Client Brief: Positive Aging Lab

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Client Brief 
Positive Aging Lab 

Positive Aging Lab provides receptive listening (focused listening) of primarily classical music 
combined with individual-specific music to aid dementia patients with memory loss. The lab and 
app also help process challenges related to memory loss, such as trouble sleeping and thinking 
clearly through culturally-fulfilling activities. The benefits of this service are realized using 
cognitive and rhythmic techniques. 

Typically, activities include asking the families of the patients favorite music to include in the 
“session” streamed from an Android app for intervention to give the patient some comfort and 
jog their memory. Some patients become more alert, speak more clearly, sing along with the 
music and dance. 

The Positive Aging Laboratory (PAL) is a research laboratory devoted to the translation of 
integrative health research into practice to promote physical, mental, and social wellbeing in later 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), dementia is a general term 
for the impaired ability to remember, think, or make decisions that interferes with doing everyday 
activities. Of those at least 65 years of age, there are an estimated 5.0 million adults with 
dementia in 2014 and is expected to double within the next 40 years. Early onset can begin when 
people are in their 30s, 40s, or 50s. Dementia is not part of normal aging. Causes of dementia 
can be age, family history, race/ethnicity, poor heart health, and or traumatic brain injury.  

Many middle-aged individuals all around the Tampa area experience the aging process in 
different ways. For some, this includes struggles with memory loss, dementia, or even just feeling 
the burdens that stress brings. Positive Aging Lab wants to be an organization that offers services 
to help these individuals regain a sense of perceptive focus and relaxation. Using the universal 
benefits of music and community, Positive Aging Lab aims to contribute to the wellbeing of 
middle-aged people around Tampa. 


1. Expand consumer knowledge of the existence and benefits of Positive Aging Lab and 
increase participation through means of a Q1-Q2 2021 communications campaign. 
2. Create a brand image for Positive Aging Lab that is consistent across all communication 
3. Create awareness for both PAL lab sessions and the MUSER app by targeting their 
respective audiences. 

1. Adults who care for and/or make decisions for middle-aged or older family members, 
ages 39-79, with some form of memory loss. 
a. The typical age of adults who care for their older family members can range from 
19-45 years old.  
b. Generation Z and millennials tend to be more tech savvy, as they will understand 
the basis and development of the app.  
c. The motivation for this group is seeing their family members positively impacted 
through the listening of classical music.  
2. Caretakers in charge of assisted-living residents, care facility patients that have some 
form of memory loss.  
a. Reaching this audience through internal communication, including face-to-face 
and email marketing to exchange information such as the goals, policies, plans, of 
the organization.   
3. Middle-aged adults who have gone through multiple stages of life and carry the burden of 
a. Age group: 29-49 years old.  
b. Helping this group understand the importance of music and how it can be a 
“positive addiction,” instead of addiction to caffeine or other substances that 
negatively affect the brain.  

● Detailed marketing communications strategy that will lead to higher awareness among 
● Creation of social media accounts and organization website with information on what PAL 
● Development of media messaging content for audiences 

○ Videos about lab, weekly music highlights, etc. 

● Creation of a brand image for Positive Aging Lab that is consistent across all platforms 


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