STEM Term 3 Project

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Dcode, an economic and financial consulting firm, recently shared the below chart dividing industries

into two groups: Potential Winners and Potential Losers. With some industries, such as Oil & Gas, falling
into both categories. And some industries (i.e. Tourism & Leisure) losing more than others (i.e.
Education), and some industries (i.e. Medical Supply & Services) winning more than others (i.e.

PART 1 Due Wednesday April 15, 2020 @11:59 pm (before midnight) email:

1. Slide 1 Title slide with your name, course name, Teacher’s name, and Title ‘Industries After
2. Slide 2 Introduction Slide (the above chart with a small paragraph explaining the content of it
and where it came from to show you understand it)
3. Slide 3 Select one Winning industry, and one Losing industry from the above chart (1 Slide)
4. Slide 4 How does the losing industry you chose rate among other industries in Lebanon and
worldwide? (1 Slide)
5. Slide 5 How does the winning industry you chose rate among other industries in Lebanon and
worldwide? (1 Slide)
6. Slide 6 List three major products/Services of the losing industry you chose (3 Local & 3
International) (1 Slide)
7. Slide 7 List three major products/Services of the losing industry you chose (3 Local & 3
International) (1 Slide)

(Make sure your findings are for the last decade from 2010 onwards)
PART 2 Due Wednesday April 22, 2020 @11:59 pm (before midnight) email:

Perform a SWOT Analysis for both industries in Lebanon and Worldwide (SWOT – Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

Add the slides to your previous assignment

Slide 8 (Just a title slide for the SWOT analysis of the losing industry you chose: i.e. SWOT Analysis for

Slides 9-12 for each one (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) of the Losing industry make
one slide including 3 local and 3 worldwide.

Sample Slide

STRENGTHS (Agriculture)



Slides 13-16 for each one (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) of the Winning industry make
one slide including local and worldwide.

Sample Slide

OPPORTUNITIES (Medical Supply)



(Make sure your findings are for the last decade from 2010 onwards)
PART 3 Due Wednesday April 29, 2020 @11:59 pm (before midnight) email:

Having researched your industries in depth, you are now responsible for designing a product or service
that serves the winning industry you have selected. (You have to think like an entrepreneur, an
engineer, a businessman/woman, a designer)

Your product/service must:

1. Solve a problem or address a weakness you identified in your SWOT analysis of the winning
industry you selected
2. Be inspired by an opportunity you identified in your SWOT analysis of the winning industry you
3. Be innovative and not done before (If it’s something used or created before then you must
propose an improvement to it)

Slide 17

Introduce your proposed product/service in details (What is it? How it works? Is there anything similar
to it in the market? How did you come up with this product/service?)

Slide 18

How does your product/service solve a problem or address a weakness in that industry? (What is the
connection? How is it a weakness?)

Slide 19

How is your product/service inspired from an opportunity (what is the connection? How is it an

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