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ACW 2491 Financial Accounting

Topic 5: Property, Plant and Equipment (Revaluation Model)

Workshop exercises

1. Initial recognition of PPE- purchase price, directly attributable costs, costs of dismantling,
removal and disposal
2. Revaluation model
a. Fair value(FV) vs Carrying amount (CA)
b. Revaluation upwards and downwards; initial and subsequent

On 30 June 2015, an item of machine had a cost of $100,000 and carrying amount of $90,000. The
machine is measured using the cost model, and depreciated on a straight line basis over 10-year period.
On 31 December 2015, the company decided to change the basis of measuring the machine from cost
model to the revaluation model. The machine was revalued to $88,000. At 30 June 2016, the machine
was assessed to have a fair value of $79,000 with an expected useful life of 5 years.
Prepare the journal entries during the period 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016 in relation to the machine.
1. Identify model – Revaluation
2. Values to find and use: Carrying amount Vs Fair value
3. Entries required for revaluation upwards or downwards
a. Upwards: Record depreciation expense (if needed); Close Acc depreciation; Revalue
upwards, Tax effect on depreciation; Net effect to equity
b. Downwards: Record depreciation (if needed); Close Acc depreciation; Revaluation
downward charge to PL
4. Subsequent reversal?
a. Downwards reversing upwards
b. Upwards reversing downwards
Solution for Exercise 1
Depreciation expense 5,000
Acc Depreciation 5,000
(Record current depreciation)

Acc Depreciation 15,000

Machine 15,000
(Close accumulated depreciation)

Machine 3,000
Gain on Revaluation- OCI 3,000
(Revaluation of asset)
ITE- OCI 900
DTL 900
(Tax effect on depreciation)

Gain on Revaluation- OCI 3,000

ITE- OCI 900
ARS 2,100
(Accumulation of net revaluation gain in equity)

Depreciation expense 5,176
Acc Depreciation 5,176
(Record current depreciation)

Acc Depreciation 5,176

Machine 5,176
(Close accumulated depreciation)

Loss on revaluation - OCI 3,000

Loss on revaluation- PL 823
Machine 3,823
(Downwards revaluation reversing previous upwards)

DTL 900
ITE- OCI 900
(Tax effect on depreciation)

Asset Revaluation Surplus 2,100

ITE - OCI 900
Loss on Revaluation- OCI 3,000
(Accumulation of net revaluation gain in equity)

On 30 June 2016, an item of machine had a cost of $100,000 and carrying amount of $90,000. The
machine is measured using the cost model, and depreciated on a straight line basis over 10-year period.
On 31 December 2016, the company decided to change the basis of measuring the machine from cost
model to the revaluation model. The machine was revalued to $80,000. At 30 June 2017, the machine
was assessed to have a fair value of $80,500 with an expected useful life of 5 years.
Prepare the journal entries during the period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017 in relation to the machine.
Solution for Exercise 2
Depreciation expense 5,000
Acc Depreciation 5,000
(Record current depreciation)

Acc Depreciation 15,000

Machine 15,000
(Close Acc depreciation)

Loss on revaluation- PL 5,000

Machine 5,000
(Revaluation downwards)


Depreciation expense 4,706

Acc Depreciation 4,706

(Record current depreciation)

Acc Depreciation 4,706

Machine 4,706

(Close acc depreciation)

Machine 5,206

Gain on revaluation- PL 5,000

Gain on Revaluation – OCI 206

(Upwards revaluation reversing previous downwards)

ITE - OCI 62

DTL 62

(Tax effect on revaluation)

Gain on Revaluation – OCI 206


Asset Revaluation Surplus 144

(Net effect of revaluation to equity)

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