Urban Sprawl

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US‐Egypt Workshop on Space Technology and Geo‐information for Sustainable Development, 

Cairo, Egypt 14‐17 June, 2010 

Urban Sprawl Impact Assessment on the Fertile Agricultural Land of Egypt Using Remote Sensing and Digital
Soil Database, Case study: Qalubiya Governorate

Shalaby, A. & Gad, A.

National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Egypt

Urban sprawl is one of the main problems that threaten the limited highly fertile land in the Nile Delta of Egypt.
In this research, satellite images Landsat TM 1993, ETM+ 2001 and Egypt - Sat-1, 2009 has been used to study
the urban sprawl and its impact on agricultural land in Qalubiya Governorate. Maximum likelihood supervised
classification and post-classification change detection techniques were applied to map land cover changes in the
study area. Collected ground truth, during several field trips conducted between 2003 and 2008, and topographic
map of 1991 were used to assess the accuracy of the classification results. Using ancillary data, visual
interpretation and expert knowledge of the area through GIS further refined the classification results. Post-
classification change detection technique was performed to produce change image through cross-tabulation.
Combining the soil and land capability maps, in one hand, and the urban thematic layers, in another hand, using
GIS, made it possible to point out the risk of urban expansion on the expense of the highly capability soil class.
During the study period, the high capable soils (Class I) decreased from 683.2 to 618.5 Km2. The moderate
capable soils decreased from 100.5 to 93.8 Km2, while the marginally capable soils decreased from 209.1 Km2
to 198.3 Km2 during the same period. It is noticed that urban encroachment over the non capable soils are very
limited, as their coverage was found stable during the period 1993 – 2009.

Keywords: Egypt Sat-1, change detection, urbanization, Land cover, GIS,

1. Introduction

Food scarcity and continuous loss of agricultural lands are issues of global concern. The government of
Egypt adopted policies aimed at self-sufficiency in food production, e.g. extension of cultivated areas and
maximization of production of the existing agricultural land. The principal purpose was and still is to overcome
Egypt's overwhelmingly unfavorable population to agricultural land ratio [1].
Urbanization is an inevitable process due economic development and rapid population growth.
Encroachment of urban settlements on agricultural lands may pose dire consequences. The ever increasing
population causes increasing pressure on areas already inhabited and caused a decrease in area per capita from
0.12 ha in 1950 to 0.06 ha in 1990 [2].
Desert and uninhabited lands represent about 95% of the total area of Egypt. However, the majority of the
population is concentrated around the River Nile. This unbalanced distribution causes serious social and
economical problems. Since 1980s, the Egyptian government started plans to adjust this situation by re-
distributing the population through applying an effective horizontal urban expansion along the desert areas and
near the fringes of the Nile delta. This policy aims at reducing the pressure on the old and highly productive
agricultural land, decrease population density in the inhabited areas and decrease pollution sources by
establishing industrial areas outside the Nile valley and delta. Therefore, determining the trend and the rate of
land cover conversion are necessary for the development planner in order to establish rational land use policy.
For this purpose, the temporal dynamics of remote sensing data can play an important role in monitoring and
analyzing land cover changes.
Accurate and up-to-date land cover change information is necessary to understand both human causes and
environmental consequences of such changes.
Digital change detection is the process of determining and/or describing changes in land-cover and land-use
properties based on co-registered multi-temporal remote sensing data. The basic premise in using remote
sensing data for change detection is that the process can identify change between two or more dates that is
uncharacteristic of normal variation. Numerous researchers have addressed the problem of accurately
monitoring land-cover and land-use change in a wide variety of environments [3, 4 &5].
Many studies have discussed land cover and land use changes in arid, semi-arid and agricultural productive
land. [6] used ten years of NOAA-AVHRR data to assess and analyze land cover changes in the African
continent between1982 to 1991. The study showed that continuous unidirectional change process affected less
than 4% of Sub-Saharan regions during the study period. [7] studied land cover changes in lake regions of

US‐Egypt Workshop on Space Technology and Geo‐information for Sustainable Development, 
Cairo, Egypt 14‐17 June, 2010 

central and south Ethiopia using aerial photographs dated 1972 and 1994 Landsat TM image. [8] combined
black and white aerial photographs with fieldwork and GIS to monitor land cover changes covering 56 years
(1940-1996) in parts of Bogota, Colombia. [9] studied land use changes in arid areas in India by visual
comparison of satellite imagery, maps and aerial photographs. In Egypt, [10] used satellite imagery to highlight
agricultural boundaries and monitor reclamation process. [11] used field calibrated multi-temporal NDVI
features derived from ten Landsat TM images dating from 1984 to 1993 to assess land cover changes in Egypt.
The study showed a high rate of reclamation in the period from 1986 to 1993 and low rate of conversion from
agricultural productive land to new urban areas between 1984 to1990.
There are many techniques available to detect and record differences (e.g. image differencing, ratios or
correlation) and theses might be attributable to changes in land cover [4; 12& 13]. However, the simple
detection of change is rarely sufficient in itself: information is generally required about the initial and final land
cover or types or land uses, the “from-to” analysis [14]. Furthermore, the detection of image differences may be
confused with problems in phenology and cropping, and such problems may be exacerbated by limited image
availability and poor quality in temperate zones, and difficulties in calibrating poor images.

Post-classification comparisons of derived thematic maps go beyond simple change detection and attempt to
quantify the different types of change. The degree of success depends upon the reliability of the maps made by
image classification. Broadly speaking, large scale changes such as widespread logging or major urban
development might be mapped easily. Whereas evolutionary changes such as erosion, succession, colonization
or degradation, the boundaries may be indistinct and class-labels uncertain [15, 14&5].

The objectives of this study are to investigate the urban sprawl and its impact on agricultural land through
integrating remote sensing and GIS and to examine the capabilities of integrating remote sensing and GIS in
studying the spatial distribution of land cover changes.

2. Study area

The Qalubiya Governorate is located on the eastern side of the River Nile, near the Delta head between 30°
06´ 11´´ and 30° 36´ 36´´ North and 31° 03´20´´ to 31° 35´32´´ East. It is bounded from the south by both Cairo
and Giza Governorates, from the north by Dakahlia and Gharbia Governorates, from the east by El-Sharkia
Governorate and from the west by El-Monofia Governorate figure 1. The Governorate is characterized by a
specific location since it is considered the meeting point of the main transport lines between northern
Governorates. The total area of the Governorate is estimated to be 1001.09 km2, where the cultivated area is 810
km2, representing 81% of its total coverage. The Qalubiya Governorate includes a number of eight districts,
locally called Markaz, (i.e. Khankah, Al - Qanatir Al - Khayreyah, Awal Shobra Al - Khaymah,Banha, Kafr
Shokr, Qelyoub, Shibin Al - Qanatir and Tokh). The common activity in the Governorate is mostly agriculture,
in addition to the existence of some industrial parks.

Insert figure 1

The climatic data of Qalubiya Governorate indicate that the total rainfalls does not exceed 7.2 mm/year and
the mean minimum and maximum annual temperatures are 16.5 and 31.0 °C, respectively. The evaporation rates
are coinciding with temperatures, where the lowest evaporation rate (1.9 mm/day) was recorded in January,
while the highest value (7.6 mm/day) was recorded in June. According to the aridity index classes [16] , the
Qalubiya Governorate is located under arid climatic conditions.

3. Materials
Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) acquired May, 7th 1993, Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) dated May,
29th 2001 and two scenes of Egypt-Sat-1, dated 7 and 15 of July 2009 covering Soil map, Topographic map,
and field data were used to map urban sprawl of Qalubiya governorate.

4. Methodology

4.1 Geometric correction

Accurate per-pixel registration of multi-temporal remote sensing data is essential for change detection since
registration errors could be interpreted as land-cover and land-use changes, leading to an overestimation of
actual change [17]. Change detection analysis is performed on a pixel-by-pixel basis; therefore any
misregistration greater than one pixel will provide an anomalous result of that pixel. To overcome this problem,

US‐Egypt Workshop on Space Technology and Geo‐information for Sustainable Development, 
Cairo, Egypt 14‐17 June, 2010 

the RMS error between any two dates should not exceed 0.5 pixel [18]. In this study, geometric correction was
carried out using ground control points from topographic maps to geocode the image of 2001 then, this image
was used to register all the other images, the RMSE between different images was less that 0.4 pixel which is

4.2 Image enhancement and visual interpretation

The goal of image enhancement is to improve the visual interpretability of an image by increasing the
apparent distinction between the features. The process of visually interpreting digitally enhanced imagery
attempts to optimize the complementary abilities of the human mind and the computer. The mind is excellent at
interpreting spatial attributes on an image and is capable of identifying obscure or subtle features [19]. Contrast
stretching was applied on all images and four False Color Composites (FCC) were produced. These FCC are
visually interpreted using on screen digitizing in order to delineate land cover classes that could be easily
interpreted such as urban and water.

4.3 Image classification

Land cover classes are typically mapped from digital remotely sensed data through the process of a
supervised digital image classification [20&21]. The overall objective of the image classification procedure is to
automatically categorize all pixels in an image into land cover classes or themes [19]. The maximum likelihood
classifier quantitatively evaluates both the variance and covariance of the category spectral response patterns
when classifying an unknown pixel so that it is considered to be one of the most accurate classifier since it is
based on statistical parameters.

Supervised classification was done using ground checkpoints and digital topographic maps of the study area.
Then accuracy assessment was carried out using 200 points from field data and existing land cover maps. In
order to increase the accuracy of land cover mapping of the two images, ancillary data and the result of visual
interpretation was integrated with the classification result using GIS.

4.4 Land cover / use change Detection

Regardless of the technique used, the success of change detection from imagery will depend on both the
nature of the change involved and the success of the image pre-processing and classification procedures. If the
nature of change within a particular scene is either abrupt or at a scale appropriate to the imagery collected then
change should be relatively easy to detect; problems occur only if spatial change is subtly distributed and hence
not obvious within any image pixel [22]. In the case of the study area chosen, field observation and
measurements have showed that the change in land cover between the three dates was both marked and abrupt.
In this study post-classification change detection technique was applied. Post-classification is the most
obvious method of change detection, which requires the comparison of independently produced classified
images. Post-classification comparison proved to be the most effective technique, because data from two dates
are separately classified, thereby minimizing the problem of normalizing for atmospheric and sensor differences
between different dates. Cross-tabulation analysis was carried out to study the spatial distribution and areas of
urban sprawl on different soil types.

4.5 Digital soil map

The transformation of paper soil map into digital soil map was done following the next steps:

A. Spatial adjustment on basis of Landsat images and topographic maps

It was noticed, after edge matching, that there was a deviation (constant in many places in its direction
and magnitude) between the produced maps and the well registered land marks, driven out of the survey maps
and satellite images of the study area. After investigating this deviation, it has been attributed to two reasons:
lack of coordinate system and the rubber-sheeting accompanied the edge-matching task[23]. In order to
overcome this problem another spatial adjustment (transformation) has been performed. Well registered
topographic maps and accurately geo-referenced satellite images have been used to perform the transformation
process. The transformation tools of ArcGIS system were found to be very effective in performing the spatial
adjustment of the thematic maps[(24].

US‐Egypt Workshop on Space Technology and Geo‐information for Sustainable Development, 
Cairo, Egypt 14‐17 June, 2010 

B. Compilation of laboratory analysis results

A number of 30 soil profiles distributed in Qalubiya Governorates were investigated and dug for
collecting soil samples. A total number of 88 soil samples were collected representing the different soil units in
the study area. The collected soil samples were air dried and prepared for chemical and physical analysis (i.e.
soil texture, CaCO3 content, CEC, EC, ESP, pH, soluble cations and anions and organic matter content). The
resulted analyses data have been compiled in the database and incorporated into the attribute tables of the soil
maps [25&26].
C. Extracting areas of interest
After having one digital soil map for the studied regions, the laboratory soil samples analysis have been
incorporated into the GIS attribute tables. For the detailed studies, a modified soil map ought to be produced
using the remote sensing and GIS techniques as well as the soil survey on basis of the American Soil Taxonomy
[27]. Cutting the area of interest from the previously integrated soil map of the Nile valley and delta, using the
clip function of ArcGIS system, has been used to extract the modified soil map on basis of administrative
boundaries of the Qalubiya Governorate.

4.6 Digital Elevation Model

Digital elevation model (DEM) of the studied areas has been generated from the elevation points, SRTM
images and the vector contour lines; Arc-View GIS 3.2 software was used for this function. Landsat ETM
images (2001) and digital elevation model (DEM) was used by ENVI 4.2 software to produce the physiographic
maps of the investigated areas.

5. Results and discussion

The False Color Composites (FCC) generated from bands 4, 3 and 2 (figure 2, 3 and 4) were visually
interpreted through on screen digitizing.

Insert Figure 2
Insert Figure 3
Insert Figure 4

The visual interpretation gave a general idea about the forms of land cover changes over the period. Many
urban areas were erected recently, especially near Cairo on the expense of the most fertile soils.

Supervised classification using all reflective bands of the Landsat TM 1993, ETM+ 2001 and Egypt - Sat-1,
2009 images, was carried out using maximum likelihood classifier. In order to increase the accuracy of land
cover mapping of the classified images, ancillary data and the result of visual interpretation was integrated with
the classification results using GIS. This overlying of the visual interpretation on the result of the classification
led to the increase in the overall accuracies. A standard overall accuracy for land-cover and land-use maps is set
between 85 [28] and 90%[29]. In this study the overall classification accuracy was found to be 91 % for 1993,
92.3 % for 2001 and 90.4 for 2009. The urban areas is overlaid on top of the soil capability map to show the
extend of urban on the expense of agricultural land (figure 5, 6 and 7)

Insert Figure 5
Insert Figure 6
Insert Figure 7

Remote sensing data and GIS provide opportunities for integrated analysis of spatial data. Cross-tabulation
performs image cross-tabulation in which the categories of one image are compared with those of a second
image and tabulation is kept of the number of cells in each combination.
Post-classification change detection technique was carried out, through cross-tabulation GIS module, for the
classification results of 1993, 2001 and 2009 images in order to produce change image (figure 8) and statistical
data about the spatial urban changes from 1993 to 2009 (table 1).

Insert Figure 6

US‐Egypt Workshop on Space Technology and Geo‐information for Sustainable Development, 
Cairo, Egypt 14‐17 June, 2010 

Table1. urban settlement of Qalubiya governorate from 1993 – 2009

Year Area (km2) Area Fadden

Built-up areas 1993 89.98 21,596
Built-up areas 2001 133.54 32,049
Built-up areas 2009 262.10 62,904

Change detection technique resulted in following the evolution of urban areas and its implication with
soil and land capability units. The built-up areas in the Governorate (Figs. 5-8) increased from 98.98 Km2 in the
year 1993 to 133.54 Km2 in 2001 to and to 262.1 Km2 in the year 2009 . it is clear that the urbanization spread
in the whole Governorate, and especially practiced near Cairo (i.e. Shoubra El-Khema and El-Khanka areas).

Studying the urban expansion from 1993 to 2009 revealed that urbanization mainly occurs on the
account of most fertile soils of Qalubiya. The remained cultivable land exhibited by the soil sub-great group
“Vertic Torrifluvents”, decreased from 683.2 Km2 in 1993 to 647 Km2 in 2001 and to 605.53 Km2 in 2009 . The
sub-great group Typic Torrifluvents areas decreased from 100.5 to 96.5 to 93 and to 88.45 Km2 in the years 1993,
2001 and 2009 respectively. During the same timing, the areas of cultivable Typic Quartizipssaments collapsed
from 168 to 163.8 to 153.4 and to 114.84 Km2. Less changes, due to urbanization was applicable for the soil
sub-great group Typic Torriorthents.

In terms of land capability classification, the high capable soils (Class I) decreased from 683.2 Km2 in
1993 to 647.6 Km2 in 2001 and to 605.53 in 2009. The moderate capable soils decreased from 100.5 to 88.45
Km2 from 1993 to 2009, while the marginally capable soils decreased from 209.1 Km2 to 143.47 Km2 during the
same period. It is noticed that urban encroachment over the non capable soils are very limited, as their coverage
was found stable during the period 1993 – 2009.

6. Conclusion
The objective of this study was to study the urban sprawl and its impact on agriculture land in Qalubiya and
to examine the capabilities of integrating remote sensing and GIS in studying the spatial distribution and extent
of urbanization. It was found that integrating visual interpretation with supervised classification led to increase
in the overall accuracy. The study area has undergone a very severe land cover change as a result of
urbanization which resulted for the rapid population. A Considerable increase in urban settlements has taken
place on the expense of the most fertile land in the governorate. Integrating GIS and remote sensing provided
valuable information on the nature of land cover changes especially the area and spatial distribution of different
land cover changes
The main causes of urbanization is the rapid population growth in addition to the internal . This problem
needs to be seriously studied, through multi-dimensional fields including socioeconomic, in order to preserve
the precious and limited agricultural land and increase food production.


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US‐Egypt Workshop on Space Technology and Geo‐information for Sustainable Development, 
Cairo, Egypt 14‐17 June, 2010 

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US‐Egypt Workshop on Space Technology and Geo‐information for Sustainable Development, 
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Figure (1) Location map of Qalubiya Governorate

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Figure 2. FCC of Qalubiya governorate generated from Landsat TM 1993

Figure 3. FCC of Qalubiya governorate generated from Landsat ETM+ 2001

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Figure 4. FCC of Qalubiya governorate generated from Landsat Egypt Sat1, 2009

Figure 5. Urban settlements, extracted from TM image of 1993, overlaid on soil capability map

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Figure 6. Urban settlements, extracted from ETM+ image of 2001, overlaid on soil capability map

Figure 7. Urban settlements, extracted from Egypt - Sat1 image of 2009, overlaid on soil capability map

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Figure 8. Urban settlements in 1993, 2001 and 2009


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