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From the figure shown: © Compure the pressure e A. @ Compute the pressure at C. @ Compute the pressure at D. An oben cylindrical tank of 2 sq.m. cross. sectional area and 3m. high contains 3 cu.m. of water. Into it is lowered a similar but smaller tank of.the same height but of cross- section, inverted position, allowing its top to rest an the bottom of the bigger tank. @ Find the maximum fension per vertical mm on the sides ‘of the outer tank. Neglect thickness of the metal forming the inner tank. ® Determine the height of water in the bigger tank. Determine the height of water inside the inverted tank. —- closed ‘ If the atmospheric pressure is 101.3 kPa and the absolute pressure at the bottom of the tank as shown in the figure is 231.3 kPa. YH20 = 9.79 kNim? i }0.4m @ Whatis the specific gravity of the olive oil. @ What is the absolute pressure at the interface of the olive oil and the mercury. @ What is the gage pressure at the interface __ Of the olive oil and the mercury. For the open tank with piezometers attached on the side, contains two different liquids. @ Find the elevation of the liquid in piezometer A. @ Find the pressure at the bottom of the tank. & Find.the elevation of the liquid in piezometer B.

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