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Announcements Review Person & Number

Morphology - LING 21000

Instructor: Laura Stigliano

The University of Chicago

October 19, 2020

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 1 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number


Changes in the Syllabus (see the new version on Canvas)

Wednesday: Person & Number (Bobaljik 2008)

For Ling majors – Sapir Scholars

Plan for today:

- Finish Embick (2015) - Chapter 4 (except Section 4.6)
- Start with Inflectional features (Person & Number)
(- Practice - Section 4.6 from Embick 2015)

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 2 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number


- Vocabulary Insertion: the mechanism responsible for

supplying phonological information to terminal nodes

- Vocabulary Items: [αβγ] ↔ /X/

- Contextual allomorphy is the phenomenon in which a
functional morpheme doesn’t have a unique exponent,
but two or more contextually conditioned exponents

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 3 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

Vocabulary Items

The Vocabulary Items must be augmented so that the non-defaults

(those with the -t and -∅ exponents) apply only in the context of
some verbs, and not across the board.

(1) Vocabulary Items

√ √
a. T[+past] ↔ -t/{ Bend, Leave, ...}
√ √
b. T[+past] ↔ -∅/{ Hit, Quit, ...}
c. T[+past] ↔ -ed
→ where the notation /X means in the context of X.

VIs are ordered in terms of specificity

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 4 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

The Subset Principle

(2) Subset Principle: The phonological exponent of a Vocabulary

Item is inserted into a position if the item matches all or a
subset of the features specified in the terminal
morpheme. Insertion does not take place if the Vocabulary
Item contains features not present in the morpheme. Where
several Vocabulary Items meet the conditions for insertion,
the item matching the greatest number of features
specified in the terminal morpheme must be chosen.
(Halle 1997)

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 5 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

Why is *leav-ed ungrammatical?
What insures that we do not see both of the past tense exponents -t
and -ed, as in *lef-t-ed? Or two -t exponents, as in *lef-t-t, or three
-ed exponents, as in *play-ed-ed-ed, and so on?
(3) Vocabulary Items
√ √
a. T[+past] ↔ -t/{ Bend, Leave, ...}
√ √
b. T[+past] ↔ -∅/{ Hit, Quit, ...}
c. T[+past] ↔ -ed

v T[+past]
√ v

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 6 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

Why is *leav-ed ungrammatical?
What insures that we do not see both of the past tense exponents -t
and -ed, as in *lef-t-ed? Or two -t exponents, as in *lef-t-t, or three
-ed exponents, as in *play-ed-ed-ed, and so on?
(3) Vocabulary Items
√ √
a. T[+past] ↔ -t/{ Bend, Leave, ...}
√ √
b. T[+past] ↔ -∅/{ Hit, Quit, ...}
c. T[+past] ↔ -ed

v T[+past]
√ v

→ competition for insertion

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Announcements Review Person & Number


The Vocabulary
√ Item with -t wins over the one with -ed in the
context of Leave.

(5) Uniqueness: In a derivation, only one Vocabulary Item may

apply to a morpheme.
(6) Terminal Insertion: Insertion targets only morphemes
(terminal nodes).

It is not the case that one word ‘blocks’ another word: left does not
block *bended. The ungrammatical forms –in this example, those
with ‘incorrect’ allomorphs of T[past] like *bend-ed– are never
generated or considered in the derivation of bent.

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Announcements Review Person & Number

Person & Number

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Announcements Review Person & Number

Person and Number

How many persons are there?

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 9 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

Person and Number

How many persons are there?

(7) Daga pronouns Traditional three-value person

sg pl systems: [1], [2], [3]
1 ne nu (+ number distinctions)
2 ge e [1sg], [2sg], [3sg], [1pl], [2pl], [3pl]
3 me mu

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 9 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

Person and Number

How many persons are there?

(7) Daga pronouns Traditional three-value person

sg pl systems: [1], [2], [3]
1 ne nu (+ number distinctions)
2 ge e [1sg], [2sg], [3sg], [1pl], [2pl], [3pl]
3 me mu

(8) Ojibwa pronouns How do we account for a four-way

sg pl contrast with only 3 ‘values’?
1ex niin niinawint
1in * kiinawint
2 kiin kiinawaa
3 wiin wiinawaa

Are there five-way distinctions? What about 6 or 7-way distinctions?

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 9 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

Imaginable persons

Let’s suppose there are three person features (i.e. [1], [2], [3]) that
can be combined, we could have, in principle,

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 10 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

Imaginable persons

Let’s suppose there are three person features (i.e. [1], [2], [3]) that
can be combined, we could have, in principle, seven distinctions

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 10 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

Imaginable persons

Let’s suppose there are three person features (i.e. [1], [2], [3]) that
can be combined, we could have, in principle, seven distinctions,
independent of other features:
(9) Imaginable persons
1 speaker(s) only
2 hearer(s) only
3 other(s) only
1+2 speaker(s) and hearer(s); no ‘others’
1+3 speaker(s) and others; hearer excluded
2+3 hearer(s) and others; speaker excluded
1+2+3 speaker(2); hearer(s) and other(s)
→ this means that we should be able to find up to seven-way
distinctions in human languages
Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 10 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

Possible persons
Despite the logical possibility of a seven-way contrast, certain distinctions
are never morphologized → the maximal attested contrast is the four-way
contrast (e.g. Ojibwa) (many languages show even less, e.g. English)

→ Language Universal
claim that’s absolute, exceptionless (not a statistically significant trend)

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 11 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

Possible persons
Despite the logical possibility of a seven-way contrast, certain distinctions
are never morphologized → the maximal attested contrast is the four-way
contrast (e.g. Ojibwa) (many languages show even less, e.g. English)

→ Language Universal
claim that’s absolute, exceptionless (not a statistically significant trend)
Attested vs. Imaginable person inventories
3-person inventory Maximal partition 4-person inventory
(Daga, English, etc.) inventory (unattested) (Ojibwa, Ilocano, etc.)
(general) first 1 first exclusive
1+2+3 first inclusive
second 2 second
third 3 third

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 11 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

Universals in person inventories

Attested vs. Imaginable person inventories
3-person inventory Maximal partition 4-person inventory
(Daga, English, etc.) inventory (unattested) (Ojibwa, Ilocano, etc.)
(general) first 1 first exclusive
1+2+3 first inclusive
second 2 second
third 3 third

Universal 1: No chorus ‘we’ (1 = 1+3)

No language distinguishes between a group containing only the speaker(s)
and a group containing only the speaker(s) and other(s).

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 12 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

Universals in person inventories

Attested vs. Imaginable person inventories
3-person inventory Maximal partition 4-person inventory
(Daga, English, etc.) inventory (unattested) (Ojibwa, Ilocano, etc.)
(general) first 1 first exclusive
1+2+3 first inclusive
second 2 second
third 3 third

Universal 1: No chorus ‘we’ (1 = 1+3)

No language distinguishes between a group containing only the speaker(s)
and a group containing only the speaker(s) and other(s).
Universal 2: No exclusive ‘you’ (2 = 2+3)
No language distinguishes between a group containing only the hearer(s)
and a group containing only the hearer(s) and other(s).

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 12 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

Universals in person inventories

Attested vs. Imaginable person inventories
3-person inventory Maximal partition 4-person inventory
(Daga, English, etc.) inventory (unattested) (Ojibwa, Ilocano, etc.)
(general) first 1 first exclusive
1+2+3 first inclusive
second 2 second
third 3 third

Universal 1: No chorus ‘we’ (1 = 1+3)

No language distinguishes between a group containing only the speaker(s)
and a group containing only the speaker(s) and other(s).
Universal 2: No exclusive ‘you’ (2 = 2+3)
No language distinguishes between a group containing only the hearer(s)
and a group containing only the hearer(s) and other(s).
Universal 2: No comprehensive ‘we’ (1+2 = 1+2+3)
No language distinguishes between a group containing the speaker(s) and
the hearer(s) and a group containing the speaker(s), the hearer(s) and
Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 12 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

For Wednesday

Read Bobaljik (2008) - Sections 1 & 2

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 13 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number


Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 14 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

Three tenses for Latin laudāre:
present imperfect perfect
1s laudō laudābam laudāvī
2s laudās laudābās laudāvistī
3s laudat laudābat laudāvit
1p laudāmus laudābāmus laudāvimus
2p laudātis laudābātis laudāvistis
3p laudant laudābant laudāvērunt

What synsem features and morphemes do we need?

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 15 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

Three tenses for Latin laudāre:
present imperfect perfect
1s laudō laudābam laudāvī
2s laudās laudābās laudāvistī
3s laudat laudābat laudāvit
1p laudāmus laudābāmus laudāvimus
2p laudātis laudābātis laudāvistis
3p laudant laudābant laudāvērunt

What synsem features and morphemes do we need?

- Tense: present vs. past: [± past]
- Aspect: imperfect vs perfect: [± perfect] (also, [perfect])
- Agreement: person (1, 2, 3) and number (sg vs. pl): [1], [2], [3], [± pl]
- Theme vowel (i.e. conjugation): exponent of v
What’s the order of morphemes?
Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 15 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

Three tenses for Latin laudāre:
present imperfect perfect
1s laudō laudābam laudāvī
2s laudās laudābās laudāvistī
3s laudat laudābat laudāvit
1p laudāmus laudābāmus laudāvimus
2p laudātis laudābātis laudāvistis
3p laudant laudābant laudāvērunt

What synsem features and morphemes do we need?

- Tense: present vs. past: [± past]
- Aspect: imperfect vs perfect: [± perfect] (also, [perfect])
- Agreement: person (1, 2, 3) and number (sg vs. pl): [1], [2], [3], [± pl]
- Theme vowel (i.e. conjugation): exponent of v

What’s the order of morphemes? Root-v-(Asp)-T-Agr
Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 15 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

(10) Exponents of v, Asp, and T

a. v:

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 16 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

(10) Exponents of v, Asp, and T

a. v: -ā

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 16 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

(10) Exponents of v, Asp, and T

a. v: -ā
b. Asp:

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 16 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

(10) Exponents of v, Asp, and T

a. v: -ā
b. Asp:
i. Perfect: -vi
ii. (Imperfect: -∅)
c. Tense:

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 16 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

(10) Exponents of v, Asp, and T

a. v: -ā
b. Asp:
i. Perfect: -vi
ii. (Imperfect: -∅)
c. Tense:
i. Present, Perfect: -∅
ii. Past: -bā

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 16 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

(11) Agreement exponents

a. No allomorphy:

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 17 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

(11) Agreement exponents

a. No allomorphy:
i. 3s: -t
ii. 1pl: -mus
b. Allomorphy:

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 17 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

(11) Agreement exponents

a. No allomorphy:
i. 3s: -t
ii. 1pl: -mus
b. Allomorphy:
i. 1s:

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 17 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

(11) Agreement exponents

a. No allomorphy:
i. 3s: -t
ii. 1pl: -mus
b. Allomorphy:
i. 1s: -ō, -m, -ī

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 17 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

(11) Agreement exponents

a. No allomorphy:
i. 3s: -t
ii. 1pl: -mus
b. Allomorphy:
i. 1s: -ō, -m, -ī
ii. 2s:

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 17 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

(11) Agreement exponents

a. No allomorphy:
i. 3s: -t
ii. 1pl: -mus
b. Allomorphy:
i. 1s: -ō, -m, -ī
ii. 2s: -s, -stī

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 17 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

(11) Agreement exponents

a. No allomorphy:
i. 3s: -t
ii. 1pl: -mus
b. Allomorphy:
i. 1s: -ō, -m, -ī
ii. 2s: -s, -stī
iii. 2pl:

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 17 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

(11) Agreement exponents

a. No allomorphy:
i. 3s: -t
ii. 1pl: -mus
b. Allomorphy:
i. 1s: -ō, -m, -ī
ii. 2s: -s, -stī
iii. 2pl: -tis, -stis

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 17 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

(11) Agreement exponents

a. No allomorphy:
i. 3s: -t
ii. 1pl: -mus
b. Allomorphy:
i. 1s: -ō, -m, -ī
ii. 2s: -s, -stī
iii. 2pl: -tis, -stis
iv. 3p:

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 17 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

(11) Agreement exponents

a. No allomorphy:
i. 3s: -t
ii. 1pl: -mus
b. Allomorphy:
i. 1s: -ō, -m, -ī
ii. 2s: -s, -stī
iii. 2pl: -tis, -stis
iv. 3p: -nt, ērunt

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 17 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

Vocabulary Items

Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 18 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

Vocabulary Items

(12) Root-v-(Asp)-T-Agr
(13) a. [v] ↔ -ā
b. [ +perf ] ↔ -vi
(14) VIs for T[+past]
a. T[+past] ↔ -bā/Asp[-perf]
b. T[+past] ↔ -∅
c. T[-past] ↔ -∅
(15) VIs for Agreement (no allomorphy)
a. Agr[-1,-2,-pl] ↔ -t
b. Agr[+1,-2,+pl] ↔ -mus
Instructor: Laura Stigliano (UChicago) Morphology - LING 21000 October 19, 2020 18 / 19
Announcements Review Person & Number

A fragment from Latin

Vocabulary Items - Agreement

(16) Root-v-(Asp)-T-Agr
(17) VIs for Agreement for 1s
a. Agr[+1,-2,-pl] ↔ -m/Asp[-perf],T[+past]
b. Agr[+1,-2,-pl] ↔ -ī/Asp[+perf]
c. Agr[+1,-2,-pl] ↔ -ō

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