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W/F Notes

23 and 25/09/2020

Admin (5)
You have a zero draft—what next??
Climate check
Why are we doing all these initial steps?
 This is exploratory essay, build ideas, writing is a process, etc.
 Also to avoid plagiarism. I will discuss how to avoid unintentional plagiarism next week
in bonus video, but you need to start reading up on this and begin a WC page now.
Read/skim EW, ch. 15 on citing sources in MLA style. Will allow you to know what’s
 Also help prepare you for U3, which is more research-intensive.

Outlining lesson, or how do you get from a zero draft to a first draft (rest)
 Most efficient and effective way? Write a working thesis and use it to develop an
 Pass out handout (5). Look at the example theses on handout. Online-only: read through
example theses, noting subclaims as you go.
 Put thesis templates on the board. Your essay will probably use one of these:
o They say/I say
o On the surface/beneath the surface
o On one hand/on the other hand
o In the past/in the present

 Go over student example (10): Madi’s outline

o She volunteered to share her zero draft because she was having a hard time
coming up with a working thesis.
o What we did in class…she brought in a zero draft and then as a full class we
brainstormed how to convert it into an academic argument/first draft. This is
what we came up with…Online-only: read Madi’s example
o Tips for synthesizing ideas/generating a working thesis:
 Identify patterns, interesting ideas/reflections, claims, and tensions. Write
in margins.
 Make web of ideas
 Make a list of subclaims
 Generate working thesis from those ideas.

 Now, look at your zero draft and do the same (20)

o Synthesize ideas/pick your poison
o Explain to a partner: verbalizing usually helps you solidify/clarify ideas
o Now, create a working thesis and outline (like Madi’s)
o Online-only: email me your outline by Friday at 1.

 Wrap-up: Reflect on what we’ve done (5)

o Share/examples
o Where are the holes in the evidence?
o If you are lost (no working thesis), you must come to office hours.

HW: Complete draft, using outline and revised thesis. Submit it Assignments and be ready to
work on it on Monday.

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