Orientation Packet 10.31.19 PDF

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New Hire Training

Vision: We are the drivers of campus well-being and a premiere employment experience for
students committed to growth and development.

Mission: Using recreational opportunities to promote and advance healthy lifestyles and
provide a developmental student-learning experience that enhances student success.

Staff Objectives:
As a member of the UMKC Campus Recreation staff, you have assumed a great
responsibility: working together within a closely-knit team in order to enhance the image and
the quality of Campus Rec. facilities and programs. You represent not only yourself, but
UMKC and Campus Rec. as well. You (and our) success as a member of this team will not be
based solely on how well you perform your own duties, but also on how well you work with
your colleagues and help them perform to the best of their capabilities. The primary
objective of UMKC Campus Recreation is to provide a top-notch opportunity for the
improvement of health and wellness to all students and members.
Whenever you are on duty, you must be dedicated to the department’s philosophy of: (1)
Quality, (2) Service, and (3) Versatility. This philosophy applies to not only your own
performance, but the performance of the co-workers around you. You are responsible for
their actions as they are responsible for yours.
Welcome Note from the Boss
Welcome to the UMKC Campus Recreation Team! I am very excited to have you joining our
awesome group of student workers.
The team of student workers at Swinney play an integral part in the management and
function of the building. When I say we couldn’t do it without you, I really mean it! As a
student worker at Swinney you will have the unique opportunity to build relationships with a
wide variety of people on campus and gain valuable skills along the way.
Our expectations are high and we expect you to provide the best customer service possible
to our students, faculty/staff, and members. We expect you to show up each day ready to
work hard with a positive attitude and always be willing to go the extra mile.
In turn, I am here to support you in whatever you may need. I take pride in building strong
working relationships with our student workers. You will often here me say that the students
are the best part of my job!
Again, welcome to the team! I am glad you’re here!

Best Regards,
Liz Hoffman-Shrout
Introduction of Professional Staff

Director of Campus Recreation – Taylor Book

Associate Director of Campus Recreation – Tom Schultz
 Facilities and Operations
Sr. Manager – Liz Hoffman Shrout
 Facilities and Operations
 Events/Rentals
 Athletics Liason
 Student Staffing (Core & Building Sups)
o Payroll
o Scheduling
Manager of Aquatics – John Aust
 Aquatic Center
o Lifeguards
 Service Center
 Clean Commute
Wellness Coordinator – Niki Jensen
 Group Fitness/Personal Training
 Wellness Assessments
 Fitness Center
 Marketing
Intramural Sports Manager – Brian Westhues
 Intramurals
 Roo Groups Events
Graduate Assistant – Zach Mukewa
 Membership
 Service Center
 Marketing

General Information
1. Mandatory Monthly Meetings
a. Sunday, January 19th – 6:30pm – 8:00pm
b. Sunday, February 16th – 6:30pm – 8:00pm
c. Sunday, March 15th – 6:30pm – 8:00pm
d. Sunday, April 19th – 6:30pm – 8:00pm
2. Arrive on Time
a. Early is on time, on time is late, late is unacceptable
b. If a staff member will be late due to reasons out of their control they should alert
the Building Supervisor immediately and give an estimated time of arrival.
c. If a staff member is late more than once it will result in a staff problem write-up.
(Building Sups may use their best judgement).
d. If a staff member is late and did not contact the Building Supervisor ahead of
time it will result in a staff problem write-up.
3. What if I can’t work one of my scheduled shifts?
a. Employees are required to make arrangements for securing a substitute if theya
re unable to work an assigned shift, including during finals week and holidays.
b. Tradeboard (It’s not a get-out-of-work-free pass!)
c. Get your shift on Tradeboard as early as possible
d. It’s your responsibility to find coverage… text and talk to other workers in person.
Do not assume it will just get covered; be proactive.
e. Alert Liz ASAP if you have a shift on Tradeboard and you can’t get anyone to
cover it.
4. Extended Time Off
a. Employees are permitted to take extended time off, provided they have alerted
Liz and have secured substitutes for all of their shifts during that period.
5. When to Work
a. Make sure your cell phone number is visible on When to Work
b. Make sure you are getting Urgent Text Alerts
6. Illness Policy
a. Contact your Building Supervisor and Liz as soon as possible.
7. Communication
a. Check email daily
b. Communicate with Liz
8. Dress Code/Uniform is Required
a. Staff shirt
b. Black athletic pants
c. Nametag
d. Tennis Shoes
e. Black, blue, yellow, or white hats allowed
f. Uniform is tidy (not wrinkled, torn, and is clean).
9. Clock In and Out
a. All staff members must utilize the OneCard and time clock located in The Pouch.
b. Remember to clock in and out for each shift.
c. Student ID is required to clock in and out.
d. If you forget you MUST contact Liz via email ASAP to let her know.
e. Staff may check their hours on myHR
10. Hour Limitations for Staff
a. During the regular academic calendar (fall and spring semesters), the maximum
number of hours worked per week is 30 hours for students not holding
international status.
b. For all international students the limit is 20 hours per week.
c. If a student holds 2 jobs on campus it is their responsibility to remain within the
number of hours allowed to work per week.
11. The Pouch
a. Keep it clean
12. Priority for positions when you arrive for a shift
a. People on the shift prior get priority to pick where they’d like to start for the next
b. First come, first served
13. Technology Policy
14. Food Policy
a. Meals are permitted only in the Vending Area or The Pouch.
b. Snacks and drinks may be brought to the work area, but eating must be discreet
and food kept in an inconspicuous location.
c. If working for 4 hrs. or more a 15 minute break is permitted. Breaks will be
granted by the Building Supervisor based on facility usage.
15. Quick Rotations
a. Rotations should take 10 minutes or less.
b. If needing to get a snack or use the restroom please make sure you are not
holding up the process.
16. Radios
a. Each position is required to have a working radio.
b. If in the Fitness Center/Service Center you should carry it with you at all times.
c. When calling for another position, the correct way to do so is to say your position
to their position. (Ex. Control Center to Building Supervisor).
d. When closing, make sure all radios are on the charger and turned OFF.
17. Card Swipe Door
a. Only door you can come in and out of when the alarm is set.
b. You have 20 seconds to open and close before the alarm is triggered.
18. Incentives
a. Positive Write-Up
b. Student of the Month
c. Student of the Semester
d. Student of the Year
e. Swinney Olympics
f. Passing of the Torch
19. Accountability Structure
a. Staff Problem Write-Ups
20. Membership Office
a. Hour: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm
b. Membership Office should be locked by the Building Supervisor anytime a
professional staff member is not working inside.
21. Facility Hours
a. Monday – Thursday; 6:00am – 10:00pm
b. Friday; 6:00am – 8:00pm
c. Saturday; 9:00am – 6:00pm
d. Sunday; 12:00pm – 6:00pm
e. Closed Holidays
i. New Year’s Day
ii. Memorial Day
iii. Independence Day (July 4th)
iv. Labor Day
v. Thanksgiving Day
vi. Christmas Day
vii. *Shortened hours around Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day*
Customer Service
Employees of SRC must provide complete cooperation with the students, faculty & staff and
members (patrons). Every attempt should be made to satisfy their requests provided they fall
within the rules and regulations established in the Operations Manual as well as the SRC
Membership Guide. Follow the guidelines below to help deal with members.
Each staff member should be courteous and friendly by acknowledging each member at all
As problems do arise, refer the individual(s) to the Building Supervisor.
If the individual(s) is still uncooperative, refer them to a professional staff member when
Control Center Duties & Responsibilities
The Control Center is the main source of information for students, faculty/staff, and the
community. It is crucial for the worker to be fully informed of all Campus Recreation policies
and the daily schedule for the facility. Along with being extremely knowledgeable, Control
Center staff should always be friendly, helpful and courteous. A good impression at the
Control Center will make the patrons’ overall opinion of the facility a positive one. It is also
very important that all Control Center staff know the Emergency Procedures Manual
thoroughly. If there is an emergency, the Control Center will play a vital role. Control Center
staff should also have a thorough understanding of all policies, procedures, programs,
operations and services of Campus Recreation.

Answering Phone Calls

The Control Center will answer all calls at Control (235-1772). They should answer the phone
in a professional way. “UMKC Campus Recreation, this is ________.”
It is important to be able to answer questions for the caller regarding facility hours, facility
availability, and general membership questions. If someone has a specific question, know
who to transfer them to. There is a professional staff guide at the Control Center on the cash
register that can be used for transferring calls.

Member (Patron) Entrance Policies

Everyone who enters Swinney Center must show proof of membership (including student-
athletes and physical education students). The only exceptions are Campus Rec. on-duty
staff, Athletics Professional Staff, UMKC Custodial and Facilities workers and some campus
administrators. If at any time non-UMKC personnel have a meeting with someone within the
facility, please contact the Building Supervisor to escort the person to the correct office
and/or location. If a Building Supervisor is unavailable, please use the telephone contact list
in order to contact the specific UMKC staff member and have them meet their guest at the
Control Center.
Upon the first time into Swinney, patrons must present photo identification to confirm their
identity. When confirmed, patrons may have their photo taken and saved into the RecTrac
system. Once in the system, their photo ID will be displayed upon each check-in. If a patron
declines to have their photo taken, they must present a photo ID each time at check-in.

All patrons and students must enter their ID each time they enter into the facility, even if they
have previously been in Swinney at an earlier time in the day.
If at any time, a membership’s validity comes into question, please send the individual to the
Membership Office. If it is before or after hours, please have the member in question fill out a
Membership Verification Form, which will be deposited to Liz’s desk for review during the next
business day, and sign a waiver for access.

Guest Entrance Policies

An SRC member may sponsor up to two (2) guests per day to use the facility. Sponsoring
members must meet their respective guests at the Control Center to legibly complete the
necessary paperwork. This policy must be followed in order to enhance the security of all
students, members and guests. Guests must present a valid photo ID and be over the age of
18 in order to enter SRC. Compare the guest’s identity on the paperwork with the photo ID.
All information must be legibly recorded, including address and state issued drivers license
Each guest must pay the $10.00 fee (without a sponsor) or $7.00 fee (with a sponsor) for
access. Acceptable forms of payment are cash, credit and check. In case the sponsoring
member and/or guest wish to pay with a credit card, please direct them to the Membership
Office during regular business hours. If the guest pays with a credit card in the Membership
Office, please have them display the receipt for access (provided they have signed the
waiver). For all guest passes paid with credit card, cash or check, please follow the
procedure for entering a guest (Point of Sale) into RecTrac by following the instructions
posted near the cash register.
We do not accept bills larger than $50 due to limited change in the cash drawer. This is
especially important over the weekend when the on-campus bank is closed.
Refunds may be issued on a limited basis. Contact the Building Supervisor if this need arises.
Remind sponsoring members they must remain with their respective guests at all times in SRC.

Daily Opening & Closing Procedure (Cash Register)

To access RecTrac and cash drawer, turn on the computer and enter the network password.
Make sure the correct user names are used for both UMKC network access and RecTrac
access. Passwords are case-sensitive.
The Building Supervisor will supply the cash drawer with the daily cash each morning,
typically $100.00.
Please follow the procedure for Daily Close Out in RecTrac by following the instructions
posted near the cash register. Guest fees should be deposited in one bag and the daily
cash ($100.00) should be deposited in the another bag.

Upon confirmation of the daily cash by the Building Supervisor and shut down the computer.
Control Center staff must receive permission to leave from the Building Supervisor before
clocking out for the day.
Building Supervisors will place the guest fees in the drop safe and the daily cash will be
placed in the wall safe located inside the Membership Office closet.
Miscellaneous Tips
1. Be aware of the daily schedule for the facility when your shift begins. Know the various
events, classes and practices that are scheduled to take place during the day. Be
proactive. Remind the Building Supervisor regarding unlocking/locking classrooms,
preparing courts for intramurals or athletics practices, etc.
2. Each time your shift begins, make sure to check the amount of cash in the drawer
matches the number of guest passes sold
3. Be mindful of any audible alarms from the Back Hallway, North Lobby and Multipurpose
Courts to prevent any unauthorized access
4. In case of emergency, the emergency phone is located by the window at the back on
Control Center and is a direct line to University Police
5. Keep all personal items under the counter; nothing should be stored on the window ledge
6. If someone complains about the vending machines, all refunds from the vending
machines will be made through Vending Services, located in the Student Union. Refund
information may be obtained at 816.235.1406. Swinney is NOT responsible for refunds
7. Keep socializing to a minimum. Tell friends that hanging around work stations makes it
awkward for members to approach the desk. If a short conversation is needed, contact
the Building Supervisor to relieve you.
Spectator Entrance Policies
Intercollegiate Athletics guests will be handled through the UMKC Athletics office or coach.
There is to be no admission into an athletics event through the Control Center. All Athletic
events taking place inside Swinney should enter through the North Lobby. All Athletic events
taking place on the field should enter through Durwood Stadium Gates.
Miscellaneous Entrance Policies
 No one under the age of 18 may enter SRC to participate in any activities other than
swim lessons or select events
 No food or drink (except water) beyond the Control Center
 Any person caught using another person’s ID card or number will have the ID
confiscated. Record all personal information of the offender(s) and turn over to the
Director of Campus Recreation at Swinney Center for disciplinary action
Raising Curtains & Basketball Goals
 The Multipurpose Courts are numbered 1—4 from the south to north. When the Building
Supervisor or another SRC staff member requests, lower the goals and/or curtains
needed. The Building Supervisor or another SRC staff member should be on the courts
while the goals and/or curtains are lowered so as to prevent anyone (or anything) from
interfering with or becoming injured by the process. Basketball goals and batting cages in
Old Swinney must be lowered by the Building Supervisor
Fitness Center Duties & Responsibilities
The Fitness Center position is responsible for greeting patrons, being knowledgeable about
the equipment and keeping the area clean and safe. Always greet patrons when they enter
and make sure to acknowledge when they leave. We want to make patrons feel
comfortable enough to ask questions by being friendly throughout their time in the fitness

Throughout your shift you are responsible for keeping up with the hourly
cleaning/maintenance schedule. Germs love the fitness center and we want to make sure
we are doing our part to keep our facility clean and safe. If you have any questions
regarding the tasks please reach out to the Wellness Coordinator. When performing
maintenance tasks, be sure to look for any damage or lose parts on the machines. Report
those to the wellness coordinator.

Shift duties
 Always be kind and courteous
 Do “walk around” often and offer assistance when needed
o Ex. If a patron is repeatedly letting the weights slam on the ground, it is up to you
to let them know the dangers of doing so
 Greet and say goodbye to patrons
 Promote Swinney Recreation Center events when possible
 Do a head count of all patrons in the hallway and fitness center at the 30 MINUTE mark
of each shift (8:30, 9:30, etc.)
 Keep up with hourly cleaning schedule

Opening & Closing Procedures

When opening, make sure that all cardio machines are plugged in and turned on. Empty
humidifiers. When closing the fitness center, unplug all cardio machines and empty
humidifiers. Make sure all weights are re-racked and the grounds are clean. Email Wellness
Coordinator a picture of the end of the day counts.
Service Center Duties & Responsibilities
The Service Center is a very important area in the center because we issue recreational
equipment, locks & towels to the patron. You will have other duties as well which will
include; washing and folding towels and issuing rented items. Your main job is to serve the

Opening Procedures
Staff should raise the door above the window, turn on the computers, then position
computer screens and keypads. Start the washers that have been filled with towels and
laundry from the night before. Ensure enough locks are available to accommodate the
patrons for the opening shift. Navigate to the Quick Rentals screen; this is the program that
will be used to check in and out recreation and fitness equipment. Racquetball/Squash
Reservation widget should be visible at the top of the Quick Rentals page and will be used to
verify any court request.

Two computers have been provided at the Service Center window; each computer has two
monitors. To access RecTrac, turn on the computer and enter the correct network password.
The Quick Rental function is what will be used to track all equipment. Make sure the correct
user names are used for both UMKC network and RecTrac access. All passwords are case

Distribution of Equipment
Each patron has been assigned a membership number (students should use their UMKC
issued student number). This number is to be typed into the computer using keypad
provided. Verbally verify the name on the screen with the patron and ask what items they
are requesting. Do not position item on the counter. Patrons are allowed only one lock, one
towel, and one other piece of recreation equipment if requested. The towel may be
exchanged at any time for a clean one. Type in the correct abbreviation that corresponds
with the equipment issued. When equipment is returned, the patron will be asked to type
the appropriate number once again into the computer system. A screen asking if items are
being returned will appear. Verify that the equipment returned matches the equipment on
the computer screen exactly. If the patron/guest wishes to not use the computer system,
they must leave a photo ID as collateral; this is the only acceptable substitution. Attach the
appropriate item note to the ID and place it in the box provided. Once the items are
returned, remove the notes and return the id to the patron.
If they do not have a photo ID, a sponsoring member may check items out for them as well
as their own. The sponsor must be present for check-out and return of items and will be held
responsible for items used by the guest. Always use good customer service techniques when
addressing patrons and guests.

Damaged, Lost, or Stolen Equipment

As stated in the membership guide: “Members are responsible for all equipment checked
out to them and will be charged replacement costs for all lost, stolen, or damaged items”
(SRC Membership guide, pg. 6). Be aware of the condition of the equipment when items are
checked out and in. If an item is damaged or reported lost or stolen, have the member fill
out the Equipment assessment form. Prices for the items are listed and posted in the Service
Center. The patron will be contacted and billed for the replacement cost of the item.

Emergency Key Cabinet

There is a file cabinet located in the Service Center which house spare keys for each lock.
These keys are to be used only by the Building Supervisor or someone they appoint to unlock
locks on lockers in the event a patron has lost or locked their key.

The majority of laundry done in the facility is consisted of the white towels checked out by
individual patrons. It is the responsibility of both staff members to see that the laundry is
completed and that there are enough towels to meet the demand of the patrons. Staff
should take alternating turns to do the laundry. It is also the staff’s responsibility to have
towels clean and ready for the next person on duty. Use common sense and start towels
before they run out, do not wait until the bin is overflowing. Be sensitive to peak times of
facility usage and make sure there towels during these times.
All washers and dryers are owned and maintained by Swinney Recreation Center. Washers
#1, #2, and #4 are automatically programmed to add the required chemicals during the
wash cycle. It is the responsibility of the Service Center manager to change the chemicals
when needed. These washers can handle large amounts of laundry. Washer #3 is manual
and should not be used unless rinsing pool vacuum bags. It is very important that the correct
settings are used for each load.
All dryers (#1-5) are automatically programmed to run for specific times and temperatures.
Because of the fire hazard, it is imperative that the lint screen is cleaned off each and every
time a dryer is used. One full load of laundry from a washer should go into one dryer; never
double the load on a dryer. The motor will not be able to handle it and the items in the
center will not dry. After the items are placed in the dryer, secure the door and the lint
screen hatch and press D (for dry) or ‘start’, this will begin the dry cycle. If for some reason
you must stop the dryer, wait until the barrel has stopped turning before you reach in.
Periodically check the washers and dryers to make sure the machines are functioning
properly. Look, listen, and smell for odd behavior, sounds, or odors. If for some reason you
need to stop a washer press the ‘stop’ button first. If this does not work, resort to the
‘emergency stop’ button on the face of the machine. If this fails, there are breaker switches
on the located and wall that can cut the power to each machine. The breaker switches are
marked to indicate which machine it is connected to. Locate the correct switch and turn it
to the off position and immediately call the Building Supervisor for assistance. If signs of a fire
are present (excessive heat, smoke, flames, etc.) you must first turn the breaker to the off
position. There is an extinguisher located in the laundry room for emergencies. Contact the
Building Supervisor immediately for assistance.

Locker Rental
A limited number of half size lockers are available to rent. This service allows items to be left in
the locker room overnight. Patrons who wish to rent a locker must first go to the main office
of Swinney Recreation Center to pay the rental fee.

Removing a Lock & Confiscation of Items

Personal locks are not allowed in the locker rooms overnight (we rent locks for that service).
Daily locks cannot be left on a locker overnight. If personal locks or daily locks are left
overnight, or if the rental fee is not renewed, the lock with be swapped out with a v6O lock.

The Service Center Manager or another member of the SRC Administrative staff/lead will
normally do switch out the locks, but Service Center staff assistance may be requested.

After two weeks any unclaimed locks/lockers will be removed and items will be documented
on a sheet attached to a bag containing the items. A list of expired lockers containing
confiscated items will be kept in the Service Center documenting the locker, lock, date, and
name (if known). If valuables are recovered from a confiscated locker, they, along with all
other contents, will be turned into the main office and noted in the log book. When items
are claimed, patrons and students must fully describe the contents of the locker. A $5.00 fine
must be paid in full in the Membership Office before items may be claimed. Any items
unclaimed after an additional two weeks will be donated to a charitable organization or if
no value is determined items will be disposed.
Lost and Found
Each lost item should be reported to and logged in the Service Center. The form should be
completely filled out and describe the items as accurately as possible.

All valuable items such as keys, photo IDs, watches, jewelry, wallets, mobile phones, etc.
should be logged in the Membership Office and placed in the drop safe located in the
Membership Office closet. Place the valuable item in an envelope clearly labeled with full
description of the object, the location where the object was found and the date. All non-
valuable items will be logged and kept in the Service Center.

Valuables found during shifts when the Membership Office is closed may be temporarily
placed in the wall safe inside the Membership Office closet. However, the items must still be
logged and labeled per protocol. The closing Building Supervisor will be responsible for
placing all unclaimed items in the drop safe at the end of the night.

All claimants must accurately describe (color, brand name, type of item, etc.) any lost item
in order to claim it. When any lost item is claimed, remember to log the date, the claimant’s
name and have the Building Supervisor / Administrator sign the witness column.
Racquetball Reservations
Racquetball Courts and Group Fitness Room 501/Studio C are first come first served only.
Cleaning Responsibilities
Because cleaning staff does not have access to the Service Center it is important that the
staff do their part to keep it clean. Cleaning assignments have been posted and it is part of
the daily responsibilities to check the list and complete the tasks assigned.
Closing Procedures
Navigate to the Close out sheet on the computer. On this sheet, an inventory will be taken of
the equipment in the Service Center, remember to save before closing. All equipment,
towels, and locks are to be placed in their appropriate locations in the Service Center. Dirty
towels are to be placed in the washers, although the washers are not to be turned on.
Walkie-talkies should be turned off and placed on the chargers so that will be fully charged
for the next day. Dryers are not to run over night, it is best to time the last load of laundry to
finish at closing time. Enough towels are to be folded and neatly stacked to provide for the
demand of the opening shift. The last person out should shut off the lights and verify that all
doors are locked in the Service Center and laundry room.

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