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Polysomnography Reference Values in Healthy Newborns

Ameet S. Daftary, MBBS, MS1; Hasnaa E. Jalou, MD1; Lori Shively, RN1; James E. Slaven, MS2; Stephanie D. Davis, MD3
Division of Pediatric Pulmonology, Allergy and Sleep Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Indiana University School of Medicine, Riley Hospital for Children, Indianapolis, Indiana;

Department of Biostatistics, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana; 3Department of Pediatrics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Study Objectives: Polysomnography (PSG) is increasingly used in the assessment of infants. Newborn PSG reference values based on recent
standardization are not available. This study provides reference values for PSG variables in healthy newborn infants.
Methods: Cross-sectional study of normal term newborn infants using standardized PSG collection and American Academy of Sleep Medicine
interpretation criteria.
Results: Thirty infants born between 37 and 42 weeks gestation underwent PSG testing before 30 days of age (mean 19.6 days). The infants had a mean
sleep efficiency of 71% with average proportions of transitional, NREM and REM sleep estimated at 16.1%, 43.3% and 40.6% respectively. Mean arousal
index was 14.7 events/h with respiratory arousal index of 1.2 events/h. Mean apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) was 14.9 events/h. Central, obstructive, and mixed
apnea indices were 5.4, 2.3, and 1.2 events/h respectively. Mean oxygen saturation in sleep was 97.9% with a nadir of 84.4%. Mean end tidal CO2 was 35.4
mmHg with an average of 6.2% of sleep time spent above end-tidal CO2 45 mmHg and 0.6% above 50 mmHg.
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Conclusions: The sleep efficiency was significantly lower and the AHI was significantly higher compared to healthy children older than 1 year. The AHI
was also higher than reported in healthy infants older than 1 month. These findings suggest current severity classifications of sleep apnea may not apply to
newborn infants.
Keywords: apnea, infant, polysomnography, sleep study
Citation: Daftarya AS, Jaloua HE, Shivelya L, Slavenb JE, Davisc SD. Polysomnography reference values in healthy newborns. J Clin Sleep Med.

Current Knowledge/Study Rationale: Polysomnography (PSG) is increasingly used in the assessment of young infants, notably for airway
obstruction. However, available reference data for PSG interpretation do not include newborns since procedural standardization by the AASM. Older
reference values have used nonstandard methodology.
Study Impact: This study provides reference values in healthy newborns to assist with PSG interpretation and clinical decision making on major
interventions at this vulnerable age.
Copyright 2020 American Academy of Sleep Medicine. All rights reserved.

I N T RO D U C T I O N sleep apnea has been well documented to occur in the litera-

ture11; however, little is known about the long-term outcome
Infant apnea is clinically well recognized and has been a sub- of the condition and therefore clinicians are constantly facing
ject of considerable research over the years because of concerns dilemmas regarding when intervention is necessary.
for its association with sudden infant death syndrome,1 airway Polysomnography (PSG) is the gold standard test to evalu-
obstruction especially with craniofacial and chromosomal ab- ate for sleep apnea, and several studies have been performed
normalities,2–4 and decreased respiratory reserve in chronic over the years in healthy children with the goal of establish-
lung disease.5 Infants spend significant amounts of each day ing normative data.12–16 Studies involving PSG during infancy
asleep; therefore, it is intuitive that those prone to apnea would have varied in testing methodology and largely excluded
experience such events during sleep. Newborns have a higher neonates, restricting generalizability for clinical use in the
predisposition to apnea during sleep due to various physiologic newborn age group.17 A review of infant PSG demonstrates
limitations including immature control of breathing, as well a much higher occurrence of respiratory disturbances com-
as higher upper airway and chest wall compliance resulting in pared to older children.17 With the increasing use of PSG in
a lower respiratory reserve.6–9 Nerve conduction delays due to infant sleep assessment, the American Academy of Sleep
neuronal immaturity have been associated with apnea in neo- Medicine standardized this tool for infants and urged de-
nates.10 The Collaborative Home Infant Monitoring Evaluation velopment of reference values in healthy newborns.18,19 The
study corroborated this by demonstrating a higher prevalence aim of our study was to describe the PSG findings in healthy
of apnea in infants younger than 42 weeks postconceptional newborn infants using recently standardized testing and
age, with a maturational decline in frequency of events.1 Infant interpretation criteria.20

Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 15, No. 3 437 March 15, 2019
AS Daftary, HE Jalou, L Shively, et al. Polysomnography in Healthy Newborns

METHODS the daytime—9:00 am to 3:00 pm. PSG tests were performed in

technical accordance with standards proposed by the AASM, by
Healthy newborn infants were enrolled from the nurseries of a single registered polysomnography technician for consistency
regional hospitals in the Indianapolis metropolitan area. Infor- in collection. We collected electroencephalogram (placement of
mational posters regarding the study were posted in the postna- frontal [F3,F4], central [C3,C4], occipital [O1, O2] referenced to
tal wards of area hospitals as a source of awareness. A financial the opposite mastoid electrodes [M1,M2]), electro-oculogram,
incentive was offered to participants. Newborns were recruited electromyogram (chin and both legs), electrocardiogram, pres-
for the purposes of this study and were not part of a cohort of sure transducer and thermistor airflow, uncalibrated respira-
participants in other research studies at our institution. Indi- tory inductance plethysmography, oximetry, and end-tidal CO2
viduals were identified after direct contact from families inter- (ETCO2) data with video monitoring of the study for scoring
ested in participation. The maternal and infant medical records support. All studies were scored by a single pediatric pulmo-
of potential participants were then screened for suitability for nologist board certified in sleep medicine (AD), in accordance
study participation. Any missing information was subsequently with the pediatric scoring rules proposed by the AASM. In ad-
acquired by direct contact between the family and the study dition to the routine PSG variables and indices recommended by
coordinator (LS). The study was approved by the Indiana Uni- the AASM, we calculated a respiratory arousal index for each
versity School of Medicine Institutional Review Board and in- infant, as the frequency of arousals per hour that followed respi-
formed consent was obtained from all parents. Newborns were ratory events within 1 second of event termination. Fifteen stud-
defined as infants younger than 31 days for the purposes of this ies were re-analyzed by a second board-certified pediatric sleep
study. PSG tests were performed at the American Academy of medicine physician (HJ) for quality control. Scorers were not
Sleep Medicine (AASM) accredited sleep laboratory at Riley blinded to the study goal. The interscorer agreement was high
Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health. We included with a mean kappa statistic of 0.9. PSG variable data were col-
healthy newborns born at 38 to 42 weeks gestation determined lected using the following equipment: Natus SleepWorks PSG
based on postmenstrual age, to mothers aged 17 to 40 years software (Pleasanton, California, United States), nasal airflow
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at the time of delivery. Mothers who were on prenatal vita- and side stream ETCO2 sampling using nasal sensors (Dyna-
mins and had received courses of antibiotics during pregnancy medix Diagnostics, Shoreview, Minnesota, United States; Salter
and labor were included. As neonates typically sleep for 3 to Labs, Arvin, California, United States), Protech 2 channel pe-
4 hours between awakenings for feedings, we included all in- diatric thermistor (Philips Respironics, Murrysville, Pennsyl-
fants who had at least 2.5 hours of sleep time with presence of vania, United States), oximetry (Massimo Radical 7, Irvine,
both REM and NREM sleep. Exclusion criteria included infants California, United States), and respiratory inductance pleth-
born to mothers with any chronic medical illness or gestational ysmography (PerfectFit, Dynamedix Diagnostics, Shoreview,
complications (hospitalization for hyperemesis gravidarum, Minnesota, United States), and Capnography (Capnocheck Plus,
antepartum bleeding that required hospitalization or surgical Smiths Medical PM, Inc, Waukesha, Wisconsin, United States).
management, gestational diabetes that required more than diet
control, pregnancy induced hypertension needing any inter- Statistical Analysis
vention, antenatal steroid use or substance abuse, history of a Univariate analyses were performed for both descriptive pur-
medical or surgical illness that required hospitalization during poses and to determine the distributions of the variables of in-
pregnancy). Additional exclusion criteria included history of terest. Correlation analyses and analyses of variance (ANOVAs)
maternal smoking during or after pregnancy, any resuscitation were performed to test for associations between the PSG vari-
Copyright 2020 American Academy of Sleep Medicine. All rights reserved.

at birth beyond airway suction and blow by oxygen for more ables of interest and the independent clinical and demographic
than 5 minutes, congenital anomalies, gastroesophageal reflux variables, with correlation analyses being performed with
requiring treatment, hypotonia, feeding difficulties, meconium continuous independent variables and ANOVA models being
stained amniotic fluid, neonatal respiratory illness—including performed with categorical independent variables. If variables
transient tachypnea of the newborn, apnea, stridor or stertor, hy- were skewed, Spearman nonparametric analyses were per-
perbilirubinemia requiring phototherapy, genetic or metabolic formed for continuous variables and log transformations were
problems and a family history of childhood apnea, congenital performed on the PSG variables when necessary for ANOVAs,
heart disease, metabolic disorders, inherited neurologic disor- to follow ANOVA assumptions. All analyses were performed
ders, stillbirth, or sudden infant death syndrome. Participants using SAS v9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina, United
were evaluated by a board certified pediatric sleep medicine States). The value of significance was P < .05 in this study.
physician on the day of the PSG to ensure there were no health
concerns. A detailed clinical assessment to ensure newborns
were healthy, with no respiratory concerns including snoring, R ES U LT S
stridor, and tachypnea, was performed by the physician.
PSG tests were attended, performed at an altitude of 732 feet A total of 38 healthy newborns were enrolled in the study, of
above sea level, at ambient temperature of 20–23°C, and lasted whom 31 underwent PSG. Seven infants did not show for the
6 hours. Infants were studied in the supine position in a crib, PSG within the newborn period and were excluded. One re-
clothed, and swaddled. The infants were allowed to feed and to cord from the 31 completed studies was excluded due to cor-
use pacifiers during the study. Because neonates do not have es- ruption of the raw data after collection; therefore, data from
tablished circadian rhythms, the studies were performed during 30 newborns were analyzed and are reported (Figure 1).

Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 15, No. 3 438 March 15, 2019
AS Daftary, HE Jalou, L Shively, et al. Polysomnography in Healthy Newborns

Demographic and clinical information on the participants is statistically significant correlations between the AHI or peri-
summarized in Table 1. Twelve males and 18 female infants odic breathing and the following variables: birth weight, birth
participated. Twenty (66.7%) were Caucasian, four (13.3%) length, gestational age, maternal age, Apgar score, birth order,
were African American, and six (20%) were Latino or part or age at time of study.
Latino-Caucasian. Twenty-six babies were delivered vaginally The median oxygen saturation during sleep was 98% with
and four were delivered via cesarean section. The mean age at nadir of 85% (range: 95.5 to 99.7% and 69 to 93% respectively).
time of study was 19.6 days (median 19.5, range 7 to 30 days). The median proportion of sleep time less than 90% oxygen satu-
Sleep architectural variables are summarized in Table 2 and ration was 0.3% of total sleep time (range 0 to 2%). The median
respiratory variables in Table 3. The mean duration of NREM
sleep was 111.5 minutes (range 69–145); REM sleep, 105.3
minutes (33–151.5); and transitional, 40 minutes (15–68.5). Figure 1—Study consort diagram.
The mean apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) was 14.9 events/h
(median 14.5, range 1 to 37), with hypopneas being the most 38 newborns enrolled
common respiratory events, followed by central, obstructive,
and then mixed sleep apneas. There was a preponderance of
respiratory events in REM sleep for a mean REM AHI of 23.6
7 newborns did not show or withdrew
events/h (median 20.6, range 2 to 92.6). The mean duration
of central apneas was 5.7 seconds (median 5.6, range 4.3 to
8.1) with an average maximum duration of 8.3 seconds (me-
dian 8.4, range 4.3 to 13.8). The mean duration of obstructive 31 newborns completed
apneas was 6 seconds (median 5.9, range 4.6 to 8.3) with an
average maximum duration of 7.6 seconds (median 7.5, range
4.9 to 11.5) and the mean duration of mixed apneas was 6.6 sec-
1 record was corrupted and excluded
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onds (median 6.7, range 4.3 to 9.2) with an average maximum

duration of 8 seconds (median 7.5, range 4.9 to 13.5). The mean
duration of hypopneas was 6.8 seconds (median 6.7, range 4.9
to 9.7) with an average maximum duration of 11.2 seconds (me- 30 PSG tests per goal analyzed
dian 10.8, range 7.3 to 17.3 seconds). Periodic breathing was
present in 12 of the newborns (40%) for a mean of 1.16% of
total sleep time (median 0, range 0 to 11.3%). We did not find PSG = polysomnography.

Table 1—Demographic and clinical characteristics (n = 30).

Sex, male (n) 12
Race Caucasian (n = 20), African American (n = 4), other (n = 6)
Mean Standard Deviation Median Range
Gestational age (weeks) 39.3 0.8 39.0 38.0–41.0
Copyright 2020 American Academy of Sleep Medicine. All rights reserved.

Age at time of study (days) 19.6 6.6 19.5 7.0–30.0

Birth weight (kg) 3.3 0.5 3.3 2.5–4.5
Birth length (cm) 50.7 2.6 50.4 44.5–56.0
Apgar score at 10 minutes 8.9 0.5 9.0 7.0–10.0
Maternal age (years) 28.1 5.6 29.2 19.5–37.9

Table 2—Sleep architecture variables.

Variable Mean Standard Deviation Median Range
TST (minutes) 260.5 43.9 258.3 160.0–362.0
Sleep efficiency (%) 71.9 8.8 72.1 47.0–85.7
Transitional sleep (%TST) 16.1 4.8 15.7 6.1–28.7
NREM sleep (%TST) 43.3 7.3 44.5 27.6–61.5
REM sleep (%TST) 40.6 7.4 41.1 19.5–56.3
Total arousal index (events/h) 14.7 3.9 13.9 6.2–22.3
Awakening index (events/h) 8.1 2.3 8.0 4.1–13.8
Respiratory arousal index (events/h) 1.2 0.7 1.1 0.0–3.2

NREM = non-rapid eye movement, REM = rapid eye movement, TST = total sleep time.

Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 15, No. 3 439 March 15, 2019
AS Daftary, HE Jalou, L Shively, et al. Polysomnography in Healthy Newborns

Table 3—Respiratory variables during sleep.

Variable Mean Standard Deviation Median Range
Apnea-hypopnea index (events/h) 14.9 9.1 14.5 1.0–37.7
Central apnea index (events/h) 5.4 6.2 3.3 0.0–27.2
Obstructive apnea index (events/h) 2.3 2.5 1.8 0.2–12.5
Mixed apnea index (events/h) 1.2 1.5 0.9 0.0–8.3
Hypopnea index (events/h) 6.3 3.4 5.9 0.7–12.9
Mean SpO2 (%) 97.9 1.2 98.2 95.5–99.7
Nadir SpO2 (%) 84.4 4.8 85.0 69.0–93.0
Oxygen desaturation index (events/h) 17.6 11.0 16.6 0.5–41.0
Time < SpO2 90% (%) 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.0–2.0
Mean ETCO2 (mmHg) 35.4 4.7 35.4 27.0–47.0
Mean max ETCO2 (mmHg) 46.1 4.5 46.2 36.5–55.0
Time > ETCO2 45 mmHg (%) 6.2 14.3 0.1 0.0–54.3
Time > ETCO2 50 mmHg (%) 0.6 2.5 0.0 0.0–12.9

ETCO2 = end tidal carbon dioxide, SpO2 = oxygen saturation.

Table 4—Published PSG parameter values in healthy infants.

Brockmann Brockmann
Variable Daftary et al. Duenas-Meza et al. Scholle et al.*
et al. et al.
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n 30 37 37 106 22
Age group < 30 days 1 month 3 months < 45 days 1.1–1.7 years
AASM staging AASM staging and respiratory
No sleep staging, No sleep staging, Non-AASM staging
Methodological differences and respiratory scoring for age, 2 different
no ETCO2 no ETCO2 criteria used, no ETCO2
scoring for age PSG software, no ETCO2
Altitude above sea level 732 feet N/A N/A 5,250 feet
Sleep efficiency (%) 71.9 N/A N/A 79.7 87.9
NREM sleep (%TST) 43.3 N/A N/A 45.9 73.0
REM sleep (%TST) 40.6 N/A N/A 53.2 25.6
Transitional sleep (%TST) 16.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Arousal index (events/h) 14.7 N/A N/A 19.0 8.5
Respiratory arousal index (events/h) 1.2 N/A N/A 1.6 N/A
Median duration CA (seconds) 5.6 5.1 5.1 N/A
Median duration OA (seconds) 5.9 5.1 5.1 N/A Mean duration of respiratory
Median duration MA (seconds) 6.7 6.8 6.8 N/A events = 7.9 seconds
Copyright 2020 American Academy of Sleep Medicine. All rights reserved.

Median hypopnea duration (seconds) 6.7 6.6 6.6 N/A

Apnea-hypopnea index (events/h) 14.9 7.8 4.9 21.4 2.8
Mean SpO2 (%) 97.9 N/A N/A 92.5 98.0
Nadir SpO2 (%) 84.4 N/A N/A 70.0 92.0
Time < SpO2 90% (%) 0.5 N/A N/A 10.3
Oxygen desaturation index (events/h) 17.6 8.2 7.5 REM 91.7; NREM 47.1 0.1
Mean ETCO2 (mmHg) 35.44 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Mean time > ETCO2 45 mmHg (%) 6.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A

* = data compiled from the same participants published in three different manuscripts by authors. CA = central apnea, ETCO2 = end tidal carbon dioxide,
MA = mixed apnea, NREM = non-rapid eye movement, OA = obstructive apnea, ODI = oxygen desaturation index, PSG = polysomnography, REM = rapid
eye movement, SpO2 = oxygen saturation, TST = total sleep time.

ETCO2 in sleep was 35.4 mmHg with a peak of 46.2 mmHg. D I SCUS S I O N
Ten infants spent more than 1% of total sleep time above an
ETCO2 of 45 mmHg, of whom three spent more than 25% of To our knowledge this is the first study that provides PSG ref-
total sleep time above an ETCO2 of 45 mmHg. Two newborns erence values for infants younger than 1 month utilizing the
spent sleep time above an ETCO2 of 50 mmHg and none had recently standardized AASM testing and scoring guidelines.20
more than 5% of total sleep time above an ETCO2 50 mmHg. Our data corroborate that newborns spend relatively equal

Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 15, No. 3 440 March 15, 2019
AS Daftary, HE Jalou, L Shively, et al. Polysomnography in Healthy Newborns

Figure 2—Comparison of ETCO2 tracings. Figure 3—Distribution of AHI by age of newborns.

Top: ETCO2 tracing of a 16-year-old. Bottom: ETCO2 tracing of a study

participant. Top tracing shows plateauing of the wave form, barely seen
in the newborn ETCO2 tracing. ETCO2 = end-tidal carbon dioxide.
AHI = apnea-hypopnea index.

proportions of time in NREM and REM sleep (after excluding

transitional sleep).21 Respiratory events were common in our infants, and are attributed most commonly to airway dynamic
participants, with most being brief and less than 10 seconds collapse with trend towards spontaneous resolution with air-
in duration. No events exceeded 20 seconds duration in our way maturation26,27
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study. The AHI was higher in our newborns than established Although there is some lack of consensus, an AHI > 1 event/h
normative data in older children12,13,22 with a higher prevalence is considered abnormal in the pediatric age group, which is
of respiratory events in REM as compared to NREM sleep.23 based off normative data from older children.13,28 Using such a
Oxygen desaturations were common in our participants, but low threshold can potentially result in overtreatment of sleep
brief and self-resolving, with a cumulative sleep time spent apnea in young infants, particularly if treatment guidelines
below a saturation of 90% never exceeding 2% of total sleep from the American Academy of Pediatrics were extrapolated
time. The mean ETCO2 was lower in our participants than in to this age group.29 Our study results support consideration of
older children14 and exceeded 50 mmHg in fewer than 1% of a different severity classification for sleep apnea in infancy.
the participants. The AASM defines pediatric hypoventilation as > 25% of total
Previously published literature on respiratory and sleep sleep time above an ETCO2 of 50 mmHg.30 The faster respira-
parameters in infants has used varying methodology limiting tory rates of young infants preclude plateauing of the ETCO2
current clinical generalizability.17 Although our study used the wave form (Figure 2), resulting in the potential for underesti-
new sleep staging recommendations from the AASM, the sleep mation of CO2 as compared to formal blood gas testing. It is
efficiency, arousal indices and relative proportions of REM therefore not surprising that the CO2 values we report are lower
and NREM sleep are similar to data from previously reported than those in normative data studies performed in older chil-
Copyright 2020 American Academy of Sleep Medicine. All rights reserved.

literature21,23 (Table 4). Consistent with previously reported dren. Our study shows that capnography can be performed in
data using PSG in infants, our study shows that the mean AHI newborns and provides reference values for noninvasive CO2
in healthy newborns is higher than older children.17,24,25 Our estimation using this modality. Capnography data have not
study revealed that hypopneas are the most frequent respira- been described by Brockmann et al. or Duenas-Meza et al. in
tory events, followed by central apneas, obstructive apneas their infant PSG reference studies.
and mixed apneas, in that order. Brockmann et al. reported With the increasing use of PSG in treatment decisions rang-
reference values for respiratory events in healthy infants at 1 ing from apparent life-threatening episodes (now brief resolved
and 3 months of age and also found central apneas to be more unexplained events), to oxygen supplementation in neonatal
prevalent than obstructive apneas, which in turn were more chronic lung disease, to surgical interventions for neonatal
prevalent than mixed apneas; however, their hypopnea index airway obstructive disorders, reference values from healthy
was much lower than in our study.24 Potential explanations infants are important for treatment decisions.3,5,31 Although the
may be the older age of participants, differences in sensitiv- AHI is the most commonly used index to base clinical deci-
ity of their monitoring equipment, altitude of the study (not sions, our data show a wide range in this index in newborns.
reported), or underestimation of hypopneas (if significant por- As seen in Figure 3, there is considerable intersubject vari-
tions of nasal airflow data were disregarded due to artifact as ability in the AHI. We did not find significant correlations with
was implied). The duration of respiratory events was similar demographic variables to explain this variance, which could
between Brockmann et al. and our study (Table 4). Brock- be partly because of our small sample size, but may also be
mann et al. and Duenas-Meza et al.25 reported that obstructive a reflection of the inherent immaturity of control of breath-
respiratory events are normal in infants. Obstructive respira- ing and immature pulmonary physiology characteristic of this
tory events have been described based on airway endoscopy in age group. The oxygen saturation nadir in our study is lower

Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 15, No. 3 441 March 15, 2019
AS Daftary, HE Jalou, L Shively, et al. Polysomnography in Healthy Newborns

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The authors thank the families that participated in this study and the staff that
supported its execution. We also acknowledge the grant support by the Department
of Pediatrics, Indiana University School of Medicine to enable this study.
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Copyright 2020 American Academy of Sleep Medicine. All rights reserved.

Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 15, No. 3 443 March 15, 2019

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