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Nutrition 4347

Liver Disease Case Study

In Class Group Assignment

1. The most common cause of cirrhosis is alcohol ingestion.

What are other potential causes of cirrhosis?
 Viral hepatitis B, C
 Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
 Autoimmune hepatitis
 Primary biliary cirrhosis
 Hemochromatosis
 Granulomatous disease
 Drug induced liver disease
 Venous outflow obstruction
 Cardiac cirrhosis etc.

What is the cause of this patient’s condition?

2. Which clinical manifestations of cirrhosis does this patient possess? Discuss

these clinical manifestations. .
3. Uncontrolled glucose levels is a symptom commonly observed in cirrhotic
patients. What is the physiological basis for this? Discuss Ms. Blakely’s
glucose levels.
4. Examine the patient’s chemistry values. Which labs support the diagnosis of
5. Outline the nutrition therapy of for cirrhosis and discuss the rationale for
each modification.
6. Calculate the patient’s energy and protein needs. Provided the rationale for
the standards you used.
7. Review this patient’s medications. Discuss the purpose of each medication.
8. Select two nutrition problems and complete the PES statements for each.

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