Peepli Live

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style for substance. News is sexed up and

Fire in Satire, Evasion tabloidisation of its content is frequent.
Sting operations are an everyday occur-
as Opposition rence. To top it all, we get “Breaking
News” every hour (Thussu: 103-04).
Second, the subjects that interest the
Bhupendra Yadav media may not interest all the 400 millions
watching satellite and cable TV in India.

he commentary by M K Raghavendra but functions to banish it. We find a few For instance, the news channels use cinema,
(“Peepli Live and the Gesture of sequences in Peepli Live where this seems cricket and crime to infotain us 24×7. But
Concern”, EPW, 25 September 2010) true. Sometime after he is tricked into all of us may really be interested in know-
makes interesting reading for two reasons. becoming the suicidal scapegoat, Natha ing why glaciers are melting and how close
First the writer has rightly pointed out develops cold feet. He asks his elder the deluge is. Why does the best food not
that in the 1950s and 1960s, the star-studded brother, Budhiya, to commit suicide in- reach us at reasonable prices? How is the
films on rural India were political narra- stead. “But how can I? The TV has declared power to change land use being misused by
tives of class conflict. On the other hand, you as the courageous one and your the governing elite? Is there any thought
the star-less Peepli Live, made in 2010, is like photos have already been broadcast”, given to improving the police?, etc.
a lullaby for the English-knowing “nation”, says the wily Budhiya. The corporate media is always decked
only a gesture of “humanist” concern. Ask- up and is trying so hard through newer
ing searching questions in the film would Representation of Reality products to catch more eyeballs than the
have been desirable at a time when the After theatre and cinema, the media competition. Yet, most of the time, it ends
agricultural crisis is severe. marks the highest stage of representation up making a fool of itself and not us.
The second reason why Raghavendra’s of reality. Those in power may think that What should I believe? Are the Murdochs
article is interesting is that it says the they can use the media to manipulate and of the world, with all their big bucks,
economy is nowadays commandeering seduce the masses. However, the reverse talented specialists and creative profes-
culture and social criticism. The article is also possible. The beleaguered object of sionals, calling the shots? Or is the viewer
argues that the corporatisation of films media scrutiny, like any virus under attack, a winner, behaving as s/he is like a
has caused a united front of capital against also “invents strategies to counterfeit, evade, “disobedient object” with innovative
socio-economic criticism and that there is disguise, disappear” (Baudrillard: 79). techniques to evade, disguise and dis-
greater censorship today because the job The media expands and thinks it appear? We would like to believe that
of the censor board is being done by the creates reality after its wish. From just one there can be fire in satire and evasion is
economy. Here the writer is over-stretching dedicated news channel, i e, Star News, in also a form of opposition.
his argument and is being pessimistic 1998, we have more than 40 today. The
about the possibilities of subversion. screen and networks are more important References
Much is known/said about politicians to them than the scene and the people. Baudrillard, Jean (2000): The Vital Illusion (New
York: Columbia University Press).
most of the time. So, let us take the media. So much information is generated that
Thussu, Daya Kishan (2007): News as Entertainment:
The media is powerful and much of it is there is an information overload. So many The Rise of Global Infotainment (London: Sage
capitalist. But ordinary people subvert the images are pressed into service, through
power of the media in everyday life the in-house digital archives or OB vans, that
through simple ways. Years ago, Jean the anchors themselves look bewildered. More Retail Outlets for EPW
Baudrillard, in his The Vital Illusion, sug- On the other hand, as consumers of the
gested two things about representation of news channels we forget in the morning The Economic & Political Weekly (EPW) is
reality by the media. First, he said, the what we saw the night before. We greet all now available at a number of additional
virtual is becoming the enemy of reality the self-serving efforts of the media by retail outlets.
and, second, even masses can manipulate either forgetting or remaining passive. You can now buy the latest issues of the
the media. The term “couch potato” is coined to tease EPW at Landmark, Odyssey, Crossword,
Baudrillard said that, in the past, reality us out of our passivity. To seduce us to Sankars and other select bookstores
was the destination of virtual representation remember the milestones of TV program- across the country. Please look for EPW
in theatre and literature. Now, however, mes come programmes like “Whose Line at the Outlook Counter at the above
the virtual does not stand in for the real Is It, Anyway?” mentioned stores.
No one asks just why we are so passive If you need any help locating a store
to TV or why we so easily forget its content. please call us at 022-40638282 and we
Bhupendra Yadav ( is I can think of two reasons for this indiffer- would be able to assist you.
with the MD University, Rohtak. ence. First, the flashy media has substituted
80 october 23, 2010 vol xlv no 43 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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