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JULY 2020


The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

The Hindu Newspaper is treated as the Bible by the Exam Aspirants be it Bank Exam Aspirants,
SSC Aspirants or UPSC Aspirants. Reading the Editorial section of the newspaper daily has
twofold benefits: (a) It gives the editor’s views on the latest happenings in India and the
World, (b) It helps enhance English Vocabulary. In this eBook of “The Hindu Editorial
Vocabulary Booster July 2020”, we have come up with a list of difficult words taken from the
Hindu Editorials of the July Month, with their Meanings, Synonyms, Antonyms, and the
Correct Usage of those words. Read along to understand it better.

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster – July 2020

Sr. No. Words Meanings & Synonyms Antonyms Usage
1. Abomination A thing that causes Liking, Love Cruelty to animals is
disgust or loathing. an abomination.

Atrocity, Loathing,
Hatred, Aversion
2. Abut Touch or lean on. Recurve, Their property and our
Adjoin, Border Retreat, property abut.
Diverge, Return,
3. Abysmally In an extremely bad way. Superb The critics were abysmally
wrong on almost every point.
4. Accountability The fact or condition of Unreliability, Some of the public officials
being accountable. Irresponsibility lack accountability.

Responsibility, Liability,
Answerability, Reporting
5. Adversary One’s opponent in a Ally, Supporter Davis beat his
contest, conflict, or old adversary in the
dispute. quarterfinals.

Opponent, Rival, Foe

6. Aesthetic Concerned with beauty Grotesque, The new building has
or the appreciation of Hideous little aesthetic value.

Attractive, Beauteous,
Beautiful, Bonny
7. Affliction A cause of pain or harm. Consolation, She lost her sight and is now
Relief, learning to live with
Disorder, Disease, Alleviation, her affliction.
Malady, Ailment Assuagement
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

8. Agglomeration A mass or collection of This suburb has become just

things; an assemblage. a vast agglomeration of
houses, people, and cars.
Collection, Mass, Cluster,
9. Aggression Feelings of anger or Meekness, He has a lot of pent-
antipathy resulting in Diffidence up aggression.
hostile or violent
behaviour; readiness to
attack or confront.

Hostility, Aggressiveness,
10. Agility Ability to move quickly Awkwardness, Games teach hand-eye
and easily. Clumsiness, coordination, mental agility,
Ability to think & Gaucheness, and alertness.
understand quickly Gawkiness,
Deftness, Dexterity,
11. Alacrity Brisk and cheerful Apathy She accepted the invitation
readiness. with alacrity.
Eagerness, Willingness,
Readiness, Enthusiasm,
12. Albeit Even though. Although Living a modest life as an
editor was not as appealing
as living in the grand
style, albeit as someone
else’s valet.
13. Alleviate Make (suffering, Aggravate He could not prevent her
deficiency, or a problem) pain, only alleviate it.
less severe.

Reduce, Ease, Relieve

14. Apprise Inform or tell someone. Hoodwink, They apprised him of his
Mystify, rights.
Inform, Notify, Tell, Deceive,
Advise Mislead
15. Arbitrariness The quality of being The story is a lesson on
based on random choice the arbitrariness of fate.
or personal whim, rather
than any reason or

Peremptory, Imperious,
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

16. Authoritarianism The enforcement or Democratic, The

advocacy of strict Liberal country’s authoritarian regi
obedience to authority me maintains tight control
at the expense of over the media.
personal freedom.

Autocratic, Despotic,
17. Backlash A strong negative Closing, The mayor foresaw no
reaction by a large Opening, political backlash against his
number of people, Retreat, Boo proposal.
especially to social or
political development.

Counterblast, Comeback
18. Behest A person’s orders or An appeal, I only made the change at
command. Entreaty, the author’s behest.
Petition, Plea,
Instruction, Bidding, Urging,
Request, Requirement Proposal,
n, Suggestion
19. Blighting Have a severely Bless A broken leg blighted her
detrimental effect on. chances of winning the
Ruin, Wreck, Spoil,
20. Blistering Extremely fast, forceful, Mild This is a blistering attack on
or impressive. the government’s transport
The criticism expressed
with great vengeance.

Scorching, Blinding,
21. Bone of A subject or issue over Agreement, The refinery also was a bone
Contention which there is continuing Compatibility of contention.

Conflict, Altercation,
Apple of discord,
22. Bravura Great technical skill and Amateur, It was a
brilliance shown in a Amateurish, truly bravura performance of
performance or activity. Artless, Rude, the ballet that brought the
Unprofessional, crowd to its feet.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Virtuoso, Magnificent,
Outstanding, Exceptional
23. Bulldozing Use force insensitively Convince, She bulldozed her daughter
when dealing with Persuade into buying a new dress.
someone or something.

Bully, Browbeat,
24. Calibrated Carefully assessed, set, Dissimilate Doctor
or adjusted. carefully calibrated the
dosage of a medicine.
Correct, Fine-tune
25. Callousness This case is emblematic Charitable, The callousness of using
of a larger problem. Compassionate, children to send a political
Humane, Kind- message.
Cold-blooded, hearted
26. Catapult To suddenly experience a Refrain The award for best actress
particular state, such as meant that almost overnight
being famous. she was catapulted into the
27. Cliff-edge A point where a situation Gradual Retirement does not have to
changes very suddenly be a cliff edge, where you go
and completely in a from full-time work to no
damaging way, or where work at all overnight.
something suddenly
becomes much worse.

28. Coerce Persuade an unwilling Persuade He was coerced into giving
person to do something evidence.
by using force or threats.

29. Conducive Making a certain Unfavourable The harsh lights and cameras
situation or outcome were hardly conducive to a
likely or possible. relaxed atmosphere.

Favourable, Beneficial,
30. Confound Cause surprise or Arrange, The murder case
confusion in (someone), Classify, Order, has confounded investigators
especially by not Allocate, .
according to their Distribute
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Amaze, Astonish,
31. Consensus A general agreement. Disagreement There is a
growing consensus that the
An agreement, current regime has failed.

Harmony, Concord
32. Contagious The disease spread from Noncommunica The infection is
one person or organism ble highly contagious, so do not
to another, typically by let anyone else use your
direct contact. towel.

33. Contention Heated disagreement. Agreement Freud’s contention that all
dreams were wished
Dispute, Argument, fulfilment.
34. Contingent Subject to change. Predictable The
French contingent certainly
Accidental, Fortuitous, made their presence known
Unforeseen at this year’s conference.
35. Conundrum A confusing and difficult Answer, Axiom, Arranging childcare over the
problem or question. Explanation, school holidays can be a
Proposition, real conundrum for working
Problem, Difficulty, solution parents.
36. Counterproductive Having the opposite of Harmless Child experts fear the
the desired effect. Executive’s plans may
prove counterproductive.
Inimical, Biased,
Discriminatory, Unjust
37. Credulity A tendency to be too Worldliness, Moneylenders prey upon
ready to believe that Suspicion their credulity and
something is real or true. inexperience.

Gullibility, Naivety
38. Crippling Causing a severe and Aid, Assist, Heal, The bomb attack dealt
almost insuperable Capacitate a crippling blow to tourism in
problem. the country.

Debilitate, Incapacitate,
Weaken, Enfeeble
39. Curb A check or restraint on Release She promised she
something. would curb her temper.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Restraint, Restriction,
Check, Brake
40. Deftly In a way that is neatly Inaptly, She deftly avoided answering
skilful and quick in Awkwardly, his question.
movement. Clumsily,
In a clever way. Crudely

Adeptly, Cleverly,
41. Despondency Low spirits from loss of Cheerfulness There is a general air
hope or courage; of despondency about the
dejection. state of our democracy

42. Deterring Discourage someone Encourage Only a health problem
from doing something by would deter him from
instilling doubt or fear of seeking re-election.
the consequences.

Put off, Dissuade, Warn,

43. Detrimental Tending to cause harm. Benign, Recent policies have
Beneficial been detrimental to the
Harmful, Damaging, interests of many old people.
Injurious, Hurtful,
Inimical, Deleterious
44. Dilemma A situation in which a Solution, Retort She faces the dilemma of
difficult choice has to be disobeying her father or
made between two or losing the man she loves.
more alternatives,
especially ones that are
equally undesirable.

Quandary, Predicament,
Difficulty, Problem,
45. Discernible Able to be discerned. Imperceptible There is
no discernible reason why
Perceptible, Visible, this should be the case.
Detectable, Noticeable,
46. Discriminatory Making or showing an Impartial, Fair Business leaders must take a
unfair or prejudicial stand
distinction between against discriminatory practi
different categories of ces.
people or things,
especially on the
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

grounds of race, age, or


Prejudicial, Biased,
Preferential, Unfair,
47. Disentangled Free (something or Entangle, Snarl, It took forever
someone) from Tangle to disentangle the knot.
something that they are
entangled with.

Extricate, Extract, Free,

Remove, Disengage,
48. Disquiet A feeling of worry or Calm The leader’s decline in
unease. popularity is
causing disquiet among
Anxiety, Distress supporters.
49. Dissemination The action or fact of Repress, One of the organization’s
spreading something, Suppress, Stifle, aims is
especially information, Discountenance, to disseminate information
widely. Extirpate about the disease.

Spreading, Circulation,
Distribution, Dispersal
50. Dissonance Lack of agreement or Harmony, However, the
harmony between Similarity complex dissonances we
people or things. have seen suggest otherwise.

Incongruity, Disparity,
51. Earmarked Designate funds or Five billion dollars of this
resources for a particular year’s budget is
purpose. already earmarked for
hospital improvements.
Set aside, Keep back,
52. Earnestly With sincere and intense Frivolous, Half- He hopes school officials will
conviction. hearted continue to
work earnestly to ensure the
Seriously, Solemnly, rights of their minority
Gravely, Soberly, students.
53. Efficacious Something inanimate or Inefficacious This treatment
abstract successful in was efficacious in some
producing a desired or cases.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

intended result;

Effective, Successful,
Effectual, Productive,
54. Efficacious Something inanimate or Inefficacious This treatment
abstract successful in was efficacious in some
producing a desired or cases.
intended result.

Effective, Productive
55. Efficacy The ability to produce a Inefficacy There is little information on
desired or intended the efficacy of this
result. treatment.

Effectiveness, Success
56. Emaciation The state of being Obesity There were pictures
abnormally thin or weak. of emaciated children on the
cover of the magazine.
57. Emblematic Serving as a symbol of a Representationa This case is emblematic of a
particular quality or l, Realistic larger problem.

58. En Masse In a group. Singly The cabinet immediately
resigned en masse.
All together.
59. Envisage Contemplate or conceive Disregard, Train fare increases of 15
of as a possibility or a Ignore percent are envisaged for the
desirable future event. next year.

Foresee, Predict,
Forecast, Foretell
60. Epidemiological Relating to the branch of One of the lessons from the
medicine which deals history of epidemiology is,
with the incidence, first of all, there are things
distribution, and control that in hindsight seem
of diseases. completely obvious.
61. Espionage The practise of spying or He was charged with several
of using spies, typically counts of espionage.
by governments to
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

obtain political and

military information.

62. Exemplary Serving as a desirable Deplorable, His tact was exemplary,
model. Unworthy especially considering the
Very good, Perfect, Ideal,
63. Extradite Hand over (a person Hold, Keep He will be extradited to
accused or convicted of a Arizona from Florida.
crime) to the jurisdiction
of the foreign state in
which the crime was

Deport, Hand-over,
Repatriate, Expel
64. Festering If an argument or bad Growth, It’s better to express your
feeling festers, it Maturation, anger than let it fester inside
continues so that Ripening you.
feelings of hate or lack of
satisfaction increase.

Persisting & growing

increasingly bitter over
Breakdown, Decay, Rot
65. Formidable Inspiring fear or respect Comforting, She was once a political
through being Easy nonentity but has since won
impressively large, a formidable reputation as a
powerful, intense, or determined campaigner.

Intimidating, Forbidding,
Redoubtable, Daunting,
66. Fragile Easily destroyed or Strong, Sound, You have a fragile grip on
threatened. Durable reality.

Tenuous, Breakable,
67. Fraught Causing or affected by Calm From beginning to end, the
anxiety or stress. airlift was fraught with risks.

Anxious, Worried, Upset,

The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

68. Goading Provoke or annoy She seemed determined

(someone) so as to to goad him into a fight.
stimulate an action or

Spur, Prick, Sting, Prod

69. Hark To pay close attention. Be deaf to, I do not believe
Listen Ignore, Neglect, in harking back to the past;
Scorn, Slight. what we need is a new
70. Harried Feeling strained as a Delighted, Harried reporters are
result of having demands Pleased, frequently forced to invent
persistently made on Content, Happy, what they cannot find out.
one; harassed. Satisfied

Badgered, Bedevilled,
Haggled, Frustrated
71. Heinous A person or wrongful act, Admirable The criminal received the
especially a crime utterly death penalty for
odious or wicked. his heinous crime.

Odious, Wicked, Evil,

Atrocious, Monstrous
72. Hobnobbing Mix socially, especially She often has her picture in
with those of perceived the papers, hobnobbing with
higher social status. the rich and famous.

Associate, Mix,
Fraternize, Socialize, Go
73. Hostile Showing or feeling Friendly, Mild The president had
opposition or dislike; a hostile reception in Ohio
unfriendly. this morning.

Antagonistic, Aggressive,
74. Imminent About to happen. Remote For a man
in imminent danger of losing
Impending, At hand, his job, he appeared quite
Close, Near unruffled.
75. Immunogenic Relating to or denoting After many attempts, one
substances able to antigen was found to
produce an immune be immunogenic.
76. Impeccable In accordance with the Imperfect, Sinful His English is impeccable.
highest standards.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Faultless, Flawless,
77. Impede Delay or prevent Facilitate He claims that economic
someone or something growth is being impeded by
by obstructing them; government regulations.

Handicap, Delay
78. Imperative Of vital importance. Unimportant, The president said it
Crucial Optional was imperative that the
release of all hostages be
79. Impoverish Make (a person or area) Strengthen, The soil was impoverished by
poor. Enrich, Rich, annual burning.
Weaken, Sap, Exhaust,
Drain, Empty
80. Impunity Exemption from Liability, Criminal gangs are terrorizing
punishment or freedom Responsibility the city with
from the injurious apparent impunity.
consequences of an
Exemption, Immunity
81. Incessant Something regarded as Intermittent, The region endured weeks
unpleasant continuing Occasional of incessant rain.
without pause or

Ceaseless, Unceasing,
Constant, Continual,
82. Incoherent Spoken or written Coherent, Lucid, He screamed
language expressed in an Intelligible some incoherent threat.
incomprehensible or
confusing way.

Unclear, Confused,
83. Indentured Elating to an official He served
agreement that someone an indentured apprenticeshi
will work for someone p in mechanical engineering.
else for a length of time,
especially in order to
learn a job.
84. Ineptitude Lack of skill or ability. Ability, The team’s poor play is being
Adequacy, blamed on the ineptitude of
Incompetence the coaching staff.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

85. Inevitable Certain to happen. Avoidable, The endless public
Uncertain appearances are
Unavoidable, an inevitable part of an
Inescapable election campaign.
86. Inexplicable Unable to be explained Understandable For
or accounted for. some inexplicable reason,
her mind went completely
Unaccountable, blank.
87. Infirm Not physically or Strong, Healthy She was too elderly
mentally strong, and infirm to remain at
especially through age or home.

Frail, Weak, Feeble,

Enfeebled, Weakly
88. Innuendo An allusive or oblique Evidence, Proof, His reputation has been
remark or hint, typically Reality damaged
a suggestive or by innuendos about his
disparaging one. drinking and gambling.

Insinuation, Implication,
Hint, Suggestion,
Intimation, Overtone
89. Insistence The fact or quality of Disavowal He spoke with the
insisting that something great insistence of the need
is the case or should be for reform.

Demand, Command,
Dictate, Instruction
90. Invariably In every case or on every Sometimes, The train is invariably late.
occasion. Never

Always, Every time

91. Iteration The repetition of a Non-repetitive Your constant iteration of
process or utterance. the same piddling complaints
is wearing thin.
Version, Duplication,
Reiteration, Repetition
92. Lien A right to keep They shall be entitled to
possession of property a lien on any lot sold.
belonging to another
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

person until a debt owed

by that person is

Charge, Claim
93. Litany A tedious recital or The manufacturers are
repetitive series. reported to have received
a litany of complaints from
Recital, Repetition, dissatisfied customers.
Enumeration, Account,
94. Malicious The desire to cause pain Devotion, Love, The maliciousness of some
for the satisfaction of Amicability Internet trolls led the editor
doing harm. to start moderating
comments on the site.
Cattiness, Despite,
95. Meticulous Showing great attention Careless, The designs are hand-glazed
to detail. Sloppy, with meticulous care.
Very careful and precise.

Careful, Conscientious,
Diligent, Ultra-careful,
96. Mooring Established practice or The wind was strong enough
stabilizing influence. to tear the boat from
its moorings.
97. Morbid Characterized by an Wholesome His morbid fascination with
abnormal and unhealthy the horrors of contemporary
interest in disturbing and warfare.
unpleasant subjects,
especially death and

Ghoulish, Macabre,
Unhealthy, Gruesome,
98. Nevertheless In spite of that; I knew a lot about the subject
notwithstanding. already, but her talk was
interesting nevertheless.
All the same.

Nonetheless, Even so,

However, But
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

99. Novel New and original, not Familiar, Keeping a sheep in the
like anything seen Hackneyed, Old, garden is a novel way of
before. Time-honoured, keeping the grass short!
Tired, Warmed-
Fresh, New, Original, over
Strange, Unaccustomed,
Unfamiliar, Unheard of,
100. Oblivion The state of being Consciousness, They drank themselves
unaware or unconscious Awareness into oblivion.
of what is happening
around one.

Insensibility, Stupor,
101. Obscure Not clearly expressed or Clear, Plain Official policy has changed,
easily understood. for reasons that
remain obscure.
Abstruse, Recondite,
Arcane, Esoteric
102. Ostensibly As appears or is stated to Genuinely, The party secretary
be true, though not Really, Truly resigned, ostensibly from ill-
necessarily so; health.

Apparently, Seemingly
103. Ouster Ejection from a property, Welcoming, The committee’s chairperson
especially wrongful Retaining is facing a possible ouster.

Deprivation of an
104. Overt Done or shown openly; Covert, Hidden He shows no overt signs of
plainly apparent. his unhappiness.

105. Palpable Able to be touched or Imperceptible, The energy at each march
felt. Undetectable was palpable—the
exhilaration of young people
Tangible, Perceptible, finding a collective voice.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

106. Panoply An extensive or There is a whole panoply of

impressive collection. remedies and drugs available
to the modern doctor.
Array, Range, Collection
107. Paramount More important than Last, Least There are many priorities but
anything else. reducing the budget deficit is
Supreme of paramount importance.
108. Partisan A strong supporter of a Impartial, News channels have become
party, cause, or person. Unbiased increasingly partisan.

Follower, Adherent,
Devotee, Champion
109. Perplexing Completely baffling. Unquestioned, They find the company’s
Manifest, Clear, attitude perplexing and
Very puzzling. Evident, unreasonable.
110. Petulant A person or their Good- He was moody and petulant.
manner) childishly sulky humoured,
or bad-tempered. Easy-going,
Peevish, Bad-tempered,
111. Politburo The principal policy- The outbreak has been
making and executive tentatively contained but has
committee of a not reached a turning point
yet, according to China
Communist party. Central Television, which
cited a politburo meeting.
112. Precise Marked by exactness and Imprecise, There was a good turnout for
accuracy of expression or Inaccurate the meeting – twelve of us to
detail. be precise.

Exact, Accurate, Correct,

113. Probity The quality of having Badness, Evil, Her probity and integrity are
strong moral principles; Evildoing, beyond question.
honesty and decency. Immorality,
Integrity, Honesty,
114. Proclivity A tendency to choose or Aversion, Anna was very worried about
do something regularly. Disinclination, her son going to kindergarten
Indisposition because he has
An inclination or a proclivity to misbehave
predisposition towards a
particular thing.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Liking, Inclination,
Tendency, Leaning,
115. Procrastination The action of delaying or Punctual, I know I’ve got to deal with
postponing something. Expedite the problem at some point –
I’m just procrastinating.
Dithering, Delaying
tactics, Stalling,
116. Puerile Childishly silly and Mature, I find his sense of humour
immature. Sensible rather puerile.

Childish, Immature,
Infantile, Juvenile,
117. Rambling Writing or speech Concise, Pithy He gave a
lengthy and confused or long rambling speech.

Digressive, Prolix, Wordy

118. Rampant Something unwelcome Controlled, Rampant inflation means
flourishing or spreading Under that our wage increases soon
unchecked. controlled become worth nothing.

Unchecked, Unbridled,
119. Reciprocate Respond to (a gesture or Absolve, Acquit, Sadly, my feelings for him
action) by making a Excuse, Forget, were not reciprocated.
corresponding one. Forgive, Neglect

Recompense, Repay,
120. Recuse Challenge (a judge, He will have
prosecutor, or juror) as to recuse himself from that
unqualified to perform hearing.
legal duties because of a
potential conflict of
interest or lack of

A Judge excuse oneself

from a case because of a
potential conflict of
interest or lack of
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

121. Resolve Settle or find a solution Indecision Have you resolved the
to a problem or problem of transport yet?
contentious matter.

Sort out, Solve

122. Resumption the action of beginning Suspension, The president called for an
something again after a Abandonment immediate ceasefire and
pause or interruption. a resumption of negotiations
between the two sides.
Restart, Reopen
123. Retaliate Make an attack in return Turn the other They used their abilities
for a similar attack. cheek to retaliate the injury.
Fight back, Strike back,

Respond, React
124. Retribution A punishment inflicted Lenity, They fled because they
on someone as Forgiveness, feared retribution for the
vengeance for a wrong Sympathy, genocide.
or criminal act. Leniency, Grace,
Penalty, Nemesis, Fate,
Doom, Payback, Requital
125. Retrograde Directed or moving Forward He said it would be
backwards. a retrograde step to remove
single parent benefits.
Backwards, Reverse,
126. Reverential Of the nature of, due to, Irreverence He opened the ancient book
or characterized by with reverential care.

Fear, Veneration, Awe

127. Robust Strong and healthy. Weak, Frail He looks robust and healthy
Vigorous, Sturdy,
128. Salvage To try to make a bad Abandon, Lose, After the fraud scandal, he
situation better. Injure had to make great efforts
to salvage his reputation.
Rescue, Retrieve,
129. Scramble To compete with other She scrambled up the steep
people for something hillside and over the rocks.
there is very little of.
130. Scurrility The quality or state of Moral, Discreet, The disgust at his
being scurrilous. Civil, supposed scurrility will
Unoffending, neither change his own
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Abuse, Billingsgate, Polite, Decent, beliefs nor convince anybody

Fulmination, Invective, Inoffensive else to join in opposition.
Obloquy, Vitriol
131. Seroprevalence The level of a pathogen Some local governments
in a population, as have done their
measured in blood own seroprevalence researc
serum. h.
132. Setback A reversal or check in Breakthrough, This will be a
progress. Step forward serious setback for the peace
Problem, Difficulty,
Issue, Hitch,
Complication, Upset
133. Slumping Undergo a sudden Rise, Soar The value of the property
severe or prolonged fall has slumped.
in price, value, or

Plummet, Plunge,
Tumble, Drop
134. Snowballed Increase rapidly in size, Contract, Problems snowball when
intensity, or importance. Decrease, early trouble signs are
Diminish, ignored.
Accelerate, Accumulate, Dwindle
Appreciate, Balloon
135. Sophistry The use of clever but Honesty, Truth The reasoning may be
false arguments, plausible, but it is no better
especially with the than sophistry.
intention of deceiving.

Sophism, Casuistry,
Quibbling, Equivocation
136. Sordid Involving immoral or High- There are lots of
dishonourable actions mindedness, really sordid apartments in
and motives; arousing Respectable the city’s poorer areas.
moral distaste and

Sleazy, Seedy,
Unsavoury, Shoddy
137. Sovereignty Supreme power or Subservience, Talks are being held about
authority. Subjection, who should have sovereignty
Dependence over the island.
Jurisdiction, Supremacy,
Dominion, Power,
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

138. Spatial Relating to or occupying This task is designed to test

space. children’s spatial awareness.
139. Spearhead An individual or group End, Stop, Finish Joe Walker will
chosen to lead an attack be spearheading our new
or movement. marketing initiative.

140. Speculation The forming of a theory Realization, The book is just a lot of
or conjecture without Proof, Fact, idle speculation about the
firm evidence. Verification, future.
Conjecture, Theorizing,
Supposition, Guesswork
141. Stagflation Persistent high inflation But the threat
combined with high of stagflation — the term
unemployment and used to describe an
stagnant demand in a economic slowdown coupled
country’s economy. with rising prices — is real.
142. Startling Very surprising, Predictable, He bore a startling likeness
astonishing, or Ordinary to their father.

Surprising, Astonishing,
143. Straddle To straddle something is Decisive The president has tried
also to be unable to to straddle the issue of
decide which of two political fund-raising.
opinions about
something is better, and
so to partly support both
144. Stray Move away aimlessly Methodical, I think we have strayed too
from a group or from the Non-random, far from our original plan.
right course or place. Orderly,
Go astray, Drift, Get lost Regular,
145. Strident A sound loud and harsh. Soft, Dulcet His voice had become
increasingly strident.
Grating, Raucous,
Rasping, Jarring, Loud
146. Surreal Having the qualities of Realistic, Real Reading a newspaper
surrealism. account of your ancestors’
fleeing for their lives is
a surreal pain.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Bizarre, Unusual, Weird,

Strange, Unbelievable,
147. Surreptitiously In a way that attempts to Open, Overt, Mary surreptitiously slipped
avoid notice or Public from the room.

Secretively, Clandestine,
148. Tardiness The quality or fact of Punctuality, Forgive my tardiness, I had
being late. Timeliness some very important
business to attend to.
Lateness, Delay,
149. Tranquillity The quality or state of Boisterous, I love the tranquillity of the
being tranquil. Clamorous, countryside.
Calm Deafening
150. Transgress Go beyond the limits of Obey Those are the rules, and
what is morally, socially, anyone who transgresses will
or legally acceptable. be severely punished.

To break a law or moral


Misbehave, Err, lapse

151. Transpire A secret or something Conceal It transpired that millions of
unknown) come to be dollars of debt had been
known. hidden in a complex web of
Be revealed
152. Unenviable Difficult, undesirable, or Enviable, I had the unenviable task of
unpleasant. Desirable cleaning up after the party.

Unpleasant, Undesirable,
153. Uninhibited Expressing one’s feelings Inhibited, She gave a
or thoughts Controlled, loud, uninhibited laugh.
unselfconsciously and Reserved,
without restraint. Repressed

154. Unprecedented Never done or known Normal, The government took
before. Common the unprecedented step of
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

releasing confidential
Unparalleled, correspondence.
Unequalled, Unmatched,
155. Unrelenting Not yielding in strength, Intermittent, She will be remembered as
severity, or Spasmodic an unrelenting opponent of
determination. racial discrimination.

Implacable, Inflexible,
156. Unrestrained Not restrained or Restrained, She was fined for driving with
restricted. Restricted an unrestrained infant.

unrestricted, Unchecked
157. Upend Set or turn (something) I upended the bucket to use
on its end or upside as a stool.

158. Valour Great courage in the face Cowardice He was promoted to the rank
of danger, especially in of major in recognition of
battle. his valour during the battle.

Bravery, Courage,
159. Vet Make a careful and During the war, the
critical examination of government vetted all news
something. reports before they were
Screen, Assess, Evaluate,
Appraise, Examine
160. Vitiate Spoil or impair the Development programmes
quality or efficiency of. have been vitiated by the
rise in population.
Destroy or impair the
legal validity of
161. Wary Feeling or showing Unwary, Dogs which have been
caution about possible Inattentive, mistreated often remain
dangers or problems. Trustful very wary of strangers.

Cautious, Careful,
Circumspect, Chary, Alert
162. Wilting to grow weak or faint. Thrive, Flourish The crowd wilted in the heat.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster July 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

163. Zenith The time at which Bottom, Nadir, She is at the zenith of her
something is most Rock bottom career as a dancer.
powerful or successful.

Acme, Apex Apogee,

Capstone, Climax,
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