [re ponden ] Pro incial
Go ernmen of Aklan loca ed a Ca iclan, Mala , Aklan. 52
In a le er53 da ed Oc ober 12, 2010, pe i ioner informed
re ponden PRA of i oppo i ion o he reclama ion projec ,
primaril for he rea on ha , ba ed on he opinion of Dr. Por rio M.
Ali o, an e per from he Uni er i of he Philippine Marine
Science In i e (UPMSI), hich he rendered ba ed on he
doc men bmi ed b re ponden Pro ince o ob ain he ECC, a
f ll EIA d i req ired o a e he reclama ion projec
likelihood of rendering cri ical and la ing effec on Boraca
con idering he pro imi in di ance, geographical loca ion, c rren
and ind direc ion, and man o her en ironmen al con idera ion in
he area. Pe i ioner no ed ha aid doc men had failed o deal i h
coa al ero ion concern in Boraca . I al o no ed ha re ponden
Pro ince failed o compl i h cer ain manda or pro i ion of he
Local Go ernmen Code, par ic larl , ho e req iring he projec
proponen o cond c con l a ion i h akeholder .
Pe i ioner like i e ran mi ed i Resolution No. 001, Series of
2010, regi ering i oppo i ion o he reclama ion projec o
re ponden Pro ince, re ponden PRA, re ponden DENR-EMB, he
Na ional Economic De elopmen A hori Region VI, he Mala
M nicipali , and o her concerned en i ie .54
Pe i ioner allege ha de pi e he Mala M nicipali denial of
re ponden Pro ince req e for a fa orable endor emen , a ell
a he rong oppo i ion manife ed bo h

52 Id., at p. 176.
53 Id., at pp. 178-182.
54 Id., at pp. 183-185.


. 674, 26, 2012 571

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

b Baranga Ca iclan and pe i ioner a an NGO, re ponden

Pro ince ill con in ed i h he implemen a ion of he Reclama ion
Projec .55
On J l 26, 2010, he Sa gg ia g Pa lala iga of re ponden
Pro ince set aside Resolution No. 046, s. 2010, of the
Municipalit of Mala and manife ed i ppor for he
implemen a ion of he afore aid projec hro gh i Resolution No.
On J l 27, 2010, he MOA a con rmed b re ponden PRA
Board of Direc or nder i Resolution No. 4130. Re ponden PRA
ro e o re ponden Pro ince on Oc ober 19, 2010, informing he
la er o proceed with the reclamation and development of phase
1 of site 1 of its proposed project. Re ponden PRA a ached o
aid le er i E al a ion Repor da ed Oc ober 18, 2010.57
Pe i ioner like i e recei ed a cop of re ponden PRA le er
da ed Oc ober 19, 2010, hich a hori ed re ponden Pro ince o
proceed i h pha e 1 of he reclama ion projec , bjec o
compliance i h he req iremen of i E al a ion Repor . The
reclama ion projec a de cribed a :

[A] seafront development involving reclamation of an aggregate area of

more or less, forty (40) hectares in t o (2) separate sites both in Mala
Municipalit , Aklan Province. Site 1 is in Brgy. Caticlan with a total area
of 36.82 hectares and Site 2 in Brgy. Manoc-Manoc, Boracay Island
with a total area of 3.18 hectares. Sites 1 and 2 are on the opposite sides of
Tabon Strait, about 1,200 meters apart. . 5 (Emphases added.)

The Sa gg ia g Pa lala iga of Aklan, hro gh Resolution

No. 2010-034,5 addre ed he apprehen ion of pe i-

55 Id., at p. 11.
56 Id., at pp. 630-631.
57 Id., at pp. 155-156.
58 Id., at p. 156.
59 Id., at pp. 632-634.


572 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

ioner embodied in i Re ol ion No. 001, . 2010, and ppor ed

he implemen a ion of he projec . Said re ol ion a ed ha he
apprehen ion of pe i ioner i h regard o he economic, ocial and
poli ical nega i e impac of he projec ere mere percep ion and
generali ie and ere no anchored on de ni e cien i c, ocial and
poli ical die .
In he mean ime, a d a commi ioned b he Philippine
Chamber of Commerce and Ind r -Boraca (PCCI-Boraca ),
f nded b he Department of Tourism (DOT) i h he a i ance
of, among o her , pe i ioner. The d a cond c ed in No ember
2010 b e eral marine biologi /e per from he Marine
En ironmen al Re o rce Fo nda ion (MERF) of he UPMSI. The
d a in ended o de ermine he po en ial impac of a
reclama ion projec in he h drod namic of he rai and on he
coa al ero ion pa ern in he o hern coa of Boraca I land and
along he coa of Ca iclan.60
Af er no ing he objec ion of he re pec i e LGU of Ca iclan
and Mala , a ell a he apprehen ion of pe i ioner, re ponden
Pro ince i ed a no ice o he con rac or on December 1, 2010 o
commence i h he con r c ion of he projec .61
On April 4, 2011, he Sa gg ia g Pa lala iga of Aklan,
hro gh i Commi ee on Coopera i e , Food, Agric l re, and
En ironmen al Pro ec ion and he Commi ee on To ri m, Trade,
Ind r and Commerce, cond c ed a join commi ee hearing
herein he d nder aken b he MERF-UPMSI a
di c ed. In a endance ere Mr. Ariel Abriam, Pre iden of
PCCI-Boraca , repre en a i e from he Pro incial Go ernmen , and
Dr. Ce ar Villano , a profe or from he UPMSI. Dr. Villano aid
ha he bjec projec , con i ing of 2.64 hectares, o ld onl
ha e i ig i ca

60 Id., at pp. 186-202.
61 Id., at p. 409.
62 Id., at pp. 635-652.


. 674, 26, 2012 573

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

effec on he h drod namic of he rai ra er ing he coa line of

Baranga Ca iclan and Boraca , hence, here a a di a
ibili ha i o ld affec he Boraca coa line, hich incl de
he famo hi e- and beach of he i land.63
Th , on April 6, 2011, he Sa gg ia g Pa lala iga of Aklan
enac ed Resolution No. 2011-06564 no ing he repor on he r e
of he channel be een Ca iclan and Boraca cond c ed b he
UPMSI in rela ion o he effec of he ongoing reclama ion o
Boraca beache , and a ing ha Dr. Villano had admi ed ha
no here in heir d a i poin ed o ha here o ld be an
ad er e effec on he hi e- and beach of Boraca .
D ring he Fir Q ar er Reg lar Mee ing of he Regional
De elopmen Co ncil, Region VI (RDC-VI) on April 16, 2011, i
appro ed and ppor ed he bjec projec (co ering 2.64 hec are )
hro gh RDC-VI Resolution No. VI-26, series of 2011.65
S b eq en l , Mr. Abriam en a le er o Go ernor Marq e
da ed April 25, 2011 a ing ha he d cond c ed b he UPMSI
con rm ha he a er o acro he Ca iclan-Boraca channel i
primaril ide-dri en, herefore, he marine cien i belie e ha he
2.64-hec are projec of re ponden Pro ince o ld no igni can l
affec he o in he channel and o ld nlikel impac he Boraca
beache . Ba ed on hi , PCCI-Boraca a ed ha i a no
oppo ing he 2.64-hec are Ca iclan reclama ion projec on
en ironmen al gro nd .66
On J ne 1, 2011, pe i ioner led he in an Pe i ion for
En ironmen al Pro ec ion Order/I ance of he Wri of Con in ing
Ma dam . On J ne 7, 2011, hi Co r i ed a Temporar
Environmental Protection Order (TEPO)

63 Id., at pp. 409-410.
64 Id., at pp. 656-658.
65 Id., at pp. 660-661.
66 Id., at pp. 653-654.


574 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

and ordered he re ponden o le heir re pec i e commen o he

pe i ion.67
Af er recei ing a cop of he TEPO on J ne 9, 2011, re ponden
Pro ince immedia el i ed an order o he Pro incial Engineering
Of ce and he concerned con rac or o cea e and de i from
cond c ing an con r c ion ac i i ie n il f r her order from hi
Co r .
The pe i ion i premi ed on he follo ing gro nd :


67 Id., at pp. 222-223.
68 Id., at p. 13.


. 674, 26, 2012 575

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

Pe i ioner objec o re ponden Pro ince cla i ca ion of he

reclama ion projec a ingle in ead of co-loca ed, a non-
en ironmen all cri ical, and a a mere rehabili a ion of he
e i ing je por . Pe i ioner poin o ha he reclama ion projec
i on o i e ( hich are i a ed on he oppo i e ide of Tabon
S rai , abo 1,200 me er apar ):

36.82 hectares Site 1, in Bg . Caticlan

3.18 hectares Site 2, in Manoc-manoc, Boraca Island6

Pha e 1, hich a ar ed in December 2010 i ho he

nece ar permi , i loca ed on he Ca iclan ide of a narro rai
epara ing mainland Aklan from Boraca . In he implemen a ion of
he projec , re ponden Pro ince ob ained onl an ECC o cond c
Pha e 1, in ead of an ECC on he en ire 40 hec are . Th ,
pe i ioner arg e ha re ponden Pro ince ab ed and e ploi ed he
Revised Procedural Manual for DENR Administrative Order
No. 30, Series of 2003 (DENR DAO 2003-30)71 rela ing o he
acq i i ion of an ECC b :
1. Declaring the reclamation project under G II P jec -N -ECP
(e i e all c i ical jec ) i ECA (e i e all c i ical a ea)
ba ed he e a d i e f he a ea, and
2. Failing to declare the reclamation project as a co-located project application
hich ould have required the Province to submit a P g a a ic
E i e al I ac S a e e (PEIS) or P g a a ic E i-


69 Id., a . 12.

70 Id.

71 T e I e e g R e a d Reg a f P e de a Dec ee N . 1586, c e ab ed T e

P eE e I ac S a e e S e (PEISS).

72 P g a a c E e a I ac S a e e (PEIS) d c e a f c e e e de

e e a ba e ec d fac g a ea. I a c de a a e e f e


576 E EC E A A ED
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

e al [Pe f a ce] Re Ma age e Pla (PE[P]RMP).73

(Emphases ours.)
Pe i ioner f r her allege ha he Re i ed Proced ral Man al (on
hich he cla i ca ion abo e i ba ed, hich merel req ire an
En ironmen al Impac S a emen [EIS] for Gro p II projec ) i
pa en l l a i e , and re ponden DENR-EMB RVI commi ed
gra e ab e of di cre ion beca e he la on EIS, namel ,
Pre iden ial Decree No . 1151 and 1586, a ell a Pre iden ial
Proclama ion No. 2146, clearl indica e ha projec in
en ironmen all cri ical area are o be immedia el con idered
en ironmen all cri ical. Petitioner complains that respondent
Province applied for an ECC onl for Phase 1; hence, unlawfull
evading the requirement that co-located projects74 within
Environmentall Critical Areas (ECAs) must submit a PEIS
and/or a PEPRMP.
Pe i ioner arg e ha re ponden Pro ince fra d len l cla i ed
and mi repre en ed he projec a a Non-ECP in an ECA, and a a
ingle projec in ead of a co-loca ed one. The impac a e men
allegedl performed gi e a pa en l erroneo and rongl -
premi ed apprai al of he po ible en ironmen al impac of he
reclama ion projec . Pe i ioner con end ha re ponden Pro ince
choice of cla i ca ion a

carrying capacity of the area to absorb impacts from co-located projects such as
those in industrial estates or economic zones (ecozones). (DENR DAO 2003-30,
Section 3[v].)
73 R , p. 15; Programmatic Environmental Performance Report and
Management Plan (PEPRMP) documentation of actual cumulative environmental
impacts of co-located projects with proposals for expansion. The PEPRMP should
also describe the effectiveness of current environmental mitigation measures and
plans for performance improvement. (DENR DAO 2003-30, Section 3[w].)
74 Projects or series of similar projects or a project subdivided to several phases
and/or stages by the same proponent located in contiguous areas. (DENR DAO 2003-
30, Section 3[b].)


. 674, 26, 2012 577

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

de igned o a oid a comprehen i e impac a e men of he

reclama ion projec .
Pe i ioner f r her con end ha re ponden DENR-EMB RVI
illf ll and delibera el di regarded i d o en re ha he
en ironmen i pro ec ed from harmf l de elopmen al projec
beca e i allegedl performed onl a c r or and per cial re ie
of he doc men bmi ed b he re ponden Pro ince for an ECC,
failing o no e ha all he informa ion and da a ed b re ponden
Pro ince in i applica ion for he ECC ere all da ed and no
c rren , a da a a ga hered in he la e 1990 for he ECC i ed in
1999 for he r je por . Th , pe i ioner allege ha re ponden
DENR-EMB RVI ignored he en ironmen al impac o Boraca ,
hich in ol e change in he r c re of he coa line ha co ld
con rib e o he change in he charac eri ic of he and in he
beache of bo h Ca iclan and Boraca .
Pe i ioner in i ha reclama ion of land a he Ca iclan ide ill
na oidabl ad er el affec he Boraca ide and no e ha he
declared objec i e of he reclama ion projec i for he e ploi a ion
of Boraca o ri rade, ince he projec i in ended o enhance
ppor er ice here o. B , pe i ioner arg e , he primar rea on
for Boraca pop lari i i hi e- and beache hich ill be
nega i el affec ed b he projec .
Pe i ioner allege ha re ponden PRA had req ired re ponden
Pro ince o ob ain he fa orable endor emen of he LGU of
Baranga Ca iclan and Mala M nicipali p r an o he
con l a ion proced re a req ired b he Local Go ernmen
Code.75 Pe i ioner a er ha he reclama ion projec i in iola ion
no onl of la on EIS b al o of he Local Go ernmen Code a
re ponden Pro ince failed o en er in o proper con l a ion ih
he concerned LGU . In fac , he

75 R , pp. 167-168.


578 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

Liga g mga Ba a ga -Mala Chap er al o e pre ed rong

oppo i ion again he projec .76
Pe i ioner ci e Sec ion 26 and 27 of he Local Go ernmen
Code, hich req ire con l a ion if he projec or program ma
ca e poll ion, climac ic change, deple ion of non-rene able
re o rce , e c. According o pe i ioner, re ponden Pro ince ignored
he LGU oppo i ion e pre ed a earl a 2008. No onl ha ,
re ponden Pro ince bela edl called for p blic con l a ion
mee ing on J ne 17 and J l 28, 2010, af er an ECC had alread
been i ed and he MOA be een re ponden PRA and Pro ince
had alread been e ec ed. A he pe i ioner a i , he e ere no
con l a ion b mere projec pre en a ion .
Pe i ioner claim ha re ponden Pro ince, aided and abe ed b
re ponden PRA and DENR-EMB, ignored he piri and le er of
he Re i ed Proced ral Man al, in ended o implemen he ario
reg la ion go erning he En ironmen al Impac A e men
(EIA ) o en re ha de elopmen al projec are in line i h
ainable de elopmen of na ral re o rce . The projec a
concep ali ed i ho con idering al erna i e .
F r her, a o i allega ion ha re ponden Pro ince failed o
perform a f ll EIA, pe i ioner arg e ha hile i i r e ha a of
no , onl he Ca iclan ide ha been i ed an ECC, he en ire
projec in ol e he Boraca ide, hich ho ld ha e been
con idered a co-loca ed projec . Petitioner claims that an project
involving Boraca requires a full EIA since it is an ECA. Pha e 1
of he projec ill affec Boraca and Ca iclan a he are epara ed
onl b a narro rai ; h , i ho ld be con idered an ECP.
Therefore, he ECC and permi i ed m be in alida ed and
Pe i ioner con end ha a d ho ha he o of he a er
hro gh a narro er channel d e o he reclama ion

76 Id., at p. 25.


. 674, 26, 2012 579

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

projec ill likel di er and ran por off he o h e par of

Boraca , herea he charac eri ic coa of he Ca iclan ide of he
rai indica e ronger edimen ran por .77 The hi e- and beache
of Boraca and i rro nding marine en ironmen depend pon he
na ral o of he adjacen a er .
Regarding i claim ha he reclama ion of land bordering he
rai be een Ca iclan and Boraca hall ad er el affec he frail
ecological balance of he area, pe i ioner bmi ha hile he
d cond c ed b he MERF-UPMSI onl con ider he impac of
he reclama ion projec on he land, i i ndeniable ha i ill al o
ad er el affec he alread frail ecological balance of he area. The
effec of he projec o ld ha e been properl a e ed if he proper
EIA had been performed prior o an implemen a ion of he projec .
According o pe i ioner, re ponden Pro ince in ended p rpo e
do no pre ail o er i d and obliga ion o pro ec he
en ironmen . Pe i ioner belie e ha rehabili a ion of he Je Por
ma be done hro gh o her mean .
In i Comment7 da ed J ne 21, 2011, re ponden Pro ince
claimed ha applica ion for reclama ion of 40 hectares i
ad an ageo o he Pro incial Go ernmen con idering ha i
ling fee o ld onl co Php20,000.00 pl Val e Added Ta
(VAT) hich i al o he minim m fee a pre cribed nder Sec ion
4.2 of Admini ra i e Order No. 2007-2.7
Re ponden Pro ince con ider he in an pe i ion o be
prema re; h , i m nece aril fail for lack of ca e of ac ion
d e o he fail re of pe i ioner o f ll e ha he a ailable
admini ra i e remedie e en before eeking j di-

77 Id., at p. 30.
78 Id., at pp. 396-443.
79 IRR of E.O. No. 532 dated June 24, 2006, entitled Delegating to the
[respondent PRA] the Power to Approve Reclamation Projects.

5 0

580 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

cial relief. According o re ponden Pro ince, he pe i ion primaril

a ailed he deci ion of re ponden DENR-EMB RVI in gran ing he
ECC for he bjec projec con i ing of 2.64 hectares and o gh
he cancella ion of he ECC for alleged fail re of re ponden
Pro ince o bmi proper doc men a ion a req ired for i
i ance. Hence, he gro nd relied pon b pe i ioner can be
addre ed i hin he con ne of admini ra i e proce e pro ided
b la .
Re ponden Pro ince belie e ha nder Sec ion 5.4.3 of DENR
Admini ra i e Order No. 2003-30 (DAO 2003-30), 0 he i ance
of an ECC 1 i an of cial deci ion of DENR-EMB RVI on he
applica ion of a projec proponen . 2 I ci e Section 6 of DENR
DAO 2003-30, hich pro ide for a remed a ailable o he par
aggrie ed b he nal deci ion on he proponen ECC applica ion .
Re ponden Pro ince arg e ha he in an pe i ion i anchored
on a rong premi e ha re l o pe i ioner nfo nded fear and
ba ele apprehen ion . I i re ponden Pro ince con en ion ha
i 2.64-hec are reclama ion projec i con idered a a and alone
projec , epara e and independen from he appro ed area of 40
hec are . Th , pe i ioner ho ld ha e ob er ed he difference
be een he f re de elopmen plan of re ponden Pro ince from
i ac al projec being nder aken. 3
Re ponden Pro ince clearl doe no di p e he fac ha i
re i ed i original applica ion o re ponden PRA from 2.64
hec are o 40 hec are . Ho e er, i claim ha ch re i ion i par
of i future plan, and implemen a ion hereof i ill

80 Implementing Rules and Regulations for the Philippine Environmental Impact
Statement System.
81 An ECC shall contain the scope and limitations of the approved activities, as
well as conditions to ensure compliance with the Environmental Management Plan.
82 R , pp. 414-415.
83 Id., at p. 418.

5 1

. 674, 26, 2012 581

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

bjec o a ailabili of f nd , independen cien i c en ironmen al

d , epara e applica ion of ECC and no ice o proceed o be
i ed b re ponden PRA. 4
Re ponden Pro ince goe on o claim ha [p]e i ioner er ion
of he Ca iclan je por e pan ion projec i a bigger projec hich
i ill a he concep ali a ion age. Al ho gh hi projec a
de cribed in he Notice to Proceed i ed b re ponden PRA o
ha e o pha e , 36.82 hec are in Ca iclan and 3.18 hec are in
Boraca [I land,] i i o all differen from he [ongoing] Ca iclan
je por e pan ion projec . 5
Re ponden Pro ince a ha he Accompli hmen Repor 6 of
i Engineering Of ce o ld a e ha he ac al projec con i of
2.64 hec are onl , a originall planned and concep ali ed, hich
a e en red ced o 2.2 hec are d e o ome con r c ion and
de ign modi ca ion .
Th , re ponden Pro ince allege ha from i andpoin , i
capabili o reclaim i limi ed o 2.64 hec are onl , ba ed on
re ponden PRA E al a ion Repor 7 da ed Oc ober 18, 2010,
hich a in rn he ba i of he i ance of he No ice o Proceed
da ed Oc ober 19, 2010, beca e he projec nancial componen i
P260,000,000.00 onl . Said E al a ion Repor indica e ha he
implemen a ion of he o her pha e of he projec incl ding i e 2,
hich con i of he o her por ion of he 40-hec are area ha
incl de a por ion in Boraca , i ill i hin he 10- ear period and
ill depend largel on he a ailabili of f nd of re ponden
Pro ince.
So, e en if re ponden PRA appro ed an area ha o ld o al p
o 40 hec are , i a di ided in o pha e in order o de ermine he
period of i implemen a ion. Each pha e a

84 Id.
85 Id.
86 Id., at pp. 662-682.
87 Id., at pp. 156-165.
88 Id., at p. 419.

5 2
582 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

epara e and independen beca e he o rce of f nd a al o

epara e. The req ired doc men and req iremen ere al o
peci c for each pha e. The en ire appro ed area of 40 hec are
co ld be implemen ed i hin a period of 10 ear b hi o ld
depend olel on he a ailabili of f nd .
A far a re ponden Pro ince nder and i , addi ional
reclama ion no co ered b he ECC, hich onl appro ed 2.64
hec are , ho ld ndergo ano her EIA. If re ponden Pro ince
in end o commence he con r c ion on he o her componen of he
40 hec are , hen i agree ha i i manda ed o ec re a ne ECC. 0
Re ponden Pro ince admi ha i dream of a 40-hec are
projec , e en if i had originall planned and a a pre en onl
nanciall eq ipped and legall complian o nder ake 2.64
hec are of he projec , and onl a an e pan ion of i old je
por . 1
Re ponden Pro ince claim ha i ha complied i h all he
nece ar req iremen for ec ring an ECC. On he i e ha he
reclama ion projec i i hin an ECA req iring he performance of a
f ll or programma ic EIA, re ponden Pro ince rei era e ha he
idea of e panding he area o 40 hec are i onl a f re plan. I
onl ec red an ECC for 2.64 hec are , ba ed on he limi of i
f nding and a hori . From he beginning, i in en ion a o
rehabili a e and e pand he e i ing je por erminal o
accommoda e an increa ing projec ed raf c. The bjec projec i
peci call cla i ed nder DENR DAO 2003-30 on i Projec
Gro ping Ma ri for De ermina ion of EIA Repor T pe con idered
a Minor Reclama ion Projec falling nder Gro p II Non ECP in
an ECA. Whe her 2.64 or 40 hec are in area, he bjec projec
fall i hin hi cla i ca ion.

89 Id.
90 Id., at p. 420.
91 Id.

5 3

. 674, 26, 2012 583

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

Con eq en l , re ponden Pro ince claim ha pe i ioner erred in

con idering he ongoing reclama ion projec a Ca iclan, Mala ,
Aklan, a co-loca ed i hin an ECA.
Re ponden Pro ince, like i e arg e ha he 2.64-hec are
projec i no a componen of he appro ed 40-hec are area a i i
originall planned for he e pan ion i e of he e i ing Ca iclan
je por . A pre en , i ha no de ni e concep al con r c ion plan
of he aid por ion in Boraca and i ha no nancial alloca ion o
ini ia e an projec on he aid Boraca por ion.
F r hermore, re ponden Pro ince con end ha he pre en
projec i loca ed in Ca iclan hile he alleged componen ha fall
i hin an ECA i in Boraca . Con idering i geographical loca ion,
he o i e canno be con idered a a con ig o area for he
rea on ha i i epara ed b a bod of a er a rai ha ra er e
be een he mainland Pana herein Ca iclan i loca ed and
Boraca . Hence, i i erroneo o con ider he o i e a a co-
loca ed projec i hin an ECA. Being a and alone projec and an
e pan ion of he e i ing je por , re ponden DENR-EMB RVI
had req ired re ponden Pro ince o perform an EPRMP o ec re
an ECC a anc ioned b I em No. 8(b), page 7 of DENR DAO
Re ponden Pro ince con end ha e en if, gran ing for he ake
of arg men , i had erroneo l ca egori ed i projec a Non-ECP
in an ECA, hi a no a nal de ermina ion. Re ponden DENR-
EMB RVI, hich a he admini ra or of he EIS em, had he
nal deci ion on hi ma er. Under DENR DAO 2003-30, an
applica ion for ECC, e en for a Ca egor B2 projec here an
EPRMP i cond c ed, hall be bjec ed o a re ie proce .
Re ponden DENR-EMB RVI had he a hori o den aid
applica ion. I Regional Direc or co ld ei her i e an ECC for he
projec or den he applica ion. He ma al o req ire a more
comprehen i e EIA d . The Regional Direc or i ed he ECC
ba ed on he EPRMP bmi ed b re ponden Pro ince and af er
he ame en hro gh he EIA re ie proce .

5 4

584 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

Th , re ponden Pro ince concl de ha pe i ioner allega ion

of hi being a co-loca ed projec i prema re if no ba ele a
he bigger reclama ion projec i ill on he concep ali a ion age.
Bo h re ponden PRA and Pro ince are e o comple e die and
fea ibili die o embark on ano her projec .
Re ponden Pro ince claim ha an oc lar r e of he
reclama ion projec re ealed ha i had orked i hin he limi of
he ECC. 2
Wi h regard o pe i ioner allega ion ha re ponden Pro ince
failed o ge he fa orable endor emen of he concerned LGU in
iola ion of he Local Go ernmen Code, re ponden Pro ince
con end ha con l a ion i - - i he fa orable endor emen from
he concerned LGU a con empla ed nder he Local Go ernmen
Code are merel ool o eek ad ice and no a po er clo hed pon
he LGU o nila erall appro e or di appro e an go ernmen
projec . F r hermore, ch endor emen i no nece ar for
projec falling nder Ca egor B2 nle req ired b he DENR-
EMB RVI, nder Sec ion 5.3 of DENR DAO 2003-30.
Moreo er, DENR Memorandum Circular No. 08-2007 no
longer req ire he i ance of permi and cer i ca ion a a pre-
req i i e for he i ance of an ECC. Re ponden Pro ince claim o
ha e cond c ed con l a i e ac i i ie i h LGU in connec ion i h
Sec ion 26 and 27 of he Local Go ernmen Code. The ehemen
and a nch objec ion of bo h he Sa gg ia g Ba a ga of
Ca iclan and he Sa gg ia g Ba a of Mala , according o
re ponden Pro ince, ere no roo ed on i percei ed impac pon
he people and he comm ni in erm of en ironmen al or
ecological balance, b d e o an alleged con ic i h heir
principal po i ion o de elop, ili e and reap bene from he
na ral re o rce fo nd i hin i j ri dic ion. Re ponden
Pro ince arg e

92 Id., at pp. 683-688.
93 Id., at p. 430.

5 5

. 674, 26, 2012 585

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

ha he e concern are no i hin he p r ie of he Local

Go ernmen Code. F r hermore, he Preliminar Geoha ard
A e men Repor and EPRMP a ell a Sa gg ia g
Pa lala iga Re ol ion No . 2010-022 and 2010-034 ho ld
addre an en ironmen al i e he ma rai e.
Re ponden Pro ince po i ha he piri and in en of Sec ion
26 and 27 of he Local Go ernmen Code i o crea e an a en e for
par ie , he proponen and he LGU concerned, o come p i h a
ool in harmoni ing i ie and concern abo he projec . The
d o con l doe no a oma icall req ire adherence o he
opinion d ring he con l a ion proce . I i allegedl no i hin
he pro i ion o gi e he f ll a hori o he LGU concerned o
nila erall appro e or di appro e he projec in he g i e of
req iring he proponen of ec ring i fa orable endor emen . In
hi ca e, pe i ioner i calling a hal o he projec i ho pro iding
an al erna i e re ol ion o harmoni e i po i ion and ha of
re ponden Pro ince.
Re ponden Pro ince claim ha he EPRMP 4 o ld re eal ha :
[T]he area fronting the project site is practicall composed of sand. Dead
coral communities ma be found along the vicinit . Thus, sh life at the
project site is quite scarce due to the absence of marine support s stems like
the sea grass beds and coral reefs.
[T]here is no coral cover at the e isting Caticlan jett port. [From] the
deepest point of jett to the shallo est point, there as no more coral patch
and the substrate is sand . It is of public kno ledge that the said foreshore
area is being utili ed b the residents ever since as berthing or anchorage
site of their motori ed banca. There ill be no possibilit of an coral
development therein because

94 The EPRMP was based on the stud conducted b the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources (BFAR) dated A g 27, 1999 (The Observations on the Floor Bottom and its
Marine Resources at the Proposed Jett Ports at Caticlan and Manok-manok, Boraca , Aklan).
(R , pp. 433-434.)


586 E EC E A A ED
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

of its continuous utili ation. Like ise, the activit of the strait that traverses
bet een the main land Caticlan and Boraca Island ould also be a factor
of the coral development. Corals [ma ] onl be formed ithin the area if
there is scienti c human intervention, hich is absent up to the present.
In light of the foregoing premise, it casts serious doubt on petitioner s
allegations pertaining to the environmental effects of Respondent-LGU s
2.64 hectares reclamation project. The alleged environmental impact of the
subject project to the beaches of Boraca Island remains uncon rmed.
Petitioner had unsuccessfull proven that the project ould cause imminent,
grave and irreparable injur to the communit . 5

Re ponden Pro ince pra ed for he di ol ion of he TEPO,

claiming ha he r le pro ide ha he TEPO ma be di ol ed if i
appear af er hearing ha i i ance or con in ance o ld ca e
irreparable damage o he par or per on enjoined, hile he
applican ma be f ll compen a ed for ch damage a he ma
ffer and bjec o he po ing of a f cien bond b he par or
per on enjoined. Re ponden Pro ince con end ha he TEPO
o ld ca e irreparable damage in o a pec :
a. Financial dislocation and probable bankruptc ; and
b. Grave and imminent danger to safet and health of inhabitants of immediate
area, including tourists and passengers serviced b the jett port, brought
about b the abrupt cessation of development orks.

A regard nancial di loca ion, he arg men of re ponden

Pro ince are mmari ed belo :
1. This project is nanced b bonds hich the respondent Province had issued to
its creditors as the nancing scheme in funding the present project is b a
of credit nancing through bond otation.


95 R , . 433-434.

5 7

. 674, E 26, 2012 587

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

2. The funds are nanced b a Guarantee Bank getting pa ment from bonds,
being sold to investors, hich in turn ould be paid b the income that the
project ould reali e or incur upon its completion.
3. While the project is under construction, respondent Province is appropriating a
portion of its Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) budget from the 20%
development fund to defra the interest and principal amorti ation due to the
Guarantee Bank.
4. The respondent Province s IRA, regular income, and/or such other revenues or
funds, as ma be permitted b la , are being used as securit for the pa ment
of the said loan used for the project s construction.
5. The inabilit of the subject project to earn revenues as projected upon
completion ill compel the Province to shoulder the full amount of the
obligation, starting from ear 2012.
6. Respondent province is mandated to assign its IRA, regular income and/or
such other revenues or funds as permitted b la ; if project is stopped,
detriment of the public elfare and its constituents.

A o he econd gro nd for he di ol ion of he TEPO,

re ponden Pro ince arg e :
1. Noncompliance ith the guidelines of the ECC ma result to environmental
ha ards most especiall that reclaimed land if not properl secured ma be
eroded into the sea.
2. The construction has accomplished 65.26 percent of the project. The
embankment that as deposited on the project has no proper concrete ave
protection that might be ashed out in the event that a strong t phoon or big
aves ma occur affecting the strait and the properties along the project site.
It is alread the rain season and there is a big possibilit of t phoon


96 Id., a . 436-437.

588 E EC E A A ED
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla
3. If said incident occurs, the aggregates of the embankment that had been
ashed out might be transferred to the adjoining properties hich could affect
its natural environmental state.
4. It might result to the total alteration of the ph sical landscape of the area
attributing to environmental disturbance.
5. The lack of proper concrete ave protection or revetment ould cause the
total erosion of the embankment that has been dumped on the accomplished

Re ponden Pro ince claim ha pe i ioner ill no and o

ffer immedia e, gra e and irreparable inj r or damage from he
ongoing projec . The pe i ioner percei ed fear of en ironmen al
de r c ion bro gh abo b i erroneo apprecia ion of a ailable
da a i nfo nded and doe no ran la e in o a ma er of e reme
rgenc . Th , nder he R le of Proced re on En ironmen al
Ca e , he TEPO ma be di ol ed.
Re ponden PRA led i Comment on J ne 22, 2011. I
allege ha on J ne 24, 2006, E ec i e Order No. 543 delega ed
he po er o appro e reclama ion projec o re ponden PRA
hro gh i go erning Board, bjec o compliance i h e i ing
la and r le and f r her bjec o he condi ion ha reclama ion
con rac o be e ec ed i h an per on or en i (m ) go hro gh
p blic bidding.
Sec ion 4 of re ponden PRA Admini ra i e Order No. 2007-2
pro ide for he appro al proce and proced re for ario
reclama ion projec o be nder aken. Re ponden PRA prepared an
E al a ion Repor on No ember 5, 2009 regarding Aklan
propo al o increa e i projec o 40 hec are .

97 Id., at p. 438.
98 Id., at pp. 237-252.
99 Id., at pp. 285-294.

. 674, 26, 2012 589

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

Re ponden PRA con end ha i a onl af er re ponden

Pro ince had complied i h he req iremen nder he la ha
re ponden PRA, hro gh i Board of Direc or , appro ed he
propo ed projec nder i Board Resolution No. 4094.100 In he
ame Re ol ion, re ponden PRA Board a hori ed he General
Manager/CEO o e ec e a MOA i h he Aklan pro incial
go ernmen o implemen he reclama ion projec nder cer ain
condi ion .
The i e for re ponden PRA a he her or no i appro ed he
re ponden Pro ince 2.64-hec are reclama ion projec propo al in
illf l di regard of alleged n mero irreg lari ie a claimed b
pe i ioner.101
Re ponden PRA claim ha i appro al of he Aklan
Reclama ion Projec a in accordance i h la and i r le .
Indeed, i i ed he no ice o proceed onl af er Aklan had complied
i h all he req iremen impo ed b e i ing la and reg la ion .
I f r her con end ha he 40 hec are in ol ed in hi projec
remain a plan in ofar a re ponden PRA i concerned. What has
been approved for reclamation b respondent PRA thus far is
onl the 2.64-hectare reclamation project. Re ponden PRA
rei era e ha i appro ed hi reclama ion projec af er e en i el
re ie ing he legal, echnical, nancial, en ironmen al, and
opera ional a pec of he propo ed reclama ion.102
One of he condi ion ha re ponden PRA Board impo ed
before appro ing he Aklan projec a ha no reclama ion ork
co ld be ar ed n il re ponden PRA ha appro ed he de ailed
engineering plan /me hodolog , de ign and peci ca ion of he
reclama ion. Par of he req ired bmi ion o re ponden PRA
incl de he drainage de ign a appro ed b he P blic Work
Depar men and he ECC a i ed b he DENR, all of hich he
Aklan go ernmen m bmi o

100 Id., at pp. 295-296.
101 Id., at p. 243.
102 Id., at pp. 243-244.

5 0

590 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

re ponden PRA before ar ing an reclama ion ork .103 Under

Ar icle IV(B)(3) of he MOA be een re ponden PRA and Aklan,
he la er i req ired o bmi , apar from he ECC, he follo ing
req iremen for re ponden PRA re ie and appro al, a ba i for
he i ance of a No ice o Proceed (NTP) for Reclama ion Work :
(a) Land-form plan ith technical description of the metes and bounds of the
same land-form;
(b) Final master development and land use plan for the project;
(c) Detailed engineering studies, detailed engineering design, plans and
speci cation for reclamation orks, reclamation plans and methodolog , plans
for the sources of ll materials;
(d) Drainage plan vis-a-vis the land-form approved b DPWH Regional Of ce to
include a cost effective and ef cient drainage s stem as ma be required
based on the results of the studies;
(e) Detailed project cost estimates and quantit take-off per items of ork of the
ra land reclamation components, e.g. reclamation containment structures and
soil consolidation;
(f) Organi ational chart of the construction arm, manning table, equipment
schedule for the project; and,
(g) Project timetable (PERT/CPM) for the entire project construction period.104

In fac , re ponden PRA f r her req ired re ponden Pro ince

nder Ar icle IV (B)(24) of he MOA o ric l compl i h all
condi ion of he DENR-EMB-i ed ECC a d/ c m l ih
e i e l cal a d i e a i al c mmi me f

103 Id., at p. 244.
104 Id., at p. 245.

5 1

. 674, 26, 2012 591

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

he Re blic f he Phili i e e e e i me al
ec i .
In i A g 11, 2010 le er,106 re ponden PRA referred for
re ponden Pro ince appropria e ac ion pe i ioner Re ol ion
001, erie of 2010 and Re ol ion 46, erie of 2010, of he
Sa gg ia g Ba a of Mala . Go ernor Marq e ro e re ponden
PRA107 on Sep ember 16, 2010 informing i ha re ponden
Pro ince had alread me i h he differen of cial of Mala ,
f rni hing re ponden PRA i h he copie of he min e of ch
mee ing /pre en a ion . Go ernor Marq e al o a red re ponden
PRA ha i had complied i h he con l a ion req iremen a far
a Mala a concerned.
Re ponden PRA claim ha in e al a ing re ponden Pro ince
projec and in i ing he nece ar NTP for Pha e 1 of Si e 1 (2.64
hec are ) of he Ca iclan Je Por e pan ion and moderni a ion,
re ponden PRA ga e con iderable eigh o all per inen i ance ,
e peciall he ECC i ed b DENR-EMB RVI.10 Re ponden PRA
re e ha i earlier appro al of he 40-hec are reclama ion projec
nder i Re ol ion No. 4094, erie of 2010, ill req ire a econd
le el of compliance req iremen from he proponen . Re ponden
Pro ince co ld no po ibl begin i reclama ion ork ince
re ponden PRA had e o i e an NTP in i fa or.
Re ponden PRA allege ha prior o he i ance of he NTP o
re ponden Pro ince for Pha e 1 of Si e 1, i req ired he bmi ion
of he follo ing pre-con r c ion doc men :
(a) Land-Form Plan ( ith technical description);
(b) Site Development Plan/Land Use Plan including,
(i) se er and drainage s stems and


105 Id. E a e g a.

106 Id., a . 328-329.

107 Id., a . 330-331.

108 Id., a . 247.

5 2

592 E EC E A A ED
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

(ii) aste ater treatment;

(c) Engineering Studies and Engineering Design;
(d) Reclamation Methodolog ;
(e) Sources of Fill Materials, and,
(f) The ECC.10

Re ponden PRA claim ha i a onl af er he e al a ion of

he abo e bmi ion ha i i ed o re ponden Pro ince he NTP,
limi ed o he 2.64-hec are reclama ion projec . Re ponden PRA
e en empha i ed in i e al a ion repor ha ho ld re ponden
Pro ince p r e he o her pha e of i projec , i o ld ill req ire
he bmi ion of an ECC for each cceeding pha e before he
ar of an reclama ion ork .110
Re ponden PRA, being he na ional go ernmen arm in
reg la ing and coordina ing all reclama ion projec in he
Philippine a manda e conferred b la manife ha i i
inc mben pon i , in he e erci e of i reg la or f nc ion , o
diligen l e al a e, ba ed on i echnical compe encie , all
reclama ion projec bmi ed o i for appro al. Once he
reclama ion projec req iremen e for h b la and rela ed r le
ha e been complied i h, re ponden PRA i manda ed o appro e
he ame. Re ponden PRA claim , [ ]i h all he foregoing
rigoro and de ailed req iremen bmi ed and complied i h b
Aklan, and he a endan caref l and me ic lo echnical and legal
e al a ion b re ponden PRA, i canno be arg ed ha he
reclama ion permi i i ed o Aklan i fo nded pon n mero
irreg lari ie ; a reckle l and ba ele l imp ed b BFI. 111
In i Comment112 da ed J l 1, 2011, re ponden DENR-EMB
RVI a er ha i ac of i ing he ECC cer i e ha

109 Id.
110 Id.
111 Id., at p. 248.
112 Id., at pp. 731-746.

5 3

. 674, 26, 2012 593

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

he projec had ndergone he proper EIA proce b a e ing,

among o her , he direc and indirec impac of he projec on he
bioph ical and h man en ironmen and en ring ha he e impac
are addre ed b appropria e en ironmen al pro ec ion and
enhancemen mea re , p r an o Pre iden ial Decree No. 1586,
he Re i ed Proced ral Man al for DENR DAO 2003-30, and he
e i ing r le and reg la ion .113
Re ponden DENR-EMB RVI re e ha he declara ion in
1978 of e eral i land , hich incl de Boraca a o ri one and
marine re er e nder Proclama ion No. 1801, ha no rele ance o
he e pan ion projec of Ca iclan Je Por and Pa enger Terminal
for he er rea on ha he projec i no loca ed in he I land of
Boraca , being loca ed in Ba a ga Ca iclan, Mala , hich i no a
par of mainland Pana . I admi ha he i e of he bjec je
por fall i hin he ECA nder Proclama ion No. 2146 (1981),
being i hin he ca egor of a a er bod . Thi a h re ponden
Pro ince had fai hf ll ec red an ECC p r an o he Re i ed
Proced ral Man al for DENR DAO 2003-30 b bmi ing he
nece ar doc men a con ained in he EPRMP on March 19,
2010, hich ere he ba e in gran ing ECC No. R6-1003-096-7100
(amended) on April 27, 2010 for he e pan ion of Ca iclan Je Por
and Pa enger Terminal, co ering 2.64 hec are .114
Re ponden DENR-EMB RVI claim ha he i e rai ed b he
LGU of Ca iclan and Mala had been con idered b he DENR-
Pro incial En ironmen and Na ral Re o rce Of ce (PENRO),
Aklan in he i ance of he Order115 da ed Jan ar 26, 2010,
di regarding he claim of he M nicipali of Mala , Aklan of a
por ion of he fore hore land in Ca iclan co ered b he applica ion
of he Pro ince of Aklan; and an-

113 Id., at p. 732.
114 Id.
115 Id., at p. 845.

5 4

594 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla
o her Order of Rejec ion da ed Febr ar 5, 2010 of he o
fore hore applica ion , namel FLA No. 060412-43A and FLA No.
060412-43B, of he Pro ince of Aklan.116
Re ponden DENR-EMB RVI con end ha he ppor ing
doc men a ached o he EPRMP for he i ance of an ECC ere
merel for he e pan ion and moderni a ion of he old je por in
Ba a ga Ca iclan co ering 2.64 hec are , and no he 40-hec are
reclama ion projec in Ba a ga Ca iclan and Boraca . The pre io
le er of re ponden Pro ince da ed Oc ober 14, 2009 addre ed o
DENR-EMB RVI Regional E ec i e Direc or, o ld ho ha he
reclama ion projec ill co er appro ima el 2.6 hec are .117 Thi
applica ion for ECC a no of ciall accep ed d e o lack of
req iremen or doc men .
Al ho gh pe i ioner in i ha he projec in ol e 40 hec are in
o i e , re ponden DENR-EMB RVI looked a he doc men
bmi ed b re ponden Pro ince and a ha he bjec area
co ered b he ECC applica ion and b eq en l gran ed i h
ECC-R6-1003-096-7100 con i onl of 2.64 hec are ; hence,
re ponden DENR-EMB RVI co ld no commen on he e ce
Respondent DENR-EMB RVI admits that as regards the
classi cation of the 2.64-hectare reclamation project under Non
ECP in ECA, this does not fall within the de nition of a co-
located project because the subject project is merel an
expansion of the old Caticlan Jett Port, which had a previousl
issued ECC (ECC No. 0699-1012-171 on October 12, 1999).
Th , onl an EPRMP, no a PEIS or PEPRMP, i req ired.11
Re ponden Pro ince bmi ed o re ponden DENR-EMB RVI
he follo ing doc men con ained in he EPRMP:

116 Id., at p. 846.
117 Id., at p. 847.
118 Id., at p. 737.
119 Id.

5 5

. 674, 26, 2012 595

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

a. The Observations on the Floor Bottom and its Marine Resources at the
Proposed Jett Ports at Caticlan and Manok-manok, Boraca , Aklan,
conducted in 1999 b the Bureau of Fisheries Aquatic Resources (BFAR)
Central Of ce, particularl in Caticlan site, and
b. The Stud conducted b Dr. Ricarte S. Javelosa, Ph. D, Mines and
Geosciences Bureau (MGB), Central Of ce and Engr. Roger Esto, Provincial
Planning and Development Of ce (PPDO), Aklan in 2009 entitled
Preliminar Geo-ha ard Assessment for the Enhancement of the E isting
Caticlan Jett Port Terminal through Beach Zone Restoration and Protective
Marina Development in Mala , Aklan.

Re ponden DENR-EMB RVI claim ha he abo e o

cien i c die ere eno gh for i o arri e a a be profe ional
j dgmen o i e an amended ECC for he Aklan Marina Projec
co ering 2.64 hec are .120 F r hermore, o con rm ha he 2.64-
hec are reclama ion ha no igni can nega i e impac i h he
rro nding en ironmen par ic larl in Boraca , a more recen
d a cond c ed, and re ponden DENR-EMB RVI allege ha
[i] i er impor an o highligh ha he inp da a in he [MERF-
UPMSI] d ili ed he [40-hec are] reclama ion and [200-me er]
id h ea ard ing he idal and a e modelling. 121 The d
ho ed ha he reclama ion of 2.64 hec are had no effec o he
h drod namic of he rai be een Ba a ga Ca iclan and
Boraca .
Re ponden DENR-EMB RVI af rm ha no permi and/or
clearance from Na ional Go ernmen Agencie (NGA ) and LGU
are req ired p r an o he DENR Memorand m Circ lar No.
2007-08, en i led Simplif ing he Req iremen of ECC or CNC
Applica ion ; ha he EPRMP a e al a ed and proce ed ba ed
on he Re i ed Proced ral Man al for DENR DAO 2003-30 hich
re l ed o he i -

120 Id., at p. 739.
121 Id., at pp. 739-740.

5 6

596 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

ance of ECC-R6-1003-096-7100; and ha he ECC i no a permi

per e b a planning ool for LGU o con ider in i deci ion
he her or no o i e a local permi .122
Re ponden DENR-EMB RVI concl de ha in ling hi ca e,
pe i ioner had b pa ed and depri ed he DENR Secre ar of he
oppor ni o re ie and/or re er e he deci ion of hi bordina e
of ce, EMB RVI p r an o he Re i ed Proced ral Man al for
DENR DAO 2003-30. There i no e reme rgenc ha
nece i a e he gran ing of Ma dam or i ance of TEPO ha p
o balance be een he life and dea h of he pe i ioner or pre en
gra e or irreparable damage o en ironmen . 123
Af er recei ing he abo e Commen from all he re ponden ,
he Co r e he ca e for oral arg men on Sep ember 13, 2011.
Mean hile, on Sep ember 8, 2011, re ponden Pro ince led a
Manifestation and Motion124 pra ing for he di mi al of he
pe i ion, a he pro ince a no longer p r ing he implemen a ion
of he cceeding pha e of he projec d e o i inabili o compl
i h Ar icle IV B.2(3) of he MOA; hence, he i e and fear
e pre ed b pe i ioner had become moo . Re ponden Pro ince
allege ha he pe i ion i premi ed on a erio mi apprecia ion of
he real e en of he con e ed reclama ion projec a cer ainl he
ECC co ered onl a o al of 2,691 q are me er loca ed in
Ba a ga Ca iclan, Mala , Aklan; and al ho gh he MOA poke of
40 hec are , re ponden Pro ince bmi ion of doc men o
re ponden PRA per aining o aid area a b he r of a o-
ep proce of appro al. Re ponden Pro ince claim ha i fail re
o compl i h he doc men ar req iremen of re ponden PRA
i hin he period pro ided, or 120 orking da from he effec i i
of he MOA, indica ed i ai er o

122 Id., at p. 742.
123 Id., at pp. 744-745.
124 Id., at pp. 999-1004.

5 7

. 674, 26, 2012 597

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

p r e he remainder of he projec .125 Re ponden Pro ince f r her

manife ed:

Con rming this in a letter dated 12 August 2011,126 Governor Marque

informed respondent PRA that the Province of Aklan is no longer pursuing
the implementation of the succeeding phases of the project ith a total area
of 37.4 hectares for our inabilit to compl ith Article IV B.2 (3) of the
MOA; hence, the e isting MOA ill cover onl the project area of 2.64
In his reply-letter dated August 22, 2011,127 [respondent] PRA
General Manager informed Governor Marquez that the

125 Id., at pp. 999-1001.
126 Id., at p. 1008. Attached as Annex 1 is the following letter dated August 12, 2011
from Governor Marque to Peter Anthon A. Aba a, General Manager and CEO of respondent
This refers to our [MOA] dated Ma 17, 2010 which, among others, required the Province
of Aklan to submit requirements within [120] da s from effectivit of the said MOA for review
and approval b the [respondent] PRA as basis for the issuance of [NTP] for reclamation works
pertaining to the remaining phases of the project consisting of about 37.4 hectares, more or
In this connection, please be informed that we are no longer pursuing the implementation of
the succeeding phases of the project with a total area of 37.4 hectares for our inabilit to
compl with Article IV B.2 (3) of the MOA; hence, our existing MOA will cover onl the
project area of 2.64 hectares.
127 Id., at p. 1009. Annex 2: letter from Aba a dated August 22, 2011, quoted below:
Based on our regular monitoring of the Project, the [respondent] PRA has likewise noted
that the Province has not complied with the requirements for the other phases of the Project
within the period provided under the MOA. Considering that the period within which to
compl with the said provision of the MOA had alread lapsed and that ou acknowledged
our inabilit to compl with the same, kindl be informed that the Aklan Beach Zone
Restoration and Protection Marina Development Project will now be con ned to the
reclamation and development of the 2.64 hectares, more or less. Our Board of Directors, in its
meeting of August 18, 2011, has given us authorit to con rm our position.

5 8

598 E EC E A A ED
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

[respondent] PRA Board of Directors has given [respondent] PRA

the authority to confirm the position of the Province of Aklan that the
“Aklan Beach Zone Restoration and Protection Marine Development
Project will now be confined to the reclamation and development of the
2.64 hectares, more or less.
It is undisputed from the start that the coverage of the Project is in fact
limited to 2.64 hectares, as evidenced b the NTP issued b respondent
PRA. The recent e change of correspondence bet een respondents
Province of Aklan and [respondent] PRA further con rms the intent of the
parties all along. Hence, the Project subject of the petition, ithout doubt,
covers onl 2.64 and not 40 hectares as feared. This completel changes the
e tent of the Project and, consequentl , moots the issues and fears e pressed
b the petitioner. 12 (Emphasis supplied.)

Ba ed on he abo e con en ion , re ponden Pro ince pra ha

he pe i ion be di mi ed a no f r her j iciable con ro er e i
ince he feared ad er e effec o Boraca I land ecolog had
become academic all oge her.12
The Co r heard he par ie oral arg men on Sep ember 13,
2011 and ga e he la er en (20) da hereaf er o le heir
re pec i e memoranda.
Re ponden Pro ince led ano her Manifestation and
Motion, hich he Co r recei ed on April 2, 2012 a ing ha :
1. i had bmi ed he req ired doc men and die o
re ponden DENR-EMB RVI before an ECC a i ed in i
fa or;
2. i had b an iall complied i h he req iremen pro ided
nder PRA Admini ra i e Order 2007-2, hich compliance
ca ed re ponden PRA Board o appro e he reclama ion
projec ; and

128 Id., at pp. 1002-1004.
129 Id., at p. 1004.
130 R , pp. 1295-1304.

. 674, 26, 2012 599

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

3. i had cond c ed a erie of con l a i e [pre en a ion ]

rela i e o he reclama ion projec before he LGU of Mala
M nicipali , he Ba a ga Of cial of Ca iclan, and
akeholder of Boraca I land.
Re ponden Pro ince f r her manife ed ha he Baranga
Council of Caticlan, Mala , Aklan enac ed on Febr ar 13, 2012
Resolution No. 003, erie of 2012, en i led Re ol ion Fa orabl
Endor ing he 2.6 Hec are Reclama ion/MARINA Projec of he
Aklan Pro incial Go ernmen a Ca iclan Coa line 131 and ha he
Sangguniang Ba an of the Municipalit of Mala , Aklan enac ed
Re ol ion No. 020, erie of 2012, en i led Re ol ion Endor ing
he 2.6 Hec are Reclama ion Projec of he Pro incial Go ernmen
of Aklan Loca ed a Ba a ga Ca iclan, Mala , Aklan. 132
Re ponden Pro ince claim ha i compliance i h he
req iremen of re ponden DENR-EMB RVI and PRA ha led o
he appro al of he reclama ion projec b he aid go ernmen
agencie , a ell a he recen enac men of he Ba a ga Co ncil
of Ca iclan and he Sa gg ia g Ba a of he M nicipali of
Mala fa orabl endor ing he aid projec , had ca egoricall
addre ed all he i e rai ed b he Pe i ioner in i Pe i ion da ed
J ne 1, 2011. Re ponden Pro ince pra a follo :

WHEREFORE, premi e con idered, i i mo re pec f ll pra ed of hi

Honorable Co r ha af er d e proceeding , he follo ing be rendered:
1. The Temporar En ironmen al Pro ec ion Order (TEPO) i i ed on J ne 7,
2011 / .
2. The in an pe i ion .

131 Id., at p. 1299.
132 Id., at pp. 1301-1302.

600 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

3. Re ponden Pro ince of Aklan pra for ch o her relief ha are j and
eq i able nder he premi e . (Empha e in he original.)

The Co r ill no re ol e he follo ing i e:
I. Whether or not the petition should be dismissed for having been rendered moot
and academic
II. Whether or not the petition is premature because petitioner failed to e haust
administrative remedies before ling this case
III. Whether or not respondent Province failed to perform a full EIA as required
b la s and regulations based on the scope and classi cation of the project
IV. Whether or not respondent Province complied ith all the requirements under
the pertinent la s and regulations
V. Whether or not there as proper, timel , and suf cient public consultation for
the project

On the issue of whether or not the
Petition should be dismissed for
having been rendered moot and
Re ponden Pro ince claim in i Manife a ion and Mo ion
led on April 2, 2012 ha i h he alleged fa orable endor emen of
he reclama ion projec b he Sa gg ia g Ba a ga of Ca iclan
and he Sa gg ia g Ba a of he M nicipali of Mala , all he
i e rai ed b pe i ioner had alread been addre ed, and hi
pe i ion ho ld be di mi ed for being moo and academic.


. 674, 26, 2012 601

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

On he con rar , a clo e reading of he o LGU re pec i e

re ol ion o ld re eal ha he are no f cien o render he
pe i ion moo and academic, a here are e plici condi ion impo ed
ha m be complied i h b re ponden Pro ince. In Re ol ion
No. 003, erie of 2012, of he Sa gg ia g Ba a ga of Ca iclan i
i a ed ha an er ical r c re o be con r c ed hall be
bjec for ba a ga endor emen . 133 Clearl , ha he ba a ga
endor ed a he reclama ion onl , and no he en ire projec ha
incl de he con r c ion of a commercial b ilding and ellne
cen er, and o her o ri m-rela ed facili ie . Pe i ioner objec ion , a
ma be recalled, per ain no onl o he reclama ion per e, b al o
o he b ilding o be con r c ed and he en ire projec percei ed ill
effec o he rro nding en ironmen .
Re ol ion No. 020, erie of 2012, of he Sa gg ia g Ba a of
Mala 134 i e en more peci c. I read in par :

WHEREAS, noble i eem he reclama ion projec o he effec ha i ill

genera e core of bene for he Local Go ernmen of Mala in erm of income
and emplo men for i con i en , b he fac canno be denied ha

/ ;
WHEREAS, con idering he en i i i of he projec , hi Honorable Bod
hro gh he Commi ee here hi ma er a referred cond c ed e eral
con l a ion /commi ee hearing i h concerned depar men and he pri a e ec or
peci call Boraca Fo nda ion, Inc. and he are L

133 Id., at p. 1299.
134 Id., at pp. 1301-1302.


602 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

WHEREAS, ime and again, o en re a heal h in ergo ernmen al rela ion ,

hi A g Bod req ire no le han ran parenc and fai hf l commi men from
he Pro incial Go ernmen of Aklan in he proce of going hro gh he e
impro emen in he M nicipali beca e i once fell pre o in deli ie in ma er
of go ernance;
, H C
P G A :
1. To alloca e an of ce pace o LGU-Mala i hin he b ilding in he
reclaimed area;
2. To con ene he Cagban and Ca iclan Je Por Managemen Board before
he re mp ion of he reclama ion projec ;
3. Tha he reclama ion projec hall be limi ed onl o 2.6 hec are in
Baranga Ca iclan and no be ond;
4. Tha he local ran por a ion opera or /coopera i e ill no be di placed;
5. T P G A

WHEREAS, ha ing pre en ed he e ip la ion ,
A B ,
[. 135 (Empha e added.)

The Sa gg ia g Ba a of Mala ob io l impo ed e plici

condi ion for re ponden Pro ince o compl i h on pain of
re oca ion of i endor emen of he projec , incl ding he need o
cond c a comprehen i e d on he en iron-

135 Id.


. 674, 26, 2012 603

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

men al impac of he reclama ion projec , hich i he hear of he

pe i ion before . Therefore, he con en of he o re ol ion
bmi ed b re ponden Pro ince do no ppor i concl ion ha
he b eq en fa orable endor emen of he LGU had alread
addre ed all he i e rai ed and rendered he in an pe i ion moo
and academic.
On the issue of failure to exhaust
administrative remedies
Re ponden , in e ence, arg e ha he pre en pe i ion ho ld be
di mi ed for pe i ioner fail re o e ha admini ra i e remedie
and e en o ob er e he hierarch of co r . F r hermore, a he
pe i ion q e ion he i ance of he ECC and he NTP, hi
in ol e fac al and echnical eri ca ion, hich are more properl
i hin he e per i e of he concerned go ernmen agencie .
Re ponden anchor heir arg men on Sec ion 6, Ar icle II of
DENR DAO 2003-30, hich pro ide :

S 6. A
15 ,
a. Gra e ab e of di cre ion on he par of he deciding a hori , or
b. Serio error in he re ie nding .
The DENR ma adop al erna i e con ic /di p e re ol ion proced re a a mean
o e le grie ance be een proponen and aggrie ed par ie o a er nnece ar
legal ac ion. Fri olo appeal hall no be co n enanced.
T ma le an appeal o he follo ing:

604 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

Deciding Authority Where to file the appeal

EMB Regional Of ce Director Of ce of the EMB Director
EMB Central Of ce Director Of ce of the DENR Secretar
DENR Secretar Of ce of the President

(Empha e pplied.)
Re ponden arg e ha ince here i an admini ra i e appeal
pro ided for, hen pe i ioner i d bo nd o ob er e he ame and
ma no be gran ed reco r e o he reg lar co r for i fail re o do
We do no agree i h re ponden apprecia ion of he
applicabili of he r le on e ha ion of admini ra i e remedie in
hi ca e. We are reminded of o r r ling in Paga a . C f
A eal , hich mmari ed o r earlier deci ion on he
proced ral req iremen of e ha ion of admini ra i e remedie , o

“The rule regarding exhaustion of administrative remedies is not a

hard and fast rule. It is not applicable (1) here the question in dispute is
purel a legal one, or (2) here the controverted act is patentl illegal or
as performed ithout jurisdiction or in e cess of jurisdiction; or (3) here
the respondent is a department secretar , hose acts as an alter ego of the
President bear the implied or assumed approval of the latter, unless actuall
disapproved b him, or (4) where there are circumstances indicating the
urgency of judicial intervention, Gonzales vs. Hechanova, L-21897,
October 22, 1963, 9 SCRA 230; Abaya vs. Villegas, L-25641, December 17,
1966, 18 SCRA 1034; Mitra vs. Subido, L-21691, September 15, 1967, 21
SCRA 127.
Said principle may also be disregarded when it does not provide a
plain, speedy and adequate remedy, (Cipriano vs. Marcelino, 43 SCRA
291 [1972]), hen there is no due process observed (Villanos vs. Subido, 45
SCRA 299 [1972]), or where the

136 325 Phil. 66; 254 SCRA 606 (1996).


. 674, E 26, 2012 605

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

protestant has no other recourse (Sta. Maria vs. Lopez, 31 SCRA 637
[1970]).137 (Emphases supplied.)
A pe i ioner correc l poin ed o , he appeal pro ided for nder
Sec ion 6 of DENR DAO 2003-30 i onl applicable, ba ed on he
r en ence hereof, if he per on or en i charged i h he d o
e ha he admini ra i e remed of appeal o he appropria e
go ernmen agenc ha been a par or ha been made a par in he
proceeding herein he deci ion o be appealed a rendered. It
has been established b the facts that petitioner was never made
a part to the proceedings before respondent DENR-EMB RVI.
Pe i ioner a onl informed ha he projec had alread been
appro ed af er he ECC a alread gran ed.13 No being a par o
he aid proceeding , i doe no appear ha pe i ioner a of ciall
f rni hed a cop of he deci ion, from hich he 15-da period o
appeal ho ld be reckoned, and hich o ld arran he applica ion
of Sec ion 6, Ar icle II of DENR DAO 2003-30.
Al ho gh pe i ioner a no a par o he proceeding here he
deci ion o i e an ECC a rendered, i and o be aggrie ed b
he deci ion,13 beca e i claim ha he reclama ion of land on he
Ca iclan ide o ld na oidabl ad er el affec he Boraca ide,
here pe i ioner member o n e abli hmen engaged in he
o ri m rade. A no ed earlier, pe i ioner con end ha he declared
objec i e of he reclama ion projec i o e ploi Boraca o ri m
rade beca e he projec i in ended o enhance ppor er ice
here o; ho e er, hi objec i e o ld no be achie ed ince he
hi e- and beache for hich Boraca i famo migh be
nega i el affec ed b he projec . Pe i ioner concl ion i ha
re ponden Pro ince, aided and abe ed b re ponden PRA and
DENR-EMB RVI, ignored he piri and le er of o r

137 Id., at p. 81; p. 619.
138 R , pp. 1058-1059.
139 Id., at pp. 1056-1057.


606 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

en ironmen al la , and ho ld h be compelled o perform heir

d ie nder aid la .
The ne R le of Proced re for En ironmen al Ca e , A.M. No.
09-6-8-SC, pro ide a relief for pe i ioner nder he ri of
con in ing ma dam , hich i a pecial ci il ac ion ha ma be
a ailed of o compel he performance of an ac peci call enjoined
b la 140 and hich pro ide for he i ance of a TEPO a an
a iliar remed prior o he i ance of he ri i elf. 141 The
Ra ionale of he aid R le e plain he ri in hi i e:
Environmental la highlights the shift in the focal-point from the
initiation of regulation b Congress to the implementation of regulator
programs b the appropriate government agencies.
Thus, a government agency’s inaction, if any, has serious
implications on the future of environmental law enforcement. Private
individuals, to the extent that they seek to change the scope of the
regulatory process, will have to rely on such agencies to take the initial
incentives, which may require a judicial component. Accordingly,
questions regarding the propriety of an agency’s action or inaction will
need to be analyzed.
This point is emphasi ed in the availabilit of the remed of the rit of
mandamus, hich allo s for the enforcement of the conduct of the tasks to
hich the rit pertains: the performance of a legal duty. 142 (Emphases

The ri of con in ing ma dam permi he co r o re ain

j ri dic ion af er j dgmen in order o en re he cce f l
implemen a ion of he relief manda ed nder he co r deci ion
and, in order o do hi , he co r ma com-

140 Annotation to the Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases, p. 45.
141 Id.
142 Rationale to the Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases, p. 76.


. 674, 26, 2012 607

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

pel he bmi ion of compliance repor from he re ponden

go ernmen agencie a ell a a ail of o her mean o moni or
compliance i h i deci ion. 143
According o pe i ioner, re ponden Pro ince ac ed p r an o a
MOA i h re ponden PRA ha a condi ioned pon, among
o her , a properl - ec red ECC from re ponden DENR-EMB RVI.
For hi rea on, pe i ioner eek o compel re ponden Pro ince o
compl i h cer ain en ironmen al la , r le , and proced re ha
i claim ere ei her circ m en ed or ignored. Hence, e nd ha
he pe i ion a appropria el led i h hi Co r nder R le 8,
Sec ion 1, A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC, hich read :

SECTION 1. Petition for continuing mandamus. When an agenc

or instrumentalit of the government or of cer thereof unla full neglects
the performance of an act hich the la speci call enjoins as a dut
resulting from an of ce, trust or station in connection ith the enforcement
or violation of an environmental la rule or regulation or a right therein, or
unla full e cludes another from the use or enjo ment of such right and
there is no other plain, speed and adequate remed in the ordinar course
of la , the person aggrieved thereb ma le a veri ed petition in the
proper court, alleging the facts ith certaint , attaching thereto supporting
evidence, specif ing that the petition concerns an environmental la , rule or
regulation, and pra ing that judgment be rendered commanding the
respondent to do an act or series of acts until the judgment is full satis ed,
and to pa damages sustained b the petitioner b reason of the malicious
neglect to perform the duties of the respondent, under the la , rules or
regulations. The petition shall also contain a s orn certi cation of non-
forum shopping.
SECTION 2. Where to le the petition. The petition shall be led
ith the Regional Trial Court e ercising jurisdiction over the territor here
the actionable neglect or omission occurred or ith the Court of Appeals or
the Supreme Court.

143 Annotation to the Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases, p. 45.


608 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

Pe i ioner had hree op ion here o le hi ca e nder he r le:

he Regional Trial Co r e erci ing j ri dic ion o er he erri or
here he ac ionable neglec or omi ion occ rred, he Co r of
Appeal , or hi Co r .
Pe i ioner had no o her plain, peed , or adeq a e remed in he
ordinar co r e of la o de ermine he q e ion of niq e na ional
and local impor ance rai ed here ha per ain o la and r le for
en ironmen al pro ec ion, h i a j i ed in coming o hi
Co r .
Ha ing re ol ed he proced ral i e, e no mo e o he
b an i e i e .
On the issues of whether, based on
the scope and classi cation of the
project, a full EIA is required b
laws and regulations, and whether
respondent Province complied with
all the requirements under the
pertinent laws and regulations
Pe i ioner arg men on hi i e hinge pon i claim ha
he reclama ion projec i mi cla i ed a a ingle projec hen in
fac i i co-loca ed. Pe i ioner al o q e ion he cla i ca ion made
b re ponden Pro ince ha he reclama ion projec i merel an
e pan ion of he e i ing je por , hen he projec de crip ion
embodied in he differen doc men led b re ponden Pro ince
de cribe commercial e abli hmen o be b il , among o her , o
rai e re en e for he LGU; h , i ho ld ha e been cla i ed a a
ne projec . Pe i ioner like i e crie fo l o he manner b hich
re ponden Pro ince allegedl circ m en ed he doc men ar
req iremen of he DENR-EMB RVI b he ac of connec ing he
reclama ion projec i h i pre io projec in 1999 and claiming
ha he ne projec i a mere e pan ion of he pre io one.


. 674, 26, 2012 609

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

A pre io l di c ed, re ponden Pro ince led a

Manife a ion and Mo ion a ing ha he ECC i ed b re ponden
DENR-EMB RVI co ered an area of 2,691 q are me er in
Ca iclan, and i applica ion for reclama ion of 40 hec are ih
re ponden PRA a condi ioned on i bmi ion of peci c
doc men i hin 120 da . Re ponden Pro ince claim ha i
fail re o compl i h aid condi ion indica ed i ai er o p r e
he cceeding pha e of he reclama ion projec and ha he bjec
ma er of hi ca e had h been limi ed o 2.64 hec are .
Re ponden PRA, for i par , declared hro gh i General Manager
ha he Aklan Beach Zone Re ora ion and Pro ec ion Marine
De elopmen Projec ill no be con ned o he reclama ion and
de elopmen of he 2.64 hec are , more or le . 144
The Co r no e ch manife a ion of re ponden Pro ince.
A ming, ho e er, ha he area in ol ed in he bjec
reclama ion projec ha been limi ed o 2.64 hec are , hi ca e ha
no become moo and academic, a alleged b re ponden , beca e
he Co r ill ha o check he her re ponden had complied i h
all applicable en ironmen al la , r le , and reg la ion per aining
o he ac al reclama ion projec .
We recogni e a hi poin ha he DENR i he go ernmen
agenc e ed i h delega ed po er o re ie and e al a e all EIA
repor , and o gran or den ECC o projec proponen .145 I i he
DENR ha ha he d o implemen he EIS em. I appear ,
ho e er, ha re ponden DENR-EMB RVI e al a ion of hi
reclama ion projec a problema ic, ba ed on he alid q e ion
rai ed b pe i ioner.
Being he admini ra or of he EIS S em, re ponden DENR-
EMB RVI bmi ion bear grea eigh in hi ca e.

144 R , p. 1009.
145 REVISED PROCEDURAL MANUAl for DAO 2003-30, Sec. 1.9, p. 8.

610 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

Ho e er, he follo ing are he i e ha p in q e ion he

i dom of re ponden DENR-EMB RVI in i ing he ECC:
1. Its approval of respondent Province s classi cation of the project as a mere
e pansion of the e isting jett port in Caticlan, instead of classif ing it as a
e jec ;
2. Its classi cation of the reclamation project as a i gle instead of a c -l ca ed
3. The lack of prior public consultations and approval of
local government agencies; and
4. The lack of comprehensive studies regarding the impact of the reclamation
project to the environment.

The abo e i e a rai ed p in q e ion he f cienc of he

e al a ion of he projec b re ponden DENR-EMB RVI.
Nature of the project
The r q e ion m be an ered b re ponden DENR-EMB
RVI a he agenc i h he e per i e and a hori o a e he her
hi i a ne projec , bjec o he more rigoro en ironmen al
impac d req e ed b pe i ioner, or i i a mere e pan ion of he
e i ing je por facili .
The econd i e refer o he cla i ca ion of he projec b
re ponden Pro ince, appro ed b re ponden DENR-EMB RVI, a
ingle in ead of co-loca ed. Under he Re i ed Proced ral Man al,
he Summar List of Additional Non-Environmentall -Critical
Project (NECP) T pes in ECAs Classi ed under Group II
(Table I-2) li b ilding , orage facili ie and o her r c re a
a epara e i em from ran por erminal facili ie . Thi crea e he
q e ion of he her hi projec ho ld be con idered a con i ing
of more han one pe of ac i i , and ho ld more properl be
cla i ed a co-loca ed, nder he follo ing de ni ion from he
ame Man al, hich read :


. 674, 26, 2012 611

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

f) G IV (C -l ca ed P jec i ei he ECA NECA): A c -l ca ed

jec i a g f i gle jec , de e e
e /l ca , hich a e l ca ed i a c ig a ea a d a aged
b e ad i i a , h i al he ECC a lica . The co-located
project ma be an economic one or industrial park, or a mi of projects
ithin a catchment, atershed or river basin, or an other geographical,
political or economic unit of area. Since the location or threshold of speci c
projects ithin the contiguous area ill et be derived from the EIA process
based on the carr ing capacit of the project environment, the nature of the
project is called programmatic. (Emphasis added.)

Re ponden DENR-EMB RVI ho ld cond c a horo gh and

de ailed e al a ion of he projec o addre he q e ion of he her
hi co ld be deemed a a gro p of ingle projec ( ran por
erminal facili , b ilding, e c.) in a con ig o area managed b
re ponden Pro ince, or a a ingle projec .
The hird i em in he abo e en mera ion ill be di c ed a a
epara e i e.
The an er o he fo r h q e ion depend on he nal
cla i ca ion of he projec nder i em 1 and 3 abo e beca e he
pe of EIA d req ired nder he Re i ed Proced ral Man al
depend on ch cla i ca ion.
The er de ni ion of an EIA poin o ha a mo likel
neglec ed b re ponden Pro ince a projec proponen , and ha
a in rn o erlooked b re ponden DENR-EMB RVI, for i i
de ned a follo :

An [EIA] is a process that involves predicting and evaluating the

likel impacts of a project (including cumulative impacts) on the
environment during construction, commissioning, operation and
abandonment. It also includes designing appropriate preventive, mitigating
and enhancement measures addressing these conse-


612 E EC E A A ED
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

quences to protect the environment and the communit s elfare. 146

(Emphases supplied.)

Th , he EIA proce m ha e been able o predict he likel

impac of he reclama ion projec o he en ironmen and o prevent
an harm ha ma o her i e be ca ed.
The projec no before in ol e reclama ion of land ha i
more than ve times the si e of the original reclaimed land.
F r hermore, he area prior o con r c ion merel con ained a je
por , herea he propo ed e pan ion, a de cribed in he EPRMP
bmi ed b re ponden Pro ince o re ponden DENR-EMB RVI
in ol e o m ch more, and e q o e:

The e pan ion projec ill be con r c ed a he nor h ide of he e i ing je

por and erminal ha ill ha e a o al area of 2.64 hec are , more or le , af er
reclama ion. The Pha e 1 of he projec con r c ion co ing aro nd P260 million
incl de he follo ing:
1. R 3,000 ( )
2. R 13,500 ( )
3. T 250
4. 2- 2,500 (1,750 )
5. H
6. A 12 ( )
7. P , ,

8. R

The cceeding pha e of he projec ill con i of [f r her] reclama ion,

comple ion of he commercial cen er b ilding, ba alk commercial rip, aff
b ilding, ferr erminal, a cable car em and harf marina. Thi ill en ail an
addi ional e ima ed co of

146 Id., Sec. 1.2, p. 1.


. 674, 26, 2012 613

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

P785 million bringing he o al in e men req iremen o abo P1.0

billion. 147 (Empha e added.)

A ma be gleaned from he breakdo n of he 2.64 hec are a

de cribed b re ponden Pro ince abo e, a igni can por ion of he
reclaimed area o ld be de o ed o he con r c ion of a
commercial b ilding, and he area o be ili ed for he e pan ion of
he je por con i of a mere 3,000 q are me er ( q. m). To be
r e o i de ni ion, he EIA repor bmi ed b re ponden
Pro ince ho ld a he er lea predic he impac ha he
con r c ion of he ne b ilding on he reclaimed land o ld ha e
on he rro nding en ironmen . The e ne con r c ion and heir
en ironmen al effec ere no co ered b he old die ha
re ponden Pro ince pre io l bmi ed for he con r c ion of he
original je por in 1999, and hich i re- bmi ed in i
applica ion for ECC in hi alleged e pan ion, in ead of cond c ing
pda ed and more comprehen i e die .
An impac on he Boraca ide canno be o all ignored, a
Ca iclan and Boraca are epara ed onl b a narro rai . Thi
become more impera i e beca e of he igni can con rib ion of
Boraca hi e- and beach o he co n r o ri m rade, hich
req ire re ponden Pro ince o proceed with utmost caution in
implemen ing projec i hin i icini .
We had occa ion o empha i e he d of local go ernmen ni
o en re he q ali of he en ironmen nder Pre iden ial Decree
No. 1586 in Re blic f he Phili i e . The Ci f Da a ,14
herein e held:
Section 15 of Republic Act 7160, other ise kno n as the Local
Government Code, de nes a local government unit as a bod politic and
corporate endo ed ith po ers to be e ercised b it in conformit ith
la . As such, it performs dual functions, governmental

147 R , pp. 57-58.
148 437 Phil. 525; 388 SCRA 691 (2002).


614 E EC E A A ED
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

and proprietar . Governmental functions are those that concern the health,
safet and the advancement of the public good or elfare as affecting the
public generall . Proprietar functions are those that seek to obtain special
corporate bene ts or earn pecuniar pro t and intended for private
advantage and bene t. When e ercising governmental po ers and
performing governmental duties, an LGU is an agenc of the national
government. When engaged in corporate activities, it acts as an agent of the
communit in the administration of local affairs.
Found in Section 16 of the Local Government Code is the duty of the
LGUs to promote the people’s right to a balanced ecology. Pursuant to
this, an LGU, like the Cit of Davao, can not claim e emption from the
coverage of PD 1586. As a bod politic endo ed ith governmental
functions, an LGU has the dut to ensure the qualit of the environment,
hich is the ver same objective of PD 1586.

Section 4 of PD 1586 clearl states that no person, partnership or

corporation shall undertake or operate an such declared environmentall
critical project or area ithout rst securing an Environmental Compliance
Certi cate issued b the President or his dul authori ed representative.
The Civil Code de nes a person as either natural or juridical. The state and
its political subdivisions, i.e., the local government units are juridical
persons. Undoubtedly therefore, local government units are not
excluded from the coverage of PD 1586.
Lastl , ver clear in Section 1 of PD 1586 that said la intends to
implement the polic of the state to achieve a balance bet een socio-
economic development and environmental protection, hich are the t in
goals of sustainable development. The above-quoted rst paragraph of the
Whereas clause stresses that this can only be possible if we adopt a
comprehensive and integrated environmental protection program
where all the sectors of the community are involved, i.e., the
government and the private sectors. The local government units, as part
of the machinery of the government, cannot therefore be deemed as
outside the scope of the EIS system. 14 (Emphases supplied.)
149 Id., at pp. 531-533; pp. 694-697.


. 674, 26, 2012 615

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

The Co r choo e o remand he e ma er o re ponden DENR-

EMB RVI for i o make a proper d , and if i ho ld nd
nece ar , o req ire re ponden Pro ince o addre he e
en ironmen al i e rai ed b pe i ioner and bmi he correc EIA
repor a req ired b he projec peci ca ion . The Co r req ire
re ponden DENR-EMB RVI o comple e i d and bmi a
repor i hin a non-e endible period of hree mon h . Re ponden
DENR-EMB RVI ho ld e abli h o he Co r in aid repor h
he ECC i i ed for he bjec projec ho ld no be canceled.
Lack of prior public consultation
The Local Go ernmen Code e abli he he d ie of national
go ernmen agencie in he main enance of ecological balance, and
req ire hem o ec re i blic c lai a d a al of
local go ernmen ni for he projec de cribed herein.
In he ca e before , he na ional agenc in ol ed i re ponden
PRA. E en if he projec proponen i he local go ernmen of
Aklan, i i re ponden PRA hich a hori ed he reclama ion, being
he e cl i e agenc of he go ernmen o nder ake reclama ion
na ion ide. Hence, i a nece ar for re ponden Pro ince o go
hro gh re ponden PRA and o e ec e a MOA, herein re ponden
PRA a hori o reclaim a delega ed o re ponden Pro ince.
Re ponden DENR-EMB RVI, regional of ce of he DENR, i al o
a na ional go ernmen in i ion hich i a ked i h he i ance
of he ECC ha i a prereq i i e o projec co ered b
en ironmen al la ch a he one a bar.
Thi projec can be cla i ed a a na ional projec ha affec he
en ironmen al and ecological balance of local comm ni ie , and i
co ered b he req iremen fo nd in he Local Go ernmen Code
pro i ion ha are q o ed belo :

616 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

Section 26. Dut of National Go ernment Agencies in the

Maintenance of Ecological Balance. It shall be the dut of ever national
agenc or government-o ned or controlled corporation authori ing or
involved in the planning and implementation of an project or program that
ma cause pollution, climatic change, depletion of non-rene able resources,
loss of crop land, rangeland, or forest cover, and e tinction of animal or
plant species, to consult ith the local government units, nongovernmental
organi ations, and other sectors concerned and e plain the goals and
objectives of the project or program, its impact upon the people and the
communit in terms of environmental or ecological balance, and the
measures that ill be undertaken to prevent or minimi e the adverse effects
Section 27. Prior Consultations Required. No project or program
shall be implemented b government authorities unless the consultations
mentioned in Sections 2 (c) and 26 hereof are complied ith, and prior
approval of the sanggunian concerned is obtained: Provided, That occupants
in areas here such projects are to be implemented shall not be evicted
unless appropriate relocation sites have been provided, in accordance ith
the provisions of the Constitution.

In Li a, J . . Pa ,150 e held ha Sec ion 27 of he Local

Go ernmen Code applie onl o na ional program and/or
projec hich are o be implemen ed in a par ic lar local
comm ni 151 and ha i ho ld be read in conj nc ion i h
Sec ion 26. We held f r her in hi manner:

Thus, the projects and programs mentioned in Section 27 should be

interpreted to mean projects and programs hose effects are among those
enumerated in Section 26 and 27, to it, those that: (1) may cause
pollution; (2) ma bring about climatic change; (3) ma cause the depletion
of non-rene able resources; (4) ma result in loss of crop land, range-land,
or forest cover; (5) ma eradicate certain animal or plant species from the
face of the planet; and (6) other projects or programs that ma call for the
eviction of a particular group of people residing in the localit here these
ill be im-

150 416 Phil. 438; 364 SCRA 76 (2001).
151 Id., at p. 449; p. 86.


. 674, E 26, 2012 617

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

plemented. Obviousl , none of these effects ill be produced b the

introduction of lotto in the province of Laguna. 152 (Emphasis added.)

D ring he oral arg men held on Sep ember 13, 2011, i a

e abli hed ha hi projec a de cribed abo e fall nder Sec ion
26 beca e he commercial e abli hmen o be b il on pha e 1, a
de cribed in he EPRMP q o ed abo e, co ld ca e poll ion a i
co ld genera e garbage, e age, and po ible o ic f el di charge.153
O r r ling in P i ce f Ri al . E ec i e Sec e a i
in r c i e:

We rei era ed hi doc rine in he recen ca e of Bang F Fi he folk .

Lan ana , here e held ha here a no a or req iremen for he
angg niang ba an of P er o Galera o appro e he con r c ion of a mooring
facili , a Sec ion 26 and 27 are inapplicable o projec hich are no
en ironmen all cri ical.
Moreo er, Sec ion 447, hich en mera e he po er , d ie and f nc ion of
he m nicipali , gran he angg niang ba an he po er o, among o her hing ,
enac ordinance , appro e re ol ion and appropria e f nd for he general elfare
of he m nicipali and i inhabi an p r an o Sec ion 16 of h(e) Code. The e
incl de:
(1) Appro ing ordinance and pa ing re ol ion o pro ec he en ironmen
and impo e appropria e penal ie for ac hich endanger he en ironmen ,
ch a d nami e hing and o her form of de r c i e hing, illegal
logging and m ggling of log , m ggling of na ral re o rce prod c and
of endangered pecie of ora and fa na, la h and b rn farming, and ch
o her ac i i ie hich re l in poll ion, accelera ion of e rophica ion of
ri er and lake , or of ecological imbalance; [Sec ion 447 (1)( i)]

152 Id., at p. 450; p. 87.
153 TSN, September 13, 2011, p. 109. See pp. 109-133.
154 513 Phil. 557; 477 SCRA 436 (2005).


. 674, 26, 2012 617

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

(2) Pre cribing rea onable limi and re rain on he e of proper i hin
he j ri dic ion of he m nicipali , adop ing a comprehen i e land e plan
for he m nicipali , recla if ing land i hin he j ri dic ion of he ci ,
bjec o he per inen pro i ion of hi Code, enac ing in egra ed oning
ordinance in con onance i h he appro ed comprehen i e land e plan,
bjec o e i ing la , r le and reg la ion ; e abli hing re limi or
one , par ic larl in pop lo cen er ; and reg la ing he con r c ion,
repair or modi ca ion of b ilding i hin aid re limi or one in
accordance i h he pro i ion of hi Code; [Sec ion 447 (2)( i-i )]
(3) Appro ing ordinance hich hall en re he ef cien and effec i e
deli er of he ba ic er ice and facili ie a pro ided for nder Sec ion 17
of hi Code, and in addi ion o aid er ice and facili ie , pro iding for
he e abli hmen , main enance, pro ec ion, and con er a ion of comm nal
fore and a er hed , ree park , greenbel , mangro e , and o her imilar
fore de elopmen projec and, bjec o e i ing la , e abli hing and
pro iding for he main enance, repair and opera ion of an ef cien
a er ork em o ppl a er for he inhabi an and p rif ing he
o rce of he a er ppl ; reg la ing he con r c ion, main enance, repair
and e of h dran , p mp , ci ern and re er oir ; pro ec ing he p ri and
q an i of he a er ppl of he m nicipali and, for hi p rpo e,
e ending he co erage of appropria e ordinance o er all erri or i hin he
drainage area of aid a er ppl and i hin one h ndred (100) me er of
he re er oir, cond i , canal, aq ed c , p mping a ion, or a er hed ed in
connec ion i h he a er er ice; and reg la ing he con mp ion, e or
a age of a er. [Sec ion 447 (5)(i) & ( ii)]
U L G C , ,

: cons ltation
sangg nian. A


. 674, 26, 2012 619

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

, . 155 (Empha i added.)

Based on the above, therefore, prior consultations and prior

approval are required b law to have been conducted and
secured b the respondent Province. Accordingl , he informa ion
di emina ion cond c ed mon h af er he ECC had alread been
i ed a in f cien o compl i h hi req iremen nder he
Local Go ernmen Code. Had he been cond c ed properl , he
prior p blic con l a ion ho ld ha e con idered he ecological or
en ironmen al concern of he akeholder and died mea re
al erna i e o he projec , o a oid or minimi e ad er e
en ironmen al impac or damage. In fac , re ponden Pro ince once
ried o ob ain he fa orable endor emen of he Sangg niang Ba an
of Mala , b hi a denied b he la er.
Moreo er, DENR DAO 2003-30 pro ide :

5.3 Public Hearing/Consultation Requirements

For projects under Categor A-1, the conduct of public hearing as
part of the EIS revie is mandator unless other ise determined b
EMB. For all other undertakings, a public hearing is not mandator
unless speci call required b EMB.
Proponents should initiate public consultations early in order to
ensure that environmentally relevant concerns of stakeholders
are taken into consideration in the EIA study and the
formulation of the management plan. All public consultations and
public hearings conducted during the EIA process are to be
documented. The public hearing/consultation Process report shall be
validated b the EMB/EMB RD and shall constitute part of the
records of the EIA process. (Emphasis supplied.)
155 Id., at pp. 590-592; pp. 466-467.


620 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

In e ence, he abo e-q o ed r le ho ha in ca e req iring

p blic con l a ion , he ame ho ld be ini ia ed earl o ha
concern of akeholder co ld be aken in o con idera ion in he
EIA d . In hi ca e, re ponden Pro ince had alread led i
ECC applica ion before i me i h he local go ernmen ni of
Mala and Ca iclan.
The claim of re ponden DENR-EMB RVI i ha no permi
and/or clearance from Na ional Go ernmen Agencie (NGA ) and
LGU are req ired p r an o he DENR Memorand m Circ lar
No. 2007-08. Ho e er, e ill nd ha he LGC req iremen of
con l a ion and appro al appl in hi ca e. Thi i beca e a
Memorand m Circ lar canno pre ail o er he Local Go ernmen
Code, hich i a a e and hich enjo grea er eigh nder o r
hierarch of la .
S b eq en o he informa ion campaign of re ponden Pro ince,
he M nicipali of Mala and he Liga g mga Ba a ga -Mala
Chap er ill oppo ed he projec . Th , hen re ponden Pro ince
commenced he implemen a ion projec , i iola ed Sec ion 27 of he
LGC, hich clearl en ncia e ha [no] projec or program hall be
implemen ed b go ernmen a hori ie nle he con l a ion
men ioned in Sec ion 2(c) and 26 hereof are complied i h, and
prior appro al of he a gg ia concerned i ob ained.
The lack of prior p blic con l a ion and appro al i no
correc ed b he b eq en endor emen of he reclama ion projec
b he Sa gg ia g Ba a ga of Ca iclan on Februar 13, 2012,
and he Sa gg ia g Ba a of he M nicipali of Mala on
Februar 28, 2012, hich ere bo h ndo b edl achie ed a he
rging and in i ence of re ponden Pro ince. A e ha e
e abli hed abo e, he re pec i e re ol ion i ed b he LGU
concerned did no render hi pe i ion moo and academic.
I i clear ha bo h pe i ioner and re ponden Pro ince are
in ere ed in he promo ion of o ri m in Boraca and he pro ec ion
of he en ironmen , le he kill he pro erbial

. 674, 26, 2012 621

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla
hen ha la he golden egg. A he beginning of hi deci ion, e
men ioned ha here are common goal of na ional igni cance ha
are er apparen from bo h he pe i ioner and he re ponden
re pec i e pleading and memoranda.
The par ie are e iden l in accord in eeking o phold he
manda e fo nd in Ar icle II, Declara ion of Principle and S a e
Policie , of he 1987 Con i ion, hich e q o e belo :

SECTION 16. The State shall protect and advance the right of the
people to a balanced and healthful ecolog in accord ith the rh thm and
harmon of nature.

SECTION 20. The State recogni es the indispensable role of the

private sector, encourages private enterprise, and provides incentives to
needed investments.

The pro ec ion of he en ironmen in accordance i h he

afore aid con i ional manda e i he aim, among o her , of
Pre iden ial Decree No. 1586, E abli hing an En ironmen al
Impac S a emen S em, Incl ding O her En ironmen al
Managemen Rela ed Mea re and For O her P rpo e , hich
declared in i r Sec ion ha i i the polic of the State to
attain and maintain a rational and orderl balance between
socio-economic growth and environmental protection.
The par ie ndo b edl oo agree a o he impor ance of
promo ing o ri m, p r an o Sec ion 2 of Rep blic Ac No. 9593,
or The To ri m Ac of 2009, hich read :

SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. The State declares tourism as

an indispensable element of the national economy and an industry of
national interest and importance, hich must be harnessed as an engine
of socioeconomic gro th and cultural af rmation to generate investment,
foreign e change and emplo ment, and to continue to mold an enhanced
sense of national pride for all Filipinos. (Emphasis ours.)


622 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

The primordial role of local go ernmen ni nder he

Con i ion and he Local Go ernmen Code of 1991 in he bjec
ma er of hi ca e i al o nq e ionable. The Local Go ernmen
Code of 1991 (Rep blic Ac No. 7160) per inen l pro ide :

Section 2. Declaration of Policy. (a) It is hereby declared the

policy of the State that the territorial and political subdivisions of the
State shall enjoy genuine and meaningful local autonomy to enable
them to attain their fullest development as self-reliant communities and
make them more effective partners in the attainment of national goals.
To ard this end, the State shall provide for a more responsive and
accountable local government structure instituted through a s stem of
decentrali ation hereb local government units shall be given more
powers, authority, responsibilities, and resources. The process of
decentrali ation shall proceed from the national government to the local
government units. 156 (Emphases ours.)

A ho n b he abo e pro i ion of o r la and r le , he

peed and moo h re ol ion of he e i e o ld bene all he
par ie . Th , re ponden Pro ince coopera ion i h re ponden
DENR-EMB RVI in he Co r -manda ed re ie of he proper
cla i ca ion and en ironmen al impac of he reclama ion projec i
of mo impor ance.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is hereb
PARTIALLY GRANTED. The TEPO issued b this Court is
hereb converted into a writ of continuing mandamus
speci call as follows:
1. Respondent Department of Environment and Natural
Resources-Environmental Management Bureau Regional
Of ce VI shall revisit and review the following matters:

156 Book I, Title One.


. 674, 26, 2012 623

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

a. its classi cation of the reclamation project as a

single instead of a co-located project;
b. its approval of respondent Province s classi cation
of the project as a mere expansion of the existing
jett port in Caticlan, instead of classif ing it as a
new project; and
c. the impact of the reclamation project to the
environment based on new, updated, and
comprehensive studies, which should forthwith be
ordered b respondent DENR-EMB RVI.
2. Respondent Province of Aklan shall perform the
a. full cooperate with respondent DENR-EMB RVI
in its review of the reclamation project proposal and
submit to the latter the appropriate report and
stud ; and
b. secure approvals from local government units and
hold proper consultations with non-governmental
organi ations and other stakeholders and sectors
concerned as required b Section 27 in relation to
Section 26 of the Local Government Code.
3. Respondent Philippine Reclamation Authorit shall
closel monitor the submission b respondent Province of
the requirements to be issued b respondent DENR-EMB
RVI in connection to the environmental concerns raised b
petitioner, and shall coordinate with respondent Province
in modif ing the MOA, if necessar , based on the ndings
of respondent DENR-EMB RVI.
4. The petitioner Boraca Foundation, Inc. and the
respondents The Province of Aklan, represented b
Governor Carlito S. Marque , The Philippine


624 C A A D
B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

Reclamation Authorit , and The DENR-EMB (Region VI)

are mandated to submit their respective reports to this
Court regarding their compliance with the requirements
set forth in this Decision no later than three (3) months
from the date of promulgation of this Decision.
5. In the meantime, the respondents, their concerned
contractor/s, and/or their agents, representatives or
persons acting in their place or stead, shall immediatel
cease and desist from continuing the implementation of the
project covered b ECC-R6-1003-096-7100 until further
orders from this Court. For this purpose, the respondents
shall report within ve (5) da s to this Court the status of
the project as of their receipt of this Decision, cop
furnished the petitioner.
This Decision is immediatel executor .

Ca i , Vela c , J ., B i , Pe al a, Be ami , Del Ca ill ,

Abad, Villa ama, J ., Pe e , Se e , Re e and Pe la -Be abe, JJ.,
conc r.
Me d a, J., On Of cial Lea e.

Pe i i a iall g a ed.

Notes. The doc rine of non-e ha ion of admini ra i e

remedie req ire ha re or be r made i h he admini ra i e
a hori ie in he re ol ion of a con ro er falling nder heir
j ri dic ion before he con ro er ma be ele a ed o a co r of
j ice for re ie a prema re in oca ion of a co r in er en ion
render he complain i ho ca e of ac ion and di mi ible. (The
Ale a d a C d mi i m C ai . Lag a Lake
De el me A h i , 599 SCRA 452 [2009])


. 674, 26, 2012 625

B aca F da i , I c. .P i ce f Akla

The doc rine of e ha ion of admini ra i e remedie and he

doc rine of primar j ri dic ion are no ironclad r le , n mero
e cep ion o he e r le are en mera ed b he S preme Co r
namel : (a) here here i e oppel on he par of he par in oking
he doc rine; (b) here he challenged admini ra i e ac i pa en l
illegal, amo n ing o lack of j ri dic ion; (c) here here i
nrea onable dela or of cial inac ion ha ill irre rie abl
prej dice he complainan ; (d) here he amo n in ol ed i
rela i el o mall a o make he r le imprac ical and oppre i e;
(e) here he q e ion in ol ed i p rel legal and ill l ima el
ha e o be decided b he co r of j ice; (f) here j dicial
in er en ion i rgen ; (g) here he applica ion of he doc rine ma
ca e grea and irreparable damage; (h) here he con ro er ed ac
iola e d e proce ; (i) here he i e of non-e ha ion of
admini ra i e remedie ha been rendered moo ; (j) here here i
no o her plain, peed and adeq a e remed ; (k) here rong p blic
in ere i in ol ed; and (l) in a a proceeding . (Vigila .
A i , 639 SCRA 772 [2011])

C gh 2020 Ce a B S , I c. A gh e e ed.

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