Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Plant Extracts

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Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using plant extracts

Mansour Ghaffari-Moghaddam*,†, Robabeh Hadi-Dabanlou*,

* Mostafa Khajeh*,
** Mansoureh
Rakhshanipour , and Kamyar Shameli

*Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran

**Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang UPM 43400, Selangor, Malaysia
Abstract−The strategy
fo(rRdeecseigivneodf 2n3ewOncatonboemre2ta0ls13wa•sadcecveeplotepded10duJeatnoutahreyir
2w0i1d4e)applications in many fields. One of the most important nanometals is silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)
because of their extensive applications in bio- technology and biomedical fields. AgNPs were usually synthesized by
using chemical and physical methods. In the chemical methods, various toxic chemicals are used, which are harmful
to the health of living organisms. Therefore, the AgNPs were synthesized by using biological methods based on
green chemistry for reducing the toxic chemicals. There are various resources for green synthesis of AgNPs, such as
bacteria, fungi, enzyme and plant extracts. The green synthesis of AgNPs involves three main steps: the selection of
the solvent medium, the selection of environmentally reducing agents, and the selection of non-toxic substances for
the stability of AgNPs. The biosynthesis of AgNPs using plant extracts is more favorable than other biological methods
because of removing the elaborate process of maintaining cell cultures. It can be also suitably scaled up for large scale
production of AgNPs. This review focuses on green syn- thesis of AgNPs using various plant extracts.
Keywords: Nanometals, Silver Nanoparticles, Plant Extracts, Biosynthesis, Green Synthesis

INTRODUCTION many other metals could be produced by this method [15].

Recently, AgNPs were synthesized using the Crataegus
The synthesis of nanoparticles has received special attention douglasii fruit extract by Ghaffari-Moghaddam and Hadi-
be- cause of greater surface area to volume ratio, modified Dabanlou [16]. To optimize the biosynthesis of AgNPs, the effect
structure and more activity of nanoparticles rather than macro of process variables such as extract concentration, mixing ratio
molecules [1- 3]. Nanoparticles have many applications in optical, of the reactants, time and pH were also investigated. The
electronic and textile industries, medicine, cosmetic, and drug scanning electron microscope (SEM) images showed AgNPs
delivery [2,4]. The most important nanoproduct in the field of with 29.28 nm size and nearly spheri- cal shape at 24 h
nanotechnology is AgNPs which in low concentrations have no interaction time. Fig. 1 represents the SEM images of the AgNPs
toxicity against human health. AgNPs are significantly used in formed after 4 h, 24 h, 5 days and 35 days interaction,
textiles and clothing, food packag- ing, medical and cosmetic respectively. The antibacterial activity of the synthesized AgNPs
ingredients, water, wastewater and air treatment, pesticides and was also confirmed against Staphylococcus aureus and
household usage [5,6]. Escherichia coli. Synthesis of AgNPs using the extract of
Green chemistry of synthetic strategies using biological meth- Artemisia nilagirica leaves was reported by Vijayakumar et al.
ods such as enzymes [7], microorganisms [8], and plant extracts [17]. SEM and energy-disper- sive spectroscopy (EDX) were
[9,10] plays a major role in the formation of AgNPs. Among used to characterize the AgNPs. The morphology of the AgNPs
biolog- ical methods, the synthesis of AgNPs using plant extracts was determined by SEM, and the aver- age diameter of the
is the best eco-friendly alternative to available traditional chemical particles was found to be in the range of 70 to 90 nm (Fig. 2).
and physi- cal methods [11-14]. This method is mainly used for The EDX results confirmed the presence of ele-
reducing the toxicity and development of green chemistry. The mental silver.
aim of this work is to review the green synthesis of AgNPs Roy et al. [18] synthesized AgNPs using the fruit extract of
using various plants. Vitis vinifera as reducing agent. The reduction was attributed to the
phe- nolic, terpenoid, polysaccharide and flavone compounds
USE OF PLANT EXTRACTS FOR present in the extract. The particle size and lattice image of the
SYNTHESIS OF AgNPs AgNPs was investigated using transmission electron microscope
(TEM) (Fig. 3). The AgNPs were nearly spherical with a weak
In the synthesis of nanoparticles using plant extracts, the crystalline structure and an average size of 18-20 nm. The
extract is simply mixed with a solution of the metal salt at room obtained AgNPs showed an effective antibacterial activity against
tempera- ture. The reaction is usually completed in short time. both gram-positive Bacillus subtilis and gram-negative
AgNPs and Escherichia coli.
An aqueous extract of Cynodon dactylon leaf was used to pro-

To whom correspondence should be addressed. duce AgNPs with size of 30-50 nm. The UV-Vis spectrum of
E-mail:, AgNPs in aqueous solution shows an absorbance peak around
Copyright by The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers. 450 nm due to surface plasmon resonance. The AgNPs solution
1 was centrifuged
Dovepress C. longa powder for nanoparticle

International Journal of Nanomedicine 2012:7 submit your manuscript |


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