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Fr. Caroselli Street, Poblacion, Valencia City, Bukidnon

Telephone Number: 828-1499

Human Anatomy and Physiology

General Directions: Write your answers in a one whole yellow paper or a bond paper. Please
utilize one side of the paper only. Download a scanner application on your android or apple
phones then scan the documents that you had written. Submit then the pdf format of your
scanned papers on the chat group that we had made on or before June 10, 2020. Please don’t
forget to write your names on your requirements.

Test I. Copy the questions and answer it. Identify the following. Write the correct answer on the
space provided before each number. You can choose your answers from the box of suggested
answers provided below.

__________1. Modified sudoriferous glands involved in lactation.

__________2. A small, cylindrical mass of erectile tissue and nerves in the female; homologue
of the male glans penis

__________3. Produce mucus in the female during sexual arousal and intercourse; homologous
to the male bulbourethral glands.

__________4. The group of cells that nourish the developing oocyte and begin to secrete

__________5. A pathway for sperm to reach the uterine tubes; the site of menstruation; the
site of implantation of a fertilized ovum; the womb.

__________6. Produces progesterone, estrogens, relaxins and inhibin.

__________7. Draw the ovum into the uterine tube.

__________8. The opening between the uterus and vagina.

__________9. Muscular layer of uterus; responsible for expulsion of fetus from uterus.

__________10. Mucus-secreting glands in the female that are homologous to the prostate

__________11. The female copulatory organ; the birth canal.

__________12. Passageway for the ovum to the uterus; usual site of fertilization; site of tubal

__________13. Refers to the external genitals of the female

__________14. The layer of the uterine lining that is partially shed during each monthly cycle.

Follicle Corpus luteum uterine tube fimbriae uterus

cervix endometrium vagina vulva
clitoris paraurethral glands greater vestibular glands

Mammary glands myometrium

Fr. Caroselli Street, Poblacion, Valencia City, Bukidnon
Telephone Number: 828-1499

__________15. Site of sperm maturation

__________16. The male copulatory organ; a passageway for ejaculation of sperm and
excretion of urine.

__________17. Sperm-forming cells.

__________18. Produce an alkaline substance that protects sperm by neutralizing acids in the

__________19. Ejects sperm into the urethra just before ejaculation.

__________20. The supporting structure for the testes.

__________21. Carries the sperm from the scrotum into the abdominopelvic cavity for release
by ejaculation; is cut and tied as a means of sterilization.

__________22. The shared terminal duct of the reproductive and urinary system in the male

__________23. Surrounds the urethra at the base of the bladder; produces secretions that
contribute to sperm motility and viability.

__________24. Produce testosterone

__________25. Supporting structure that consists of the ductus deferens, testicular artery,
autonomic nerves, veins that drain the testes, lymphatic vessels, and cremaster muscle.

__________26. Support and protect developing spermatogenic cells; secrete inhibin; form the
blood-testis barrier.

__________27. Secrete an alkaline fluid to help neutralize acids in the female reproductive
tract; secrete fructose for use in ATP production by sperm.

__________28. Contraction and relaxation moves testes near to or away from pelvic cavity.

__________29. Site of spermatogenesis.

Spermatogenic cells Sertoli cells Leydig cells penis

scrotum epididymis ductus deferens

Ejaculatory duct seminiferous tubules seminal vesicles

Prostate gland bulbourethal glands urethra

Spermatic cord cremaster muscle

__________30. Relaxes the uterus by inhibiting myometrial contractions during monthly cycles;
increases flexibility of the pubic symphysis during childbirth.
Fr. Caroselli Street, Poblacion, Valencia City, Bukidnon
Telephone Number: 828-1499

__________31. Stimulates Leydig cells to secrete testosterone in males and triggers ovulation
in females.

__________32. Inhibits production of FSH by the anterior pituitary gland.

__________33. Posterior pituitary hormone responsible for uterine contraction and release of
milk from mammary glands.

__________34. Stimulates male pattern of development; stimulates protein synthesis;

contributes to sex drive.

__________35. Stimulates male external genital development.

__________36. Maintains the corpus luteum during the first trimester of pregnancy.

__________37. Contribute to male sexual behavior, spermatogenesis, and libido.

__________38. Promotes development of female reproductive structures; lowers blood


__________39. Stimulates the initial secretion of estrogens by growing follicles; promotes

follicle growth.

__________40. Is secreted by the corpus luteum to maintain the uterine lining during the first
trimester of pregnancy.

__________41. Anterior pituitary hormone that stimulates milk production.

Inhibin LH FSH Testosterone

Estrogen progesterone Relaxin

Human chorionic gonadotropin prolactin

Oxytocin androgens dihydrotestosterone

__________42. A fluid-filled sphere of cells that enters the uterine cavity.

__________43. Cells produced by cleavage

__________44. The developing individual from week nine of pregnancy until birth

__________45. The outer covering of cells of the blastocyst

__________46. Membrane derived from trophoblast

Fr. Caroselli Street, Poblacion, Valencia City, Bukidnon
Telephone Number: 828-1499

__________47. Early divisions of the zygote

__________48. A solid sphere of cells still surrounded by the zona pellicula

__________49. Event in which differentiation into the three primary germ layers occurs

__________50. Embryonic development of structures that will become the nervous system

__________51. The formation of blood vessels to support the developing embryo

__________52. Result of the fusion of female and male pronuclei

Cleavage Blastomeres Morula

Angiogenesis Trophoblast Blastocyst

Zygote Gastrulation Neurulation

Chorion Fetus

__________53. Stimulates the corpus luteum to continue production of progesterone and


__________54. Increases the flexibility of the pubic symphisis and helps dilate the uterine
cervix during labor

__________55. Secreted by the placenta; helps establish the timing of birth and increases the
secretion of cortisol for fetal lung maturation

__________56. Helps prepare mammary glands for lactation; regulates certain aspects of
maternal and fetal metabolism

__________57. Stimulates uterine contractions; responsible for the milk ejection reflex

__________58. Promotes milk synthesis and secretion; inhibited by progesterone during


Oxytocin Human chorionic somatomammotropin

Human chorionic gonadotropin prolactin

Corticotropin-releasing hormone relaxin

__________59. The penetration of a secondary oocyte by a single sperm cell

Fr. Caroselli Street, Poblacion, Valencia City, Bukidnon
Telephone Number: 828-1499

____________60. Fertilization of a secondary oocyte by more than one sperm.

____________61. The attachment of a blastocyst to the endometrium

____________62. The fusion of the genetic material from a haploid sperm and a haploid
secondary oocyte into a single diploid nucleus

____________63. The induction by the female reproductive tract of functional changes in

sperm that allow to fertilize a secondary oocyte

____________64. The examination of embryonic or fetal cells sloughed off into the amniotic

____________65. An abnormal condition of pregnancy characterized by sudden hypertension,

large amounts of protein in urine and generalized edema

____________66. Noninvasive test that can detect fetal neural tube defects

____________67. The process of giving birth

____________68. The period of time (about 6 weeks) during which the maternal reproductive
return to the prepregnancy state

Fertilization capacitation syngamy

Polyspermy implantation amniocentesis

Preeclampsia parturition puerperium

Maternal AFP test

_____________69. The embryonic membrane that entirely surrounds the embryo

_____________70. Functions as an early site of blood formation; contains cells that migrate
into the gonads and differentiate into the primitive germ cells

_____________71. Becomes the principal part of the embryonic placenta; produces human
chorionic gonadotropin

_____________72. Modified endometrium after implantation has occurred; separates from the
endometrium after the fetus is delivered

_____________73. Contains the vascular connections between mother and fetus

_____________74. The fetal portion is formed by the chorionic villi and the maternal portion is
formed by the decidua basalis of the endometrium; allows oxygen and nutrients to diffuse from
maternal blood into fetal blood
Fr. Caroselli Street, Poblacion, Valencia City, Bukidnon
Telephone Number: 828-1499

_____________75. Serves as an early site of blood vessel formation

Decidua placenta amnion

Chorion allantois yolk sac

Notochord chorionic villi

Umbilical cord

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