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Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Geosciences, Princeton University
Guyot Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544 1 (512)-971-4039

Alyssa J. McKanna (Anderson)


Arizona State University (ASU), School of Earth and Space Exploration 2019
Ph.D. Geological Sciences

Gemological Institute of America 2014
G.G. Graduate Gemologist

Middlebury College 2012
B.A., Geology, Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude, Geology Honors

University of Otago 2011
Semester abroad with coursework in geologic field studies

Research Experience

Hess Postdoctoral Fellow 2019-Present
Princeton University Department of Geosciences
• TIMS U-Pb geochronology
• Mentor: Dr. Blair Schoene

Graduate Research Assistant 2014-2019
ASU School of Earth and Space Exploration
• Dissertation: “Radiation damage and helium diffusion in mineral chronometers”
• Noble gas geochemistry and geochronology, Raman spectroscopy, and diffusion modeling
• Advisor: Dr. Kip Hodges

Undergraduate Student Researcher 2010-2011

Middlebury College
• Senior Thesis: “Low-temperature thermochronology and the topographic evolution of the
White Mountains, New Hampshire”
• Apatite (U-Th)/He dating and thermal modeling
• Advisor: Dr. Will Amidon

REU Student Researcher 2010
University of Texas at Austin Environmental Science Institute
• Evaluated fluorescent growth banding in a Texas stalagmite to determine its potential as a
paleoclimate proxy

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Anderson, A.J., Hodges, K.V., van Soest, M.C., and Hanchar, J.M., 2020. Helium diffusion in zircon:
The effects of anisotropy and radiation damage revealed by laser depth profiling. Geochimica et
Cosmochimica Acta 274, 45-62.

Anderson, A.J., Hanchar, J. M., van Soest., M.C., Hodges, K.V., 2020. Mapping radiation damage
zoning in zircon using Raman spectroscopy: Implications for zircon chronology. Chemical Geology
538, 119494.

Anderson, A.J., Hodges, K.V., van Soest, M.C., and Hanchar, J.M., 2018, Helium diffusion in natural
xenotime. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20, 417-433.

Anderson, A.J., Hodges, K.V., and van Soest, M.C., 2018, Comment on ‘Distinguishing slow cooling
versus multiphase cooling and heating in zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He datasets: The case of the
McClure Mountain syenite standard' by Weisberg, Metcalf, and Flowers. Chemical Geology 498,

Anderson, A.J., Hodges, K.V., and van Soest, M.C., 2017, Empirical constraints on the effects of
radiation damage on helium diffusion in McClure Mountain zircon. Geochimica et Cosmochimica
Acta 208, 308-322.

Amidon, W.H., Roden-Tice, M., Anderson, A.J., McKeon, R.E., and Shuster, D.L., 2016, Late
Cretaceous unroofing of the White Mountains, New Hampshire, USA: An episode of passive margin
rejuvenation? Geology 44, 415-418.

Honors & Awards

ASU School of Earth and Space Exploration Summer Research Award Recipient 2017
Research funds granted - $2,000

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention 2015

Charles G. Doll Award 2012
Vermont Geological Society Spring Meeting

Analytical Experiences & Skills

Noble gas, thermal ionization, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry • laser ablation
analyses • U-Pb column chemistry • Raman spectroscopy • scanning electron microscopy •
cathodoluminescence and backscattered electron imaging • interferometric microscopy • mineral
syntheses • X-ray diffraction analyses • diamond anvil cell high-pressure experiments • mineral
separation • computer modeling using Matlab • QTQt thermal modeling • data reduction using
Iolite, Igor Pro, and ET Redux software.

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Teaching Experience

Lecturer 2020
Princeton University Department of Geosciences
• Co-instructor for Quantifying Geologic Time
• Mixed undergraduate-graduate level course on geochronology, thermochronology, and
radiogenic isotopes

Teaching Assistant & Lab Instructor 2015-2018
ASU School of Earth and Space Exploration
• Introduction to Geology: Lecture, lab, and online

First Year Mentor & Peer Writing Tutor 2010-2011
Middlebury College

Student Advising

Undergraduate Research Co-Advisor
Princeton University Department of Geosciences
• Junior Project 2020-Present
o Isabel Koran, "The thermal evolution of a collapsing orogen"
• Senior Thesis 2019-2020
o Laurie Zielinski, "Evaluation of portable sequentially shifted excitation Raman
spectroscopy for applications in art and archeology," awarded the Frederick
Barnard White thesis prize from the Princeton Department of Art and Archeology

Related Professional Experience

Gemologist Appraiser
C. Kirk Root Designs, Austin, TX 2012-2014
• Identified, graded, and valued diamonds, colored gemstones, precious metal jewelry, and
watches for insurance, estate, fair market, and liquidation purposes

Non-Vertebrate Paleontology Lab Intern 2009
Texas Memorial Museum, Austin, TX

Department Outreach & Service

Princeton University

Solid Earth Seminar "Brown Bag" Organizer 2019-Present
• Invited and arranged schedules for weekly seminar speakers

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Princeton Women in GeoSciences (PWiGS) 2019-Present
• Arranged professional development dinner for graduate students and postdocs with
visiting speaker
• Graduate student mentor

Arizona State University

Graduate Council Recruitment Chair 2017-2018
• Organized visitation weekend for prospective SESE graduate students

Earth and Space Exploration Day Volunteer 2014-2018
• Developed ‘How to Date a Rock’ exhibit

Open Door Volunteer 2015-2017
• Played “Doctor Radiation” for the radioactive mineral exhibit

Guest lecturer 2016
Westview High School, Avondale, AZ

Service to the Geoscience Community

Thermo2020 Scientific Committee (postponed due to COVID-19) 2020
• Co-organize and convene the half-day " (U-Th)/He thermochronometry: theory, nuts &
bolts, and best & new practices” session

Peer Review 2018-Present
• Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems • Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta • Terra Nova •
American Mineralogist • Scientific Reports

Professional Development

Preparing for an Academic Career 2019
National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT)

Invited Talks

Princeton University Department of Geosciences Seminar 2019
"Mineral Chronometers: What does a date mean?"

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Conference Presentations (as 1st Author)

McKanna, A.J., Schoene, B., Volkert, R.A., and Lewis, L., 2020, Magnetite-apatite mineralization in a
Grenville inlier: Temporal constraints on regional metamorphism and metasomatism: Geological
Society of America Fall Conference. Abstracts with Programs.

Anderson, A.J., van Soest, M.C., Hanchar, J.M., Hodges, K.V., 2018, Radiation damage zoning in
zircon: Intracrystalline Variations in Helium Diffusion: Goldschmidt Meeting, Boston, MA.

Anderson, A.J., Hodges, K.V., van Soest, M.C., and Hanchar, J. M., 2017, Helium diffusion in natural
xenotime: American Geophysical Union Fall Conference. Abstract #265364.

Anderson, A.J., Hodges, K.V., and van Soest, M.C., 2016, Empirical constraints on the effects of
radiation damage on He diffusion kinetics in zircon: Geological Society of America Fall Conference,
Abstracts with Programs, v. 48, no. 7.

Anderson, A., 2012, Low-temperature thermochronology and the topographic evolution of the
White Mountains, New Hampshire: The Vermont Geological Society Spring Conference, The Green
Mountain Geologist, v. 39, no. 2, p. 10-11.

Anderson, A., Banner, J., Musgrove, M., Hagemann, M., and Folk, R., 2011, Microscopic growth
banding in a stalagmite from Central Texas: Implications for paleoclimate reconstruction:
Geological Society of America Fall Conference, Abstracts with Programs, v. 43, no. 5, p. 423.

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