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Halle Conklin

Mr. Reilly

ELL 359

16 September 2020

Learning Styles

1. This student's learning style is visual. Being aware that this student is a visual learner can

make it much easier for me as the teacher to provide the student with proper learning

tools that can help this student succeed. Visual learners learn better with things that they

can see opposed to being lectured. Now that I know the student is a visual learner I can

provide more visual learning exercises to help this student thrive. A visual learner thrives

in a learning environment with different visuals such as: pictures, diagrams, and graphs.

These tools are things that the student can see in more of a picture form or draw out to

help them understand the information better.

2. This student's learning style is applied learning. Being aware that this student is an

applied learner can help me as the teacher provide more real objects such as bringing in

examples to the classroom to help this student learn the material better. If I wasn't aware

that this student was an applied learner and wasn't accommodating to the learning style

they prefer best they could be struggling in the material that is being taught. An applied

learner thrives with real objects and situations. Providing real-life examples such as

relating the information to the students daily life can help them understand the material

much easier than just lecturing the student with the information. Examples are huge with

this learning style.

3. This student's learning style is spatial learning. Being aware that this student is a spatial

learner is great to know because now I am aware that this student is good at visually or

mentally seeing how things work. If I provided this student possibly with trying to build

something they can thrive in this area. A spatial learner is when an individual is able to

visually or mentally see how things work. Spatial learners are typically good at drawing,

assembling, or repairing things.

4. This student's learning style is social learning. Being aware that this student is a social

learner is great information. Doing lot’s of partner work and group work can help this

student really thrive in their learning environment. A social learner is when an individual

would rather work with a partner or their classmates along with their instructors over

working individually. These types of individuals prefer to interact with others and be

social while learning material.

5. This student's learning style is creative. Being aware that this student is a creative learner

can help me provide this student with different learning assignments to help them thrive

in this area. Some things I can do are give the students different types of experiments to

complete or come up with their own creation to get their imagination going. A creative

learner is when an individual uses their imagination or is innovative. These types of

learners aren't afraid to take risks. These types of learners rather learn through discovery

or experimentation.

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