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Instead of prescribing a dopamergic suppressant to cause dopamine production,

which is an antipsychotic, why not prescribe the brains own naturally occurring in
the brain dopamergic brain reparation amino acids. In cases of paranoid
schizophrenia, the problem exists with brain shrinkage as it is a brain shrinking
disease. Utilizing N Acetyl L Tyrosine plus L Theanine plus L Gaba butyric amino
acids, will not only repair cognitive function but memory enhancement mood
relaxing and refocusing, memory improvement in cases of Alzheimer’s, and
schizo-affective disorders.
It will also apply brain bio reelecrtification improve disorders such as insomnia.
But the most important point is you are using the brains own reparation amino
acids for all cases of the amino acids responsible for healing naturally.
It will speed up recovery by 50% and plausible full recovery of alcohol overuse,
cannabis psychosis, cocaine psychosis, and in general specifically for schizo-
affective disorders you want the naturally occurring amino acids for curing your
brain rather than using foreign agents to ally symptoms, you may be looking a
possible complete recovery of the brains dendritic, nucleolus and stop axonal
growths in cases of paranoid schizophrenia from growing in diagonally causing
catatonia and vegetablism.
You need L glutamate and L glutamine for the dendritic cycle to complete better
cognitive brain function. However taking either as a powder would not deliver
and cross the blood brain barrier. Whereas taking L-Thenanine absorbs through
the serotonin in the gut to cross the blood brain barrier to deliver it to the brains
dendrites. Also with the case of taking base L-tyrosine it would not also cross the
blood brain barrier. However taking N-Acetyl L Tyrosine crosses the blood brain
barrier to also deliver and repair the dopamergic system of the brain.
Short summary use the brains own healing agents instead of foreign untested or
tested ones as they are foreign to the natural human mind. And its own natural
healing amino acids. Or use them in tandem, any neuroscientific counter
argument anyone?
FDA approved and non interactive with anti-psychotics can also work in tandem

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