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Week 8:


1) Research, writing, watching films.

2) Screenwriting, Green-lighting (soft yes), Packaging (casting/attachments)
3) Development schedule: a writing schedule to show funders, Readers Report: Critical Feedback
on script, Development Budget: development phase, re-write notes: the writer/producers
making notes on how to improve scripts
4) Research casting directors, make sure they meet requirements, and get money quotes. Watch a
shitload of films, and know the up and comin’ actors. Find availability, auditions. Financer’s
approval on cast. Book ‘em.
5) Recoupable loan – re-payable money to develop.
6) Funding Sources: telefilms, Canada media fund, shaw rocket fund, so on so on, chorus and stuff

Week 9

1) Three conditions of license – amount of primetime programming, amount of Canadian

programming, how much money spent per year
2) Priority Programming
3) Free, Specialty and Subscription
4) CRTC Cavco
5) Labour
6) After tax returns are filed
7) Director – 2 Writer – 2 First Lead – 1 Second Lead – 1 Editor, Production Designer, DoP,
Composer – 1 (respectably) NEED 6 TOTAL
8) Access to soft money, tax credit
9) Need to have a BROADCASTER or DIGITAL PLATFORM . Equity
10) Telefilm Canada need 8 points, Writer/Director Canadian, Underlying property Canadian, can’t
disguise Canadian cities, soft equity money

Week 10

1) A license fee is like a rental.

2) Bundle rights, carve/segregate rights, rather than giving up all rights (video games, so on), give up
a few of them so you can maintain control of other things
3) Check references, create friendships/relationship.
7) Nielson and BBM
8) Yes. Duh.

Week Elf

1) List of where we get our money and when we need it.

2) Above the line – director/writer/producer/stars/purchase price , below the line – production
costs, post production, other – contingency/insurance/legal
3) Compares budget with actual cost
4) Spend Split (UK 80%, Canada 20%)
5) Gap or Bridge funding is funding that covers your ass in your finance plan to assist when you fall
way short SPECIFICALLY during prep
6) Errors and omissions, entertainment package
7) They will take it and complete it cheaply and badly and with Wesley Snipes
8) Bragging rights, profit, red carpet
9) Cash flow – when you’ll get your money, draw downs – chunks you get your money in, interim
financing – short fall from week to week financing

Week Zwolf

1) Product placement – coke in scene, product integration – about coke like into plot, branded
entertainment – a company will pay to make some entertainment
2) CC – Attribution, No Derivative, Share Alike, Non-Commercial (Moodle)
3) Moodle
4) “Containers” – ziplock bags and so on shirts, toasters
5) Soft Money – gov money, deferral – make no money, get paid upon product making money,
Friends Family Favours and Fate, Transmedia – storytelling via multiplatform, waterfall is older
(no segregating rights, money trickles down) pool (segregate rights, everyone drinks from water)
hybrid approach –
6) Bootstrapping is self financing
7) Reintermediation – adding a middle man, disintermediation - removing middle man, network
effect – more users more value, advertising – content feels free

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